87 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Koordinasi Mata Tangan Melalui Lempar Tangkap Bola Kecil Peserta Didik Tunarungu

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    The formulation of problem in this research is "whether an increase hand-eye coordination to play baseball learners class B junior deaf Extraordinary Dharma Asih Pontianak to catch a small ball throwing game. The method used was classroom action research. Subjects were students of class B Dharma Asih Deaf School Pontianak total sample peelitian 25. The results showed an increase of 8% at the end of the second cycle. While in the first cycle is not increased. The number of students who scored criteria very well in initial tests and the first cycle to the second cycle no (0%) Number of students criteria for a good value that was originally in early tests no (0%), on the second cycle increased to 8%. Number of students who received sufficient criteria on sikuls I is 0%, the second cycle as much as 28%. As for the category of less value in the first cycle does not exist or 0%, in the second cycle as much as 28%. In the category of very less in the first cycle there is 100% and the second cycle 36%

    Mekanisme Survival Pemulung di Kompleks Pemulung Lansia (Lanjut Usia) Tangkis Gang 17 Barata Jaya Surabaya

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    Riset ini ingin melihat Mekanisme Survival yang dilakukan Pemulung di Kompleks Pemulung Lansia (Lanjut Usia Tangkis Gang 17 Barata Jaya Surabaya. Tujuannya adalah untuk memahami bentuk mekanisme survival yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat pemulung lanjut usia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi dan teknik wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan banyak sekali bentuk mekanisme survive yang dilakukan oleh para pemulung lanjut usia dalam USAha untuk bertahan hidup dari masalah kemiskinan. Hal yang dilakukan mulai dari pengurangan jatah makanan, meminjam uang ke tetangga atau saudara, dan mencoba mencari pekerjaan sesuai dengan keahlian yang dimiliki. Semua itu merupakan bentuk dari mekanisme survive yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Selain itu bentuk  mekanisme survive yang dilakukan adalah dengan menerapkan konsep budaya Jawa yaitu tolong menolong antar masyarakatnya. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan banyaknya masyarakat sekitar pemulung tersebut yang saling tolong menolong sebagi suatu kesatuan kearifan lokal dan budaya yang sama. Selain itu para pemulung lanjut usia juga menerapkan konsep savety first dengan mengajak individu lain yang sama untuk tinggal dan menetap bersama.   Kata Kunci: Mekanisme Survival, Pemulung, Lanjut Usia. &nbsp

    Analisis Daya Saing dan Faktor Penentu Ekspor Komoditas Unggulan Indonesia ke Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (Oki)

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    Organization of Islamic Cooperation or OIC is an association of Islamic countries in the world which is made up of 57 countries, including Indonesia. OIC has great potential as a destination for the export market. The purpose of this study is to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesian exports to OIC and determinants that influence it. Competitiveness of commodities analyzed using the RCA, IIT and EPD, while the determinants of export using the gravity model analysis. The results showed that 86,7 percent from fifteen commodities that have the largest export value had RCA more than one and seven commodity have market position as rising star, but from IIT analysis showed that integration of economics still not strong enough. Factors that influence a positive and significant impact on Indonesia's commodity exports to OIC are per capita income, real exchange rate and a common language, while the negative effects are the gdp per capita difference, economic distance and tarrif

    Kajian Sistem Pencahayaan yang Mempengaruhi Kenyamanan Vsual pada Ruang A dan Ruang Sayap Galeri Selasar Sunaryo

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    Since ancient times until now the presence of art in the community can not be separated. Therefore, the contemporary art gallery appearing to answer the needs of modern society. The purpose of this study is to understand the application of natural and artificial lighting systems in generated visual comfort of Selasar Sunaryo Gallery building. Visual comfort is needed in the gallery building because it affects directly the display of art works. The scope of the study include the lighting system in terms of the source and associations with a design space such as design aspects of light exposure, dimensions of space, and also interior space and furniture materials. In addition, it also discusses the classification system based on artificial lighting lamps and quality of visual comfort. Analysis method includes qualitative approach, quantitative, and triangulation. The results obtained by the analysis of a form of quantitative conclusions. The results of this review are quantitative analysis conclusions

    Resection of the mesopancreas (RMP): a new surgical classification of a known anatomical space

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    BACKGROUND: Prognosis after surgical therapy for pancreatic cancer is poor and has been attributed to early lymph node involvement as well as to a strong tendency of cancer cells to infiltrate into the retropancreatic tissue and to spread along the peripancreatic neural plexuses. The objective of our study was to classify the anatomical-surgical layer of the mesopancreas and to describe the surgical principles relevant for resection of the mesopancreas (RMP). Immunohistochemical investigation of the mesopancreatic-perineural lymphogenic structures was carried out with the purpose of identifying possible routes of metastatic spread. METHODS: Resection of the mesopancreas (RMP) was performed in fresh corpses. Pancreas and mesopancreas were separated from each other and the mesopancreas was immunohistochemically investigated. RESULTS: The mesopancreas strains itself dorsally of the mesenteric vessels as a whitish-firm, fatty tissue-like layer. Macroscopically, in the dissected en-bloc specimens of pancreas and mesopancreas nerve plexuses were found running from the dorsal site of the pancreatic head to the mesopancreas to establish a perineural plane. Immunohistochemical examinations revealed the lymphatic vessels localized in direct vicinity of the neuronal plexuses between pancreas and mesopancreas. CONCLUSION: The mesopancreas as a perineural lymphatic layer located dorsally to the pancreas and reaching beyond the mesenteric vessels has not been classified in the anatomical or surgical literature before. The aim to ensure the greatest possible distance from the retropancreatic lymphatic tissue which drains the carcinomatous focus can be achieved in patients with pancreatic cancer only by complete resection of the mesopancreas (RMP)
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