227 research outputs found

    Exploring the Association between Paranormal Beliefs and Cognitive Deficits

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    This thesis investigates whether paranormal beliefs are associated with deficits of cognition (in accord with the so-called “cognitive deficits hypothesis”). A systematic review of four decades of research (71 studies, n = 20,993) on paranormal beliefs and cognitive functioning is presented, considering the quality of existing research and identifying areas for future work. It is concluded that study quality in this research area is generally good, although areas of methodological weakness exist including: the lack of preregistration, discussion of limitations, a-priori justification of sample size, and a reliance on undergraduate samples. Heterogeneity of study findings exists, with the most consistent findings emerging for positive associations between paranormal beliefs and both intuitive thinking and confirmatory bias, and a negative association with conditional reasoning ability and the perception of randomness. While most studies suggest a negative relationship between paranormal beliefs and cognitive functioning, the evidence is not convincing of an overall cognitive deficit. The first empirical chapter (Chapter 3) describes the psychometric assessment of the most widely used paranormal beliefs measure, and the subsequent development of a more up-to-date and reliable measure of paranormal beliefs in the general population (owing to issues surrounding the item content and statistical techniques used to develop existing measures). Two methods of scale development (the classical test theory method of factor analysis, and the modern test theory Rasch analysis) were compared, with the Rasch method providing the most prudent measure of paranormal beliefs in the general population. In particular, the Rasch method allowed for assessment of item difficulty, functionality of the rating scale, and differential item functioning. The final scale measures paranormal beliefs along a single dimension using 13 items and a 4-point Likert scale. Chapter 4 seeks to add to the small volume of research concerning paranormal beliefs and executive functions identified in the systematic literature review by examining whether paranormal beliefs are associated with executive difficulties. Specifically, the chapter focuses on cognitive flexibility, presenting a series of replication studies to determine the strength and direction of its association with paranormal beliefs. A negative relationship between paranormal beliefs and cognitive functioning was identified in some studies, however heterogeneity was high between studies and an overall weak effect suggestive of external mediating factors. The final empirical chapter (Chapter 5) explores the subjective importance of personal paranormal experiences for the development and maintenance of paranormal (dis)belief. Compared to sceptics, believers provided more detailed memory descriptions, which were classified into five distinct components representing their paranormal experiences: explaining experiences, intuitions, perceptual experiences, spiritual experiences, and explicit memories of experiences. The memory descriptions of sceptics were shorter and more homogeneous than those of believers and were classified into just two classes: justification of disbelief, and experiences with others. Believers overall emphasised individual experiences, while sceptics focused on shared experiences. Personal paranormal experiences were found to be important for both paranormal belief and disbelief. It is suggested that future research place greater focus on the personal experiences of sceptics, which have received little attention to date, using both qualitative and quantitative methods to better understand paranormal disbelief. While the work presented here identified some cognitive differences between paranormal believers and sceptics, little evidence points to an underlying cognitive deficit associated with paranormal beliefs. This suggests that the cognitive deficits hypothesis present within the literature is not an accurate reflection of the relationship between paranormal beliefs and cognition, prompting the need for a new theory and further investigation. Specifically, the work presented here suggests a new fluid-executive theory to test for a potential difference in fluid intelligence and higher order executive functioning that may influence believers’ and sceptics’ cognitive performance (particularly on tasks requiring novel or abstract problem-solving). The present work also advocates further research focused on quantitative and qualitative relationships between paranormal disbelief (scepticism) and cognitive functioning; a perspective that has not received adequate investigation in the literature to date

    Development of the Paranormal and Supernatural Beliefs Scale using classical and modern test theory

