2,659 research outputs found

    Characterizing Saskatoon’s Food Environment: A Neighbourhood-level Analysis of In-store Fruit and Vegetable Access

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    This paper evaluates the relationship between in-store food offerings and neighbourhood level socio-economic and demographic characteristics in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, as well as to assess differences in fruit and vegetable access among grocery stores in neighbourhoods of varying socioeconomic status.This study compares measures of the food environment using data based on structured observations, self-reported data and measured data. A census of 116 food stores were measured in Saskatoon’s residential neighbourhoods (n=60), of which 24 were grocery stores. Neighbourhoods were assigned to categories of high, mid and low socioeconomic status (SES) based on the Material and Social Deprivation Index. Proportion of Aboriginal ancestry by neighbourhood was also incorporated into the analysis. High SES neighbourhoods had a higher proportion of grocery stores, of all store types, than mid or low SESneighbourhoods, while low SES neighbourhoods had a much higher proportion of convenience stores compared to mid and high SES neighbourhoods. Overall in-store grocery measures did not vary signifi cantly across neighbourhood-level SES, but did vary by proportion of Aboriginal ancestry. Price and availability of fruits and vegetables varied in low SES neighbourhoods and those with a higher proportion of Aboriginal ancestry. Th is study uncovers a disproportionately high distribution of convenience stores in lower SES neighbourhoods, suggesting that food swamps are prevalent in Saskatoon and confi rms previous research findings of inequities experienced by Aboriginal people in the city. Further research, including more qualitatively-driven data, is necessary to elucidate the complexities of Saskatoon’s food environment

    Personal food environments: Perceptions of retail affordability and accessibility among mothers in Saskatoon, Canada

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    The intersection of built food environments, foodwork and motherhood is an opportunity to examine healthy food access from the perspective of an important food-purchasing population. The personal food environment represents a geosocial constellation of places and spaces where people access, acquire, consume and dispose of food. In this study, a combination of objective and perceptual assessments was used to uncover experiences of affordability and accessibility within Saskatoon, Saskatchewan’s retail food environment. Using a phased, explanatory mixed methods design, 60 residential neighbourhoods were stratified by socioeconomic status (SES) and built food environment attributes. An in-store survey was used to measure the overall ‘healthiness’ of 24 supermarkets and 92 convenience stores (n=116 food stores), and data was further parsed out to assess the price and availability of 32 fruit and vegetable items in supermarkets. Spatial data was used to characterize food store density and distribution at the neighbourhood level. In the second, qualitative phase of the study, three nested interview approaches were used to uncover perceptions of affordability and accessibility, and to create narratives of personal food environments. Participants were recruited from families who had participated in the Smart Cities, Healthy Kids (SCHK) study led by the Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit at the University of Saskatchewan. Using in-store survey and neighbourhood census findings from the quantitative phase, a qualitative sampling frame was developed to find maximum variation of built FE attributes. This frame guided participant sampling for the subsequent qualitative phase of sit-down interviews (n=27), photovoice interviews (n=7) and go-along interviews (n=3). The latter interview approach is an in-situ inquiry method that relied on experiential prompts to elicit an understanding of perceptions of affordability and accessibility among participants. In the first phase, no discernable quantitative differences were found in the overall price or availability of healthy foods offered in supermarkets across Saskatoon. However, a slight difference in the price of fruits of vegetables between high and low SES neighbourhoods suggests that residents in the latter may be paying more. Low SES neighbourhoods had nearly twice the density of convenience stores than high or mid SES neighbourhoods, which is troubling when considered in tandem with the absence of supermarkets in those same neighbourhoods. Content analysis was used to organize the stores named by participants into main, preferred and avoided to uncover perceptions of positive and negative store attributes. Iterative Categorization was used to thematically analyze aspects of foodwork that influenced perceptions of the retail food environment. Interviews uncovered themes of convenience and comfort that underscore the relational nature of personal food environments. Participants sought convenience by evaluating distance in terms of drivability between spaces of prescription and spaces of negotiation, with the latter representing the dynamic demands of foodwork decision-making of where to shop and when. They sought comfort in food outlets with positive attributes that were based on their perceptions of affordability and accessibility. They developed strategies to alleviate stresses associated with foodwork, such as negotiating with picky eaters or sourcing quick, healthy meals to provide to their children in-between afterschool activities. Narratives of routines of practice, developed from go-along interview data, were supplemented with photovoice data to create detailed descriptions of three personal food environments. The findings of this study reinforce the importance of integrating perceptions and experiences into research that informs policy development or implementation science aimed at improving nutrition-related outcomes

