118 research outputs found

    Tourism Service Marketing and Development Efforts in Nepal : A Case Study : Alfresco Adventure Private Limited Nepal

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    Tourism services are the pioneers of the tourism industry. Services determine the level of industry and its future at large. Tourism service marketing hence, has a significant role in up- lifting country‟s tourism Industry. The main aim of this Bachelor‟s thesis is to magnify Nepal‟s tourism service marketing structure, process and execution. The authors further researched on the developing efforts made by Nepal so as to uplift the standard of the tourism service marketing in domestic as well as international arena. Along with the research, the authors have provided their views and suggestions for the development of tourism services marketing in Nepal. In this study various practices, implementations, methods, strategies, challenges and cultures regarding tourism services marketing in Nepal were examined by the researchers. Both practical and theoretical studies were incorporated in this study. The tourists, stakeholders, service providers and tourism experts of Nepal were interviewed. Various articles, journals, books and magazines related to tourism services marketing were read. From the both practical and theoretical study, an ideational framework of the tourists‟, stakeholders‟ and experts‟ perception towards Tourism Services marketing in Nepal was built. The framework was used as a tool for the empirical analysis of the study. Alfresco Adventure travel agency was chosen as the case study. The travel agency was small part of the study as the researchers‟ biggest challenge was to study the whole country‟s tourism. The study of the Alfresco travels agency‟s tourism marketing methods and challenges have played an inclusive role in this the- sis. In order to carry out the research, 35 tourists, 6 service providers and 2 tourism experts of Nepal were interviewed. 43 responses were received and the results were empirically analyzed. The results of the respondents showed that there is a huge need to develop the tourism services, infrastructures, the level of marketing and the standard of Nepal tourism as a whole. The results have the blend of tourists‟, service providers‟ and the experts‟ take on the tour- ism services and marketing. The common perception from all the respondents was that Nepal lacks various things in terms of tourism services marketing and the government of Nepal has to play the biggest role to develop the standard and take up the responsibilities to rectify the errors

    Effect of geological structures, rock weathering, and clay mineralogy in the formation of various landslides along Mugling-Narayanghat road section, Central Nepal Himalaya

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    The present study was conducted on the landslide prone area around Mugling-Narayanghat road section that consists of Lesser Himalayan and Siwaliks rocks. From more than 250 mapped landslides, ten were selected for detailed study that are supposed to the representative of the whole area. Detailed study showed that large and complex landslides are related to deep rock weathering followed by the intervention of geological structures as faults, joints, and fractures. Large landslides formed by gravitational deformation are related to the rock structures, while rock weathering plays a minor role. Rotational types of landslides are observed in weathered rocks, where the dip direction of the foliation plane plays a principle role. Shallow landslides are common in slopes covered by residual soil or colluviums. Some shallow landslides (rock topples) occur in less weathered rocks where the attitude of the foliation plays a major role, while others (rock plane failure) occur in cut slopes with less weathered rocks. Debris slides/flows occur in colluviums or residual soil covered slopes. In few instances, rock fall may occur on the upper slope, which then is mixed with the colluviums, residual soil, and other materials lying downhill and come down as debris flow. Rock falls are mainly related to the joint pattern and the slope angle and are found in less weathered rocks.ArticleJournal of the Faculty of Science Shinshu University 45: 1-44(2013)departmental bulletin pape

    Toxicity Assessment of Sesbania sesban var. bicolor a Traditionally used Anthelmintic Medicinal Plant, in Rodent Models

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    Sesbania sesban var. bicolor, a tropical shrub,is a medicinal plant in India. This assessment reports the toxic potentials of its leaf extract. Acute oral toxicity was executed in mice whereas sub-acute toxicity was carried out using rodent models. The study showed that the median lethal dose was over than 5000 mg/kg. Toxicity assessments displayed a mild increase in neutrophils and a mild decrease in eosinophil and monocyte counts in rats. Also, the SGOT and SGPT levels were found to be raised, indicating evidence of hepatotoxicity. The mitochondria of kidney and liver tissues studied by transmission electron microscopy revealed damage in the cristae and membrane. Together, it may be concluded that S. sesban var. bicolor extract possesses mild toxicity in experimental animals. Therefore, despite its efficacy in traditional medicine, the long-term use of this plant should be controlled

