3,039 research outputs found

    Screening of squirrel monkeys /Saimiri sciureus/ for vestibular function studies

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    Pathological changes and morphology of squirrel monkeys determined in screening for vestibular function studie

    Modulation of individual components of gastric motor response to duodenal glucose

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    AIM: To evaluate individual components of the antro-pyloro-duodenal (APD) motor response to graded small intestinal glucose infusions in healthy humans. METHODS: APD manometry was performed in 15 healthy subjects (12 male; 40 ± 5 years, body mass index 26.5 ± 1.6 kg/m2) during four 20-min intraduodenal infusions of glucose at 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 kcal/min, in a randomised double-blinded fashion. Glucose solutions were infused at a rate of 1 mL/min and separated by 40-min “wash-out” period. Data are mean ± SE. Inferential analyses are repeated measure analysis of variance with Bonferroni post-hoc testing. RESULTS: At 0 kcal/min frequency of pressure waves were: antrum (7.5 ± 1.8 waves/20 min) and isolated pyloric pressure waves (IPPWs) (8.0 ± 2.3 waves/20 min) with pyloric tone (0.0 ± 0.9 mmHg). Intraduodenal glucose infusion acutely increased IPPW frequency (P < 0.001) and pyloric tone (P = 0.015), and decreased antral wave frequency (P = 0.007) in a dose-dependent fashion. A threshold for stimulation was observed at 1.0 kcal/min for pyloric phasic pressure waves (P = 0.002) and 1.5 kcal/min for pyloric tone and antral contractility. CONCLUSION: There is hierarchy for the activation of gastrointestinal motor responses to duodenal glucose infusion. An increase in IPPWs is the first response observed.Adam M Deane, Laura K Besanko, Carly M Burgstad, Marianne J Chapman, Michael Horowitz, Robert JL Frase

    A new dawn? The Roman Catholic Church and environmental issues

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    This is a PDF version of an article published in New Blackfriars© 1997. The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com.This article discusses the stance of the Roman Catholic Church on environmental issues and argues that the Church tends to stay on the fringe rather than get involved. Some of the ways in which Roman Catholic theologians have incorporated environmental issues into theological reflection is discussed, as are environmental challenges facing the Church in Britain (conservation, resources, biodiversity, animal welfare, biotechnology, cooperate/individual ethics, environmental justice, economics/policy development, and global issues)

    Routine repeat head CT may not be necessary for patients with mild TBI.

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    Background:Routine repeat cranial CT (RHCT) is standard of care for CT-verified traumatic brain injury (TBI). Despite mixed evidence, those with mild TBI are subject to radiation and expense from serial CT scans. Thus, we investigated the necessity and utility of RHCT for patients with mild TBI. We hypothesized that repeat head CT in these patients would not alter patient care or outcomes. Methods:We retrospectively studied patients suffering from mild TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score 13-15) and treated at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center from November 2014 through January 2015. The primary outcome was the need for surgical intervention. Outcomes were compared using paired Student's t-test, and stratified by injury on initial CT, GCS change, demographics, and presenting vital signs (mean ± SD). Results:Eighty-five patients met inclusion criteria with an average initial GCS score=14.6±0.57. Our center sees about 2800 patients with TBI per year, or about 230 per month. This includes patients with concussions. This sample represents about 30% of patients with TBI seen during the study period. Ten patients required operation (four based on initial CT and others for worsening GCS, headaches, large unresolving injury). There was progression of injury on repeat CT scan in only two patients that required operation, and this accompanied clinical deterioration. The mean brain Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) score was 4.8±0.3 for surgical patients on initial CT scan compared with 3.4±0.6 (P&lt;0.001) for non-surgical patients. Initial CT subdural hematoma size was 1.1±0.6 cm for surgical patients compared with 0.49±0.3 cm (P=0.05) for non-surgical patients. There was no significant difference between intervention groups in terms of other intracranial injuries, demographics, vital signs, or change in GCS. Overall, 75 patients that did not require surgical intervention received RHCT. At 340perCT,340 per CT, 51 000 was spent on unnecessary imaging ($367 000/year, extrapolated). Discussion:In an environment of increased scrutiny on healthcare expenditures, it is necessary to question dogma and eliminate unnecessary cost. Our data questions the use of routine repeat head CT scans in every patient with anatomic TBI and suggests that clinically stable patients with small injury can simply be followed clinically. Level of evidence:Level III

