19 research outputs found


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    Este artigo apresenta parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa de Mestrado, em que o problema das crianças que vivem processos de diferenciações e desigualdades nas relações escolares foi pensado em seus possíveis vínculos com as condições socioeconômicas e a cor/raça, sendo investigado através da percepção das crianças. Pretende contribuir para a reflexão acerca da formação inicial e continuada de profissionais envolvidos/as com o trabalho escolar, com competências para perceberem e se questionarem quanto aos seus modos de sentir e agir, observando as discriminações, exclusões/marginalizações que ajudam a produzir no cotidiano escolar. A pesquisa, do tipo etnográfico, fez uso de relatos das crianças, classificação de cor/raça, levantamento socioeconômico, observações e entrevistas com as crianças e as professoras. A análise dos resultados indica a necessidade de discussão a respeito da cultura escolar como fonte importante na construção das identidades, uma vez que a pesquisa permitiu identificar as práticas cotidianas as quais discriminam e excluem crianças que supostamente deveriam encontrar, na escola, um ambiente inclusivo capaz de promover a construção de uma imagem positiva de si mesmas, da população negra, de sua estética e da cultura

    Mass-rearing of Mediterranean fruit fly using low-cost yeast products produced in Brazil

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    Ceratitis capitata is one of the most important pests of fruits for exportation, and Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) has been the most efficient and environmental friendly technique used to control fruit fly populations around the world. A key goal in achieving a successful SIT program is a mass rearing system producing high quality insects at low cost. Providing adults with an artificial diet containing hydrolysed protein has been the major obstacle for bio-production facilities in Brazil, because it is expensive and has to be imported. Two other commercial products, autolysed yeast (AY) and yeast extract (YE), of domestic origin and low cost, were tested as substitutes of the imported hydrolyzed protein. To compare their efficiency we observed the female fecundity, adult survival and egg viability of flies raised on diets containing one of each of the different protein products. Flies reared on the domestic yeast products had equivalent or superior performance to the flies reared on imported protein. Both AY and YE can be a possible substitute for imported hydrolyzed protein for C. capitata mass-rearing, as they are cheaper and are readily available in the national market

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications

    Olhares de crianças sobre pobreza e raça nas relações escolares

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    Esta dissertação de mestrado é vinculada à linha de pesquisa “Processos Formativos, Diferença e Valores”, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da FCT – UNESP, em Presidente Prudente. A pesquisa faz parte do projeto coordenado pela orientadora, o qual é centrado nos estudos sobre o currículo e as formas de organização escolar, destacando-se os modos como se encontram relacionados à construção das identidades e diferenças de gênero, sexualidade, classe, raça e geração de seus agentes. Entende-se que esses diversos aspectos da vida humana são produto e produtores da dinâmica sociocultural que estrutura as relações escolares. Particularmente, a pesquisa teve por objeto analisar o que falavam garotos e garotas pobres e/ou negro(a)s acerca da discriminação, do tratamento desigual e das práticas de exclusão vivenciadas na escola. O estudo foi realizado em uma escola pública do município de Presidente Prudente (SP), com aluno(a)s de uma quarta série do Ciclo I do Ensino Fundamental, problematizando-se as relações sociais que ocorrem no ambiente escolar, conforme distinguidas pelo olhar das crianças. Na escolha das crianças para compor o grupo de entrevistadas, incluí principalmente aquelas que eram marginalizadas e discriminadas. Trata-se de investigar e interpretar como as crianças percebem as práticas de diferenciação e de discriminação de classe e raciais vivenciadas na escola. Que tipo de acomodações e/ou reações são observadas, em suas práticas? Que associações elas fazem entre desempenho escolar, sexo, raça e pobreza? Utilizando como referências conceituais e metodológicas as abordagens culturais e sociológicas e a pesquisa qualitativa de cunho etnográfico, lançou-se mão de relatos, questionários, observações e entrevistas. Como resultado, podemos apontar que as discriminações...This study is part of the research “Educational Processes, Difference and Values” from the Post Graduation in Education Program from the FCT – UNESP, Presidente Prudente/SP – Brazil. The research is part of the project coordinated by the advisor and it is focused in the studies about curriculum and paths of school organization, considering the way different factors interact such as identity construction, gender, sexuality, race and social class. It is also considered the many different aspects of human life as result and agents of the social and cultural dynamics that are the structure of school relations. As a main goal it was analyzed the opinion of boys and girls that were African descendents or came from lower social levels about race discrimination, unfair treatment and excluding practices that are constantly experienced in the school environment. The study took place in a public school in the city of Presidente Prudente (SP), involving students from the fourth grade of the elementary school cycle, focusing on the problems found in that environment through the children’s eyes - investigating and interpreting how they perceive the differentiation and discrimination they are constantly target of. To make the selection on the children interviewed were considered the ones that were discriminated somehow and were at the margin of the society. The study raises questions on what kind of behavior they have facing the differentiation and discrimination and what associations are made between school achievement, sex, race and poverty? It takes as reference the conceptual and methodological approaches to the social and cultural, a qualitative ethnical research, interviews, questionnaires and observation. The results shown indicates what is said and felt by the children and the challenges they face regarding... (Complete abstract click electronic access below

