442 research outputs found

    “Gallus apud Belgas:” The Douai Moralia (1603) Reconsidered

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    Zbirka Moralia (Nürnberg, 1595) je edina izdaja Gallusove glasbe, ki je bila že kmalu po njegovi smrti ponatisnjena, in to v Douaiju, mestu, ki leži daleč od srednjeevropskega prostora, v katerem so skladateljeva dela sicer najbolj razširjena. Prispevek ocenjuje kakovost tega novega natisa v primerjavi z izvorno izdajo.The collection of Moralia (Nuremberg, 1596) is the only volume of Handl’s music to have been republished shortly after the composer’s lifetime, and this in Douai, a city very distant from the Central European area where Handl’s music was most widely circulated. The nature of the new print is discussed in relation to the editio princeps

    Du climat à l'homme : Dynamique holocène de l'environnement dans le jura et les alpes Actes du colloque GDR JURALP organisé à Aix-en-Provence les 15 et 16 novembre 2007

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    L'éditeur autorise la diffusion de ce numéro dans une archive ouverte.Ce volume constitue les actes de la table ronde qui s'est tenue les 15 et 16 novembre 2007 à la Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aix-en-Provence, et qui a été organisée dans le cadre du GDR 2992 du CNRS, JurAlpes, sur le thème " Dynamique holocène de l'environnement dans le Jura et les Alpes : du climat à l'homme ". Les dix huit contributions rassemblées dans cet ouvrage couvrent un large éventail de champs disciplinaires et de méthodes d'étude. Après les deux premiers chapitres dédiés successivement aux reconstitutions des fluctuations des glaciers des Alpes occidentales depuis 5000 ans (P. Deline et M. Le Roy) et à l'usage des spéléothèmes en tant que proxy de la variabilité climatique annuelle (Y. Perrette), les cinq contributions suivantes s'appuient sur l'analyse de séquences sédimentaires lacustres (E. Chapron et al. ; M. Magny et al. ; L. Millet et al. ; F. Arnaud et al. ; A. Leroux et al.). Les lacs étudiés sont des lacs d'altitude (lac de Joux dans le Jura, lacs d'Anterne, de Bramant, de Blanc Huez et de Dessus-Verney dans les Alpes), ou des grands lacs de vallées (lacs du Bourget et de Constance, ou Bodensee). Suivent quatre chapitres qui s'intéressent aux vecteurs fluviatiles, de la vallée du Rhône (J.-P. Bravard et al. ; J.-F. Berger et al.), au bassin de la Durance (C. Miramont et al.) jusqu'au delta du Rhône (C. Vella et al.). Viennent ensuite trois contributions qui sont plus particulièrement centrées sur l'histoire du couvert végétal et de la pédogénèse dans les zones d'altitude des Alpes en s'appuyant sur des données anthracologiques (B. Talon), dendrochronologiques (J.-L. Edouard et A. Thomas) et pédo-sédimentaires (B. Moulin et P.-J. Rey). Enfin, les quatre dernières contributions portent sur l'histoire de l'anthropisation des Alpes (P.J. Rey et al. ; P. Bintz et al. ; A. Marguet et al. ; F. Mocci et al.) et du Jura (E. Gauthier et H. Richard)

    "Ut omni tempore inservire queant…" : a reflection on the structure of Jacobus Handl's Opus musicum and its association with a liturgical context

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    Due to its ambitious covering of the whole liturgical year and its impressive contents of 374 motets, the Opus musicum by Jacobus Handl Gallus has often been compared to other great liturgical summae of the 16th century such as Heinrich Isaac's Choralis Constantinus. However, few studies, if any, have ever tempted to elucidate the links which could actually associate the musical contents of the Opus musicum and a liturgical context. This task has still to be realised from the start, although many clues seem to converge in favour of a collection of ecclesiastical concerts rather than a series of polyphonic settings of liturgical chant quotations