    Spectral evidence for a powerful compact jet from XTE J1118+480

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    We present observations of the X-ray transient XTE J1118+480 during its Low/Hard X-ray state outburst in 2000, at radio and sub-millimetre wavelengths with the VLA, Ryle Telescope, MERLIN and JCMT. The high-resolution MERLIN observations reveal all the radio emission (at 5 GHz) to come from a compact core with physical dimensions smaller than 65*d(kpc) AU. The combined radio data reveal a persistent and inverted radio spectrum, with spectral index \~+0.5. The source is also detected at 350 GHz, on an extrapolation of the radio spectrum. Flat or inverted radio spectra are now known to be typical of the Low/Hard X-ray state, and are believed to arise in synchrotron emission from a partially self-absorbed jet. Comparison of the radio and sub-millimetre data with reported near-infrared observations suggest that the synchrotron emission from the jet extends to the near-infrared, or possibly even optical regimes. In this case the ratio of jet power to total X-ray luminosity is likely to be P_J/L_X >> 0.01, depending on the radiative efficiency and relativistic Doppler factor of the jet. Based on these arguments we conclude that during the period of our observations XTE J1118+480 was producing a powerful outflow which extracted a large fraction of the total accretion power.Comment: Accepted for publication as a Letter in MNRA

    A close-pair binary in a distant triple supermassive black-hole system

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    Galaxies are believed to evolve through merging, which should lead to multiple supermassive black holes in some. There are four known triple black hole systems, with the closest pair being 2.4 kiloparsecs apart (the third component is more distant at 3 kiloparsecs), which is far from the gravitational sphere of influence of a black hole with mass \sim109^9 M_\odot (about 100 parsecs). Previous searches for compact black hole systems concluded that they were rare, with the tightest binary system having a separation of 7 parsecs. Here we report observations of a triple black hole system at redshift z=0.39, with the closest pair separated by \sim140 parsecs. The presence of the tight pair is imprinted onto the properties of the large-scale radio jets, as a rotationally-symmetric helical modulation, which provides a useful way to search for other tight pairs without needing extremely high resolution observations. As we found this tight pair after searching only six galaxies, we conclude that tight pairs are more common than hitherto believed, which is an important observational constraint for low-frequency gravitational wave experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures. Published online by Nature on 25 June 2014. Extremely minor differences with published version exis

    Evaluasi Kelayakan Proyek Berdasarkan Analisis Kriteria Investasi

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    Perkembangan hunian dari waktu ke waktu semakin meningkat Hal ini seiring dengan perkembangan proyek apartement dengan tujuan guna untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan hunian yang nyaman. Namun dalam pelaksanaaanya investor atau pihak pengembang perlu mengetahui kepastian akan investasi yang ditanamkan menyangkut sejumlah besar dana, dengan demikian dapat memperoleh gambaran sebagai acuan bagi para investor dalam pengembanganya pada tahap berikutnya. Sehubungan dengan itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi, guna untuk menganalisis terhadap proyek yang akan direncanakan, atau pun yang sedang berjalan sebagai bahan penilaian pelaksanaan proyek tersebut. Evaluasi kelayakan proyek berdasarkan analisis kriteria investasi, dalam penulisan ini ditinjau dari aspek financial, evaluasi proyek hanya menganalisis biaya (cost) dan keuntungan (benefit). Adapun kriteria investasi yang dipakai untuk menilai benefit dan cost yaitu Groos Benefit / Cost Ratio (Groos B/C), Proifatibility Ratio, Nert Present Value, Imternal Rate Of Return and payback periode. Setelah diadakan analisis dengan mengunakan metode tersebut maka diperoleh, GroosBenevit / Cost Ratio >1, Profitability Ratio >1, Net Present Value > 0, Internal Rate Of Return 22,3% Lebih Tinggi dari discount rate yang diambilyaitu 9% - 18%, dan Payback Period untuk investasi yang bernilai Rp. 200.848.061.120,- diproyeksikan dapat kembali pada 3,3 Tahun kedepan, dengan memenuhinya setiap criteria investasi tersebut diatas maka proyek apartement dapat dikatakan menguntungkan dan layak untuk dilaksanakan

