50 research outputs found

    Temporal Logic Robustness for General Signal Classes

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    In multi-agent systems, robots transmit their planned trajectories to each other or to a central controller, and each receiver plans its own actions by maximizing a measure of mission satisfaction. For missions expressed in temporal logic, the robustness function plays the role of satisfaction measure. Currently, a Piece-Wise Linear (PWL) or piece-wise constant reconstruction is used at the receiver. This allows an efficient robustness computation algorithm - a.k.a. monitoring - but is not adaptive to the signal class of interest, and does not leverage the compression properties of more general representations. When communication capacity is at a premium, this is a serious bottleneck. In this paper we first show that the robustness computation is significantly affected by how the continuous-time signal is reconstructed from the received samples, which can mean the difference between a successful control and a crash. We show that monitoring general spline-based reconstructions yields a smaller robustness error, and that it can be done with the same time complexity as monitoring the simpler PWL reconstructions. Thus robustness computation can now be adapted to the signal class of interest. We further show that the monitoring error is tightly upper-bounded by the L ∞ signal reconstruction error. We present a (non-linear) L ∞ -based scheme which yields even lower monitoring error than the spline-based schemes (which have the advantage of being faster to compute), and illustrate all results on two case studies. As an application of these results, we show how time-frequency specifications can be efficiently monitored online


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    In this paper we propose a novel technique for constructing timed automata from properties expressed in the logic mtl, under bounded-variability assumptions. We handle full mtl and include all future operators. Our construction is based on separation of the continuous time monitoring of the input sequence and discrete predictions regarding the future. The separation of the continuous from the discrete allows us to determinize our automata in an exponential construction that does not increase the number of clocks. This leads to a doubly exponential construction from mtl to deterministic timed automata, compared with triply exponential using existing approaches. We offer an alternative to the existing approach to linear real-time model checking, which has never been implemented. It further offers a unified framework for model checking, runtime monitoring, and synthesis, in an approach that can reuse tools, implementations, and insights from the discrete setting

    Second International Competition on Runtime Verification: CRV 2015

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    International audienceWe report on the Second International Competition on Run-time Verification (CRV-2015). The competition was held as a satellite event of the 15th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV'15). The competition consisted of three tracks: o✏ine monitoring, online monitoring of C programs, and online monitoring of Java programs. This report describes the format of the competition, the participating teams and submitted benchmarks. We give an example illustrating the two main inputs expected from the participating teams, namely a benchmark (i.e., a program and a property on this program) and a monitor for this benchmark. We also propose some reflection based on the lessons learned

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    Model-based testing is a promising technology for black-box software and hardware testing, in which test cases are generated automatically from high-level specifications. Nowadays, systems typically consist of multiple interacting components and, due to their complexity, testing presents a considerable portion of the effort and cost in the design process. Exploiting the compositional structure of system specifications can considerably reduce the effort in model-based testing. Moreover, inferring properties about the system from testing its individual components allows the designer to reduce the amount of integration testing. In this paper, we study compositional properties of the IOCO-testing theory. We propose a new approach to composition and hiding operations, inspired by contract-based design and interface theories. These operations preserve behaviors that are compatible under composition and hiding, and prune away incompatible ones. The resulting specification characterizes the input sequences for which the unit testing of components is sufficient to infer the correctness of component integration without the need for further tests. We provide a methodology that uses these results to minimize integration testing effort, but also to detect potential weaknesses in specifications. While we focus on asynchronous models and the IOCO conformance relation, the resulting methodology can be applied to a broader class of systems

    Compositional Contract Abstraction for System Design

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    Contract-based design has been recently proposed as a framework for concurrent system design in the context of complex supplier chains, where sub-system design can be sub-contracted to suppliers while guaranteeing correct system integration. A unifying meta-theory of contracts was proposed in [Benveniste et al. 2012], which subsumes known frameworks such as interface theories, modal interfaces, and Assume/Guarantee contracts. This report proposes, for this meta-theory of contracts, a generic abstraction technique allowing to prove contract properties based on their abstractions. More precisely, we show how to lift abstractions, from components to contracts, in a systematic way. In doing so, fundamental relations such as being a correct implementation or a valid environment, refining, can be checked on abstractions. Our abstraction technique is fully compositional with respect to contract conjunction. Compositionality of abstraction with respect to contract composition is only partially achieved. We believe that the results we obtain are the best achievable ones and we explain the obstructions we see against improving them. Our abstraction technique complements observers, proposed as a testing technique adapted to contracts in [6]. The latter allow disproving properties, whereas abstraction allows proving them. Key-words: system design, component based design, contract, interface, abstraction, abstract interpretation.La conception par contrats a été proposée récemment comme une approche formelle pour la conception de systèmes permettant le développement parallèle de sysèmes dans un contexte de chaine complexe de sous-traitants. Les théories d'interfaces, les interfaces modales et les contrats hypothèse/garantie, sont autant de formalismes en ce sens. L'article collectif [Benveniste et al. 2012] a proposé une "méta-théorie" des contrats, unifiant les formalismes précédents. Le présent rapport développe, pour cette méta-théorie des contrats, une technique systématique d'abstraction. Les propriétés fondamentales des contrats (relation d'implémentation, d'environnement, de raffinement) peuvent être prouvées sur les abstractions. L'abstraction proposée offre de bonnes propriétés de compositionnalité, même si toutes les propriétés souhaitables ne sont pas valides. Cette technique d'abstraction complète celle des observateurs, qui permettent d'invalider des propriétés de contrats par une approche de type test. Mots-clés : conception des systèmes, composant, contrat, interface, abstraction, interprétation abstraite

    Hypernode Automata

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    We introduce hypernode automata as a new specification formalism for hyperproperties of concurrent systems. They are finite automata with nodes labeled with hypernode logic formulas and transitions labeled with actions. A hypernode logic formula specifies relations between sequences of variable values in different system executions. Unlike HyperLTL, hypernode logic takes an asynchronous view on execution traces by constraining the values and the order of value changes of each variable without correlating the timing of the changes. Different execution traces are synchronized solely through the transitions of hypernode automata. Hypernode automata naturally combine asynchronicity at the node level with synchronicity at the transition level. We show that the model-checking problem for hypernode automata is decidable over action-labeled Kripke structures, whose actions induce transitions of the specification automata. For this reason, hypernode automaton is a suitable formalism for specifying and verifying asynchronous hyperproperties, such as declassifying observational determinism in multi-threaded programs

    Attribute Repair for Threat Prevention

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    We propose a model-based procedure for preventing security threats using formal models. We encode system models and threats as satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) formulas. This model allows us to ask security questions as satisfiability queries. We formulate threat preven- tion as an optimization problem over the same formulas. The outcome of our threat prevention procedure is a suggestion of model attribute repair that eliminates threats. We implement our approach using the state-of-the-art Z3 SMT solver and interface it with the threat analysis tool THREATGET. We demonstrate the value of our procedure in two case studies from automotive and smart home domains

    Threat Repair with Optimization Modulo Theories

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    We propose a model-based procedure for automatically preventing security threats using formal models. We encode system models and potential threats as satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) formulas. This model allows us to ask security questions as satisfiability queries. We formulate threat prevention as an optimization problem over the same formulas. The outcome of our threat prevention procedure is a suggestion of model attribute repair that eliminates threats. Whenever threat prevention fails, we automatically explain why the threat happens. We implement our approach using the state-of-the-art Z3 SMT solver and interface it with the threat analysis tool THREATGET. We demonstrate the value of our procedure in two case studies from automotive and smart home domains, including an industrial-strength example