415 research outputs found

    The Dopamine D3 Receptor Antagonist VK4-40 Attenuates Morphine-Induced Hyperactivity But Not Cocaine-Induced Hyperactivity in Mice

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    In light of the increasing rates of opioid abuse in the US, the search for viable medications to treat opioid abuse disorder (OUD) has become ever more urgent. Opioids exert their abuse-related effects in part by indirectly increasing dopamine (DA) neurotransmission in the mesolimbic system, a dopaminergic projection arising in the ventral tegmental area and terminating in the nucleus accumbens. The DA D3 receptor (D3R), which belongs to the D2 family of dopamine receptors (D2, D3 , D4 receptor subtypes), is highly expressed in these brain regions and has shown strong potential as a pharmacotherapeutic target for the treatment of OUD. More specifically, D3R antagonists have been shown by us and others to attenuate the abuse-related behavioral effects of opioids without producing adverse side effects associated with nonselective D2-like receptor antagonists. We previously examined the effects of the selective D3R antagonist PG01037 (133-fold selectivity for D3R vs. D2R) using drug-induced hyperactivity as a behavioral proxy for DA release within the nucleus accumbens. Interestingly, we found that PG01037 enhances cocaine-induced hyperlocomotion while it attenuates morphine-induced hyperlocomotion in mice. The potentiation of psychostimulant effects could confound the potential use of D3R antagonists for the treatment of OUD, since many opioid users co-abuse stimulants such as cocaine. However, recent studies with more selective D3R antagonists found that they do not enhance certain effects of cocaine while still reducing opioid effects. It is currently unknown what impact these highly-selective D3R antagonists will have on cocaine-induced hyperactivity and/or dopamine neurotransmission. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of pretreatment with the novel and highly selective D3R antagonist VK4-40 (250-fold selectivity for D3R vs. D2R) on cocaine- and morphine-induced hyperlocomotion in mice

    Progenitor cells are responsible for formation of human prostate epithelium primary cultures

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    To analyze cell viability and morphology of primary cell cultures from CD133 immunolabeled and sorted cells from epithelium of patients suffering from benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). Methods: Cells obtained from 5 patients were divided in two fractions. First fraction (CD133+/CD133–) was cultivated in DMEM with 10% FBS. Second fraction was mixed with CD133 microbeads and immunomagnetically divided into CD133+ and CD133– fractions. These cells were cultivated and followed-up for 2 weeks. Cells were stained for Annexin V FITC/propidium iodide. Results: Seventy CD133+/CD133– cultures, thirty-one of CD133+ and thirty-one of CD133– cells were established. There were 5-fold and 3-fold increase of CD133+/CD133- and CD133+ cell number after 2 weeks, respectively. CD133+/CD133– and CD133+ monolayers displayed epithelial-like morphology and cytokeratine expression. CD133– cultures collapsed. Cell viability within CD133+ and CD133– populations was 90.1 ± 6.3% and 24.3 ± 6.2%, respectively. Apoptotic index was 9.0 ± 6.1% and 28.5 ± 23.8% within CD133+ and CD133– cultures, respectively. Conclusions: CD133 separated human primary epithelial cell cultures displayed differences in morphology, viability and apoptosis occurrence. Immunomagnetic sorting can be recommended in each in vitro experiments with primary cell cultures in order to provide more objective results.Цель: оценить жизнеспособность и морфологию клеток первичных клеточных культур, полученных из меченных по CD133 и полученных с помощью клеточной сортировки клеток эпителия пациентов с доброкачественной гиперплазией предстательной железы (BPH). Методы: клетки, полученные от 5 пациентов, были разделены на 2 фракции. Первую фракцию (CD133+/CD133–) выращивали в DMEM с 10% FBS али с CD133 магнитными гранулами и с помощью магнита разделили клетки на CD133+- и CD133–-фракции. Далее клетки культивировали в течении 2 нед. Клетки окрашивали аннексиномV FITC/пропидий йодидом. Результаты: получено 70 CD133+/CD133- -культур клеток, 31 CD133+ и 31 CD133–. Через 2 нед культивирования отмечали 5-кратное и 3-кратное увеличение количества CD133+/CD133– и CD133+ клеток соответственно. CD133+/CD133- -и CD133+-клетки росли в монослое и имели морфологию эпителиальных клеток, экспрессировали цитокератин. CD133–-клетки не выжили. Выживаемость клеток в популяциях CD133+ и CD133– была 90,1 ± 6,3% и 24,3 ± 6,2% соответственно. Показатель апоптического индекса для культур CD133+ и CD133– был 9,0 ± 6,1% и 28,5 ± 23,8% соответственно. Выводы: показаны различия в морфологии, выживаемости клеток и частоте апоптоза для эпителиальных клеток, разделенных в зависимости от экспрессии CD133. Сортировка клеток с помощью иммуномагнитного разделения рекомендована для каждого in vitro эксперимента с использованием первичных клеточных культур для получения более объективных результатов

