533 research outputs found

    Northern Pafta

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    Honorable Mention Inspired by the culture of the Konso people of Ethiopia. What inspired you to enter this competition to create a modern architectural language for Africa? For the past three years I was working on research called Ethioplugin Add-on Library at my campus (EiABC). There the objective, was digitalizing the heritages of Ethiopia such as furniture and fixtures, patterns and textures, construction details, so that they will be accessible by the professionals like interior designers, architects electronically. This made me familiar with working on cultural elements and extracting designed product out of them. I was excited (about the competition) because it was a great chance for me to experiment this experience on architectural level. What did you find most interesting or challenging during the research and development of your prototype? The interesting part of this project was the culture the KONSO people (clan) developed to adapt to the harsh climate and mountainous landscape. They construct masonry terraces and retaining walls and define the platform where they build the house (PAFTA) then continue building with wooden pillars. The challenge was interpreting the process. It was a time consuming process transforming the original inspiration into the modern form. Why do you believe African homeowners will be interested in building a home such as the one you have submitted today? Two major reasons: The first one is since this typology is designed based on indigenous African culture and the layout is arranged in African way of life with modern life style requirements, it fits their lifestyle and provides maximum comfort. Secondly, a house is a place where a family is nurtured. This special house will be tangible inspiration to create a modern generation who is proud of his/her identity because it is articulated with indigenous African building materials

    Irrigation for sustainable Agricultural Development in Ethiopia

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    No Abstrac

    Institutional design for a post-liberal order: why some international organizations live longer than others

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    Many international organizations (IOs) are currently under pressure and the demise of the liberal international order is the talk of town. We theorize that institutional characteristics help to explain why some IOs survive external pressures where others fail. We test this argument through a survival analysis of 150 IOs (1815–2014). We find that the only significant variable explaining the death of IOs is the size of the secretariat: IOs with large bureaucracies are good at coping with external pressures. In addition, IOs with diverging preferences among members and those that are less institutionalized are more likely to be replaced with successor organizations. We find that institutional flexibility included in the treaties does not have an effect on survival. This is surprising because the purpose of flexibility clauses is precisely to deal with external shocks. Finally, we also find that systemic and domestic factors do not explain IO failure. In conclusion, we should not write off the liberal international order all too quickly: large IOs with significant bureaucratic resources are here to stay

    COVID-19 and Policy Responses by International Organizations: Crisis of Liberal International Order or Window of Opportunity?

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    The liberal international order is being challenged and international organizations (IOs) are a main target of contestation. Covid-19 seems to exacerbate the situation with many states pursuing domestic strategies at the expense of multilateral cooperation. At the same time, IOs have traditionally benefited from cross-border crises. This article analyzes the policy responses of IOs to the exogenous Covid-19 shock by asking why some IOs use this crisis as an opportunity to expand their scope and policy instruments? It provides a cross-sectional analysis using original data on the responses of 75 IOs to Covid-19 during the first wave between March and June 2020. It finds that the bureaucratic capacity of IOs is significant when it comes to using the crisis as an opportunity. It also finds some evidence that the number of Covid-19 cases among the member states affects policy responses and that general purpose IOs have benefited more

    Immune to COVID? The striking resilience of international organisations

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    As countries closed their borders and quarrelled over vaccines, some thought there was little role for international organisations. Yet, say Maria J Debre (University of Potsdam) and Hylke Dijkstra (Maastricht University), many have managed to carve out a role for themselves and emerged strengthened from the pandemic

    Védett területek mint a határon átnyúló együttműködés tényezői? Reflexiók az osztrák–magyar határ mentén lebonyolított ETE-projekt tapasztalatai alapján = Large-scale protected areas as instruments for transborder cooperation? Írottkő–Geschriebenstein Nature Park – a case study

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    Az Írottkő–Geschriebenstein Natúrpark esettanulmányon keresztül – amely az osztrák–magyar határon terül el – megválaszoljuk, hogy a határon átnyúló védett területek milyen mértékben alkalmasak regionális fejlesztésre. A cikk elején a védett területek koncepcióit és lehetséges megközelítéseit mutatjuk be a határon átnyúló összefüggésben. Nemzetközi összehasonlításban is elemezzük a határon átnyúló védett területek fejlődéstörténetét, valamint különleges helyzetüket a Vasfüggöny „kelet– nyugati” határa mentén. Az Írottkő–Geschriebenstein Natúrpark példáján a regionális kormányzás szemléletéből elemezzük a határon átnyúló kooperáció lehetőségeit és korlátait, az Európai Területi Együttműködés keretei között támogatott projektben. Megemlítjük, hogy a határon átnyúló együttműködés tartalmi összefüggésében – mint például a turizmusban – sok egysége jött létre az együttműködésnek. Szintén fontos a kommunikációs és kooperációs feltételeket erősíteni a kétoldalú, határon átnyúló együttműködésben. Az EU-s programok bürokráciája, valamint egyes sikeres modellek kiterjeszthetőségének hiánya a regionális fejlesztésben és együttműködésben továbbra is akadályokat jelent

    Governance abhors a vacuum:The afterlives of major international organisations

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    International organisations have become increasingly contested resulting in worries about their decline and termination. While international organisation termination is indeed a regular event in international relations, this article shows that other institutions carry the legacy of terminated international organisations. We develop the novel concept of international organisation afterlife and suggest indicators to systematically assess it. Our analysis of 26 major terminated international organisations reveals legal-institutional and asset continuity in 21 cases. To further illustrate this point, the article zooms in on the afterlife of the International Institute of Agriculture in the Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Refugee Organization in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the Western European Union in the European Union. In these three cases, international organisation afterlife inspired and structured the design of their successor institutions. While specific international organisations might be terminated, international cooperation therefore often lives on in other institutions
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