3,185 research outputs found

    Introduction : themed section on care, values and the future of welfare

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    The papers in the themed section emerge from the work of the ESRC Research Group on Care, Values and the Future of Welfare (CAVA), based at the University of Leeds. CAVA was funded from 1999 to undertake a five-year programme of research into changes in parenting and partnering in Britain and their implications for future social policies. At the heart of CAVA's research is an investigation into the values that people attach to their parenting and partnering activities. We are interested in ‘what matters’ to people in their family lives and personal relationships, especially as they undergo change. This question lay at the centre of our core empirical projects, all of which were based on in-depth qualitative research. (An account of our methodology may be found in the Appendix to this Introduction). The projects focused on different aspects of change: motherhood, care and employment; kin relationships after divorce; care and commitments in transnational families; practices of care and intimacy amongst those who live without a co-resident partner; and collective values of care and support in self-help groups, voluntary organisations and trade unions. Each of these projects is represented in the following collection

    Physiology and Pharmacology of DPP-4 in Glucose Homeostasis and the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

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    Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4), also known as the T-cell antigen CD26, is a multi-functional protein which, besides its catalytic activity, also functions as a binding protein and a ligand for a variety of extracellular molecules. It is an integral membrane protein expressed on cells throughout the body, but is also shed from the membrane and circulates as a soluble protein in the plasma. A large number of bioactive molecules can be cleaved by DPP-4 in vitro, but only a few of these have been demonstrated to be physiological substrates. One of these is the incretin hormone, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which plays an important role in the maintenance of normal glucose homeostasis, and DPP-4 has been shown to be the key enzyme regulating its biological activity. This pathway has been targeted pharmacologically through the development of DPP-4 inhibitors, and these are now a successful class of anti-hyperglycaemic agents used to treat type 2 diabetes (T2DM). DPP-4 may additionally influence metabolic control via its proteolytic effect on other regulatory peptides, but it has also been reported to affect insulin sensitivity, potentially mediated through its non-enzymatic interactions with other membrane proteins. Given that altered expression and activity of DPP-4 are associated with increasing body mass index and hyperglycaemia, DPP-4 has been proposed to play a role in linking obesity and the pathogenesis of T2DM by functioning as a local mediator of inflammation and insulin resistance in adipose and hepatic tissue. As well as these broader systemic effects, it has also been suggested that DPP-4 may be able to modulate ÎČ-cell function as part of a paracrine system involving GLP-1 produced locally within the pancreatic islets. However, while it is evident that DPP-4 has the potential to influence glycaemic control, its overall significance for the normal physiological regulation of glucose homeostasis in humans and its role in the pathogenesis of metabolic disease remain to be established

    What Is an L-Cell and How Do We Study the Secretory Mechanisms of the L-Cell?

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    Synthetic glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogues are effective anti-obesity and anti-diabetes drugs. The beneficial actions of GLP-1 go far beyond insulin secretion and appetite, and include cardiovascular benefits and possibly also beneficial effects in neurodegenerative diseases. Considerable reserves of GLP-1 are stored in intestinal endocrine cells that potentially might be mobilized by pharmacological means to improve the body’s metabolic state. In recognition of this, the interest in understanding basic L-cell physiology and the mechanisms controlling GLP-1 secretion, has increased considerably. With a view to home in on what an L-cell is, we here present an overview of available data on L-cell development, L-cell peptide expression profiles, peptide production and secretory patterns of L-cells from different parts of the gut. We conclude that L-cells differ markedly depending on their anatomical location, and that the traditional definition of L-cells as a homogeneous population of cells that only produce GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin is no longer tenable. We suggest to sub-classify L-cells based on their differential peptide contents as well as their differential expression of nutrient sensors, which ultimately determine the secretory responses to different stimuli. A second purpose of this review is to describe and discuss the most frequently used experimental models for functional L-cell studies, highlighting their benefits and limitations. We conclude that no experimental model is perfect and that a comprehensive understanding must be built on results from a combination of models

    Assessing direct contributions of morphological awareness and prosodic sensitivity to children’s word reading and reading comprehension

