19 research outputs found


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    The data on the water temperature of the Sava in Serbia (hydrological stations Å abac and Belgrade, period 1961ā€“2015) were used for the research, as well as the data on the surface air temperature. The temperature trends were determined and the significance (at pā‰¤0.05 and pā‰¤0.01) was established on the basis of the t-test. The Pearson correlation coefficient (R) was used for the calculation of the correlation. Increasing trends of the water temperature of the Sava were recorded in all cases at both stations. However, in the case of the HS Å abac, the trends for 6 months (Februaryā€“April and Septemberā€“November) were not statistically significant. In the case of the HS Belgrade, all the calculations (except for April) showed statistically significant increasing trends, which can be explained by anthropogenic influence. High level of correlation between the surface air temperature and the water temperature was also determined. In this research, the lowest values of R were recorded for October (0.561 for Belgrade), and on the seasonal level, for autumn (0.625 for Å abac). The research on the correlation between the water temperature of the Sava River and the NAO index showed the highest values of R for January (0.512 for HS Å abac and 0.528 for HS Belgrade). On the seasonal level, the highest values were recorded for winter (0.422 for HS Å abac and 0.432 for HS Belgrade)

    Climatic and anthropogenic impacts on forest fires in conditions of extreme fire danger on sandy soils

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    Forests on sandy soils are particularly vulnerable to fire. The study area in this research was Deliblatska peŔčara (the Deliblato Sands), one of the most endangered areas in Serbia. The linear trends, the polynomial trends and the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) were applied. Statistically significant decrease in the number of forest fires was found, while the increasing trends of the burned area and burned forest area were not significant. There was also an increase in the air temperature during the same period. In a study of the connection between forest fires and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), significant values of r were statistically observed only for the annual number of fires. The highest values were recorded for June (-0.373) and July (-0.375), and for summer r = -0.374 (statistically significant at p ā‰¤ .01). As for the AMO in the main fire season (February-August), r = -0.331 (statistically significant at p ā‰¤ .01). In settlements in Deliblatska peŔčara area, there were trends of the decreasing number of inhabitants, agricultural population, and agricultural households in the investigated period. These trends contribute to the reduction of fire risk. The r value between the dynamics of the number of fires and the population is .50 (statistically significant at p ā‰¤ .01). The reduced agricultural activity contributes to the reduction of fire risk, while increased tourist presence is a risk factor

    Dostignuća u oplemenjivanju NS hibrida uljane repice

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    The increased production of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is evident on a global scale, but also in Serbia in the last decade. Rapeseed is used primarily for vegetable oil and processing industry, but also as a source of protein for animal feed and green manure. Following the cultivation of varieties, breeding and cultivation of hybrid rapeseed started in the 1990's, to take advantage of heterosis in F1 generation, while protecting the breeder's rights during seed commercialization. The breeding of hybrid oilseed rape requires high quality starting material (lines with good combining abilities) for introduction of male sterility. Ogura sterility system is primarily used at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia. To use this system, separate lines are modified with genes for cytoplasmic male sterility (cms female line - mother line) and restoration of fertility (Rf male lines - father line). In order to maintain the sterility of the mother line it is necessary to produce a maintainer line of cytoplasmic male sterility. Creation of these lines and hybrids at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops was successfully monitored with intense use of cytogenetic laboratory methods. The structure and vitality of pollen, including different phases during meiosis were checked so that cms stability was confirmed during the introduction of these genes into different lines. Rapeseed breeding program in Serbia resulted in numerous varieties through collaboration of researchers engaged in breeding and genetics of this plant species. So far, in addition to 12 varieties of winter rapeseed and two varieties of spring rapeseed, a new hybrid of winter rapeseed NS Ras was registered in Serbia. NS Ras is an early-maturing hybrid characterized by high seed yield and oil content. Average yield of NS Ras for two seasons and three sites was 4256 kg ha-1 of seed and 1704 kg ha-1 of oil. Three promising winter rapeseed hybrids are in the process of registration in the Republic of Serbia and one in the EU. While addressing many challenges in breeding, especially resistance to biotic and abiotic stress, in addition to classical breeding, it is necessary to apply the cytogenetic and molecular analysis to increase the efficiency of producing competitive rapeseed genotypes.Porast proizvodnje uljane repice (Brassica napus L.) evidentan je u svetskim razmerama, a poslednje decenije i u Srbiji. Uljana repica se koristi prvenstveno za dobijanje ulja za ishranu i prerađivačku industriju, ali i kao izvor proteina za ishranu domaćih životinja i zeleniÅ”no đubrivo. Nakon gajenja sorti počelo se 90-ih godina proÅ”log veka sa oplemenjivanjem i gajenjem hibrida uljane repice, kako bi se iskoristio efekat heterozisa u F1 generaciji, uz istovremenu zaÅ”titu prava oplemenjivača prilikom prometa semena. U oplemenjivanju hibrida uljane repice neophodno je u kvalitetan početni materijal (linije dobrih kombinacionih sposobnosti) uneti svojstvo muÅ”ke sterilnosti. U Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad koristi se prvenstveno Ogura sistem sterilnosti. KoriŔćenje ovog sistema obuhvata unoÅ”enje citoplazmatske muÅ”ke sterilnosti (cms linije majke) i gena za restauraciju fertilnosti (Rf linije oca). Da bi se sterilnost linije majke održala neophodno je proizvesti i liniju održivača citoplazmatske muÅ”ke sterilnosti. Prilikom stvaranja ovih linija, hibrida i u semenskoj proizvodnji u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo intenzivno i vrlo uspeÅ”no su koriŔćene citogenetske laboratorijske metode. Analizirana je građa i vitalnost polena, kao i različite faze tokom mejoze i utvrđena stabilnost svojstava prilikom unoÅ”enja ovih gena u različite linije. U oplemenjivanju uljane repice u Srbiji postignuti su značajni rezultati kroz saradnju istraživača koji se bave genetikom i oplemenjivanjem ove biljne vrste. Do sada je pored 12 sorti ozime i dve sorte jare repice u Srbiji registrovan hibrid ozime uljane repice NS Ras. NS Ras je ranostasni hibrid koji se odlikuje visokim prinosom zrna i ulja. Prosečan prinos u dve sezone za tri lokaliteta je bio 4256 kg ha-1 semena i 1704 kg ha-1 ulja. JoÅ” tri perspektivna ozima hibrida uljane repice nalaze se u postupku registracije u republici Srbiji i jedan u EU. U reÅ”avanju mnogih izazova u oplemenjivanju, prvenstveno otpornosti na biotski i abiotski stres, pored klasičnog oplemenjivanja neophodno je primeniti, citogenetske i molekularne analize za povećanje efikasnosti oplemenjivanja uljane repice