    Duchowy wymiar opieki paliatywnej

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    In this article I give an original description of what happens on a spiritual level in palliative care. This description has been recognized and confirmed by many caregivers throughout lectures and sessions given for years. Spirituality refers here to a way of living and dying as far as it is rooted in a spiritual view. But what is meant by "spiritual"? A good definition could be: "spiritual" relates to the dynamic which places human beings within a horizon of sense (or non-sense) while "religious" relates to that dynamic as far as it is lived as a personal relationship with a transcendent being. But speaking to practitioners and clinicians it seems more appropriate to evoke the meaning of "spiritual" in a phenomenological, a rather practical and "clinical" way as "more than...".Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia spostrzeżenia autora na temat duchowego wymiaru opieki paliatywnej. Prezentowano je przez lata podczas seminariów i wykładów - spotykały się z akceptacją i zyskiwały potwierdzenie wielu osób czynnie zajmujących się opieką paliatywną. Duchowość, w rozumieniu przyjętym tutaj, odnosi się do drogi życia i drogi umierania zakorzenionej w duchowym sposobie postrzegania. Co jednak oznacza "duchowy"? Według jednej z definicji "duchowość" to właściwa człowiekowi wewnętrzna dynamika pozwalająca umieścić się w obrębie horyzontu nakreślonego przez sens ludzkiego życia (lub jego brak). "Religijność" natomiast odnosi się do tej samej dynamiki wewnętrznej, jeśli jest ona przeżywana jako związek z bytem transcendentnym. Jednak w wykładaniu dla praktykujących opiekę paliatywną klinicystów odpowiedniejsze wydaje się przywołanie fenomenologicznego i bardziej praktycznego ("klinicznego") znaczenia duchowości jako "czegoś więcej"

    Acoustical properties in inhaling singing : a case-study

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    A highly experienced versatile female professional singer displaying no apparent vocal complaint, developed inhaling singing, an innovative approach to reverse phonation. Although there are some reports in literature that describe the characteristics of ingressive phonation and sounds, to the best of our knowledge, no reports on actual inhaling singing are available in literature. This paper reports a case study on the acoustical analysis of inhaling singing, comparing this innovative technique with traditional exhaling singing. As this is rather undiscovered territory, we have decided to address several questions: is it possible to match the same pitches using inhaling singing compared to exhaling singing? Is the harmonic structure and energy distribution similar? Is it possible to maintain the same phonation duration in both techniques? Are there differences in volume and tessitura (vocal range)? This paper, reporting on the experience of one individual, demonstrates that a tessitura can be mastered in inhaling singing. Spectral analysis reveals a similar frequency distribution in both conditions. However, in inhaling singing the energy of the harmonics is significantly lower for the first 3 overtones, while the maximum phonation time is larger, than in exhaling singing. The singer reports that less effort is required for inhaling singing in the high register. As such, inhaling singing offers new possibilities for vocal performance

    7200 years of RhĂ´ne river flooding activity in Lake Le Bourget, France: a high-resolution sediment record of NW Alps hydrology.

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    Magnetic susceptibility (MS) was measured with high resolution (5 mm) on a 9 m long, 14C dated core from Lake Le Bourget (Savoie, France), spanning the last 7200 years. The strong correlation (R = 0.85) of the MS with the silicate-borne suite of elements (Si, Al, Fe,Mg, K) and anti-correlation with the carbonate content (R = -0.87) allows it to be used as a proxy for the fluctuations of the abundance of riverborne clastic fraction versus authigenic carbonates in sediment. As the RhĂ´ne is the only river bringing a significant amountof silicate minerals to the coring site, the MS downstream is interpreted as a proxy of the RhĂ´ne suspended load discharge in Lake Le Bourget. This is confirmed over the last 3000 years by the good match with the evolution of hydrological activity of the RhĂ´ne as it is known throughgeomorphological studies of well-dated archaeological sites. Over the last 7200 years, the record is consistent with the regional record of lake water-level fluctuations. While the intensity of the MS signal might be widely affected by the human impact on soil stability, the timing of theperiod of enhanced hydrological activity appears to be mostly climate-related, and should thus constitute a first step toward a high-resolution (<8 yr) continuous history of hydrological conditions in the NW Alps

    β-Glucan phosphorylases in carbohydrate synthesis

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    beta-Glucan phosphorylases are carbohydrate-active enzymes that catalyze the reversible degradation of beta-linked glucose polymers, with outstanding potential for the biocatalytic bottom-up synthesis of beta-glucans as major bioactive compounds. Their preference for sugar phosphates (rather than nucleotide sugars) as donor substrates further underlines their significance for the carbohydrate industry. Presently, they are classified in the glycoside hydrolase families 94, 149, and 161 (www.cazy.org). Since the discovery of beta-1,3-oligoglucan phosphorylase in 1963, several other specificities have been reported that differ in linkage type and/or degree of polymerization. Here, we present an overview of the progress that has been made in our understanding of beta-glucan and associated beta-glucobiose phosphorylases, with a special focus on their application in the synthesis of carbohydrates and related molecules

    Sharing musical expression through embodied listening: a case study based on Chinese guqin music

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    In this study we report on the result of an experiment in which a guqin music performance was recorded and individual listeners were asked to move their arm along with the music that they heard. Movement velocity patterns were extracted from both the musician and the listeners. The analysis reveals that the listeners’ movement velocity patterns tend to correlate with each other, and with the movement velocity patterns of the player’s shoulders.The findings support the hypothesis that listeners and player share, to a certain degree, a sensitivity for musical expression and its associated corporeal intentionality
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