    Contrasting responses of lizard occurrences to burrowing by a critically endangered seabird

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    Abstract Seabirds are considered ecosystem engineers, because they facilitate ecosystem functioning (e.g., nutrient cycling), crucial for other marine and terrestrial species, including reptiles. However, studies of seabird-reptile interactions are limited. Here, we assessed the influence of the ‘Critically Endangered’ Whenua Hou Diving Petrel (Pelecanoides whenuahouensis) on the occurrence of two threatened skinks, Stewart Island green skink (Oligosoma aff. chloronoton) and southern grass skink (O. aff. polychroma). We surveyed skinks for 26 consecutive days at 51 sites with and 48 sites without Diving Petrel burrows in the dunes on Codfish Island (Whenua Hou), New Zealand. We used occupancy modelling to assess the influence of burrows on the occurrence of skinks, while accounting for other factors affecting occupancy (Ψ) and detection probabilities (p). Diving Petrel burrows had a contrasting effect on the occurrence of skinks. On average, Ψ̂ of Stewart Island green skinks was 114% higher at sites with burrows compared to sites without, while Ψ̂ of southern grass skinks was only 2% higher. Occurrence of both skinks was negatively influenced by the presence of the other skink species. On average p̂ were low: 0.013 and 0.038 for Stewart Island green and southern grass skinks, respectively. Stewart Island green skinks appear attracted to burrows, which might facilitate thermoregulation (i.e., shelter from temperature extremes). The larger Stewart Island green skinks may subsequently exclude the smaller southern grass skinks at burrows, causing the contrasting relationships. We suggest that these interspecific interactions should be considered when implementing conservation management, e.g., through the order of species reintroductions

    Quantification of rotator cuff tear geometry: the repair ratio as a guide for surgical repair in crescent and U-shaped tears

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    Surgical repair of symptomatic, retracted rotator cuff tears unresponsive to non-operative treatments requires closure of the tear without undue tension and reattaching the torn tendon to its former insertion site. In this study, the length of the torn tendon edge was hypothesized to be longer than the length of the humeral insertion site. The objective of this study was to quantify the discrepancy in length of the torn tendon edge and the length of the avulsed humeral insertion site. Full thickness, rotator cuff tears that were found in twelve fresh frozen cadaver shoulders was studied. The length of the torn tendon edge, the length of the avulsed humeral insertion site and the retraction were measured using digital calipers. Each tear involved the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus was additionally torn in six. The size of the tear was medium in eight and large in four. The length of the torn tendon edge was always longer than the length of the avulsed humeral insertion site. Retraction was 29.9 ± 9.3 mm (range 21–48 mm). The repair ratio, defined as the ratio of length of torn tendon edge to the length of avulsed humeral insertion site, was 2.6 ± 0.4 (range 2.1–3.5). As only the length of the torn tendon edge equal to the length of the avulsed humeral insertion site can be repaired to bone, a repair ratio more than one precludes a simple repair and an additional repair technique such as margin convergence would be necessary for the remaining unapproximated torn tendon edge in rotator cuff tears. Repair ratio may aid in selection of the surgical repair technique of these rotator cuff tears

