9,579 research outputs found

    La promozione dell’autodeterminazione negli adulti con disabilità intellettive: lo stato dell'arte e il progresso della ricerca

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    The importance that the self-determination construct has in people with intellectual disabilities’ life projects is the main paradigm of reflection of this paper. The most significant criticalities, identified by the scientific literature of reference, within the application of the construct in people with disabilities, push the author of this work towards the consideration of which are the operative modalities that are able to promote the construct. For this reason, an international overview is carried out of the most cited published reviews, meta-analyses and syntheses of research concerning programs, interventions, strategies, and activities that the studies identify as being able to implement the construct. In line with the current challenges of special pedagogy, we are outlining someof self-determination’s implementation hypotheses, in order to offer to people with intellectual disabilities the necessary opportunities to properly enter into the adulthood route

    Towards a nature-culture relationship in historic centres. Evidence of public spaces beyond tourism in Florence (Italy).

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    Historic centres globally are facing issues they have never encountered before, such as climate change and, for some, mass tourism. Over time, the relationship between nature and culture is one of conflict, with nature seen as a threat to the conservation of tangible heritage; at the same time, tourism has upset the reality of historic centres, compromising their fruition for both residents and tourists. In this context of great changes, the public space role of historic centres has been overturned. These public spaces, conceived as a set of elements that make up the urban scene and represent the identity of a community, have already changed significantly; on the one hand, they must respond to the needs of users who are mainly tourists and who arrive in larger numbers than originally envisaged, while on the other hand, they are experiencing the effects of climate change, with rising temperatures, heat islands, variations in the distribution and consistency of rainfall, and other site-specific issues. Historic centres and culture can contribute to sustainable development goals, and conservation plays an important role in creating projects in synergistic relationships with the natural environment. Following an overview of the themes and current literature on tourism in historic centres and on experiences with nature-based solutions applied to conservation, this paper reports two positive instances of conservation and the regeneration of public space in the UNESCO Historic Centre of Florence, which were aimed at responding to the critical issues of the area and to enhancing its historic urban landscape


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    If we portray borders as places for exchange and co-operation instead of barriers, it is straightforward to picture them as resources for re-unification and conflicts\u27 resolution. The development of institutionalised forms of cross-border co-operation, originating from a will of populations and institutions of different states to face common problems, lead to the concept of Euroregion. The enlarged EU has been en¬couraging the creation of such forms of decentralisation of power, in the economic and cultural fields in particular. In the Upper Adriatic area, this experience of cross-border co-operation gave origin to the EureGo province.Promatrajući prekogranično sjevernojadransko područje unutar povijesnog i gospodarskog okvira u tekstu se upućuje na razvoj koncepcija granice i regije i opisuju glavna obilježja prekogranične suradnje i njezine institucionalizacije - euroregije. Granice nisu nužno barijere nego su i prostori dodira s razlikama što proizlaze iz zemljopisnih, gospodarskih i društvenih čimbenika, a mogu dovesti do suradnje ili sukoba. Unutar proširene Europske Unije regije su sve važnije te nastaje periferizacija moći; u kontekstu suradnje, regionalizma i integracije, prekogranične regije igraju ključnu ulogu. Potreba za prekograničnom suradnjom nastaje kad stanovništvo i institucije uoče ujedinjujuću ulogu granica u definiranju zajedničkih problema. Prekogranična suradnja tada rješava sukobe i konsolidira napukline. Institucionalni oblik prekogranične suradnje je euroregija – područje koje ujedinjuje dijelove različitih država gospodarsko-kulturnim pothvatima. U sjevernojadranskom području nastao je EureGo euroregionalni projekt između talijanske Gorizie (i nekih gradova u pokrajini Udine) te slovenske Goriške kojim se evocira prvotno jedinstvo toga područja. Projekt želi djelovati na međuregionalnu prekograničnu suradnju

