567 research outputs found

    Public Elementary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Health Education & Promotion

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    Background: The importance of school health education has become well-known in the past two decades, however, there is limited research surrounding the perceptions and attitudes of classroom teachers and school health. The purpose of this study was to understand classroom teachers’ perceptions of health education at the elementary school level, so that policy makers might have a clearer understanding of the state of health in today’s classrooms. Methods: Public Elementary School Teachers, located in Western New York, participated in a qualitative online survey consisting of 10 questions. The survey focused on their perceptions of health education and promotion. Participant’s answers were then analyzed by researchers, using an open coding process, classifying teachers results into major themes and topics. Results: The majority of teachers who responded were passionate about creating healthy classrooms, yet felt limited due to the lack of accessible resources and scope of practice. Many teachers understood the importance of school health and would attempt to incorporate aspects of health education into various moments throughout the day. Conclusions: Despite a wide range of student health issues and a lack of resources, classroom teachers are passionate about creating healthy classrooms and healthy students

    Specimen Catalog

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    Preliminary analysis of the potential of LANDSAT imagery to study desertification

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    The use of LANDSAT imagery to define and delimit areas under process of desertification was investigated. Imagery for two different years (1973 and 1978) and two different seasons (dry and rainy seasons in 1976), were used to identify terrain morphology and vegetation cover. The analysis of LANDSAT interpretation, combined with geological and soil information obtained from published literature, allowed the identification of eleven ecological units which were classified corresponding to the degree of the Xique Xique region of Rio Sao Francisco

    Investigating Delamination Migration in Composite Tape Laminates

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    A modification to a recently developed test specimen designed to investigate migration of a delamination between neighboring ply interfaces in tape laminates is presented. The specimen is a cross-ply laminated beam consisting of 40 plies with a polytetrafluoroethylene insert spanning part way along its length. The insert is located between a lower 0-degree ply (specimen length direction) and a stack of four 90-degree plies (specimen width direction). The modification involved a stacking sequence that promotes stable delamination growth prior to migration, and included a relocation of the insert from the specimen midplane to the interface between plies 14 and 15. Specimens were clamped at both ends onto a rigid baseplate and loaded on their upper surface via a piano hinge assembly, resulting in a predominantly flexural loading condition. Tests were conducted with the load-application point positioned at various locations along a specimen's span. This position affected the sequence of damage events during a test

    Intia maalimantaloudessa

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    Intian merkitys maailmantaloudessa on vielä pieni, mutta maan kansainvälinen merkitys on noussut nopeasti erityisesti IT-palvelujen tuotannon ja kaupan nopean kasvun takia. Intian talouden avautuminen ja siihen liittyvä talouskasvun nopeutuminen alkoi myöhemmin kuin Kiinassa. Osin tästä syystä Intian teollinen sektori on vahvistunut huomattavasti Kiinaa heikommin. Kun Kiinan avautuminen alkoi 1970-luvun lopulla, niin Intiassa avautumisen ensi askelia otettiin 1980-luvulla. Varsinainen talouden avautuminen ja markkinaehtoistuminen alkoi vuoden 1991 vakavasta vaihtotasekriisistä ja sitä seuranneesta talouden uudistusohjelmasta. Tätä ennen puhuttiin yleisesti ns. ”hindukasvusta”, johon noin 1.5 prosentin vuotuiseen henkeä kohden laskettuun hitaaseen kasvuun Intian katsottiin kulttuurisista syistä sidotun. Reformit ja maan omavaraisuuspolitiikan muuntaminen avoimeen suuntaan ovat lisänneet maan talouskasvua tuntuvasti. Intia on osin englanninkielentaitoisen väestönsä ansiosta pystynyt olemaan esimerkiksi IT-palvelujen maailmankaupan edelläkävijöitä. Intian talouskasvu on ollut vuoden 1991 kriisin jälkeen noin neljä prosenttia vuodessa henkeä kohden laskettuna. BKT:n vuotuinen keksikasvu on ollut noin 6 prosenttia. Kasvunäkymät ovat hyvät myös pitkällä aikavälillä, koska työvoima lisääntyy nopeasti, investointitahti ja tuottavuuden kasvu kiihtynevät mm. lisääntyvien ulkomaisten investointien tukemana ja talouden toimintaa rajoittavien säännösten keventyessä. Intia on vieläkin tulotasolla mitattuna selvä alisuoriutuja, jos sitä verrataan muihin kehittyviin maihin


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    Trans-sialidase and neuraminidase activities have been detected on the surface membrane of trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, and both have been implicated in the parasite's invasion of host cells. We show here that these enzymes are structurally related. They are recognized by two independently derived monoclonal antibodies, are anchored to the membrane by glycosylphosphatidylinositol, copurify by ion exchange, molecular sieving, and hydrophobic chromatography, have maximal activities between pH 6.5 and 7.5, and are inactivated by heating at 56-degrees-C. Furthermore, the neuraminidase and trans-sialidase reactions are coupled. An increase of the concentration of acceptors of the transfer reaction decreases the amount of free sialic acid released through the neuraminidase reaction. We conclude that a single enzyme can catalyze the transfer or the hydrolysis of macromolecular-bound sialic acid. the predominant direction of the reaction will depend on the availability of appropriate oligosaccharide acceptors of sialic acid.NYU MED CTR,DEPT PATHOL,NEW YORK,NY 10016NYU MED CTR,KAPLAN CANC CTR,NEW YORK,NY 10016Web of Scienc

    Occasional essay: upper motor neuron syndrome in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    The diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) requires recognition of both lower (LMN) and upper motor neuron (UMN) dysfunction.1 However, classical UMN signs are frequently difficult to identify in ALS.2 LMN involvement is sensitively detected by electromyography (EMG)3 but, as yet, there are no generally accepted markers for monitoring UMN abnormalities,4 the neurobiology of ALS itself, and disease spread through the brain and spinal cord,.5 Full clinical assessment is therefore necessary to exclude other diagnoses and to monitor disease progression. In part, this difficulty regarding detection of UMN involvement in ALS derives from the definition of ‘the UMN syndrome’. Abnormalities of motor control in ALS require reformulation within an expanded concept of the UMN, together with the neuropathological, neuro-imaging and neurophysiological abnormalities in ALS. We review these issues here

    Merging history as a function of halo environment

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    According to the hierarchical scenario, galaxies form via merging and accretion of small objects. Using N-body simulations, we study the frequency of merging events in the history of the halos. We find that at z<~2 the merging rate of the overall halo population can be described by a simple power law (1+z)^3. The main emphasis of the paper is on the effects of environment of halos at the present epoch (z=0). We find that the halos located inside clusters have formed earlier (dz \approx 1) than isolated halos of the same mass. At low redshifts (z<1), the merger rate of cluster halos is 3 times lower than that of isolated halos and 2 times lower than merger rate of halos that end up in groups by z=0. At higher redshifts (z~1-4), progenitors of cluster and group halos have 3--5 times higher merger rates than isolated halos. We briefly discuss implications of our results for galaxy evolution in different environments.Comment: submitted to the Astrophys. Journal; 11 pages, 9 figs., LaTeX (uses emulateapj.sty