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    Background: This study describes the construction and validation of a new scale for measuring belief in paranormal phenomena. The work aims to address psychometric and conceptual shortcomings associated with existing measures of paranormal belief. The study also compares the use of classic test theory and modern test theory as methods for scale development. Method: We combined novel items and amended items taken from existing scales, to produce an initial corpus of 29 items. Two hundred and thirty-one adult participants rated their level of agreement with each item using a seven-point Likert scale. Results: Classical test theory methods (including exploratory factor analysis and principal components analysis) reduced the scale to 14 items and one overarching factor: Supernatural Beliefs. The factor demonstrated high internal reliability, with an excellent test–retest reliability for the total scale. Modern test theory methods (Rasch analysis using a rating scale model) reduced the scale to 13 items with a four-point response format. The Rasch scale was found to be most effective at differentiating between individuals with moderate-high levels of paranormal beliefs, and differential item functioning analysis indicated that the Rasch scale represents a valid measure of belief in paranormal phenomena. Conclusions: The scale developed using modern test theory is identified as the final scale as this model allowed for in-depth analyses and refinement of the scale that was not possible using classical test theory. Results support the psychometric reliability of this new scale for assessing belief in paranormal phenomena, particularly when differentiating between individuals with higher levels of belief.Peer reviewe

    A multicentre study of the evidence for customized margins in photon breast boost radiotherapy

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    Objective:To determine if subsets of patients may benefit from smaller or larger margins when using laser setup and bony anatomy verification of breast tumour bed (TB) boost radiotherapy (RT).Methods: Verification imaging data acquired using cone-beam CT, megavoltage CT or two-dimensional kilovoltage imaging on 218 patients were used (1574 images). TB setup errors for laser-only setup (dlaser) and for bony anatomy verification (dbone) were determined using clips implanted into the TB as a gold standard for the TB position. Cases were grouped by centre-, patient- and treatment-related factors, including breast volume, TB position, seroma visibility and surgical technique. Systematic (?) and random (?) TB setup errors were compared between groups, and TB planning target volume margins (MTB) were calculated.Results: For the study population, ?laser was between 2.8 and 3.4?mm, and ?bone was between 2.2 and 2.6?mm, respectively. Females with larger breasts (p?=?0.03), easily visible seroma (p???0.02) and open surgical technique (p???0.04) had larger ?laser. ?bone was larger for females with larger breasts (p?=?0.02) and lateral tumours (p?=?0.04). Females with medial tumours (p?<?0.01) had smaller ?bone.Conclusion:If clips are not used, margins should be 8 and 10?mm for bony anatomy verification and laser setup, respectively. Individualization of TB margins may be considered based on breast volume, TB and seroma visibility.Advances in knowledge:Setup accuracy using lasers and bony anatomy is influenced by patient and treatment factors. Some patients may benefit from clip-based image guidance more than others

    Brainstem Respiratory Oscillators Develop Independently of Neuronal Migration Defects in the Wnt/PCP Mouse Mutant looptail

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    The proper development and maturation of neuronal circuits require precise migration of component neurons from their birthplace (germinal zone) to their final positions. Little is known about the effects of aberrant neuronal position on the functioning of organized neuronal groups, especially in mammals. Here, we investigated the formation and properties of brainstem respiratory neurons in looptail (Lp) mutant mice in which facial motor neurons closely apposed to some respiratory neurons fail to migrate due to loss of function of the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) protein Vangl2. Using calcium imaging and immunostaining on embryonic hindbrain preparations, we found that respiratory neurons constituting the embryonic parafacial oscillator (e-pF) settled at the ventral surface of the medulla in Vangl2Lp/+ and Vangl2Lp/Lp embryos despite the failure of tangential migration of its normally adjacent facial motor nucleus. Anatomically, the e-pF neurons were displaced medially in Lp/+ embryos and rostro-medially Lp/Lp embryos. Pharmacological treatments showed that the e-pF oscillator exhibited characteristic network properties in both Lp/+ and Lp/Lp embryos. Furthermore, using hindbrain slices, we found that the other respiratory oscillator, the preBötzinger complex, was also anatomically and functionally established in Lp mutants. Importantly, the displaced e-pF oscillator established functional connections with the preBötC oscillator in Lp/+ mutants. Our data highlight the robustness of the developmental processes that assemble the neuronal networks mediating an essential physiological function

