1,229 research outputs found

    Shutters and slats for the integral sunshade of an optical reception antenna

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    Optical reception antennas used at a small Sun-Earth-probe angle (small solar elongation E) require sunshading to prevent intolerable scattering of light from the surface of the primary mirror. An integral sunshade consisting of hexagonal tubes aligned with the segmentation of a large mirror was proposed for use down to E = 12 degrees. For smaller angles, asterisk-shaped vanes inserted into the length of the hexagonal tubes would allow operation down to about 6 degrees with a fixed obscuration of 3.6 percent. Two alternative methods are investigated to extend the usefulness of the integral sunshade to smaller angles by adding either variable-area shutters to block the tube corners that admit off-axis sunlight or by inserting slats (partial vanes) down the full length of some tubes. Slats are effective for most operations down to 6 degrees, and obscure only 1.2 percent. For E between 10.75 and 12 degrees, shutters cause even less obscuration

    Memory for Emotional Images: Mechanisms of Episodic Processing and its Psychophysiological Correlates

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    Negative emotional stimuli are usually better remembered than neutral emotional stimuli. Previous examination of binding theory found no differences in recall for pure lists of taboo and neutral words. A similar result was found with equivalent recognition memory performance between pure lists of negative, positive, and neutral images. The current research is designed to test the predictions of binding theory using negative and neutral visual stimuli in mixed lists. A rapid serial visual presentation paradigm and recognition memory item-discrimination tasks are used. Binding theory predicts differences in recognition memory performance between arousing and neutral images in mixed lists, but not pure lists. Skin conductance and heart rate data are collected to understand the physiological counterparts of the psychological processes in episodic memory. Results found equivalent recognition memory performance between negative and neutral images in mixed and pure lists. A significant liberal response bias for negative over neutral images was observed across experiments. Skin conductance and heart rate measures did not correlate with recognition memory performance

    Recovery of an initial temperature from discrete sampling

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    The problem of recovering the initial temperature of a body from discrete temperature measurements made at later times is studied. While this problem has a general formulation, the results of this paper are only given in the simplest setting of a finite (one-dimensional), constant coefficient, linear rod. It is shown that with a judicious placement of a thermometer on this rod, the initial temperature profile of the rod can be completely determined by later time measurements. The paper then studies the number of measurements that are needed to recover the initial profile to a prescribed accuracy and provides an optimal reconstruction algorithm under the assumption that the initial profile is in a Sobolev class

    Magnetic-Island Contraction and Particle Acceleration in Simulated Eruptive Solar Flares

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    The mechanism that accelerates particles to the energies required to produce the observed high-energy impulsive emission in solar flares is not well understood. Drake et al. (2006) proposed a mechanism for accelerating electrons in contracting magnetic islands formed by kinetic reconnection in multi-layered current sheets. We apply these ideas to sunward-moving flux ropes (2.5D magnetic islands) formed during fast reconnection in a simulated eruptive flare. A simple analytic model is used to calculate the energy gain of particles orbiting the field lines of the contracting magnetic islands in our ultrahigh-resolution 2.5D numerical simulation. We find that the estimated energy gains in a single island range up to a factor of five. This is higher than that found by Drake et al. for islands in the terrestrial magnetosphere and at the heliopause, due to strong plasma compression that occurs at the flare current sheet. In order to increase their energy by two orders of magnitude and plausibly account for the observed high-energy flare emission, the electrons must visit multiple contracting islands. This mechanism should produce sporadic emission because island formation is intermittent. Moreover, a large number of particles could be accelerated in each magnetohydrodynamic-scale island, which may explain the inferred rates of energetic-electron production in flares. We conclude that island contraction in the flare current sheet is a promising candidate for electron acceleration in solar eruptions.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (2016

    Analysis of Gender Differences in Self-Statements and Mood Disorders

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    Over 25% of adult Americans suffer from a mental disorder each year, with depression and anxiety being some of the most commonly reported issues. Researchers estimate that between 10% and 50% of adult Americans will suffer from a depressive episode at some point in their life, and cognitive theorists argue that mental states, including disorders, are generated and maintained by personal, subjective beliefs, and that events can only be appropriately labeled by the individual experiencing them. Thus, cognitive theorists suggest a strong link between self-talk (ST) and behavior and note that the automatic use of ST is associated with disordered thinking. Researchers further suggest ST may differ between those suffering from anxiety and those suffering from depression. However, studies have yet to examine whether ST in men suffering from depression or anxiety differs from that of women. This study sought to address this gap in the literature; gender differences in the use of anxious ST and a mediation of gender differences by ST were identified

    A model for straight and helical solar jets: II. Parametric study of the plasma beta

