43 research outputs found

    Time-Dependent Internalization of Polymer-Coated Silica Nanoparticles in Brain Endothelial Cells and Morphological and Functional Effects on the Blood-Brain Barrier

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    Nanoparticle (NP)-assisted procedures including laser tissue soldering (LTS) offer advantages compared to conventional microsuturing, especially in the brain. In this study, effects of polymer-coated silica NPs used in LTS were investigated in human brain endothelial cells (ECs) and blood-brain barrier models. In the co-culture setting with ECs and pericytes, only the cell type directly exposed to NPs displayed a time-dependent internalization. No transfer of NPs between the two cell types was observed. Cell viability was decreased relatively to NP exposure duration and concentration. Protein expression of the nuclear factor k-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells and various endothelial adhesion molecules indicated no initiation of inflammation or activation of ECs after NP exposure. Differentiation of CD34+ ECs into brain-like ECs co-cultured with pericytes, blood-brain barrier (BBB) characteristics were obtained. The established endothelial layer reduced the passage of integrity tracer molecules. NP exposure did not result in alterations of junctional proteins, BBB formation or its integrity. In a 3-dimensional setup with an endothelial tube formation and tight junctions, barrier formation was not disrupted by the NPs and NPs do not seem to cross the blood-brain barrier. Our findings suggest that these polymer-coated silica NPs do not damage the BBB

    Blood-Brain Barrier Cellular Responses Toward Organophosphates: Natural Compensatory Processes and Exogenous Interventions to Rescue Barrier Properties

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    Organophosphorus compounds (OPs) are highly toxic chemicals widely used as pesticides (e.g., paraoxon (PX)- the active metabolite of the insecticide parathion) and as chemical warfare nerve agents. Blood-brain barrier (BBB) leakage has been shown in rodents exposed to PX, which is an organophosphate oxon. In this study, we investigated the cellular mechanisms involved in BBB reaction after acute exposure to PX in an established in vitro BBB system made of stem-cell derived, human brain-like endothelial cells (BLECs) together with brain pericytes that closely mimic the in vivo BBB. Our results show that PX directly affects the BBB in vitro both at toxic and non-toxic concentrations by attenuating tight junctional (TJ) protein expression and that only above a certain threshold the paracellular barrier integrity is compromised. Below this threshold, BLECs exhibit a morphological coping mechanism in which they enlarge their cell area thus preventing the formation of meaningful intercellular gaps and maintaining barrier integrity. Importantly, we demonstrate that reversal of the apoptotic cell death induced by PX, by a pan-caspase-inhibitor ZVAD-FMK (ZVAD) can reduce PX-induced cell death and elevate cell area but do not prevent the induced BBB permeability, implying that TJ complex functionality is hindered. This is corroborated by formation of ROS at all toxic concentrations of PX and which are even higher with ZVAD. We suggest that while lower levels of ROS can induce compensating mechanisms, higher PX-induced oxidative stress levels interfere with barrier integrity

    Differential expression of selectins by mouse brain capillary endothelial cells in vitro in response to distinct inflammatory stimuli

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    International audienceIncreased lymphocyte trafficking across blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a prominent and early event in inflammatory and immune-mediated CNS diseases. The adhesion molecules that control the entry of leukocytes into the brain have not been fully elucidated. Although the role of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 has been well documented, the expression and role of selectins is still a matter of controversy. In a mouse syngenic in vitro BBB model, highly relevant for examining immunological events, mouse brain capillary endothelial cells (MBCECs) do not express selectins. Treatment of MBCECs with LPS, induced E- and P-selectin expression, whereas TNF-alpha or IFN-gamma treatments did not. Finally, P-selectin but not E-selectin expression was induced in IL-1beta treated MBCECs. Thus, our study suggests that diverse inflammatory stimuli could differentially regulate selectin expression at the BBB

    A Miniaturized Pump Out Method for Characterizing Molecule Interaction with ABC Transporters

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    International audienceCharacterizing interaction of newly synthetized molecules with efflux pumps remains essential to improve their efficacy and safety. Caco-2 cell line cultivated on inserts is widely used for measuring apparent permeability of drugs across biological barriers, and for estimating their interaction with efflux pumps such as P-gp, BCRP and MRPs. However, this method remains time consuming and expensive. In addition, detection method is required for measuring molecule passage across cell monolayer and false results can be generated if drugs concentrations used are too high as demonstrated with quinidine. For this reason, we developed a new protocol based on the use of Caco-2 cell directly seeded on 96-or 384-well plates and the use of fluorescent substrates for efflux pumps. We clearly observed that the new method reduces costs for molecule screening and leads to higher throughput compared to traditional use of Caco-2 cell model. This accelerated model could provide quick feedback regarding the molecule design during the early stage of drug discovery and therefore reduce the number of compounds to be further evaluated using the traditional Caco-2 insert method

    Mouse syngenic in vitro blood-brain barrier model: a new tool to examine inflammatory events in cerebral endothelium

