347 research outputs found

    Hegelian Thought in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy

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    There are many sample surveys of populations that contain outliers (extreme values). This is especially true in business, agricultural, household and medicine surveys. Outliers can have a large distorting influence on classical statistical methods that are optimal under the assumption of normality or linearity. As a result, the presence of extreme observations may adversely affect estimation, especially when it is carried out at a low level of aggregation. To deal with this problem, several alternative techniques of estimation, less sensitive to outliers, have been proposed in the statistical literature. In this paper we attempt to apply and assess some robust regression methods (LTS, M estimation, S-estimation, MM-estimation) in the business survey conducted within the framework of official statistics

    Census administration in Ukraine : insight into the Polish experience in the context of international indicators analysis

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    The latest National Population Census in Poland, like in many EU countries, was conducted in 2021. In Ukraine, during the entire period of independence, a national census was conducted only once, in 2001, while the following rounds kept being postponed. In 2019, a trial census was conducted in several regions of central Ukraine. The working hypothesis is that for the organisation and conduct of the All-Ukrainian Population Census in Ukraine, it is important to use the experience of EU countries in this field (and Poland’s experience in particular). The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and comparative analysis of the processes of conducting censuses in Poland and Ukraine and to study the factors of increasing the level of respondent participation. The article reviews a number of socio-economic factors in the light of the comparison of data census organisation in Poland and Ukraine. Several international indicators were investigated that could have an impact on respondent participation in statistical surveys and censuses. By applying factor analysis, it was possible to identify the factors that could increase the level of respondent participation. To solve these demographic challenges, the following activity should be considered: financial support for the successful functioning of economic entities, improvement of social infrastructure, friendly environment for innovation and investment, and peace and political stability in Ukraine

    Secure Authentication in the Grid: A Formal Analysis of DNP3: SAv5

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    Most of the world’s power grids are controlled remotely. Their control messages are sent over potentially insecure channels, driving the need for an authentication mechanism. The main communication mechanism for power grids and other utilities is defined by an IEEE standard, referred to as DNP3; this includes the Secure Authentication v5 (SAv5) protocol, which aims to ensure that messages are authenticated. We provide the first security analysis of the complete DNP3: SAv5 protocol. Previous work has considered the message-passing sub-protocol of SAv5 in isolation, and considered some aspects of the intended security properties. In contrast, we formally model and analyse the complex composition of the protocol’s three sub-protocols. In doing so, we consider the full state machine, and the possibility of cross-protocol attacks. Furthermore, we model fine-grained security properties that closely match the standard’s intended security properties. For our analysis, we leverage the Tamarin prover for the symbolic analysis of security protocols. Our analysis shows that the core DNP3: SAv5 design meets its intended security properties. Notably, we show that a previously reported attack does not apply to the standard. However, our analysis also leads to several concrete recommendations for improving future versions of the standard

    „Auch die Sammelgebiete der Nationalbibliotheken in den Volksdemokratien werden beachtet.“: Die Zentralstelle für wissenschaftliche Altbestände und Buchabgaben ins Ausland

