39 research outputs found

    Taphonomic and spatial analyses from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena 4 (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, southern Spain)

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    Venta Micena is an area containing several palaeontological sites marking the beginning of the Calabrian stage (Early Pleistocene). The richness of the fossil accumulation including species of Asian, African and European origin, makes Venta Micena a key site for the the palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental study of southern Europe during the Early Pleistocene. Thus, research has been focused on Venta Micena 3, which was originally interpreted as a single palaeosurface associated with a marshy context, in which most of the fauna was accumulated by Pachycrocuta brevirostris. Recent excavations have unearthed a new site, Venta Micena 4, located in the same stratigraphic unit (Unit C) and in close proximity to Venta Micena 3. Here we show the first analyses regarding the taphonomic and spatial nature of this new site, defining two stratigraphic boundaries corresponding to two different depositional events. Furthermore, the taphonomic analyses of fossil remains seem to indicate a different accumulative agent than Pachycrocuta, thus adding more complexity to the palaeobiological interpretation of the Venta Micena area. These results contribute to the discussion of traditional interpretations made from Venta Micena 3.Peer reviewe

    Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene climate history in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the environmental conditions of early Homo dispersal in Europe

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    The Guadix-Baza Basin (GBB) in Andalucia, Spain, comprises palaeontological and archaeological sites dating from the Early Pliocene to the Middle Pleistocene, including some of the earliest sites with evidence for the presence of early humans (Homo sp.) in Europe. Thus, the history of climate and environments in this basin contributes significantly to our understanding of the conditions under which early humans spread into Europe during the Early Pleistocene. Here we present estimates of precipitation and primary productivity in the GBB from the Pliocene to the Middle Pleistocene based on dental ecometrics in fossil communities of large herbivorous mammals, and perform an ecometrics-based distribution modelling to analyse the environmental conditions of Early and Middle Pleistocene human sites in Europe. Our results show that Early Pleistocene humans generally occupied on average relatively diverse habitats with ecotones, such as woodlands and savannas, but avoided very open and harsh (cool or dry) environments. During the Middle Pleistocene in Europe, humans occupied a comparatively much broader range of environments than during the Early Pleistocene, but were on average more concentrated in environments where the dental ecometric of mammals indicate wooded palaeoenvironments. In the earliest human occupation sites of the GBB, Barranco Leon and Fuente Nueva 3, the mean annual precipitation and net primary production estimates indicate climatic conditions close to modern Mediterranean sclerophyllous woodland environments, but with slightly higher primary productivity, indicating some similarity with East African woodlands. On the other hand, the environments did not resemble African grassland savannas. The browse-dominated diets of ungulates from Barranco Leon and Fuente Nueva 3 further suggest palaeoenvironments where grasses were a minor component of the vegetation. In the slightly older site of Venta Micena that has no evidence for the presence of hominins, dental ecometric estimates indicate climate and environments similar to Mediterranean "forest steppe" environments existing in the surroundings of Baza today. Grasses were prevalent in the diet of some taxa, especially equids, in Venta Micena, but most of the species show browse-dominated diets even there. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Pressurized concentrated solar power receiver designed to operate with closed Brayton cycles

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    Abstract. Parabolic through and parabolic dish concentrators (PDC) followed by a volumetric receiver is proposed, studying the performance behavior of a closed Brayton cycle (CBC) operating with He and N2. A pressurized gas (helium, nitrogen) circulates along the volumetric receiver capturing the concentrated thermal solar energy which is converted into mechanical energy by a CBC. The overall efficiency of the plant (PC-Receiver + CBC) is being computed under variable parameters to determine the operating conditions for which efficiency is acceptable. As consequence of the proposed analysis, it is concluded that direct coupling between volumetric receiver and thermal engine renders high efficiency while avoiding a heat exchanger

    Seed layer controlled deposition of ZnO films with a tilted c-axis for shear mode resonators

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    We investigate different procedures for achieving ZnO films with the c-axis tilted with respect to the normal for their application in acoustic resonators operating in the shear modes. The approach consists in combining the use of textured surfaces of different nature with off-axis sputtering, which promotes the growth of ZnO with inclined microcrystals. The rough surfaces investigated are porous-SiO2 and AlN and ZnO seed layers films specifically prepared to exhibit textured surfaces. The suitability of these films for the intended applications is tested by analyzing the frequency response of ZnO-based solidly mounted resonators. Electromechanical coupling factors for the shear modes up to 3.3% are achieved

    Acoustic properties of carbon nanotube electrodes in BAW resonators

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    In this paper the acoustic characterization of a layer of carbon nanotubes (CNT) deposited on AlN solidly mounted resonators is described. The structure of the CNT layer is analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The electrical sheet resistance is derived from 4 point probe measurements and from the fitting of the electrical response of the resonators. Values of sheet resistance around 100 Ω/□ are measured. The longitudinal acoustic velocity is derived from the fitting of the electrical response of the resonators using Mason's model, by adjusting the overtones produced in the CNT layer. A mean value of 62000 m·s-1 is obtained, although some devices show values around 90000 m·s -1, close to the theoretical value of 100000 m·s-1. Some results on the deposition of CNT layers on metallic top electrodes and their influence on the performance of the resonator are also presented. © 2013 IEEE

    Canonical Vine Copulas in the Context of Modern Portfolio Management: Are They Worth it?

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    In the context of managing downside correlations, we examine the use of multi-dimensional elliptical and asymmetric copula models to forecast returns for portfolios with 3-12 constituents. Our analysis assumes that investors have no short-sales constraints and a utility function characterized by the min imization of Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR). We examine the efficient frontiers produced by each model and focus on comparing two methods for incorporating scalable asymmetric dependence (AD) structures across asset returns using the Archimedean Clayton copula in an out-of-sample, long-run multi-period setting. For portfolios of higher dimensions, we find that modelling asymmetries within the marginals and the dependence structure with the Clayton canonical vine copula (CVC) consistently produces the highest-ranked outcomes across a range of statistical and economic metrics when com pared to other models incorporating elliptical or symmetric dependence structures. Accordingly, we conclude that CVC copulas are 'worth it' when managing larger portfolios