410 research outputs found

    On Joy, Death, and Writing: From Autobiography to Autothanatography in Clarice Lispector\u27s Works

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    How does one state in words the impossibility of writing? How does one translate an author who has depicted herself as silent in the very text? The Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector dares to do so. From Agua viva, one of her first novels, to Un soplo de vida, her posthumous work, Lispector enters into an egotistic self-referential movement. She dares to speak from her work, from herself, from art, and from literature, thus mixing realities of different dimensions and erasing borders between life and letter. In Agua viva Lispector interrogates the causes and effects of the writing process in order to know it, to govern it. There, she begins to experience revelatory and joyful epiphanies that later, in Un soplo de vida, become mystical. However, the tone of this later text is quite different. There, her writing presages a forthcoming silence, and because of that the illusion of apprehending knowledge by language fades as it becomes certain of the impossible..

    The Migrant Communities Of South Sioux City

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    The Migrant Communities of South Sioux City is a photographic series that showcases the individual stories, intimate spaces, older generation insights and hopes for their future lives. Stories are a great way to connect with, inspire, and influence humans. Personal storytelling—the kind that reveals who we are and what we care about— are the most potent and effective ways to connect with the world around us. This project seeks out the stories of migrant workers living in the same region but from different countries. In this series, I ask questions to hear everyone’s stories and allows others to hear and remember their stories. Initiating a project like this will bring added understanding to the Siouxland community, and the appreciation and respect that all people deserve. The project is broken down into four different volumes, wherein in each volume, the images are a direct reference to that specific volume title. Stories included within the volumes are the most effective way to convey information, teach, and shape people’s opinions. The methods that I used to create this were through voice recording, collecting handwritten stories, and photographing migrant workers in the context of their communities and in the places where they work, live, and play. These photographs contain powerful messages and allow the audience to go further into these participant’s personal lives. I believe that migrant workers are underappreciated and deserve a place and a voice in the Siouxland community where they are a value of added cultural diversity. Migrant labor is work undertaken by individuals, families, or communities who have moved from abroad. Migrant workers contribute to growth and development in their ‘host’ countries or regions, while countries or regions of origin benefit from the skills these workers gather while away, and from any taxes or remittances sent ‘home.

    Sharing Stories and Recommendations

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    In this panel, Neomi DeAnda compares growing up with life at the University of Dayton and then offers suggestions of how to make UD a more inclusive environment


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    As a means for heat exchange of fluids with high temperature fluid to the low temperature , a heat exchanger is expected to have a high effectiveness . Theoretically increase in the flow rate will increase the rate of displacement is wide ( Q ) . However , this makes the contact time becomes shorter . From this phenomenon , want investigated how . The influence of the flow of the cross-sectional area of a Shell - and- Tube Heat Exchanger is the overall heat transfer coefficient ( U ) , the average temperature difference logarithmic ( ΔT LMTD ) . directly behind the broad perpindahaan flow rate ( Q ) Keywords : cross-sectional area , flow , shell - and- tube heat exchange


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    Thoroughly Modern: African American Women\u27s Dress and the Culture of Consumption in Cleveland, Ohio 1890-1940

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    African American women have been absent from much of the writing on consumption and the making of modernity. This dissertation responds to these absences, using dress, a highly visible form of consumption, to examine how African American women in Cleveland, Ohio experienced modernity through the culture of consumption from 1890-1940, in the context of urbanization, migration, and the Great Depression.;In looking at African American women\u27s dress during this period, this dissertation will explore the clothed body not simply as a theoretical abstraction, but part of a lived experience in which production and consumption are not mutually exclusive. This will help illuminate the ability of African American women to find a sense of affirmation within oppressive systems.;African American women in Cleveland seized on the opportunities provided by dress and its related consumption to construct a modern black female identity that simultaneously accepted and contested dominant culture\u27s notions of femininity. However, African American women were not a monolithic group, so these constructions differed across geographic origins, class, and religious lines. African American\u27s women\u27s consumption also provided them with avenues for developing a sense of community that led to the creation of autonomous black spaces centered around dress and consumption. These spaces were essential to the self-definition and self-sufficiency that defined the New Negro


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    Penelitian ini menguji perbedaan motivasi untuk backpacker nusantara yang melakukan perjalanan pertama kali dan berulang bepergian ke Singapura. Sebanyak 170 responden telah mengisi kuisioner dengan 13 responden yang tidak valid yang digunakan untuk analisis. Sebanyak 71 responden melakukan untuk pertama kali dan 86 responden melakukan untuk berulang. Backpacker yang melakukan perjalanan pertama kali memiliki kecenderungan termotivasi karena ingin mengunjungi tempat yang mereka belum pernah kunjungi, sedangkan yang berulang tidak. Backpacker yang berulang lebih termotivasi karena kenyamanan transportasi publik, sedangkan yang pertama kali juga sama termotivasi karena hal tersebut. Temuan dalam penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa faktor pendorong(push) yang lebih kuat dari faktor penarik(pull) untuk backpacker yang melakukan perjalanan pertama kali dan berulang. Saran untuk menarik backpackers berulang yang tersedia dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi informasi tambahan untuk menentukan strategi marketing pariwisata dan pengelolahan pariwisata Indonesia

    Who Is at the Manger?

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    For many Christians around the world, celebrating the Nativity, or the birth of Jesus Christ, is the most important part of the Christmas season. Among the most common Christmas traditions are small sets of figures depicting Joseph, Mary and Jesus that are displayed in individual homes, and live reenactments of the manger scene in communities and churches. While Nativity sets focus on the holy family, they can also include an angel, the three wise men bringing gifts, shepherds or some barnyard animals. Around the world, it is common to see particular cultural and religious traditions incorporated through the materials used, the types of gifts presented to Jesus, or the people and animals present at the manger