    Global Surveillance of Emerging Influenza Virus Genotypes by Mass Spectrometry

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    Effective influenza surveillance requires new methods capable of rapid and inexpensive genomic analysis of evolving viral species for pandemic preparedness, to understand the evolution of circulating viral species, and for vaccine strain selection. We have developed one such approach based on previously described broad-range reverse transcription PCR/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (RT-PCR/ESI-MS) technology.Analysis of base compositions of RT-PCR amplicons from influenza core gene segments (PB1, PB2, PA, M, NS, NP) are used to provide sub-species identification and infer influenza virus H and N subtypes. Using this approach, we detected and correctly identified 92 mammalian and avian influenza isolates, representing 30 different H and N types, including 29 avian H5N1 isolates. Further, direct analysis of 656 human clinical respiratory specimens collected over a seven-year period (1999-2006) showed correct identification of the viral species and subtypes with >97% sensitivity and specificity. Base composition derived clusters inferred from this analysis showed 100% concordance to previously established clades. Ongoing surveillance of samples from the recent influenza virus seasons (2005-2006) showed evidence for emergence and establishment of new genotypes of circulating H3N2 strains worldwide. Mixed viral quasispecies were found in approximately 1% of these recent samples providing a view into viral evolution.Thus, rapid RT-PCR/ESI-MS analysis can be used to simultaneously identify all species of influenza viruses with clade-level resolution, identify mixed viral populations and monitor global spread and emergence of novel viral genotypes. This high-throughput method promises to become an integral component of influenza surveillance

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    Effect of Convalescent Plasma on Organ Support-Free Days in Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance: The evidence for benefit of convalescent plasma for critically ill patients with COVID-19 is inconclusive. Objective: To determine whether convalescent plasma would improve outcomes for critically ill adults with COVID-19. Design, Setting, and Participants: The ongoing Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial, Adaptive Platform Trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (REMAP-CAP) enrolled and randomized 4763 adults with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 between March 9, 2020, and January 18, 2021, within at least 1 domain; 2011 critically ill adults were randomized to open-label interventions in the immunoglobulin domain at 129 sites in 4 countries. Follow-up ended on April 19, 2021. Interventions: The immunoglobulin domain randomized participants to receive 2 units of high-titer, ABO-compatible convalescent plasma (total volume of 550 mL ± 150 mL) within 48 hours of randomization (n = 1084) or no convalescent plasma (n = 916). Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary ordinal end point was organ support-free days (days alive and free of intensive care unit-based organ support) up to day 21 (range, -1 to 21 days; patients who died were assigned -1 day). The primary analysis was an adjusted bayesian cumulative logistic model. Superiority was defined as the posterior probability of an odds ratio (OR) greater than 1 (threshold for trial conclusion of superiority >99%). Futility was defined as the posterior probability of an OR less than 1.2 (threshold for trial conclusion of futility >95%). An OR greater than 1 represented improved survival, more organ support-free days, or both. The prespecified secondary outcomes included in-hospital survival; 28-day survival; 90-day survival; respiratory support-free days; cardiovascular support-free days; progression to invasive mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal mechanical oxygenation, or death; intensive care unit length of stay; hospital length of stay; World Health Organization ordinal scale score at day 14; venous thromboembolic events at 90 days; and serious adverse events. Results: Among the 2011 participants who were randomized (median age, 61 [IQR, 52 to 70] years and 645/1998 [32.3%] women), 1990 (99%) completed the trial. The convalescent plasma intervention was stopped after the prespecified criterion for futility was met. The median number of organ support-free days was 0 (IQR, -1 to 16) in the convalescent plasma group and 3 (IQR, -1 to 16) in the no convalescent plasma group. The in-hospital mortality rate was 37.3% (401/1075) for the convalescent plasma group and 38.4% (347/904) for the no convalescent plasma group and the median number of days alive and free of organ support was 14 (IQR, 3 to 18) and 14 (IQR, 7 to 18), respectively. The median-adjusted OR was 0.97 (95% credible interval, 0.83 to 1.15) and the posterior probability of futility (O

