1,139 research outputs found

    Free energy and theta dependence of SU(N) gauge theories

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    We study the dependence of the free energy on the CP violating angle theta, in four-dimensional SU(N) gauge theories with N >= 3, and in the large-N limit. Using the Wilson lattice formulation for numerical simulations, we compute the first few terms of the expansion of the ground-state energy F(theta) around theta = 0, F(theta) - F(0) = A_2 theta^2 (1 + b_2 theta^2 + ...). Our results support Witten's conjecture: F(theta) - F(0) = A theta^2 + O(1/N) for theta < pi. We verify that the topological susceptibility has a nonzero large-N limit chi_infinity = 2A with corrections of O(1/N^2), in substantial agreement with the Witten-Veneziano formula which relates chi_infinity to the eta' mass. Furthermore, higher order terms in theta are suppressed; in particular, the O(theta^4) term b_2 (related to the eta' - eta' elastic scattering amplitude) turns out to be quite small: b_2 = -0.023(7) for N=3, and its absolute value decreases with increasing N, consistently with the expectation b_2 = O(1/N^2).Comment: 3 pages, talk presented at the conference Lattice2002(topology). v2: One reference has been updated, no further change

    The phase structure of the 3-d Thirring model

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    We study the phase structure of the Thirring model in 3-d and find it to be compatible with the existence of a non gaussian fixed point of RG. A Finite Size Scaling argument is included in the equation of state in order to avoid the assumptions usually needed to extrapolate to the thermodynamical limit.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE96(other models

    Detecting Dual Superconductivity in the Ground State of Gauge Theory

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    We explicitly construct a monopole creation operator: its vacuum expectation value is an order parameter for dual superconductivity, in that, if different from zero, it signals a spontaneous breaking of the U(1)U(1) symmetry corresponding to monopole charge conservation. This operator is tested by numerical simulations in compact U(1)U(1) gauge theory. Our construction provides a general recipe for detection of the condensation of any topological soliton. In particular our operator can be used to detect dual superconductivity of the QCD vacuum.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures avalaible on request. REVTE

    Chiral symmetry breaking in the 3-d Thirring model for small NfN_f

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    We study the dynamical breaking of chiral symmetry in the 3-d Thirring model for a small number of fermion species. The critical point is identified by fitting lattice data to an equation of state. The spectrum of the theory is studied to confirm the phase structure of the model.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. Talk presented at Lattice '9

    Topological susceptibility of SU(N) gauge theories at finite temperature

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    We investigate the large-N behavior of the topological susceptibility in four-dimensional SU(N) gauge theories at finite temperature, and in particular across the finite-temperature transition at Tc. For this purpose, we consider the lattice formulation of the SU(N) gauge theories and perform Monte Carlo simulations for N=4,6. The results indicate that the topological susceptibility has a nonvanishing large-N limit for T<Tc, as at T=0, and that the topological properties remain substantially unchanged in the low-temperature phase. On the other hand, above the deconfinement phase transition, the topological susceptibility shows a large suppression. The comparison between the data for N=4 and N=6 hints at a vanishing large-N limit for T>Tc.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figs, a few discussions added, JHEP in pres

    The decay of unstable k-strings in SU(N) gauge theories at zero and finite temperature

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    Sources in higher representations of SU(N) gauge theory at T=0 couple with apparently stable strings with tensions depending on the specific representation rather than on its N-ality. Similarly at the deconfining temperature these sources carry their own representation-dependent critical exponents. It is pointed out that in some instances one can evaluate exactly these exponents by fully exploiting the correspondence between the 2+1 dimensional critical gauge theory and the 2d conformal field theory in the same universality class. The emerging functional form of the Polyakov-line correlators suggests a similar form for Wilson loops in higher representations which helps in understanding the behaviour of unstable strings at T=0. A generalised Wilson loop in which along part of its trajectory a source is converted in a gauge invariant way into higher representations with same N-ality could be used as a tool to estimate the decay scale of the unstable strings.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures v2: typos correcte

    Vortex solution in 2+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory at high temperatures

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    At high temperatures the A_0 component of the Yang--Mills field plays the role of the Higgs field, and the 1-loop potential V(A_0) plays the role of the Higgs potential. We find a new stable vortex solution of the Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen type, and discuss its properties and possible implications.Comment: 8 p., three .eps figures include

    Topological susceptibility for the SU(3) Yang--Mills theory

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    We present the results of a computation of the topological susceptibility in the SU(3) Yang--Mills theory performed by employing the expression of the topological charge density operator suggested by Neuberger's fermions. In the continuum limit we find r_0^4 chi = 0.059(3), which corresponds to chi=(191 \pm 5 MeV)^4 if F_K is used to set the scale. Our result supports the Witten--Veneziano explanation for the large mass of the eta'.Comment: Talk presented at Lattice2004(topology); 3 pages, 2 figure

    Renormalization group, trace anomaly and Feynman-Hellmann theorem

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    We show that the logarithmic derivative of the gauge coupling on the hadronic mass and the cosmological constant term of a gauge theory are related to the gluon condensate of the hadron and the vacuum respectively. These relations are akin to Feynman–Hellmann relations whose derivation for the case at hand is complicated by the construction of the gauge theory Hamiltonian. We bypass this problem by using a renormalisation group equation for composite operators and the trace anomaly. The relations serve as possible definitions of the gluon condensates themselves which are plagued in direct approaches by power divergences. In turn these results might help to determine the contribution of the QCD phase transition to the cosmological constant and test speculative ideas

    Some Insights into the Method of Center Projection

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    We present several new results which pertain to the successes of center projection in maximal center gauge (MCG). In particular, we show why any center vortex, inserted "by hand" into a thermalized lattice configuration, will be among the set of vortices found by the center projection procedure. We show that this "vortex-finding property" is lost when gauge-field configurations are fixed to Landau gauge prior to the maximal center gauge fixing; this fact accounts for the loss of center dominance in the corresponding projected configurations. Variants of maximal center (adjoint Landau) gauge are proposed which correctly identify relevant center vortices.Comment: LATTICE99(confine), 3 pages, 3 figure