    Signatures of the disk-jet coupling in the Broad-line Radio Quasar 4C+74.26

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    Here we explore the disk-jet connection in the broad-line radio quasar 4C+74.26, utilizing the results of the multiwavelength monitoring of the source. The target is unique in that its radiative output at radio wavelengths is dominated by a moderately-beamed nuclear jet, at optical frequencies by the accretion disk, and in the hard X-ray range by the disk corona. Our analysis reveals a correlation (local and global significance of 96\% and 98\%, respectively) between the optical and radio bands, with the disk lagging behind the jet by 250±42250 \pm 42 days. We discuss the possible explanation for this, speculating that the observed disk and the jet flux changes are generated by magnetic fluctuations originating within the innermost parts of a truncated disk, and that the lag is related to a delayed radiative response of the disk when compared with the propagation timescale of magnetic perturbations along relativistic outflow. This scenario is supported by the re-analysis of the NuSTAR data, modelled in terms of a relativistic reflection from the disk illuminated by the coronal emission, which returns the inner disk radius Rin/RISCO=3516+40R_{\rm in}/R_{\rm ISCO} =35^{+40}_{-16}. We discuss the global energetics in the system, arguing that while the accretion proceeds at the Eddington rate, with the accretion-related bolometric luminosity Lbol9×1046L_{\rm bol} \sim 9 \times 10^{46} erg s1^{-1} 0.2LEdd\sim 0.2 L_{\rm Edd}, the jet total kinetic energy Lj4×1044L_\textrm{j} \sim 4 \times 10^{44} erg s1^{-1}, inferred from the dynamical modelling of the giant radio lobes in the source, constitutes only a small fraction of the available accretion power.Comment: 9 pages and 6 figures, ApJ accepte

    A probabilistic time geographic approach to quantifying seabird‐vessel interactions

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    Accounting for uncertainty is essential for precautionary approaches to managing seabird bycatch in commercial fisheries. However, there is no existing mechanism to explicitly quantify the uncertainty of seabird‐vessel interactions (i.e. co‐occurrence in space and time). Here we develop a time geographic method to measure the probability of individual birds encountering (co‐occurring within 30 km) and attending (within 5 km) individual fishing vessels. The approach involves creating voxel‐based probabilistic space–time prisms (PSTPs) to model the movements of individual birds and vessels, with trajectory data from bird‐borne GPS devices and vessel Automatic Identification Systems (AIS). We intersected these PSTPs to quantify the probability of interaction between bird‐vessel pairs over time and space. We demonstrate the approach with a case study of interactions of Endangered Toroa (Antipodean Albatross; Diomedea antipodensis antipodensis) with pelagic longline vessels in part of the South Pacific high seas. We found 15 vessels within 150 km and 3 h of two birds, yet interaction occurred with only two of those vessels. We visualised the probability of encounter and attendance over time and space and determined that interactions lasted several hours each (up to 6.2–14.1 h attendance, 20.8–26.1 h encounter for one bird‐vessel pair). Our time geographic approach adds to existing tools to quantify seabird bycatch risk by providing an explicit measure of uncertainty of seabird‐vessel interactions. We provide a flexible methodological pathway and R scripts, the application of which would allow managers to estimate interaction probability for multiple marine species and fisheries, including those with lower‐resolution positional datasets

    Chl a fluorescence and proteomics reveal protection of the photosynthetic apparatus to dehydration in tolerant but not in susceptible wheat cultivars