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    Das Forschungsprojekt NS-Raubgut nach 1945: Die Rolle der Zentralstelle für wissenschaftliche Altbestände wird seit 2014 in der Abteilung Historische Drucke der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz (SBB PK) durchgeführt. Möglich wurde dieses Projekt durch die Förderung des Deutschen Zentrums Kulturgutverluste. Gegenstand des Projektes ist die Erforschung der Wege, die einzelne Bücher und größere Buchbestände in den Jahrzehnten nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs nahmen und inwiefern sich unter diesen Büchern NS-Raubgut befand. Hierfür wird die Geschichte der 1953 in Gotha vom Staatssekretariat für Hochschulwesen der DDR eingerichteten Zentralstelle für wissen­schaftliche ­Altbestände­ (ZwA)­ rekonstruiert.­ Von ­1959 ­bis ­zu ­ihrer­ endgültigen ­Auflösung­ zum Dezember 1995 war die ZwA an der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek (DSB) bzw. der SBB PK angesiedelt. Aufgabe­ der ­ZwA ­war­ die Verteilung­ ungenutzter ­wissenschaftlicher ­Literatur.­ Sie­ tat­ dies­ primär ­im Bereich jener Bibliotheken, die dem Staatssekretariat, später dem Ministerium für Hoch- und Fachschulwesen der DDR (MHF) unterstellt waren. Unter den ca. acht Millionen Büchern, die die ZwA zwischen­1953 ­und­ 1995 ­bearbeitete,­ befanden ­sich ­auch­ Bücher,­ die ­in­ ost-­ und­ ostmitteleuropäischen Städten verlegt worden waren. In Ausnahmefällen stellte die ZwA diese Bücher nicht den Bibliotheken in ­der ­DDR, ­sondern­ den ­Nationalbibliotheken­ des mit­ ihr ­befreundeten ­sozialistischen ­Auslands­ zur Verfügung.­ Es ­wird­ anhand­ von­ in­ Prag ­verlegten ­Büchern ­dargestellt, ­um­ welche ­Schriften ­es ­sich hierbei handelte und auf Basis welcher Regularien die Buchabgaben erfolgten. Zudem wird die Frage angerissen, ­in­ welchem ­Verhältnis ­diese Bücher ­zu ­NS-Raubgut­ aus­ Ost- ­und Ostmitteleuropa­ stehen.The research project Nazi-Looted Books after 1945: The role of the Zentralstelle für wissenschaftliche Altbestände (ZwA) is based on previous projects of the Berlin State Library – Prussian Heritage (SBB PK) on detection of Nazi-looted books in the SBB PK and on the Reichstauschstelle and Prussian State Library (Preußische Staatsbibliothek; PSB). It is funded by the Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste (German Cultural Heritage Center; DZK) and managed by the Department of Early Printed Books of the SBB PK. The project is aimed to research the ways individual books and book collections took in the decades after WWII. For this purpose, the history of the ZwA, established in 1953 by the State Secretary for Higher Education at the Library in Gotha will be reconstructed. From 1959 until its final dissolution in December 1995, the ZwA was located at the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek (German State Library; DSB) and the SBB PK. The task of the ZwA was to “secure, record and distribute unused scientific literature”. Primarily this was done among libraries subordinated to the State Secretary, than Ministry for Higher and Technical Education of the GDR. Among the estimated eight million books the ZwA distributed between 1953 and 1995 were also books from East and East Central European countries. In exceptional cases, the ZwA did not provide these books to libraries in the GDR, but to National Libraries in the People's Democracies. The essay outlines, based on books published in Prague, what kind of publications these were and regulations by which the books were distributed. Additionally, the question of the relationship between these books and Nazi-looted books from Eastern and East Central Europe is touched

    Wittgenstein jako filozof kultury

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    The paper raises the question of the extent to which Wittgenstein’s philosophy can be read as a philosophy of culture. The answer aims at grasping the conceptual bonds between three aspects of Wittgenstein’s thought: first, his taking both language and thinking to be expressions of a ‘form of life’ (or culture); second, his taking philosophical theories to result from some disorders that occur in ‘language games’; and third, his critique and rejection of the scientific and technical civilization. The paper advances the thesis that the task of bringing words back from their metaphysical to their everyday use – recommended by Wittgenstein – can be understood as a critique of scientism and culture dominated by scientific and technical rationality.The paper raises the question of the extent to which Wittgenstein’s philosophy can be read as a philosophy of culture. The answer aims at grasping the conceptual bonds between three aspects of Wittgenstein’s thought: first, his taking both language and thinking to be expressions of a ‘form of life’ (or culture); second, his taking philosophical theories to result from some disorders that occur in ‘language games’; and third, his critique and rejection of the scientific and technical civilization. The paper advances the thesis that the task of bringing words back from their metaphysical to their everyday use – recommended by Wittgenstein – can be understood as a critique of scientism and culture dominated by scientific and technical rationality


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    Component-Based Formal Analysis of 5G-AKA: Channel Assumptions and Session Confusion

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    The 5G mobile telephony standards are nearing completion; upon adoption these will be used by billions across the globe. Ensuring the security of 5G communication is of the utmost importance, building trust in a critical component of everyday life and national infrastructure. We perform fine-grained formal analysis of 5G’s main authentication and key agreement protocol (AKA), and provide the first models to explicitly consider all parties defined by the protocol specification. Our analysis reveals that the security of 5G-AKA critically relies on unstated assumptions on the inner workings of the underlying channels. In practice this means that following the 5G-AKA specification, a provider can easily and ‘correctly’ implement the standard insecurely, leaving the protocol vulnerable to a security-critical race condition. We provide the first models and analysis considering component and channel compromise in 5G, whose results further demonstrate the fragility and subtle trust assumptions of the 5G-AKA protocol. We propose formally verified fixes to the encountered issues, and have worked with 3GPP to ensure these fixes are adopted