    Praćenje onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika ā€“ kliničke preporuke Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za internističku onkologiju HLZ-a V. dio: melanom, sarkomi, tumori srediÅ”njega živčanog sustava, rak pluća [Cancer patients follow-up ā€“ Croatian society for medical oncology clinicalguidelines Part V: melanoma, sarcomas, central nerve system tumors, lung cancer]

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    Treatment of oncological patients must be based upon multidisciplinary approach, and takes place in specialized oncological centers. By the end of a specific oncological treatment further follow-up is being managed mostly by the oncologists, but the role of the general practitioners becomes more important every day and therefore should be precisely defined. Nowadays, most of the existing follow-up guidelines are not being based on prospective studies, yet on the expertā€™s opinion of a precise oncological center or specialists. The aim of the Croatian Society of Medical Oncology (CSMO) with these recommendations is to standardize and rationalize the diagnostic proceduresā€™ algorithm in followā€“up of oncological patients after primary treatment, in patients with melanoma, sarcomas, central nerve system tumors and lung cancer

    CANCER PATIENTS FOLLOW-UP ā€“ CROATIAN SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL ONCOLOGY CLINICAL GUIDELINES Part V: melanoma, sarcomas, central nerve system tumors, lung cancer

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    Liječenje onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika mora se temeljiti na multidisciplinarnom pristupu, a provodi se u specijaliziranim onkoloÅ”kim centrima. Nakon zavrÅ”etka specifičnog onkoloÅ”kog liječenja daljnje praćenje uglavnom provode onkolozi, ali je uloga liječnika primarne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite (PZZ) sve važnija i potrebno ju je jasno defi nirati. Trenutačno većina preporuka za praćenje nije temeljena na prospektivnim studijama, već se zasniva na stručnim miÅ”ljenjima pojedinih onkoloÅ”kih centara ili specijalista. Hrvatsko druÅ”tvo za internističku onkologiju (HDIO) ovim preporukama želi standardizirati i racionalizirati dijagnostičke postupke u praćenju onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika, nakon zavrÅ”etka primarnog liječenja, u bolesnika s melanomom, sarkomima, tumorima srediÅ”njega živčanog sustava te rakom pluća.Treatment of oncological patients must be based upon multidisciplinary approach, and takes place in specialized oncological centers. By the end of a specifi c oncological treatment further follow-up is being managed mostly by the oncologists, but the role of the general practitioners becomes more important every day and therefore should be precisely defi ned. Nowadays, most of the existing follow-up guidelines are not being based on prospective studies, yet on the expertā€™s opinion of a precise oncological center or specialists. The aim of the Croatian Society of Medical Oncology (CSMO) with these recommendations is to standardize and rationalize the diagnostic proceduresā€™ algorithm in followā€“up of oncological patients after primary treatment, in patients with melanoma, sarcomas, central nerve system tumors and lung cance

    Praćenje onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika ā€“ kliničke preporuke Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za internističku onkologiju HLZ-a 1. Dio: rak dojke, rak tijela maternice, rak vrata maternice, rak jajnika [Cancer patients follow-up ā€“ Croatian society of medical oncology clinical guidelines Part I: breast cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer]