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    Jets are dynamic, impulsive, well-collimated plasma events that develop at many different scales and in different layers of the solar atmosphere. Jets are believed to be induced by magnetic reconnection, a process central to many astrophysical phenomena. Within the solar atmosphere, jet-like events develop in many different environments, e.g., in the vicinity of active regions as well as in coronal holes, and at various scales, from small photospheric spicules to large coronal jets. In all these events, signatures of helical structure and/or twisting/rotating motions are regularly observed. The present study aims to establish that a single model can generally reproduce the observed properties of these jet-like events. In this study, using our state-of-the-art numerical solver ARMS, we present a parametric study of a numerical tridimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model of solar jet-like events. Within the MHD paradigm, we study the impact of varying the atmospheric plasma β\beta on the generation and properties of solar-like jets. The parametric study validates our model of jets for plasma β\beta ranging from 10310^{-3} to 11, typical of the different layers and magnetic environments of the solar atmosphere. Our model of jets can robustly explain the generation of helical solar jet-like events at various β1\beta \le 1. This study introduces the new result that the plasma β\beta modifies the morphology of the helical jet, explaining the different observed shapes of jets at different scales and in different layers of the solar atmosphere. Our results allow us to understand the energisation, triggering, and driving processes of jet-like events. Our model allows us to make predictions of the impulsiveness and energetics of jets as determined by the surrounding environment, as well as the morphological properties of the resulting jets.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Direct and Inverse Results on Bounded Domains for Meshless Methods via Localized Bases on Manifolds

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    This article develops direct and inverse estimates for certain finite dimensional spaces arising in kernel approximation. Both the direct and inverse estimates are based on approximation spaces spanned by local Lagrange functions which are spatially highly localized. The construction of such functions is computationally efficient and generalizes the construction given by the authors for restricted surface splines on Rd\mathbb{R}^d. The kernels for which the theory applies includes the Sobolev-Mat\'ern kernels for closed, compact, connected, CC^\infty Riemannian manifolds.Comment: 29 pages. To appear in Festschrift for the 80th Birthday of Ian Sloa

    Observational Evidence for Coronal Twisted Flux Rope

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    Multi-instrument data sets of NOAA AR10938 on Jan. 16, 2007, (e.g., {\emph{Hinode}}, {\it{STEREO}}, {\it{GOES}}, {\it{MLSO}} and {\it{ISOON}} Hα\alpha) are utilized to study the fine structure and evolution of a magnetic loop system exhibiting multiple crossing threads, whose arrangement and individual shapes are very suggestive of individual field lines in a flux rope. The footpoints of the magnetic threads are closely rooted into pores and plage areas. A C-class flare recorded by {\it{GOES}} at approximately 2:35 UT near one of the footpoints of the multi-thread system (along with a wisp of loop material shown by EUV data) led to the brightening of the magnetic structure revealing its fine structure with several threads that indicate a high degree of linking (suggesting a left-handed helical pattern as shown by the filament structure formed later-on). EUV observations by {\emph{Hinode}}/EIS of hot spectral lines at 2:46 UT show a complex structure of coronal loops. The same features were observed about 20 minutes later in X-ray images from {\emph{Hinode}}/XRT and about 30 minutes further in EUV images of {\it{STEREO}}/SECCHI/EUVI with much better resolution. Hα\alpha and 304 {\AA} images revealed the presence of several filament fibrils in the same area. They evolved a few hours later into a denser structure seemingly showing helical structure, which persistently lasted for several days forming a segment of a larger scale filament. The present observations provide an important indication for a flux robe as a precursor of a solar filament.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Three-Dimensional Modeling of Quasi-Homologous Solar Jets

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    Recent solar observations (e.g., obtained with Hinode and STEREO) have revealed that coronal jets are a more frequent phenomenon than previously believed. This higher frequency results, in part, from the fact that jets exhibit a homologous behavior: successive jets recur at the same location with similar morphological features. We present the results of three-dimensional (31)) numerical simulations of our model for coronal jets. This study demonstrates the ability of the model to generate recurrent 3D untwisting quasi-homologous jets when a stress is constantly applied at the photospheric boundary. The homology results from the property of the 3D null-point system to relax to a state topologically similar to its initial configuration. In addition, we find two distinct regimes of reconnection in the simulations: an impulsive 3D mode involving a helical rotating current sheet that generates the jet, and a quasi-steady mode that occurs in a 2D-like current sheet located along the fan between the sheared spines. We argue that these different regimes can explain the observed link between jets and plumes

    Detecting Intramolecular Dynamics and Multiple FRET States by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

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    Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a robust method for the detection of intramolecular dynamics in proteins but is also susceptible to interference from other dynamic processes such as triplet kinetics and photobleaching. We describe an approach for detection of intramolecular dynamics in proteins labeled with a FRET dye pair based on global fitting to the two autocorrelation functions (green-green and red-red) and the two cross-correlation functions (greenred and red-green). We applied the method to detect intramolecular dynamics in the Ca2+ signaling protein calmodulin. Dynamics were detected on the 100-μs time scale in Ca2+-activated calmodulin, whereas in apocalmodulin dynamics were not detected on this time scale. Control measurements on a polyproline FRET construct (Gly-Pro15-Cys) demonstrate the reliability of the method for isolating intramolecular dynamics from other dynamic processes on the microsecond time scale and confirm the absence of intramolecular dynamics of polyproline. We further show the sensitivity of the initial amplitudes of the FCS auto and cross-correlation functions to the presence of multiple FRET states, static or dynamic. The FCS measurements also show that the diffusion of Ca2+-calmodulin is slower than that of apocalmodulin, indicating either a larger average hydrodynamic radius or shape effects resulting in a slower translational diffusion