350 research outputs found

    Relationship between spatial and development planning at the local level in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The mutual relationship between spatial and development planning at the local level is a very current topic that has concrete consequences for development processes in local government units in the territory of Republika Srpska (RS). Although it is still unregulated from the legislative point of view, local development planning is much more present in practice, which is primarily manifested in the almost complete coverage of the territory of the RS by local development strategies. The connection of these documents to spatial and urban plans has not been treated in an appropriate way, which leads to a certain degree of their mutual inconsistency. The basic hypothesis of this paper arises from this statement, and that is that the lack of a clearly defined connection with spatial planning in the methodology of drafting local development documents leads to the inconsistency of these documents as the final result. As an auxiliary hypothesis, the assumption will be investigated that a large discrepancy in the coverage of the territory of the Republika Srpska between local development strategies and spatial plans of local government units also contributed to this inconsistency

    The failure of planning endevour in north east border area of Serbia towards Bulgaria

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    With the transition, spatial planning was supposed to mitigate the negative effects of the new player - market to the public interest. But, seems like our planning didn't find the mechanisms to mitigate those effects created by the market inside it. Planning institutions in pretransitional period were exclusively in public sector. We now have on one side, some big planning institution, partially financed from the state's budget usually with the monopoly over elaboration of one group of plans and on the other side, smaller ones which are being privatized. Both are thrown to the market and are trying to acquire as much engagements as possible in order to secure enough financing. They are producing more plans for less money in a shorter period of time. As a result, these former public agents diverted by the new hostile conditions given by undeveloped market and neoliberal environment are still presenting traditional rigid planning model, deterministic and inflexible, with fixed land use parameters and regulations. Seems like the turbulent times in which the most important task is to survive didn't give them a chance to develop and to introduce more innovative and novel models in view of participative, strategic and action plan oriented planning. The failure of planning enterprise to achieve at least some balance in regional inequity is clearly visible in peripheral, i.e. border areas. The paper discuss the main objectives and planning concepts in various overlapping planning documents on national, regional and local levels elaborated for Timocka krajina, a border region situated in NE Serbia towards a frontier to Bulgaria, and the obvious gap between planning optimism and accurate demographic, social and economic decline of the region, despite both local and European based, mostly cross border related projects and initiatives


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    This paper analyzes the basis of the concept of sustainable development and refers to the optimal level of space use for tourist purposes. In doing so, a special attention is mostly paid to negative impacts of tourism on space, i.e. the necessity of spatial limitation of tourism development in order to preserve and protect natural and created resources. An intensive and uncontrolled development of tourism in the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century caused the degradation of the environment, the destruction of ecosystems and other social and cultural conflicts in the tourist area. For these reasons, it is necessary to align the planning of the future development of tourism with the principles of sustainable development by using different indicators. The main goal of this paper is to analyze various indicators of sustainable development that determine the possibility of using space in tourism, as well as sustainable tourism development. When selecting the indicators of future development, certain criteria must be taken into consideration, such as the criterion of relevance, feasibility (availability), credibility, and so on. The essence of use of the indicators is to determine the optimal number of potential visitors and facilities in the tourist area, without significantly affecting the environment, reducing the quality of tourist experience (sensation) or jeopardizing the sense of identity, lifestyle and activities of the domicile population

    Problematika kulturnog nasleđa u sistemu prostornog planiranja u Srbiji

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    Although many critical observations could be addressed to Serbian planning practice, it would be unjust to say that cultural heritage is excluded form the planning process, just on the contrary - planning in Serbia is not possible without taking into account a cultural dimension of a territory on which a planning activity is taking place. If there is an international influence on this approach, then it should be rather found in the Serbian school of planning than in convention-type obligations. However, European documents, such as European Spatial Development Perspective and Guiding Principles for Sustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent will, together with their cultural component, certainly become a framework for future national planning documents and policies.Bez obzira na činjenicu Å”to se na praksu prostornog planiranja u Srbiji mogu uputiti mnoge zamerke, bilo bi nepravedno reći da je problematika zaÅ”tite kulturnog nasleđa u njoj zanemarena ā€“ nasuprot, planiranje u Srbiji nije moguće bez razmatranja kulturne dimenzije prostora za koji se radi plan. Ukoliko se uopÅ”te može govoriti o međunarodnom aspektu ove problematike, ona je viÅ”e prisutna u Å”kolama planiranja nego u pozitivnim zakonskim propisima. Ipak, perspektive prostornog razvoja Evrope zajedno sa vodećim principima održivog razvoja Evropskog kontinenta biće nesumnjivo, sa svojom kulturnom komponentom, okvir za izradu planskih dokumenata i politika na nacionalnom nivou u budućnosti

    The observatory for spatial planning and environment in South East Europe: Comments and contribution of Yugoslav side