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    We examined the independent contributions of prosodic sensitivity and morphological awareness to word reading, text reading accuracy, and reading comprehension. We did so in a longitudinal study of English-speaking children (N = 70). At 5 to 7 years of age, children completed the metalinguistic measures along with control measures of phonological awareness and vocabulary. Children completed the reading measures two years later. Morphological awareness, but not prosodic sensitivity made a significant independent contribution to word reading, text reading accuracy and reading comprehension. The effects of morphological awareness on reading comprehension remained after controls for word reading. These results suggest that morphological awareness needs to be considered seriously in models of reading development and that prosodic sensitivity might have primarily indirect relations to reading outcomes. Keywords: Morphological Awareness; Prosody; Word Reading; Reading Comprehension

    Spectroscopy of the odd-odd fp-shell nucleus 52Sc from secondary fragmentation

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    The odd-odd fp-shell nucleus 52Sc was investigated using in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy following secondary fragmentation of a 55V and 57Cr cocktail beam. Aside from the known gamma-ray transition at 674(5)keV, a new decay at E_gamma=212(3) keV was observed. It is attributed to the depopulation of a low-lying excited level. This new state is discussed in the framework of shell-model calculations with the GXPF1, GXPF1A, and KB3G effective interactions. These calculations are found to be fairly robust for the low-lying level scheme of 52Sc irrespective of the choice of the effective interaction. In addition, the frequency of spin values predicted by the shell model is successfully modeled by a spin distribution formulated in a statistical approach with an empirical, energy-independent spin-cutoff parameter.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in Praesepe

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    Presented are the results of a large and deep optical-near-infrared multi-epoch survey of the Praesepe open star cluster using data from the UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey. Multiple colour magnitude diagrams were used to select potential members and proper motions were used to assign levels of membership probability. From our sample, 145 objects were designated as high probability members (p >= 0.6) with most of these having been found by previous surveys although 14 new cluster members are also identified. Our membership assignment is restricted to the bright sample of objects (Z < 18). From the fainter sample, 39 candidates were found from an examination of multiple colour magnitude plots. Of these, 2 have small but significant membership probabilities. Finally, using theoretical models, cluster luminosity and mass functions were plotted with the later being fitted with a power law of alpha = 1.11 +/- 0.37 for the mass range 0.6 to 0.125 Msun and an assumed cluster age of 500 Myrs in the UKIDSS Z photometric band. Likewise taking an assumed cluster age of 1 Gyr we find alpha = 1.10 +/- 0.37. Similar values were also found for the J and K bands. These results compare favourably with the result of Kraus & Hillenbrand (2007) (alpha = 1.4 +/- 0.2) but are significantly lower than that of the more recent study conducted by Boudreault et al. (2009) (alpha = 1.8 +/- 0.1).Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables and 4 appendices. Accepted for publication in MNRAS, corrected a missing referenc

    One-neutron knockout in the vicinity of the N=32 sub-shell closure: 9Be(57Cr,56Cr+ gamma)X

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    The one-neutron knockout reaction 9Be(57Cr,56Cr + gamma)X has been measured in inverse kinematics with an intermediate-energy beam. Cross sections to individual states in 56Cr were partially untangled through the detection of the characteristic gamma-ray transitions in coincidence with the reaction residues. The experimental inclusive longitudinal momentum distribution and the yields to individual states are compared to calculations that combine spectroscopic factors from the full fp shell model and nucleon-removal cross sections computed in a few-body eikonal approach.Comment: PRC, in pres

    H2O Maser Polarization of the Water Fountains IRAS 15445-5449 and IRAS 18043-2116

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    We present the morphology and linear polarization of the 22-GHz H2O masers in the high-velocity outflow of two post-AGB sources, d46 (IRAS 15445-5449) and b292 (IRAS 18043-2116). The observations were performed using The Australia Telescope Compact Array. Different levels of saturated maser emission have been detected for both sources. We also present the mid-infrared image of d46 overlaid with the distribution of the maser features that we have observed in the red-shifted lobe of the bipolar structure. The relative position of the observed masers and a previous radio continuum observation suggests that the continnum is produced along the blue-shifted lobe of the jet. It is likely due to synchrontron radiation, implying the presence of a strong magnetic field in the jet. The fractional polarization levels measured for the maser features of d46 indicate that the polarization vectors are tracing the poloidal component of the magnetic field in the emitting region. For the H2O masers of b292 we have measured low levels of fractional linear polarization. The linear polarization in the H2O maser region of this source likely indicates a dominant toroidal or poloidal magnetic field component. Since circular polarization was not detected it is not possible to determine the magnetic field strength. However, we present a 3-sigma evaluation of the upper limit intensity of the magnetic field in the maser emitting regions of both observed sources.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. To be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ
