568 research outputs found

    Bridging the Gap between Farmers and Researchers through Collaborative Experimentation. Cost and Labour Reduction in Soybean Production in South-Nyanza, Kenya

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    The Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of the International Centre of Tropical Agriculture (TSBF-CIAT) introduced dual purpose soybean varieties in south-west Kenya both to improve soil fertility by nitrogen fixation and to provide a source of better food and income. Since the start of the project in 2005, the Uriri Farmer Cooperative Society was successful in spreading the seeds over the district. Nevertheless, farmers still had problems with soybean agronomy. We therefore started a Collaborative Experiment (CE) Approach in March 2006 to make soybean production more accessible to farmers. The approach consisted of four stages: 1) information sessions; 2) participatory rural appraisal; 3) collaboration in the whole process of experimentation, from problem identification, to the design and analysis; 4) handing over to farmers. In this case study, farmers identified two main constraints to the recommended soybean production methods: 1) high labour requirement 2) lack of income to purchase the inputs. The results and discussions with farmers during the field days allowed demonstrating that the CE approach had been successful on two main aspects. First, CE was successful in defining problems and yield enhancing treatments which are accessible to deprived people. During field days, all farmers felt there was at least one of the treatments accessible to them. The second main success of the CE process was the increased awareness and interest about soybean. After less than a year of collaboration, farmers saw that soybean can bring a better life, cash for school fees and better health. The number of farmers registered in the soybean cooperative also increased from a few hundreds to 4500 that year. Several farmers started their own experiments to further adapt the recommendations to their own needs. The CE approach was thus successful in bridging the power-relations and knowledge gap between researchers and farmers and in designing appropriate technologies.Collaborative research, soybean, participation, Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    COA6 facilitates cytochrome c oxidase biogenesis as thiol-reductase for copper metallochaperones in mitochondria.

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    The mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, the terminal enzyme of the respiratory chain, contains heme and copper centers for electron transfer. The conserved COX2 subunit contains the CuA site, a binuclear copper center. The copper chaperones SCO1, SCO2, and COA6 are required for CuA center formation. Loss of function of these chaperones and the concomitant cytochrome c oxidase deficiency cause severe human disorders. Here we analyzed the molecular function of COA6 and the consequences of COA6 deficiency for mitochondria. Our analyses show that loss of COA6 causes combined complex I and complex IV deficiency and impacts membrane potential driven protein transport across the inner membrane. We demonstrate that COA6 acts as a thiol-reductase to reduce disulphide bridges of critical cysteine residues in SCO1 and SCO2. Cysteines within the CX3CXNH domain of SCO2 mediate its interaction with COA6 but are dispensable for SCO2-SCO1 interaction. Our analyses define COA6 as thiol-reductase, which is essential for CuA biogenesis

    Dynamic fluorescence microscopy of cellular uptake of intercalating model drugs by ultrasound-activated microbubbles

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    The combination of ultrasound and microbubbles can facilitate cellular uptake of (model) drugs via transient permeabilization of the cell membrane. By using fluorescent molecules, this process can be studied conveniently with confocal fluorescence microscopy. This study aimed to investigate the relation between cellular uptake and fluorescence intensity increase of intercalating model drugs. SYTOX Green, an intercalating fluorescent dye that displays > 500-fold fluorescence enhancement upon binding to nucleic acids, was used as a model drug for ultrasound-induced cellular uptake. SYTOX Green uptake was monitored in high spatiotemporal resolution to qualitatively assess the relation between uptake and fluorescence intensity in individual cells. In addition, the kinetics of fluorescence enhancement were studied as a function of experimental parameters, in particular, laser duty cycle (DC), SYTOX Green concentration and cell line. Ultrasound-induced intracellular SYTOX Green uptake resulted in local fluorescence enhancement, spreading throughout the cell and ultimately accumulating in the nucleus during the 9-min acquisition. The temporal evolution of SYTOX Green fluorescence was substantially influenced by laser duty cycle: continuous laser (100 % DC) induced a 6.4-fold higher photobleaching compared to pulsed laser (3.3 % DC), thus overestimating the fluorescence kinetics. A positive correlation of fluorescence kinetics and SYTOX Green concentration was found, increasing from 0.6 x 10(-3) to 2.2 x 10(-3) s(-1) for 1 and 20 mu M, respectively. Finally, C6 cells displayed a 2.4-fold higher fluorescence rate constant than FaDu cells. These data show that the temporal behavior of intracellular SYTOX Green fluorescence enhancement depends substantially on nuclear accumulation and not just on cellular uptake. In addition, it is strongly influenced by the experimental conditions, such as the laser duty cycle, SYTOX Green concentration, and cell line

    Land use determinants of small mammals abundance and distribution in a plague endemic area of Lushoto District, Tanzania