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    One of major initial results of the ESTIA project1 is the common idea on the ESTIA Spatial Observatory (O.S.P.E.), the system for monitoring spatial development and planning policies of six partner countries in the project. The basic idea is to have a 'qualitative and quantitative framework of data' with a data-base constructed with available, reliable and comparable data for the six countries' spatial planning system. The Observatory for Spatial Planning and Environment in South East Europe (O.S.P.E.) we deem as a major step towards better understanding and cooperation among countries in this unstable region of Europe. A number of clashes between neighboring countries have been the result of uncoordinated, even opposed actions in spatial terms. An attempt in the direction of a common check point for registering, analyzing, coordinating and monitoring of existing systems policies and, as a result, their planned actions, might be of substantial use for creating a new kind of understanding and joint way of thinking in South East Europe in the future. Therefore, we estimate that Yugoslav proceedings prepared for the Bucharest 3. ESTIA meeting (Stojkov, VujoÅ”ević, Subotić, Petovar, Stojanović 1999.) could be referent for the further elaboration of the O.S.P.E. idea

    Slabost prostornog planiranja u Srbiji na primeru planiranja prostornog razvoja pogranične zone prema Bugarskoj

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    Uncertainty is the only thing we can count on in Serbia nowadays. It seems that never-ending transition and predominant neoliberal concepts in both economical and social issues are still leaning our spatial planning system against the wall. Moreover, nothing is clean from the planners' point of view: who are the main actors and referees, which are the rules of the planning game, and even where the playground boundaries are. Spatial planning has always been a kind of calculated risk, but here and now it seems like it is just pure and simple risk. The situation is critical on all levels, from national straight to local, due to the absence of the regional level. Most of the spatial planning institutions adhere to a traditional rigid planning model, which is deterministic, inflexible, with fixed land use regulations. The spatial planning system is predominantly planners' centered, implying that it is the planner who identifies the problems and seeks planning alternatives rooted exclusively in rational methods and objective determinants. There is little, or no room for different interests and ideas and consequently, hardly any room for various stakeholders and shareholders to take part in the planning process and the ensuing implementation phase. All these weaknesses are even more obvious when shown on the particular example: development planning of bolder area of Serbia toward Bulgaria. This paper deals with the basic social and economic frame in which planning is performed in Serbia in recent years together with the main problems within the planning practice itself, shown in the mentioned case study. It also argues for the necessary changes aiming to increase the spatial planning system efficiency.Nesigurnost je jedina stvar na koju se danas može računati u Srbiji. Utisak je da su tranzicija kojoj CE ne vidi kraj i dominirajući neoliberalni koncept u ekonomskoj i socijalnoj sferi bukvalno priterali sistem prostornog planiranja uza zid. Å taviÅ”e, sa stanoviÅ”ta planera gotovo da niÅ”ta nije jasno: ko su glavni učesnici u planiranju, ko donosi odluke, koja su pravila igre pa čak i gde su granice igraliÅ”ta. Prostorno planiranje je, doduÅ”e, uvek predstavljalo jedan oblik proračunatog rizika, ali danas i ovde je ono prost i čist rizik. Situacija je kritična na svim nivoima planiranja, od nacionalnog, preko regionalnog do lokalnog. SadaÅ”nja praksa planiranja u Srbiji je planer-centrična, u smislu da gotovo isključivo planeri identifikuju probleme u prostoru i nude alternative za njihovo reÅ”avanje. Premalo je mesta ostavljeno za drugačije interese i ideje, međusektosku koordinaciju i sinhronizaciju partnerstva između javnog i privatnog sektora. Konsekventno, premalo je mesta ostavljeno za građane, intresne grupe i organizacije da u procesu planiranja učestvuju, te da učestvuju i u procesu planske implementacije. Dobar primer autističnosti sistema planiranja u Srbiji je planiranje pogranične zone prema Bugarskoj. U ovom radu su prikazani socijalni i ekonomski okvir u kome planiranje u Srbiji danas deluje skupa sa problemima koji su se mogli identifikovati unutar struke, plastično ilustrovani na pomenutoj studiji slučaja. Pored ovog, u radu se pledira za uvođenje nephodnih promena koje bi sistem prostornog planiranja učinile efikasnijim