    Fixed points and its applications in C*- algebra valued partial metric space

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    We familiarise with the concepts of contractiveness and expansiveness in a C*- algebra valued partial metric space and create an environment for the existence of fixed point in it. We solve an integral equation and an operator type equation as an application of main result. Further we give some examples to elaborate C*- algebra valued partial metric space and show that there exist situations when a partial metric result can be applied, while the standard metric one cannot.Publisher's Versio

    Cell wall metabolite levels as a function of the growth phase in Staphylococcus aureus and library screening for synergistic combinations of FDA approved drugs against methicillin resistant S. aureus

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed August 25, 2022Dissertation advisor: William GutheilVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 140-159)Dissertation (Ph.D)--Division of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Chemistry. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2022Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) based methods for quantifying cell wall biosynthesis intermediates. These include LC-MS/MS methods for quantifying cytoplasmic UDP-linked peptidoglycan biosynthesis intermediates. Retention and separation of these polar intermediates on C18 media were significantly improved using N, N-dimethylhexylamine as an ion-pairing agent. We also have developed Marfey’s reagent-based LC-MS/MS methods to stereospecifically resolve D- and L- amino acids and the key D-alanine-D-alanine intermediate involved in CWB on a reverse-phase analytical column. In the first part of this study, we examined how CWB intermediates and energy-rich nucleotide (ATP, etc.) levels change over the whole growth curve of S. aureus, from senescence to logarithmic growth and back to senescence. We first extended our established ion-pairing agent-based LC-MS/MS method for detecting UDP-linked intermediates, including energy-rich nucleotides (ATP, etc.) (unpublished). In this study, a culture of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) American Type Culture Collection (ATCC 43300) is grown to senescence for 48 hours in Muller Hinton (MH) broth. From senescence to the exponential phase, the levels of UDP-linked intermediates increase significantly, and the levels of energy-rich nucleotides are low during these phases of the growth curve. Hence, UDP-linked intermediates appear to be the high-priority biomolecules required for maintaining bacterial physiology, where nucleotides with high energy are rapidly assimilated by UDP-linked intermediates. Additionally, the accumulation of energy-rich nucleotides coincided with the decline in cell growth rates, suggesting a concomitant reduction in their utilization. Retention and separation of glucosamine-1-phosphate (GlcN-1-P) and glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) on a reverse-phase column is not feasible due to their high polarity. The second part of this study tested and demonstrated several derivatization procedures to improve the retention of GlcN-1-P and GlcN-6-P on a reverse-phase column. Derivatization with isobutyric anhydride, hexanoic anhydride, octanoic anhydride, and decanoic anhydride combined with multichannel LC-MS/MS detection demonstrated resolution and quantification of these three analytes. MRSA, vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE), and vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VSE) extracts were prepared and derivatized in this study. The LC-MS/MS analysis of these samples demonstrated peaks of GlcN-1-P and alpha and beta anomers of GlcN-6-P that were clearly resolved on a reverse-phase analytical column. Therefore, we performed a high-throughput screening of FDA-approved compounds in the presence and absence of ceftobiprole, identifying intrinsically active agents and synergistic combinations with ceftobiprole. A checkerboard analysis was then performed on potential ceftobiprole synergistic agents. Strongly synergistic agents included β-lactamase resistant β-lactams (cloxacillin, dicloxacillin, flucloxacillin, oxacillin, nafcillin, and cefotaxime). There was also evidence of synergy between ceftobiprole and both meropenem and imipenem. Vancomycin, balofloxacin, and floxuridine showed weak synergy. A similar antagonistic effect of mupirocin on ceftobiprole was also observed in other studies showing that it led to β-lactam resistance. We also performed a high-throughput library screening of FDA-approved drugs in the presence and absence of floxuridine against MRSA with the aim of surveying the full scope of floxuridine antibacterial synergy. This study examined joint MIC determination of the FDA library hits in combination with floxuridine, a high-resolution method to depict the fractional inhibitory concentration of √2. This way, several strong synergistic compounds (FICmin ≤ 0.5) like imipenem and biapenem were identified. Moreover, many agents showed weak synergy (0.5 < FICmin ≤ 0.75), such as nafcillin, doripenem, meropenem, and moxalactam.Cell wall metabolite levels as a function of growth phase in S. aureus -- Perform LC-MS/MS-based method development and quantification of Glucosamine-1-Phosphate (GlcN-1-P) and Glucosamine 6-Phosphate (GlcN-6-P) which are involved in the early steps of cell wall biosynthesis -- Library screening for synergistic combinations of FDA-approved drugs with Ceftobiprole against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus -- A high-throughput library screening of FDA-approved drugs with Floxuridine against MRSA -- General conclusio