    Pobreza e cor na educação de crianças: saberes necessários ao trabalho de inclusão escolar

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    Este artigo apresenta parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa de Mestrado, em que o problema das crianças que vivem processos de diferenciações e desigualdades nas relações escolares foi pensado em seus possíveis vínculos com as condições socioeconômicas e a cor/raça, sendo investigado através da percepção das crianças. Pretende contribuir para a reflexão acerca da formação inicial e continuada de profissionais envolvidos/as com o trabalho escolar, com competências para perceberem e se questionarem quanto aos seus modos de sentir e agir, observando as discriminações, exclusões/marginalizações que ajudam a produzir no cotidiano escolar. A pesquisa, do tipo etnográfico, fez uso de relatos das crianças, classificação de cor/raça, levantamento socioeconômico, observações e entrevistas com as crianças e as professoras. A análise dos resultados indica a necessidade de discussão a respeito da cultura escolar como fonte importante na construção das identidades, uma vez que a pesquisa permitiu identificar as práticas cotidianas as quais discriminam e excluem crianças que supostamente deveriam encontrar, na escola, um ambiente inclusivo capaz de promover a construção de uma imagem positiva de si mesmas, da população negra, de sua estética e da cultura

    Poverty, race and skin color: Perceptions and relationships among children at school

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    Here are presented the results of a research whose objective was to analyze what were saying and how were acting poor and/or black boy(s) and girl(s) about unequal treatment, shaped by discrimination through mockery, swearing, derogatory nicknames, separations, among other things, experienced in school. These children were students from the 5th year of primary school, in a public school located in a mid-sized city in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. It was intended to undertake an analysis of the practices of class and racial differentiation that hierarchize, discriminate and exclude certain children, performed by adults and/or by children themselves. The ethnographic study made use of their stories, a questionnaire about denomination and classification of color/race, answered by children in the classroom, socio-economic survey, observations of children in different school environments and semi-structured interview with children and teacher. Among other results, it was confirmed that, children that were black, black and brown, poor and with a history of educational failure, suffer bigger discrimination at school from teachers and other children. In addition it was found that even among those who are poor and or black, it takes place the building of borders for the distinction that each one makes of themselves in relation to others. Therefore, the research provided the acknowledgement of the diversity of positions related to the recognition that they make regarding their identification of race and class. When verifying how children's actions are mediated by school educational practices, we support that in such spaces it should be granted the conditions of possibilities for them to speak - and be heard - about their doubts and desires, about what they do and why they do it, in the relations between them. Finally, provide the emergence of their curiosities, imagination and inventiveness to, maybe, see the burst of something new in our world that strives for incompleteness