    Archaeological excavation of a medieval church in Omoljica: Preliminary report

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    Prilikom arheoloÅ”kih iskopavanja obavljenih tokom leta 2005. u ataru sela Omoljica kod Pančeva, u celini su otkriveni temelji jednobrodne crkve sa dubokom, viÅ”e potkovičastom nego polukružnom apsidom na istočnoj strani. U zapadnom delu crkve delimično je očuvana pravougaona konstrukcija. Osim crkve, istom prilikom su, delimično, istraženi i ostaci joÅ” jedne građevine neposredno uz crkvu, kao i deo nekropole sa zapadne i južne strane crkve. Na osnovu preliminarnih rezultata prve obimnije istraživačke kampanje, ostaci crkve bi se okvirno mogli pripisati razdoblju XII-XIII v.The village of Omoljica lies in south-western Banat, 12 km south-east of Pančevo. The archaeological site is located some 5 km north-east of the centre of the village, on the right bank of the Slatina watercourse. In 2005 the foundations of a church were completely uncovered and another building in the immediate vicinity of the church was partially investigated as was part of a cemetery to the west and south of the church (fig. 1; pl. I/1). The foundations uncovered measure 12 x 6.4 m and are of a single nave church with a deep apse. They are made of beaten earth, and measure from 1.1 to 1.3 m in width. They were dug through an older layer belonging to late antiquity, in the fertile soil to a depth of 1.7 m. Above ground the church was built of brick and lime mortar. In the western part of the church the remains of a rectangular structure made of brick were discovered. To the south and west of the church 16 burials were excavated. When the foundation of the western wall was dug three older graves were disturbed and in the southern part of the cemetery the existence of at least two further levels of burials was detected. Grave finds can mostly be connected with the older levels of graves. Four 'S' earrings of twisted silver wire were discovered, two individually and two threaded one through the other (pl. II/1), a necklace of various glass paste beads (pl. II/2) a banded ring of bronze foil (pl. II/3) and four Hungarian silver coins, one of which was illegible; the three others (pl. II/4-6) resemble examples dated to the second half of the 12th century. At the south side of the church the foundations of another building were discovered which made partial contact with the south wall of the church. South of these a rectangular structure of stone, brick and lime mortar in the shape of a basin was found (pl. I/2). The most recent traces of habitation in the area examined were two pits, one of which was dug in the north-western corner of the church and the other outside it. Several small fragments of pottery were discovered in these which cannot be dated earlier than the 14th-15th century. On the basis of this first excavation campaign, the church can be dated tentatively to the 12th to 13th century, and belonged to the surrounding settlement

    Predictive value of erectile dysfynction in assessment of endothelial function.

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    Poslednjih godina uoĉena je snažna povezanost izmeĊu prisusutva erektilne disfunkcije (ED) i globalne funkcije endotela u organizmu ĉoveka. Naime, oÅ”tepoznata je ĉinjenica da funkcija endotela reflektuje vaskulano zdravlje ĉoveka. Veliki broj istraživanja je pokazao da se najranija kliniĉka manifestacija poremećaja funkcije endotela ĉesto ispoljava kao ED, s' obzirom da su arterije penisa jedne od najmanjih u organizmu. Imajući u vidu ĉinjenicu da proces ateroskleroze ima sistemski karakter, aktuelna je hiopteza da se on odvija u istom stepenu u celom vaskularnom sistemu, ali da vreme nastanka kliniĉkih manifestacija zavisi direktno od dijametra krvnih sudova. Stoga, prisustvo ED se može smatrati kao najranija kliniĉka manifestacija sistemskih aterosklerotiĉnih promena na krvnim sudovima, i prediktor kasnijeg nastanka kardiovaskularne bolesti (KVB). Koncept "vaskularne starosti" , koji je uveo hipotezu da je "osoba stara onoliko koliko su joj stari i krvni sudovi" je oblast koja se sve viÅ”e istražuje u proceni globalnog rizika za nastanak KVB. U skladu sa ovakvim pretpostavkama vaskularna starost predstavlja hronoloÅ”ku starost koja je korigovana za individualno opterećenje aterosklartiĉnim promenama. Iz svega navedenog proizilazi da se vaskualrna i hronoloÅ”ka starost kod jedne osobe mogu znaĉajno razlikovati. Naime, imajući u vidu ĉinjenicu da se individualna aterosklerotiĉna opterećenja mogu znaĉajno razlikovati izmeĊu osoba istog hronoloÅ”kog uzrasta, jasno je da se u pozadini ovakvih razlika nalaze razliĉita izloženost sredinskim i genetskim faktorima koji uĉestvuju u procesu nastanka ateroskleroze. CILJ: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procenjivanje prognostiĉkog znaĉaja ED u proceni stepena oÅ”tećenja endotela na osnovu ispitivanja nivoa biohemijskih markera (Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), Endothelin-1, Homocysteine, 8-isoprostane). TakoĊe, u studiji se vrÅ”ilo i ispitivanje prediktivne vrednosti ED u proceni diskrepance u hronoloÅ”koj i vaskularnoj starosti ispitanika. MATERIJAL I METODE: U vremenskom periodu od januara 2014. do januara 2015. godine svi pacijenti koji su dolazili na redovne kontrolne preglede u ambulante Instututa za urologiju, Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti i Instituta za endokrinologiju Kliniĉkog centra Srbije su uzeti za razmataranje za ukljuĉenje u studiju. Kriterijumi za iskljuĉivanje iz studije bili su sledeći: uzrast ispod 18 godina, prisustvo poremećaja zdravlja koji mogu uticati na nivoe ispitivanih biohemijskih parametara (prisusutvo srĉane insuficijencije, akutnog koronarnog sindroma, terminalne bubrežne insuficijencije, bolesti srĉanih valvula, akutnog infektivnog oboljenja, autoimunih bolesti, endokrinog oboljenja (izuzev dijabetesa melitusa (DM) tipa 2)), prisustvo psihijatrijskog oboljenja i pozitivna anamneza o povredama ili opereaciji u regionu male karlice..
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