    Active site specificity profiling of the matrix metalloproteinase family: Proteomic identification of 4300 cleavage sites by nine MMPs explored with structural and synthetic peptide cleavage analyses

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    Secreted and membrane tethered matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are key homeostatic proteases regulating the extracellular signaling and structural matrix environment of cells and tissues. For drug targeting of proteases, selectivity for individual molecules is highly desired and can be met by high yield active site specificity profiling. Using the high throughput Proteomic Identification of protease Cleavage Sites (PICS) method to simultaneously profile both the prime and non-prime sides of the cleavage sites of nine human MMPs, we identified more than 4300 cleavages from P6 to P6â€Č in biologically diverse human peptide libraries. MMP specificity and kinetic efficiency were mainly guided by aliphatic and aromatic residues in P1â€Č (with a ~ 32–93% preference for leucine depending on the MMP), and basic and small residues in P2â€Č and P3â€Č, respectively. A wide differential preference for the hallmark P3 proline was found between MMPs ranging from 15 to 46%, yet when combined in the same peptide with the universally preferred P1â€Č leucine, an unexpected negative cooperativity emerged. This was not observed in previous studies, probably due to the paucity of approaches that profile both the prime and non-prime sides together, and the masking of subsite cooperativity effects by global heat maps and iceLogos. These caveats make it critical to check for these biologically highly important effects by fixing all 20 amino acids one-by-one in the respective subsites and thorough assessing of the inferred specificity logo changes. Indeed an analysis of bona fide MEROPS physiological substrate cleavage data revealed that of the 37 natural substrates with either a P3-Pro or a P1â€Č-Leu only 5 shared both features, confirming the PICS data. Upon probing with several new quenched-fluorescent peptides, rationally designed on our specificity data, the negative cooperativity was explained by reduced non-prime side flexibility constraining accommodation of the rigidifying P3 proline with leucine locked in S1â€Č. Similar negative cooperativity between P3 proline and the novel preference for asparagine in P1 cements our conclusion that non-prime side flexibility greatly impacts MMP binding affinity and cleavage efficiency. Thus, unexpected sequence cooperativity consequences were revealed by PICS that uniquely encompasses both the non-prime and prime sides flanking the proteomic-pinpointed scissile bond

    Increasing Access to Surgical Services in Sub-Saharan Africa: Priorities for National and International Agencies Recommended by the Bellagio Essential Surgery Group

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    In this Policy Forum, the Bellagio Essential Surgery Group, which was formed to advocate for increased access to surgery in Africa, recommends four priority areas for national and international agencies to target in order to address the surgical burden of disease in sub-Saharan Africa

    Functional analysis of a novel ENU-induced PHD finger 11 (Phf11) mouse mutant

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    Previously, human genetic studies have shown association between polymorphisms within the gene encoding plant homeodomain zinc finger protein 11 (PHF11) and asthma-related phenotypes. Initial functional studies have suggested that PHF11 may be involved in the immune response through regulation of T cell activities. In order to study further the gene’s functions, we have investigated the mouse Phf11 locus. We have established and characterised a mouse line harbouring a point mutation in the PHD domain of Phf11. Full-length mouse cDNA for Phf11 was obtained by applying rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). All five exons encoding the PHD domain of Phf11 were directly sequenced in 3840 mouse DNA samples from the UK MRC Harwell ENU (N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea)-mutagenised DNA archive. Mice harbouring a valine to alanine substitution, predicted to have a significant functional impact on the PHD zinc finger domain, were re-derived. These Phf11 mutant mice were outcrossed to C3H mice and then backcrossed for ten generations in order to establish a congenic line harbouring the single point mutation in Phf11. Macroscopic examination, haematology and histological examination of lung structure revealed no significant differences between mutant and wild-type mice. After administration of lipopolysaccharide, the level of expression of Il2, NF-kB and Setdb2 were significantly increased in Phf11 mutant homozygous lungs compared to control littermates. Our results provide evidence that Phf11 can operate as a Th1 cell regulator in immune responses. Moreover, our data indicate that these mice may provide a useful model for future studies on Phf11. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00335-014-9535-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users