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    Treatment of oncological patients must be based upon multidisciplinary approach, and takes place in specialized oncological centers. By the end of a speciļ¬ c oncological treatment further follow-up is managed mostly by the oncologists, but the role of the general practitioners becomes more important every day and therefore should be precisely deļ¬ ned. Nowadays, most of the existing follow-up guidelines are not based on prospective studies, but on the experts opinion of a particular oncological center or specialists. The aim of the Croatian Society of Medical Oncology (CSMO) with these recommendations is to standardise and rationalise the diagnostic procedures algorithm in the follow-up of oncological patients after primary treatment

    CANCER PATIENTS FOLLOW-UP ā€“ CROATIAN SOCIETY OF MEDICAL ONCOLOGY CLINICAL GUIDELINES Part I: breast cancer, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer

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    Liječenje onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika mora se temeljiti na multidisciplinarnom pristupu, a provodi se u specijaliziranim onkoloÅ”kim centrima. Nakon zavrÅ”etka specifičnog onkoloÅ”kog liječenja daljnje praćenje uglavnom provode onkolozi, ali je uloga liječnika primarne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite (PZZ) sve važnija i potrebno ju je jasno definirati. Trenutačno se većina preporuka za praćenje ne temelji na prospektivnim studijama, već se zasniva na stručnim miÅ”ljenjima pojedinih onkoloÅ”kih centara ili specijalista. Hrvatsko druÅ”tvo za internističku onkologiju (HDIO) ovim preporukama želi standardizirati i racionalizirati dijagnostičke postupke u praćenju onkoloÅ”kih bolesnika nakon zavrÅ”etka primarnog liječenja.Treatment of oncological patients must be based upon multidisciplinary approach, and takes place in specialized oncological centers. By the end of a specific oncological treatment further follow-up is managed mostly by the Ā­oncologists, but the role of the general practitioners becomes more important every day and therefore should be precisely defined. Nowadays, most of the existing follow-up guidelines are not based on prospective studies, but on the experts Ā­opinion of a particular oncological center or specialists. The aim of the Croatian Society of Medical Oncology (CSMO) with these recommendations is to standardise and rationalise the diagnostic procedures algorithm in the follow-up of oncological patients after primary treatment

    Smjernice za provođenje dijagnostičkih pretraga prije početka liječenja onkoloÅ”kog bolesnika ā€“ kliničke preporuke Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za internističku onkologiju HLZ-a I. dio: tumori urogenitalnog sustava (rak bubrega, rak mokraćnog mjehura, rak prostate, rak testisa), tumori probavnog sustava (rak jednjaka, rak želuca, rak debelog i zavrÅ”nog crijeva, rak guÅ”terače, rak žučnih vodova, hepatocelularni rak, neuroendokrine novotvorine) [Guidelines for usage of diagnostic procedures prior to initiation of antineoplastic treatment ā€“ Croatian society for medical oncology clinical recommendations Part I. tumors of urogenital system (renal cell cancer, urinary bladder cancer, prostatic cancer, testicular cancer), tumors of gastrointestinal system (oesophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, biliary ducts cancer, hepatocellular cancer, neuroendocrine neoplasms)]

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    Cancer is the second most important cause of death in our country, immediately after cardiovascular diseases. With the assumption that cancer incidence and mortality will increase in the next years, projections show that the costs of diagnosis and treatment of cancer will be significantly increased, both due to the introduction of new diagnostic techniques and innovative medicines and treatment methods. Consequently, the imperative of making optimal use of financial resources, available personnel and techniques is all the more necessary in or-der to ensure the continuity of adequate diagnosis and treatment. Optimal use of diagnostic methods can pre-vent unnecessary processing delay, waste of financial resources and unnecessary burden on healthcare work-ers, and shorten waiting lists. HDIO has made these guidelines with the aim of overcoming these problems, rationalizing and standardizing diagnostic procedures in everyday clinical practice. Guidelines should help us to select, from the entire range of diagnostic procedures available, those which are most relevant to a particular localization and clinical extension of the disease

    With food to health : proceedings of 11th International symposium

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    Euthanasia of Patients with the Chronic Renal Failure

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    This study deals with frequency and form of euthanasia in dialysis patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) within the period from 2000 to 2006. Of total number of 2700 patients on dialysis we examined n=753 of them. Examinees with the Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (BEN) (n=348) were in the first group, and the Control group was formed of patients with other diseases (n=405). In this study the following methods were used: adapted Questionnaire from the Renal Registry of B&H, Beckā€™s Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Hamiltonā€™s Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and Mini-Mental Scale of Estimation (MMSE). Age of the BEN group of patients ranged: 64.77 Ā± 8.86 and the control one 53.85 Ā± 3.60. Multivariate analysis for the BEN group with passive euthanasia was: 0.760 (95%, CI=0.590ā€“0.710) (p=0.001) and for the active one was 0.450 (95%, CI=0.125ā€“0.510 (p=0.001). Euthanasia is associated with the rural life and renal heredity, and psychological BAI scale-total, HDRSā€“total and MMSEā€“total. For the BEN group passive euthanasia is 3.75% as well as active 0.86%. The findings stressed that euthanasia of dialysis patients requires better nephrologicalā€“psychiatric control and social care in B&H as well as complete program for the CRF samples protection too