5,307 research outputs found

    Očne virusne bolesti u kralješnjaka

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    Several viruses are able to infect eyes and ocular adnexa of vertebrates. Considering the variety of cells and tissues comprising eyes and adnexa, viruses have multiple opportunities to colonize them and to induce a pathologic effect. This also varies depending on the animal species, age, immune status, virus species and type. Viruses may target conjunctival, glandular, corneal and/or retinal epithelium, endothelium, myocytes and pericytes, retinal and optic nerve neurons, fibers and glial cells, and lymphocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells of lymphoid follicles. Cell injury can be induced by direct cytopathic effect or via inflammatory mediator release and/or protelytic enzymes released by inflammatory cells or the injury may result from the intraparietal vascular deposition of antigen antibody complexes and following complement activation. In fetuses and youngsters some agents are able to induce various degrees of ocular dysplasia. Immunodeficiency viruses favor the colonization and growth of other agents such as other viruses, bacteria, protozoa and mycetes. Leukemia oncornaviruses can cause neoplastic lymphocytic infiltration of eyes and adnexa. This review includes viruses able to affect multiple species of vertebrates, and others specific to ruminants, horses, pigs, marsupials, dogs, cats, minks, rabbits, rats, birds and fish. Herpesvirus, arterivirus, orbivirus, paramyxovirus, morbillivirus, nodavirus, pestivirus, asfivirus, orthomyxovirus, retrovirus, lentivirus, adenovirus, calicivirus, coronavirus, reovirus and prions are discusses. Zoonotic agents include influenza orthomyxoviruses, Newcastle disease paramyxovirus, rabies rhabdovirus, transmissible bovine spongiform encephalopathy prion, simian immunodeficiency lentivirus, cercopithecine herpesvirus 1 and perhaps Borna disease virus. Anthropozoonoses include human measles morbillivirus and herpes simplex virus.Više virusa može izazvati infekciju oka i očnih adneksa kod kralješnjaka. S obzirom na raznolikost stanica i tkiva koja sačinjavaju oči i adnekse virusi imaju mnogostruke prilike za njihovo koloniziranje i izazivanje patološkog učinka. Tu postoje razlike ovisno o životinjskoj vrsti, dobi, imunom statusu, te vrsti i tipu virusa. Virusi mogu ciljati konjunktivni, žljezdani, rožnični i/ili mrežnični epitel, endotel, miocite i pericite, neurone mrežnice i očnog živca, vlakna i glijalne stanice, te limfocite, makrofage i dendritske stanice limfoidnih folikula. Stanično oštećenje može biti izazvano izravnim citopatskim učinkom ili putem oslobađanja upalnih posrednika i/ili proteolitskih enzima što ih oslobađaju upalne stanice, ili pak oštećenje može biti posljedica intraparijetalnog vaskularnog odlaganja kompleksa antigena protutijela i susljednog aktiviranja komplementa. Kod fetusa i mladunčadi neki uzročnici mogu izazvati različit stupanj očne displazije. Virusi imunodeficijencije potiču kolonizaciju i rast drugih uzročnika, kao što su drugi virusi, bakterije, protozoe i micete. Onkornavirusi leukemije mogu uzrokovati neoplastičnu limfocitičnu infiltraciju očiju i adneksa. Ovaj pregledni članak obuhvaća viruse koji mogu zahvatiti više vrsta kralješnjaka, kao i one specifične za preživače, konje, svinje, tobolčare, pse, mačke, kune, kuniće, štakore, ptice i ribe. Rasprava obuhvaća herpervirus, arterivirus, orbivirus, paramiksovirus, morbilivirus, nodavirus, pestivirus, asfivirus, ortomiksovirus, retrovirus, lentivirus, adenovirus, kalicivirus, koronavirus, reovirus i prione. Zoonotski uzročnici uključuju ortomiksoviruse gripe, paramiksovirus newcastleske bolesti, rabdovirus bjesnoće, prion prenosive goveđe spongiformne encefalopatije, lentivirus majmunske imunodeficijencije, herpesvirus 1 cerkopitekusa i možda virus Borna bolesti. Antropozoonoze uključuju humani morbilivirus ospica i virus herpes simpleks

    Zoonotic Dermatitides

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    Zoonoses are those diseases and infections which are naturally transmitted between vertebrate animals and man. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminthes and arthropods can be transmitted directly or indirectly from animals to humans. A restricted number of agents are able to cause skin disease. The etiologic agent can be passively transmitted to the human host or can be actively inoculated in the skin with bites and scratches or arthropod bite. Although all humans are at risk for these skin diseases, some job categories are associated with greater exposure. Immunodeficient human patients are at particular risk of infection by zoonotic agents and, for them, the outcome can be easily fatal. Here we described the lesions caused by zoonotic agents able to induce dermatitis in humans

    A new class of fit regions

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    EnA new set of regularity assumptions is proposed for the regions of space which can be occupied by the continuous bodies of continuum mechanics. The new assumptions are more restrictive than those made in the preceding proposals [3,4,8]. This has the favorable effect of excluding some pathological regions which were present in all classes of fit regions proposed earlier

    A new class of fit regions

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    EnA new set of regularity assumptions is proposed for the regions of space which can be occupied by the continuous bodies of continuum mechanics. The new assumptions are more restrictive than those made in the preceding proposals [3,4,8]. This has the favorable effect of excluding some pathological regions which were present in all classes of fit regions proposed earlier

    Strain localization in polyurethane foams. Experiments and theoretical model.

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    International audienceStrain localization has been observed in polyurethane foams subjected to confined compression up to 70% of deformation. This phenomenon is described by a one-dimensional model, in which the foam is represented as a chain of non-linear elastic springs with non-convex strain energy density, and localization is attributed to progressive phase transition

    A unified model for adhesive interfaces with damage, viscosity and friction

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    International audienceA general framework for models describing adhesive contact between rigid bodies is proposed. The intensity of adhesion is supposed to decrease under the action of prescribed tangential and normal relative displacements. The reduction is attributed to progressive damage, and comes with energy dissipation. Additional dissipation due to viscosity and friction is also taken into account. The response of the interface is described by a single state variable. It is determined by general laws expressing a mechanical version of the first two laws of thermodynamics, combined with a set of phenomenological assumptions