16 research outputs found

    OC5 Project Phase II: Validation of Global Loads of the DeepCwind Floating Semisubmersible Wind Turbine

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    This paper summarizes the findings from Phase II of the Offshore Code Comparison, Collaboration, Continued, with Correlation project. The project is run under the International Energy Agency Wind Research Task 30, and is focused on validating the tools used for modeling offshore wind systems through the comparison of simulated responses of select system designs to physical test data. Validation activities such as these lead to improvement of offshore wind modeling tools, which will enable the development of more innovative and cost-effective offshore wind designs. For Phase II of the project, numerical models of the DeepCwind floating semisubmersible wind system were validated using measurement data from a 1/50th-scale validation campaign performed at the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands offshore wave basin. Validation of the models was performed by comparing the calculated ultimate and fatigue loads for eight different wave-only and combined wind/wave test cases against the measured data, after calibration was performed using free-decay, wind-only, and wave-only tests. The results show a decent estimation of both the ultimate and fatigue loads for the simulated results, but with a fairly consistent underestimation in the tower and upwind mooring line loads that can be attributed to an underestimation of waveexcitation forces outside the linear wave-excitation region, and the presence of broadband frequency excitation in the experimental measurements from wind. Participant results showed varied agreement with the experimental measurements based on the modeling approach used. Modeling attributes that enabled better agreement included: the use of a dynamic mooring model; wave stretching, or some other hydrodynamic modeling approach that excites frequencies outside the linear wave region; nonlinear wave kinematics models; and unsteady aerodynamics models. Also, it was observed that a Morison-only hydrodynamic modeling approach could create excessive pitch excitation and resulting tower loads in some frequency bands.This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DEAC36- 08GO28308 with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Some of the funding for the work was provided by the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Wind and Water Power Technologies Office

    Phenotype of Gc-globulin influences the macrophage activating factor (MAF) levels in serum

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    Background: Gc-globulin is a polymorphic protein with three phenotypes: Gc 1-1, Gc 2-1 and Gc 2-2. Deglycosylation of Gc-globulin results in a Gc-macrophage activating factor (Gc-MAF). This study investigated the potential of MAF as a tumour marker and the influence of Gc-phenotypes on serum MAF-concentrations. Methods: Gc-phenotype of 98 healthy individuals and 60 cancer patients was determined. MAF-levels of healthy individuals and cancer patients were analysed according to their Gc-phenotype using a Helix pomatia agglutinin-based ELISA. ROC curves analysed the efficiency of MAF as a tumour marker. Results: MAF-levels between controls and patients were significantly different (p<0.001). No phenotypic differences were found in the patients. In comparison with the controls, MAF-values were significantly lower in cancer patients carrying Gc 1-1 (p<0.01) and Gc 2-1 (p<0.001). No difference was observed in Gc 2-2 phenotype. Diagnostic accuracy of MAF as a tumour marker also demonstrated pronounced differences between Gc-phenotypes. Conclusions: Gc-phenotype is a confounding factor when interpreting MAF-data. The value of MAF as a tumour marker varies according to phenotype. Future studies on MAF will have to consider the effect of Gc-phenotype

    Automatic WS-BPEL composition of medical support services in the ICU

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    Since the ICU is an extremely data-intensive environment,automated data processing is needed in the ICU. The Intensive Care Service Platform facilitates the abstraction of relevant information and supports the physicians through medical support services. These medical support services can be reused as building blocks to create new more advanced services as WS-BPEL compositions. WS-BPEL compositions are however static and need off-line creation. Therefore, in this paper, we present the extension of the Intensive Care Service Platform (ICSP) with support for automatic composition of medical support services. The on-line created new medical support services are automatically deployed within ICSP so that physicians can immediately use these medical support services. As a result, the automatic composition of medical support services is a major improvement since now physicians can create new medical support services on the fly without the intervention of programmers, resulting in greater development efficiency and an increasing number of implemented medical support services

    Modelling mooring line non-linearities (material and geometric effects) for a wave energy converter

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    MA Bhinder, M Karimirad, S Weller, Y Debruyne, M Gu´erinel, and W Sheng. Modelling mooring line non-linearities (material and geometric effects) for a wave energy converter using AQWA, SIMA and Orcaflex. 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Nantes, France. 6-11 Sept.,2015

    Data from: The third dimension: a novel set-up for filming coelacanths in their natural environment

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    Here, we describe a novel design to obtain three-dimensional data on the movements of aquatic organisms at depths of up to 140 m. The set-up consists of two synchronized high-speed cameras fixed to two articulated arms. The set-up was successfully used to film and quantify the locomotion of coelacanths Latimeria chalumnae living at a depth of about 120 m in Sodwana Bay, South Africa. As an example, the detailed motion of the dorsal fin is presented here. This set-up can be used for any underwater applications that require synchronized video recordings of medium- to large-sized animals