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    Small mammals are considered to be involved in the transmission cycle of bubonic plague, still occurring in different parts of the world, including the Lushoto district in Tanzania. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between land use types and practices and small mammal abundance and distribution. A field survey was used to collect data in three landscapes differing in plague incidences. Data collection was done both in the wet season (April-June 2012) and dry season (August-October 2012). Analysis of variance and Boosted Regression Trees (BRT) modelling technique were used to establish the relationship between land use and small mammal abundance and distribution. Significant variations (p ≤ 0.05) of small mammal abundance among land use types were identified. Plantation forest with farming, natural forest and fallow had higher populations of small mammals than the other aggregated land use types. The influence of individual land use types on small mammal abundance level showed that, in both dry and wet seasons, miraba and fallow tended to favour small mammals’ habitation whereas land tillage practices had the opposite effect. In addition, during the wet season crop types such as potato and maize appeared to positively influence the distribution and abundance of small mammals which was attributed to both shelter and food availability. Based on the findings from this study it is recommended that future efforts to predict and map spatial and temporal human plague infection risk at fine scale should consider the role played by land use and associated human activities on small mammal abundance and distribution

    Nominal or Real? The Impact of Regional Price Levels on Satisfaction with Life

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    According to economic theory, real income, i.e., nominal income adjusted for purchasing power, should be the relevant source of life satisfaction. Previous work, however, has only studied the impact of inflation adjusted nominal income and not taken into account regional differences in purchasing power. Therefore, we use a novel data set to study how regional price levels affect satisfaction with life. The data set comprises about 7 million data points that are used to construct a price level for each of the 428 administrative districts in Germany. We estimate pooled OLS and ordered probit models that include a comprehensive set of individual level, time-varying and time-invariant control variables as well as control variables that capture district heterogeneity other than the price level. Our results show that higher price levels significantly reduce life satisfaction. Furthermore, we find that a higher price level tends to induce a larger loss in life satisfaction than a corresponding decrease in nominal income. A formal test of neutrality of money, however, does not reject neutrality of money. Our results provide an argument in favor of regional indexation of government transfer payments such as social welfare benefits

    Heart disease in the Netherlands: A quantitative update

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    In this review we discuss cardiovascular mortality, incidence and prevalence of heart disease, and cardiac interventions and surgery in the Netherlands. We combined most recently available data from various Dutch cardiovascular registries, Dutch Hospital Data (LMR), Statistics Netherlands (CBS), and population-based cohort studies, to provide a broad quantitative update. The absolute number of people dying from cardiovascular diseases is declining and cardiovascular conditions are no longer the leading cause of death in the Netherlands. However, a substantial burden of morbidity persists with 400,000 hospitalisations for cardiovascular disease involving over 80,000 cardiac interventions annually. In the Netherlands alone, an estimated 730,000 persons are currently diagnosed with coronary heart disease, 120,000 with heart failure, and 260,000 with atrial fibrillation. These numbers emphasise the continuous need for dedicated research on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart disease in our country

    Time trends in lifestyle, risk factor control, and use of evidence-based medications in patients With coronary heart disease in Europe: results from 3 EUROASPIRE surveys, 1999-2013

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    Background: The EUROASPIRE (European Action on Secondary and Primary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events) cross-sectional surveys describe time trends in lifestyle and risk factor control among coronary patients between 1999 and 2013 in Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom as part of the EuroObservational Research Programme under the auspices of European Society of Cardiology. Objectives: This study sought to describe time trends in lifestyle, risk factor control, and the use of evidence-based medication in coronary patients across Europe. Methods: The EUROASPIRE II (1999 to 2000), III (2006 to 2007), and IV (2012 to 13) surveys were conducted in the same geographical areas and selected hospitals in each country. Consecutive patients (≤70 years) after coronary artery bypass graft, percutaneous coronary intervention, or an acute coronary syndrome identified from hospital records were interviewed and examined ≥6 months later with standardized methods. Results: Of 12,775 identified coronary patients, 8,456 (66.2%) were interviewed. Proportion of current smokers was similar across the 3 surveys. Prevalence of obesity increased by 7%. The prevalence of raised blood pressure (≥140/90 mm Hg or ≥140/80 mm Hg with diabetes) dropped by 8% from EUROASPIRE III to IV, and therapeutic control of blood pressure improved with 55% of patients below target in IV. The prevalence of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ≥2.5 mmol/l decreased by 44%. In EUROASPIRE IV, 75% were above the target low-density lipoprotein cholesterol <1.8 mmol/l. The prevalence of self-reported diabetes increased by 9%. The use of evidence-based medications increased between the EUROASPIRE II and III surveys, but did not change between the III and IV surveys. Conclusions: Lifestyle habits have deteriorated over time with increases in obesity, central obesity, and diabetes and stagnating rates of persistent smoking. Although blood pressure and lipid management improved, they are still not optimally controlled and the use of evidence-based medications appears to have stalled apart from the increased use of high-intensity statins. These results underline the importance of offering coronary patients access to modern preventive cardiology programs

    Aging Studies for the Large Honeycomb Drift Tube System of the Outer Tracker of HERA-B

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    The HERA-B Outer Tracker consists of drift tubes folded from polycarbonate foil and is operated with Ar/CF4/CO2 as drift gas. The detector has to stand radiation levels which are similar to LHC conditions. The first prototypes exposed to radiation in HERA-B suffered severe radiation damage due to the development of self-sustaining currents (Malter effect). In a subsequent extended R&D program major changes to the original concept for the drift tubes (surface conductivity, drift gas, production materials) have been developed and validated for use in harsh radiation environments. In the test program various aging effects (like Malter currents, gain loss due to anode aging and etching of the anode gold surface) have been observed and cures by tuning of operation parameters have been developed.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the International Workshop On Aging Phenomena In Gaseous Detectors, 2-5 Oct 2001, Hamburg, German
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