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    Seedlings of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Ethos and Zebra, differing in drought tolerance were dehydrated to reach a water saturation deficit (WSD) in leaves ~15, 30, and 50 %. Ethos, the drought tolerant cultivar, dried slower in comparison with Zebra and regrew in 70 % upon rehydration. The effect of dehydration on photosystem Seedlings of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Ethos and Zebra, differing in drought tolerance were dehydrated to reach a water saturation deficit (WSD) in leaves ~15, 30, and 50 %. Ethos, the drought tolerant cultivar, dried slower in comparison with Zebra and regrew in 70 % upon rehydration. The effect of dehydration on photosystem II was evaluated by Chl a fluorescence (OJIP transients). The inflection point of double normalized curves (ΔWOJ) calculated for Ethos was negative for seedlings with 15 % WSD, nearly zero for those with 30 % WSD, and about +0.05 for those with 50 % WSD. In case of Zebra, the 15 % WSD already induced a positive ΔWOJ (+0.05) and 50 % WSD maximized it to +0.10, which is a sign of drought susceptibility. The proteomic studies revealed, that among identified 850 spots, 80 protein spots were differentially expressed during dehydration. The differentially expressed proteins of the drought tolerant cultivar indicated the protection of the photosynthetic apparatus and proteome rebuilding in response to drought. In the drought susceptible cultivar, protection of proteins and membranes and partial scavenging reactive oxygen species appeared.Bio-organic Synthesi

    Neuroactivational and Behavioral Correlates of Psychosocial Stress-Induced Cocaine Seeking in Rats

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    A prominent feature of cocaine abuse is a high risk of relapse even despite prolonged periods of abstinence. Psychosocial stress is thought to be a major contributor to the onset of cocaine craving and relapse in human substance abusers, yet most preclinical models of stress-induced relapse employ physical stressors (e.g., unpredictable footshock) or pharmacological stressors (e.g., yohimbine to elicit a drug seeking response) and do not rely upon psychosocial stress per se. Importantly, social stressors are well known to activate distinct neural circuits within the brain as compared to other stressors. It is therefore possible that currently available animal models of stress-induced drug relapse do not fully engage the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and/or molecular substrates that are recruited specifically by psychosocial stressors to produce drug-seeking behavior. Social defeat stress has been proposed as an ethologically valid psychosocial stressor in rodents that more closely models the forms of psychosocial stress that precede relapse episodes in drug abusers. We previously developed a model of psychosocial stress-induced reinstatement in rats in which cocaine seeking is elicited via exposure to a cue signaling impending social defeat stress. Using this model, we discovered that predilection towards displaying active coping behaviors during prior social defeat stress exposures was positively correlated with levels of psychosocial stress-induced cocaine seeking. The present study aimed to expand upon these initial findings by assessing and comparing patterns of neural activation in key brain areas during stress induced cocaine seeking that is triggered by psychosocial or footshock stress predictive cues

    The Enzymatic Activity of Type 1 Iodothyronine Deiodinase (D1) is Low in Liver Hemangioma: A Preliminary Study

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    Type 1 iodothyronine deiodinase (D1) is a crucial enzyme which converts the prohormone thyroxine (T4) into active tri-iodothyronine (T3). There has been strong evidence that the metabolism of thyroid hormones is disturbed in some neoplastic tissues such as thyroid, renal, and breast cancer. However, there are few available data about D1 enzyme activity in benign tumors such as hemangioma, which is the most common primary liver tumor. Hence this study aimed to determine the enzymatic activity of D1 in hemangiomas in relation to healthy liver tissue. Seven tumors and healthy control tissues were obtained from patients who had liver resection due to hemangioma. The activity was assessed by measurement of radioactive iodine released by deiodination catalyzed by D1. It was found that D1 activity was significantly lower in the hemagiomas than in the healthy surrounding tissue (p = 0.0017). The results indicated that thyroid hormones play important roles not only in the regulation of cell metabolism, but also in cell growth, division, and apoptosis. The active form T3 acts through its nuclear receptors and influences the up- and down-regulation of target genes. Healthy liver tissue expresses a high level of D1, but disturbed D1 activity may result in changes in the local concentration of T3 which may impair gene transcription. These finding demonstrate a low enzymatic activity of D1 in liver hemangioma and suggest an as yet unknown role of thyroid hormones in this type of benign liver tumor