190 research outputs found

    Localization and Mutational Analysis of the Nuclear and Aggregation-Prone Ime4 Protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ime4 is a protein that is induced during meiosis and has a primary role in regulating sporulation in starving diploids. One function of Ime4 is methylation of adenosine residues within mRNA transcripts. Recent studies have shown Ime4 to be induced in haploids during the mating response, although its role in mating has not been determined. In this report, I identify the subcellular localization of Ime4 during the mating response through treatment with alpha factor. A plasmid containing IME4-GFP under the control of the medium strength promoter CYC1 was created in order to express the protein in a controlled manner. Lastly, mutational analysis was conducted to determine which regions of the protein were necessary for its nuclear localization, aggregation, and sporulation function

    SAT-based optimal hypergraph partitioning with replication

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    We propose a methodology for optimal k-way partitioning with replication of directed hypergraphs via Boolean satisfiability. We begin by leveraging the power of existing and emerging SAT solvers to attack traditional logic bipartitioning and show good scaling behavior. We continue to present the first optimal partitioning results that admit generation and assignment of replicated nodes concurrently. Our framework is general enough that we also give the first published optimal results for partitioning with respect to the maximum subdomain degree metric and the sum of external degrees metric. We show that for the bipartitioning case we can feasibly solve problems of up to 150 nodes with simultaneous replication in hundreds of seconds. For other partitioning metrics, we are able to solve problems up to 40 nodes in hundreds of seconds

    SAT-based optimal hypergraph partitioning with replication

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    We propose a methodology for optimal k-way partitioning with replication of directed hypergraphs via Boolean satisfiability. We begin by leveraging the power of existing and emerging SAT solvers to attack traditional logic bipartitioning and show good scaling behavior. We continue to present the first optimal partitioning results that admit generation and assignment of replicated nodes concurrently. Our framework is general enough that we also give the first published optimal results for partitioning with respect to the maximum subdomain degree metric and the sum of external degrees metric. We show that for the bipartitioning case we can feasibly solve problems of up to 150 nodes with simultaneous replication in hundreds of seconds. For other partitioning metrics, we are able to solve problems up to 40 nodes in hundreds of seconds

    Présence de métaux lourds et de résidus médicamenteux dans les effluents des établissements de santé de Dakar (Sénégal)

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    L’objectif de cette étude est de quantifier les concentrations en métaux lourds et de rechercher la présence de résidus de molécules médicamenteuses des effluents de trois hôpitaux de Dakar (Sénégal). C’est ainsi que la collecte des effluents a été réalisée chaque jour sur une période de trois semaines à l’entrée du déversoir des services de radiologie, de médecine interne et d’odontologie. Ensuite, des échantillons composites par semaine ont été constitués pour rechercher leur composition en métaux lourds et en résidus médicamenteux. Le transport a été effectué à +4 °C et à l'obscurité pour assurer une conservation satisfaisante. Les métaux lourds ont été dosés par ICP-MS et les résidus de médicaments ont été recherchés par UPLCMS/ MS. Les médicaments identifiés dans les effluents sont essentiellement des analgésiques et des psychotropes. La concentration en métaux lourds des effluents des trois hôpitaux est inférieure aux normes sénégalaises et de celles de L’OMS fixant les conditions de rejet de métaux dans les eaux usées. Cependant, bien que les taux retrouvés soient tolérables, leur introduction continuelle en milieu aquatique pourrait être à l’origine d’effets néfastes sur les organismes marins par des phénomènes de bioaccumulation et de biomagnification. D’où l’importance et la nécessité des stations d’épuration pour une bonne gestion et une réduction des risques écotoxicologiques liés aux effluents liquides hospitaliers.Mots clés : Effluents hospitaliers, métaux lourds, résidus médicamenteux, toxicité

    Ion-Induced Dipole Interactions and Fragmentation Times : Cα\alpha -Cβ\beta Chromophore Bond Dissociation Channel

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    The fragmentation times corresponding to the loss of the chromophore (Cα\alpha-- Cβ\beta bond dissociation channel) after photoexcitation at 263 nm have been investigated for several small peptides containing tryptophan or tyrosine. For tryptophan-containing peptides, the aromatic chromophore is lost as an ionic fragment (m/z 130), and the fragmentation time increases with the mass of the neutral fragment. In contrast, for tyrosine-containing peptides the aromatic chromophore is always lost as a neutral fragment (mass = 107 amu) and the fragmentation time is found to be fast (\textless{}20 ns). These different behaviors are explained by the role of the postfragmentation interaction in the complex formed after the Cα\alpha--Cβ\beta bond cleavage

    Enabling Design and Simulation of Massive Parallel Nanoarchitectures

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    A common element in emerging nanotechnologies is the increasing complex- ity of the problems to face when attempting the design phase, because issues related to technology, specific application and architecture must be evalu- ated simultaneously. In several cases faced problems are known, but require a fresh re-think on the basis of different constraints not enforced by standard design tools. Among the emerging nanotechnologies, the two-dimensional structures based on nanowire arrays is promising in particular for massively parallel architec- tures. Several studies have been proposed on the exploration of the space of architectural solutions, but only a few derived high-level information from the results of an extended and reliable characterization of low-level structures. The tool we present is of aid in the design of circuits based on nanotech- nologies, here discussed in the specific case of nanowire arrays, as best candi- date for massively parallel architectures. It enables the designer to start from a standard High-level Description Languages (HDL), inherits constraints at physical level and applies them when organizing the physical implementation of the circuit elements and of their connections. It provides a complete simu- lation environment with two levels of refinement. One for DC analysis using a fast engine based on a simple switch level model. The other for obtaining transient performance based on automatic extraction of circuit parasitics, on detailed device (nanowire-FET) information derived by experiments or by existing accurate models, and on spice-level modeling of the nanoarray. Re- sults about the method used for the design and simulation of circuits based on nanowire-FET and nanoarray will be presente

    Quotients of incidence geometries

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    We develop a theory for quotients of geometries and obtain sufficient conditions for the quotient of a geometry to be a geometry. These conditions are compared with earlier work on quotients, in particular by Pasini and Tits. We also explore geometric properties such as connectivity, firmness and transitivity conditions to determine when they are preserved under the quotienting operation. We show that the class of coset pregeometries, which contains all flag-transitive geometries, is closed under an appropriate quotienting operation.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure
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