    The spanish private collecting during the 17th century

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    La pintura del Siglo de Oro en España y la sociedad en la que se desarrolla se encuentran condicionadas por las normas surgidas a raĂ­z del Concilio de Trento, vigiladas de cerca por la Santa InquisiciĂłn. SegĂșn la visiĂłn tradicional este fue el principal motivo por el cual el desnudo y la pintura mitolĂłgica no tuvieron cabida en la pintura de este periodo. Este trabajo pretende mostrar una pincelada del tipo de pintura importada por los coleccionistas, principalmente desde Italia, y la cabida que la pintura de temĂĄtica no religiosa tenĂ­a en las colecciones de la nobleza española, poniendo de manifiesto por lo tanto la existencia de una demanda real de este tipo de piezas, pero no a pintores patrios.The painting of the Golden Age in Spain and the society in which it develops are conditioned by the rules that emerged following the Council of Trent, closely watched by the Holy Inquisition. According to the traditional view, this was the main reason why the nude and mythological painting had no place in the painting of this period. This paper aims to give an insight into the type of paintings that were imported by collectors, mainly from Italy, and the place that non-religious paintings had in the collections of the Spanish nobility, demonstrating therefore the existence of a real demand of these works of art, but not for patriotic painters

    Cuando caen las diferencias entre grandes y chicos.

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    Este libro condensa el resultado de una investigaciĂłn que explica una serie de fenĂłmenos contemporĂĄneos relativos a niños/as y adolescentes (problemas de lĂ­mites, bullying, adolescencias prolongadas) a partir de una ruptura generacional con los adultos. Se trata de un escenario en el cual son las nuevas generaciones las que conducen los cambios en la vida social y la adultez y la acumulaciĂłn de saber no son valoradas. Esto generarĂ­a que los sujetos no quieran crecer y asumir responsabilidades. Esta postergaciĂłn de las responsabilidades tradicionalmente adultas dejarĂ­a a la deriva a los niños/as y adolescentes actuales.This book sums up the results of a research that explains a series of contemporary fenomena related to children and adolescents (caring, bullying, long adolescences) in terms of a generational breaking off with adults. It’s a scenery where new generations drive social changes and adulthood and knowledge increasement aren’t valued, making therefore that nobody wants to grow up and become responsible. This postponement of responsabilities asociated with adulthood would leave children and adolescents adrift.Fil: del Canto, JesĂșs Ismael. Hospital Álvarez – Gobierno de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Study of the stability of historical stone bridges

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    La tipologia mĂ©s habitual de ponts en arc era, antigament, la d’arcs en mitja punta, Ă©s a dir, arcs circulars i simĂštrics respecte de la clau. Precisament per aquest tipus d’arcs estĂ  orientat el mĂštode de cĂ lcul que es presenta en aquest estudi. L’anomenat mĂštode de MĂ©ry pel cĂ lcul de l’estabilitat de ponts en arc (1840) ens dĂłna una forma de treball per tal de determinar si un pont pot resistir correctament o no les cĂ rregues que actuen sobre ell. A partir d’ell es traça la corba de pressions de l’arc, element essencial del cĂ lcul, i determinant si aquest corba cau o no dins del perfil del arc, Ă©s determina l’estabilitat de l’estructura. En afegit tambĂ© es comproven altres condicions d’estabilitat, per tal de que no es produeixin lliscaments de les dovelles entre elles o que la roca no pugui resistir les compressions que se li transmeten. AixĂ­, en aquesta tesina, s’analitzarĂ  el mĂštode de cĂ lcul esmentat amb detall, tot comparant-lo amb els resultats que s’obtenen d’aplicar un mĂštode actual de cĂ lcul de lĂ­nies catenĂ ries (ja que la corba de pressions Ă©s precisament una corba catenĂ ria antifunicular)

    Geopolitics of Outer Space

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    This course uses reading critique as a pedagogical technique for analyzing articles and papers. The main purpose of this assignment is to allow students to learn how to respond critically to source materials, which requires the ability to both summarize and evaluate a presentation of information. In the space domain, where there are many national, corporate, and group interests, the ability to examine and evaluate different perspectives, identify arguments and positions, and form oneñ€ℱs opinion are critical skills. The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice some of these skills that are essential to your success in your academic and professional life

    Study of the stability of historical stone bridges

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    La tipologia mĂ©s habitual de ponts en arc era, antigament, la d’arcs en mitja punta, Ă©s a dir, arcs circulars i simĂštrics respecte de la clau. Precisament per aquest tipus d’arcs estĂ  orientat el mĂštode de cĂ lcul que es presenta en aquest estudi. L’anomenat mĂštode de MĂ©ry pel cĂ lcul de l’estabilitat de ponts en arc (1840) ens dĂłna una forma de treball per tal de determinar si un pont pot resistir correctament o no les cĂ rregues que actuen sobre ell. A partir d’ell es traça la corba de pressions de l’arc, element essencial del cĂ lcul, i determinant si aquest corba cau o no dins del perfil del arc, Ă©s determina l’estabilitat de l’estructura. En afegit tambĂ© es comproven altres condicions d’estabilitat, per tal de que no es produeixin lliscaments de les dovelles entre elles o que la roca no pugui resistir les compressions que se li transmeten. AixĂ­, en aquesta tesina, s’analitzarĂ  el mĂštode de cĂ lcul esmentat amb detall, tot comparant-lo amb els resultats que s’obtenen d’aplicar un mĂštode actual de cĂ lcul de lĂ­nies catenĂ ries (ja que la corba de pressions Ă©s precisament una corba catenĂ ria antifunicular)

    Use of autologous tooth-derived graft material in the post-extraction dental socket. Pilot study

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    The objectives of the present pilot study are to compare via CBCT the alveolar contraction suffered both vertically and horizontally between the control group and the group using autologous dental material (ADM), as well as to study the densitometric differences between both post-extraction sockets. A split-mouth study was performed in n = 9 patients who required two extraction of single-rooted teeth deemed suitable for deferred rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants. Two groups were formed ? a control group, in which the post-extraction socket was not filled, and an ADM group, in which the alveolar defect was filled with freshly processed autogenous dental material. Both dimensional and densitometric analyses of the alveoli were performed in both groups immediately after surgery (baseline), as well as 8 weeks and 16 weeks later. The mean height of alveolar bone loss was: VL (Control 1.77 mm, loss of 16.87% of initial alveolar height; ADM 0.42 mm, loss of 4.2% of initial alveolar height), HL-BCB (Control 2.22 mm, ADM 0.16 mm, p= 0.067 at 16 weeks). The mean bone loss of the vestibular width (VL-BCB) was much higher in the control group (1.91 mm at 1 mm, 1.3 mm at 3 mm, and 0.89 mm at 5 mm) than in the ADM group (0.46 mm at 1 mm, 0.21 mm at 3 mm, 0.01 at 5 mm, p=0.098 at 16 weeks). At 16 weeks, densitometric analysis of the coronal alveolar area revealed a bone density of 564.35 ± 288.73 HU in the control group and 922.68 ± 250.82 HU in the ADM group (p=0.045 ). In light of these preliminary results, autologous dentine may be considered a promising material for use in socket preservation techniques