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    Comment in : Technical caveats in identifying the source of endothelial cells in cultures derived from brain microvessels. [Lab Invest. 2005]International audienceAlthough cerebral endothelium disturbance is commonly observed in central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory pathologies, neither the cause of this phenomenon nor the effective participation of blood- brain barrier (BBB) in such diseases are well established. Observations were mostly made in vivo using mouse models of chronic inflammation. This paper presents a new mouse in vitro model suitable for the study of underlying mechanistic events touching BBB functions during CNS inflammatory disturbances. This model consists of a coculture with both primary cell types isolated from mice. Mouse brain capillary endothelial cell (MBCEC)s coming from brain capillaries are in culture with their in vivo partners and form differentiated monolayers that retain endothelial markers and numerous phenotypic properties of in vivo cerebral endothelium, such as: (1) peripheral distribution of tight junction proteins (occludin, claudin-5, claudin-3 and JAM-1); (2) high trans-endothelium electrical resistance value; (3) attenuated paracellular flux of sucrose and inulin; (4) P-gp expression; (5) no MECA-32 expression. Furthermore, this endothelium expresses cell adhesion molecules described in vivo and shows intracellular cell adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 upregulation under lipopolysaccharide-treatment. Therefore, this well-differentiated model using autologous cells appears as a suitable support to reconstitute pathological in vitro BBB model

    A High Output Method to Isolate Cerebral Pericytes from Mouse

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    International audienceIn recent years, cerebral pericytes have become the focus of extensive research in vascular biology and pathology. The importance of pericytes in blood brain barrier formation and physiology is now demonstrated but its molecular basis remains largely unknown. As the pathophysiological role of cerebral pericytes in neurological disorders is intriguing and of great importance, the in vitro models are not only sufficiently appropriate but also able to incorporate different techniques for these studies. Several methods have been proposed as in vitro models for the extraction of cerebral pericytes, although an antibiotic-free protocol with high output is desirable. Most importantly, a method that has increased output per extraction reduces the usage of more animals. Here, we propose a simple and efficient method for extracting cerebral pericytes with sufficiently high output. The mouse brain tissue homogenate is mixed with a BSA-dextran solution for the separation of the tissue debris and microvascular pellet. We propose a three-step separation followed by filtration to obtain a microvessel rich filtrate. With this method, the quantity of microvascular fragments obtained from 10 mice is sufficient to seed 9 wells (9.6 cm2 each) of a 6-well plate. Most interestingly with this protocol, the user can obtain 27 pericyte rich wells (9.6 cm2 each) in passage 2. The purity of the pericyte cultures are confirmed with the expression of classical pericyte markers: NG2, PDGFR-ÎČ and CD146. This method demonstrates an efficient and feasible in vitro tool for physiological and pathophysiological studies on pericytes

    Brain pericytes from stress-susceptible pigs increase blood-brain barrier permeability in vitro.

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    Electron microscopy observations demonstrated brain capillary modifications in PSS condition, but no change in pericyte morphology. Results from in vitro experiments suggest that brain pericytes from ryr1 mutated pigs, even if they are not affected by this condition at the ultrastructural level, are not able to maintain BBB integrity in comparison with pericytes from wild-type animals

    A stable and reproducible human blood-brain barrier model derived from hematopoietic stem cells

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    The human blood brain barrier (BBB) is a selective barrier formed by human brain endothelial cells (hBECs), which is important to ensure adequate neuronal function and protect the central nervous system (CNS) from disease. The development of human in vitro BBB models is thus of utmost importance for drug discovery programs related to CNS diseases. Here, we describe a method to generate a human BBB model using cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem cells. The cells were initially differentiated into ECs followed by the induction of BBB properties by co-culture with pericytes. The brain-like endothelial cells (BLECs) express tight junctions and transporters typically observed in brain endothelium and maintain expression of most in vivo BBB properties for at least 20 days. The model is very reproducible since it can be generated from stem cells isolated from different donors and in different laboratories, and could be used to predict CNS distribution of compounds in human. Finally, we provide evidence that Wnt/ÎČ-catenin signaling pathway mediates in part the BBB inductive properties of pericytes

    A Triple Culture Cell System Modeling the Human Blood-Brain Barrier

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    International audienceThe delivery of drugs to the brain remains a challenge due to the blood-brain barrier's (BBB) highly specific and restrictive properties, which controls and restrict access to the brain parenchyma. However, with the development of nanotechnologies, large panels of new nanomaterials were developed to improve drug delivery, highlighting the need for reliable in vitro microsystems to predict brain penetration in the frame of preclinical assays. Here is a straightforward method to set up a microphysiological system to model the BBB using solely human cells. In its configuration, the model consists of a triple culture including brain-like endothelial cells (BLECs), pericytes, and astrocytes, the three main BBB cellular actors necessary to induce and regulate the BBB properties in a more physiological manner without the requirement of tightening compounds. The model developed in a 12-well plate format, ready after 6 days of triple culture, is characterized in physical properties, gene, and protein expressions and used for polymeric nanogel transport measurement. The model can be used for an extensive range of experiments in healthy and pathological conditions and represents a valuable tool for preclinical assessments of molecule and particle transport, as well as inter-and intracellular trafficking