    Identifikasi Faktor-faktor Cost Overrun Biaya Overhead Pada Proyek Pembangunan Manado Town Square III

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    Pada pekerjaan proyek konstuksi biasanya terjadi kendala, baik kendala yang sudah diperhintungkan maupun yang belum di perhitungkan.Sehingga proyek yang dikerjakan biasanya terlaksana dengan hasil yang tidak sesuai yang di rencanakan. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini sebagai upaya untuk mendapatkan dan mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mengakibatkan terjadinya cost overrun pada biaya overhead yang berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kinerja biaya akhir proyek. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner dan responden pada pembangunan Manado Town Square Tahap III pengolahan data kuesioner menggunakan program SPSS 22 for windows dengan metode analisis Responden, Validitas Dan Reabilitas, Frequencies, Descriptives, Skala (Score) Dampak/Pengaruh. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan urutan rangking – rangking tiap faktor yang menjadi penyebab pembengkakan biaya pada penyelesaian proyek.Dengan mengunakan analisa Faktor – faktor yang menjadi penyebab utama yang mempengaruhi kelebihan biaya penyelesaian proyek Pembangunan Manado Town Square tahan III adalah Politik, Ekonomi, Financial, Sosial-Budaya, Legilitas Hukum, Alam, Perencanaan, Organisasi dan Personil Proyek, Administrasi dan kontrak, pengaturan Lapangan, Keperluan Lapangan, Jadwal Proyek

    MeerKAT HI line observations of the nearby interacting galaxy pair NGC 1512/1510

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    We present MeerKAT HI line observations of the nearby interacting galaxy pair NGC 1512/1510. The MeerKAT data yield high-fidelity image sets characterised by an excellent combination of high angular resolution (~20") and and sensitivity (~0.08 Msun/pc^2), thereby offering the most detailed view of this well-studied system's neutral atomic hydrogen content, especially the HI co-located with the optical components of the galaxies. The stellar bulge and bar of NGC 1512 are located within a central HI depression where surface densities fall below 1 Msun/pc^2, while the galaxy's starburst ring coincides with a well-defined HI annulus delimited by a surface density of 3 Msun/pc^2. In stark contrast, the star-bursting companion, NGC 1510, has its young stellar population precisely matched to the highest HI over-densities we measure (~12.5 Msun/pc^2). The improved quality of the MeerKAT data warrants the first detailed measurements of the lengths and masses of the system's tidally-induced HI arms. We measure the longest of the two prominent HI arms to extend over ~27 kpc and to contain more than 30% of the system's total HI mass. We quantitatively explore the spatial correlation between HI and far-ultraviolet flux over a large range of HI mass surface densities spanning the outer disk. The results indicate the system's HI content to play an important role in setting the pre-conditions required for wide-spread, high-mass star formation. This work serves as a demonstration of the remarkable efficiency and accuracy with which MeerKAT can image nearby systems in HI line emission.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Submitted only to arXi

    Learnt representations of proteins can be used for accurate prediction of small molecule binding sites on experimentally determined and predicted protein structures

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    Protein-ligand binding site prediction is a useful tool for understanding the functional behaviour and potential drug-target interactions of a novel protein of interest. However, most binding site prediction methods are tested by providing crystallised ligand-bound (holo) structures as input. This testing regime is insufficient to understand the performance on novel protein targets where experimental structures are not available. An alternative option is to provide computationally predicted protein structures, but this is not commonly tested. However, due to the training data used, computationally-predicted protein structures tend to be extremely accurate, and are often biased toward a holo conformation. In this study we describe and benchmark IF-SitePred, a protein-ligand binding site prediction method which is based on the labelling of ESM-IF1 protein language model embeddings combined with point cloud annotation and clustering. We show that not only is IF-SitePred competitive with state-of-the-art methods when predicting binding sites on experimental structures, but it performs better on proxies for novel proteins where low accuracy has been simulated by molecular dynamics. Finally, IF-SitePred outperforms other methods if ensembles of predicted protein structures are generated