    Transformation formula for the Reduced Bergman kernel and its Application

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    In this article, we prove the transformation formula for the reduced Bergman kernels under proper holomorphic correspondences between bounded domains in the complex plane. As a corollary, we obtain the transformation formula for the reduced Bergman kernels under proper holomorphic maps. We also establish the transformation formula for the weighted reduced Bergman kernels under proper holomorphic maps. Finally, we provide an application of this transformation formula.Comment: 11 page

    Notions of Visibility with respect to the Kobayashi distance: Comparison and Applications

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    In this article, we study several notions of visibility with respect to the Kobayashi distance for relatively compact complex submanifolds in complex Euclidean space. These notions of visibility are generalizations to the context of such submanifolds of notions introduced and studied in recent work by Bharali--Zimmer, Bharali--Maitra and Bracci--Nikolov--Thomas. We also introduce and study the notion of "visibility subspace" of relatively compact, embedded submanifolds. Using this notion, we generalize to such submanifolds a recent result of Bracci--Nikolov--Thomas and use this generalized result to prove a theorem on the continuous extension of Kobayashi isometries. Next we present a sufficient condition, more permissive than those currently known, for a domain to possess the visibility property with respect to Kobayashi almost-geodesics introduced and studied recently by Bharali--Zimmer (we call this BZ-visibility). We concretely illustrate the fact that our condition is more permissive by providing examples. We also prove a Wolff--Denjoy-type theorem that is a generalization of recent results of this kind by Bharali--Zimmer and Bharali--Maitra and that, owing to the examples mentioned, is a proper generalization. Along the way, we note that what is needed for the proof of this sort of theorem to work is a form of visibility that seems to be intermediate between BZ-visibility and visibility with respect to ordinary Kobayashi geodesics.Comment: Comments welcom

    A retrospective study on clinician’s practice on testing and treating for cytomegalovirus infection in patients with acute ulcerative colitis in a tertiary care center in India

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    Background: Reactivation of cytomegalovirus (CMV) may occur in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) while on immunosuppressive treatment. Whereas some workers suggested that treatment of CMV is needed in them, others contradicted this. We aimed to retrospectively evaluate, a) how frequently clinicians evaluate for CMV in patients admitted with acute severe colitis, b) prevalence of its occurrence, and c) how frequently clinicians treated CMV infection in a tertiary care center.Methods: Data on consecutive patients with UC admitted to the department of Gastroenterology during a seven-year period at a tertiary care center were retrospectively reviewed. Frequency of evaluation for CMV (IgM antibody, polymerase chain reaction or inclusion body in H and E-stained sections by the treating clinicians was evaluated. Any one test positive out of all the three tests was considered as evidence of CMV infection. Frequency of treatment directed against CMV by treating clinicians was evaluated.Results: Among 181 admitted patients with UC, 41 (22.6%) were tested for CMV infection, of whom 28 (59.6%) were male. Fourteen of 41 (34.1%) were CMV positive (one of three above mentioned tests positive). Twelve had detectable CMV DNA by PCR and 3 had IgM antibody positive (one of whom also had inclusion body on histopathology). Three of 14 patients with CMV infection received anti-viral treatment (ganciclovir in two, ganciclovir followed by valganciclovir in one).Conclusions: These data suggest that investigating and treating CMV as a cause for acute ulcerative colitis is becoming obsolete About one-fourth of patients admitted with severe UC in a tertiary centre are screened for CMV infection, about one-third of whom tested positive to at least one test. Only one-fifth of patients with positive result to the test were treated against the infection.