    Elementos para pensar as tecnologias da informação na era da globalização

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    O trabalho aborda a questão que na contemporaneidade, a base material que constitui a comunicação está mudando profundamente com o desenvolvimento das tecnologias da informação. O trabalho ainda aborda o questionamento se há uma nova forma de reflexão sobre a comunicação em tempos de globalização que supere as análises dualistas. Para um exame dessas questões foram escolhidos textos de Pierre Lévy, Lucien Sfez e Manuel Castells, autores que, de certa forma, sintetizam tipos mais freqüentes de análises sobre a revolução tecnológica. Como os argumentos de cada um desses autores confrontam-se ou remetem aos tempos dos apocalípticos e integrados, eles pautarão a discussão neste artigo

    Modelling the distribution of health related quality of life of advancedmelanoma patients in a longitudinal multi-centre clinical trial using M-quantile random effects regression

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    Health-related quality of life assessment is important in the clinical evaluation of patients with metastatic disease that may offer useful information in understanding the clinical effectiveness of a treatment. To assess if a set of explicative variables impacts on the health-related quality of life, regression models are routinely adopted. However, the interest of researchers may be focussed on modelling other parts (e.g. quantiles) of this conditional distribution. In this paper, we present an approach based on quantile and M-quantile regression to achieve this goal. We applied the methodologies to a prospective, randomized, multi-centre clinical trial. In order to take into account the hierarchical nature of the data we extended the M-quantile regression model to a three-level random effects specification and estimated it by maximum likelihood

    Evidence of spin disorder at the surface–core interface of oxygen passivated Fe nanoparticles

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    Hysteresis, thermal dependence of magnetization, and coercivity of oxide coated ultrafine Fe particles prepared by inert gas condensation and oxygen passivation have been studied in the 5–300 K range. The results are found to be consistent with a spin-glasslike state of the oxide layer inducing, through exchange interaction with the ferromagnetic core, a shift of the field cooled hysteresis loops at temperatures below the freezing at approximately 50 K.Dirección General de Investigación y Desarrollo. Gobierno de España-CICYT MAT95- 1042-C02-02Dirección General de Investigación y Desarrollo. Gobierno de España-PB96-0863-C02-02.Comisión Europea-ERBFMBI-CT95-0534

    O futuro do rádio no cenário da convergência frente às incertezas quanto aos modelos de transmissão digital

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    O presente artigo discute o futuro do rádio frente ao crescente processo de convergência entre sistemas de comunicação e tecnologias da informação e redes integradas de alta capacidade que carregam informação em formato digital e a emergência de diversos dispositivos e plataformas para se ouvir áudio. Em questão está o paradoxo entre a integração do meio a Internet e plataformas digitais e o lento processo de migração para o sistema de transmissão digital registrado em boa parte do mundo. Por meio de análise comparativa do processo de digitalização nos EUA, Europa e Brasil, conclui-se que o impasse está relacionado a características tecnológicas do sistemas disponíveis que dificultam sua adaptação ao modelo de radiodifusão, ao marco regulatório e as regras de mercado em cada país. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENEste artículo discute el futuro de la radio ante el creciente proceso de convergencia de comunicación y tecnologías de la información, redes integradas que llevan la información de alta capacidad en formato digital y la aparición de múltiples dispositivos y plataformas para escuchar el audio. Se trata de la paradoja de la integración a través de la Internet y plataformas digitales y lento? proceso de migración a la transmisión digital en gran parte del mundo. A través del análisis comparativo del proceso de digitalización en los EE.UU, Europa y Brasil, se llega a la conclusión de que el estancamiento se relaciona con las características tecnológicas de los sistemas disponibles que hacen difícil adaptarse al modelo de la radiodifusión, el marco normativo y las reglas del mercado en cada país. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article discusses the future of radio with the increasing process convergence of communication and information technologies and integrated networks that carry high-capacity information in digital format and the emergence of multiple devices and platforms to listen to audio. At issue is the paradox of integration through the Internet and digital platforms and slow process of migration to digital transmission recorded in much of the world. Through comparative analysis of the scanning process in the U.S, Europe and Brazil, concluded that the impasse is related to technological characteristics of the systems available that make it difficult to adapt the model of broadcasting, the regulatory framework and market rules in each country