2,043 research outputs found

    Power computation for the triboelectric nanogenerator

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    We consider, from a mathematical perspective, the power generated by a contact-mode triboelectric nanogenerator, an energy harvesting device that has been well studied recently. We encapsulate the behaviour of the device in a differential equation, which although linear and of first order, has periodic coefficients, leading to some interesting mathematical problems. In studying these, we derive approximate forms for the mean power generated and the current waveforms, and describe a procedure for computing the Fourier coefficients for the current, enabling us to show how the power is distributed over the harmonics. Comparisons with accurate numerics validate our analysis

    Not ‘Islands, Entire of Themselves’: Exploring the Spatial Context of City-level Robbery Rates

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    The current study examines spatial dependence in robbery rates for a sample of 1,056 cities with 25,000 or more residents over the 2000–2003 period. Although commonly considered in some macro-level research, spatial processes have not been examined in relation to city-level variation in robbery. The results of our regression analyses suggest that city robbery rates are not spatially independent. We find that spatial dependence is better accounted for by spatial error models than by spatial lag models. Further exploration of various spatial weights matrices indicates that robbery rates of cities within the same state are related to robbery rates of other cities within the same state, regardless of their proximity. Our analyses illustrate how systematic inquiry into spatial processes can alert researchers to important omitted variable biases and identify intriguing problems for future research

    Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two Rotary Wing UAV Designs

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation of two rotary-wing UAV designs. The primary goal of the investigation was to provide a set of interactional aerodynamic data for an emerging class of rotorcraft. The present paper provides an overview of the test and an introduction to the test articles, and instrumentation. Sample data in the form of a parametric study of fixed system lift and drag coefficient response to changes in configuration and flight condition for both rotor off and on conditions are presented. The presence of the rotor is seen to greatly affect both the character and magnitude of the response. The affect of scaled stores on body drag is observed to be dependent on body shape

    A Proposed Master of Social Work Based in Indigenous Knowledges Program in Manitoba

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    This article focuses on an innovative proposed Master of Social Work based in Indigenous Knowledges program developed by an Indigenous Caucus within the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Manitoba in Canada. This culturally based program intends to ground students with a solid foundation in traditional Indigenous teachings and perspectives, and contemporary Indigenous philosophies, knowledges, concepts, critiques, and ways of being that stem from these traditions. The proposed Master of Social Work based in Indigenous Knowledges was developed as a lived program that builds community and social supports, and reclaims and re-energizes a sense of self, responsibility, self-sufficiency, self-determination, and self-government. The program’s aim is to deconstruct oppressive and colonialist structures and reconstruct, in a contemporary sense, what has been previously destroyed. An overview of the visions, objectives, program design, foundational themes and description of courses is provided, along with reflections on what teachings its development has provided

    Integrated systems for rapid point of care (PoC) blood cell analysis

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    Counting the different subpopulations of cells in a fingerprick of human blood is important for a number of clinical point-of-care (PoC) applications. It is a challenge to demonstrate the integration of sample preparation and detection techniques in a single platform. In this paper we demonstrate a generic microfluidic platform that combines sample processing and characterisation and enumeration in a single, integrated system. Results of microfluidic 3-part differential leukocyte (granulocyte, lymphocyte and monocyte) counts, together with erythrocyte and thrombocyte (platelet) counts, in human blood are shown and corroborated with results from hospital clinical laboratory analysis

    Bifurcation curves of subharmonic solutions

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    We revisit a problem considered by Chow and Hale on the existence of subharmonic solutions for perturbed systems. In the analytic setting, under more general (weaker) conditions, we prove their results on the existence of bifurcation curves from the nonexistence to the existence of subharmonic solutions. In particular our results apply also when one has degeneracy to first order -- i.e. when the subharmonic Melnikov function vanishes identically. Moreover we can deal as well with the case in which degeneracy persists to arbitrarily high orders, in the sense that suitable generalisations to higher orders of the subharmonic Melnikov function are also identically zero. In general the bifurcation curves are not analytic, and even when they are smooth they can form cusps at the origin: we say in this case that the curves are degenerate as the corresponding tangent lines coincide. The technique we use is completely different from that of Chow and Hale, and it is essentially based on rigorous perturbation theory.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Attractiveness of periodic orbits in parametrically forced systemswith time-increasing friction

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    We consider dissipative one-dimensional systems subject to a periodic force and study numerically how a time-varying friction affects the dynamics. As a model system, particularly suited for numerical analysis, we investigate the driven cubic oscillator in the presence of friction. We find that, if the damping coefficient increases in time up to a final constant value, then the basins of attraction of the leading resonances are larger than they would have been if the coefficient had been fixed at that value since the beginning. From a quantitative point of view, the scenario depends both on the final value and the growth rate of the damping coefficient. The relevance of the results for the spin-orbit model are discussed in some detail.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    MESMER: MeerKAT Search for Molecules in the Epoch of Reionization

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    [Abridged] Observations of molecular gas at all redshifts are critical for measuring the cosmic evolution in molecular gas density and understanding the star-formation history of the Universe. The 12CO molecule (J=1-0 transition = 115.27 GHz) is the best proxy for extragalactic H2, which is the gas reservoir from which star formation occurs, and has been detected out to z~6. Typically, redshifted high-J lines are observed at mm-wavelengths, the most commonly targeted systems exhibiting high SFRs (e.g. submm galaxies), and far-IR-bright QSOs. While the most luminous objects are the most readily observed, detections of more typical galaxies with modest SFRs are essential for completing the picture. ALMA will be revolutionary in terms of increasing the detection rate and pushing the sensitivity limit down to include such galaxies, however the limited FoV when observing at such high frequencies makes it difficult to use ALMA for studies of the large-scale structure traced out by molecular gas in galaxies. This article introduces a strategy for a systematic search for molecular gas during the EoR (z~7 and above), capitalizing on the fact that the J=1-0 transition of 12CO enters the upper bands of cm-wave instruments at high-z. The FoV advantage gained by observing at such frequencies, coupled with modern broadband correlators allows significant cosmological volumes to be probed on reasonable timescales. In this article we present an overview of our future observing programme which has been awarded 6,500 hours as one of the Large Survey Projects for MeerKAT, the forthcoming South African SKA pathfinder instrument. Its large FoV and correlator bandwidth, and high-sensitivity provide unprecedented survey speed for such work. An existing astrophysical simulation is coupled with instrumental considerations to demonstrate the feasibility of such observations and predict detection rates.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "Astronomy with megastructures: Joint science with the E-ELT and SKA", 10-14 May 2010, Crete, Greece (Eds: Isobel Hook, Dimitra Rigopoulou, Steve Rawlings and Aris Karastergiou

    Navier-Stokes Simulation of a Heavy Lift Slowed-Rotor Compound Helicopter Configuration

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    Time accurate numerical simulations were performed using the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) flow solver OVERFLOW for a heavy lift, slowed-rotor, compound helicopter configuration, tested at the NASA Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel. The primary purpose of these simulations is to provide support for the development of a large field of view Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) flow measurement technique supported by the Subsonic Rotary Wing (SRW) project under the NASA Fundamental Aeronautics program. These simulations provide a better understanding of the rotor and body wake flows and helped to define PIV measurement locations as well as requirements for validation of flow solver codes. The large field PIV system can measure the three-dimensional velocity flow field in a 0.914m by 1.83m plane. PIV measurements were performed upstream and downstream of the vertical tail section and are compared to simulation results. The simulations are also used to better understand the tunnel wall and body/rotor support effects by comparing simulations with and without tunnel floor/ceiling walls and supports. Comparisons are also made to the experimental force and moment data for the body and rotor
