328 research outputs found

    Potential Mercurian Analogues: Aubrite and Enstatite Chondrite Impact Melt Meteorites

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    The MESSENGER (MErcury Surface Space ENvironment GEochemistry and Ranging Spacecraft) mission provided new data that have helped us better constrain the surficial mineralogy and composition of Mercury. Mercury has an extremely low oxygen fugacity (f O2) (Iron Wustite (IW) -7.3 to IW -2.6), and at these unique conditions, elements, which usually exhibit lithophile behavior on Earth, can exhibit chalcophile or siderophile behavior on Mercury. No samples have been returned from Mercury; therefore, we must study candidate meteorite analogs to better understand the formation conditions of minerals inferred to be present at the Mercurian surface and Mercurian magmatic processes. In this study, we present a comprehensive analysis of a representative suite of eight aubrites and four enstatite chondrite impact melts (ECIM), which both have a similar f O2 to Mercury, and contain exotic sulfides that have been inferred to be present at the Mercurian surface. These characteristics allow us to assess their relevance for understanding the mineralogy and magmatic processes of Mercury. The ECIM were previously classified as aubrites, but we show that they are actually ECIM with a potential EH (high enstatite) parent body origin due to the presence of niningerite, Si-enriched kamacite, and uniform Ni in schreibersite. We propose that, with respect to the aubrites, the ECIM represent an ideal candidate for Mercurian studies due to their mineralogy and modal mineralogy. Compared to the aubrites, the ECIM samples do not contain forsterite or diopside, show a poorer sulfide diversity, contain graphite, and have a higher volume percentage of metal phases. Although the Mercurian surface contains forsterite and diopside, graphite and a similar amount of metal and sulfides as seen in the ECIM are inferred to be present on Mercury. According to the calculated normative Mercurian mineralogy, both candidate meteorites are most analogous to the Caloris Basin and Northern Plains Lower Mg regions

    Genomic correlates of recombination rate and its variability across eight recombination maps in the western honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)

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    Background: Meiotic recombination has traditionally been explained based on the structural requirement to stabilize homologous chromosome pairs to ensure their proper meiotic segregation. Competing hypotheses seek to explain the emerging findings of significant heterogeneity in recombination rates within and between genomes, but intraspecific comparisons of genome-wide recombination patterns are rare. The honey bee (Apis mellifera) exhibits the highest rate of genomic recombination among multicellular animals with about five cross-over events per chromatid. Results: Here, we present a comparative analysis of recombination rates across eight genetic linkage maps of the honey bee genome to investigate which genomic sequence features are correlated with recombination rate and with its variation across the eight data sets, ranging in average marker spacing ranging from 1 Mbp to 120 kbp. Overall, we found that GC content explained best the variation in local recombination rate along chromosomes at the analyzed 100 kbp scale. In contrast, variation among the different maps was correlated to the abundance of microsatellites and several specific tri- and tetra-nucleotides. Conclusions: The combined evidence from eight medium-scale recombination maps of the honey bee genome suggests that recombination rate variation in this highly recombining genome might be due to the DNA configuration instead of distinct sequence motifs. However, more fine-scale analyses are needed. The empirical basis of eight differing genetic maps allowed for robust conclusions about the correlates of the local recombination rates and enabled the study of the relation between DNA features and variability in local recombination rates, which is particularly relevant in the honey bee genome with its exceptionally high recombination rate. © 2014 Ross et al

    Effect of channel block on the spiking activity of excitable membranes in a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model

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    The influence of intrinsic channel noise on the spontaneous spiking activity of poisoned excitable membrane patches is studied by use of a stochastic generalization of the Hodgkin-Huxley model. Internal noise stemming from the stochastic dynamics of individual ion channels is known to affect the collective properties of the whole ion channel cluster. For example, there exists an optimal size of the membrane patch for which the internal noise alone causes a regular spontaneous generation of action potentials. In addition to varying the size of ion channel clusters, living organisms may adapt the densities of ion channels in order to optimally regulate the spontaneous spiking activity. The influence of channel block on the excitability of a membrane patch of certain size is twofold: First, a variation of ion channel densities primarily yields a change of the conductance level. Second, a down-regulation of working ion channels always increases the channel noise. While the former effect dominates in the case of sodium channel block resulting in a reduced spiking activity, the latter enhances the generation of spontaneous action potentials in the case of a tailored potassium channel blocking. Moreover, by blocking some portion of either potassium or sodium ion channels, it is possible to either increase or to decrease the regularity of the spike train.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, published 200

    Geographic variation in polyandry of the Eastern Honey Bee, Apis cerana, in Thailand

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    The repeated evolution of extreme polyandry in advanced social insects is exceptional and its explanation has attracted significant attention. However, most reported estimates of the number of matings are derived from limited sampling. Temporal and geographic variation in mating behavior of social insects has not been sufficiently studied. Worker offspring of 18 Eastern Honey Bee (Apis cerana Fabr.) queens from three populations across Thailand were genotyped at five microsatellite markers to test for population differences of mating behavior across three different ecosystems. The number of matings decreased from a northern, more seasonal environment to a southern tropical population and was lowest in a tropical island population. Our study confirms earlier findings that social insect mating behavior shows biogeographic variation and highlights that data from several populations are needed for reliable species-specific estimates of the number of matings. Detailed studies of populations that show significant differentiation in the number of matings may be able to discriminate effectively among the different hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the evolution of polyandry in honey bees and other advanced social insects

    Investigating the History of Aubrites Using X-Ray Computed Tomography and Bulk Partition Coefficients

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    The aubrites are a unique group of differentiated meteorites that formed on parent bodies with oxygen fugacities (O2) from ~2 to ~6 log units below the iron-wustite buffer. At these highly reduced condi- tions, elements deviate from the geochemical behavior exhibited at terrestrial O2, and may form FeO-poor silicates, Si-bearing metals, and exotic sulfides. Geochemical examinations of aubrites, such as mineral major-element compositions, bulk-rock compositions, O isotopes, and crystallization ages, are crucial to understand their formation and evolution at extreme O2 conditions. In this study, we determine partitioning relationships of elements between bulk silicate, sulfide, and metal phases within aubrites, and compare the results to partition coefficients determined from petrologic experiments run under mercurian conditions. While previous studies have described the petrology and 2D modal abundances of aubrites, this work provides the first 3D view of aubritic mineralogies, which are com- pared to the available 2D data. Constraints of 3D modal abundances will increase the accuracy of computed bulk distribution coefficients; therefore, 3D scans of aubrite samples are imperative. We utilize X-ray computed tomogra- phy (XCT) to non-destructively analyze the distribution and abundances of mineral phases in aubrites and locate composite clasts of sulfide grains for future analysis

    Dark Energy and Neutrino Mass Limits from Baryogenesis

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    In this brief report we consider couplings of the dark energy scalar, such as Quintessence to the neutrinos and discuss its implications in studies on the neutrino mass limits from Baryogenesis. During the evolution of the dark energy scalar, the neutrino masses vary, consequently the bounds on the neutrino masses we have here differ from those obtained before.Comment: 5 pages,3 figures. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Noise suppression by noise

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    We have analyzed the interplay between an externally added noise and the intrinsic noise of systems that relax fast towards a stationary state, and found that increasing the intensity of the external noise can reduce the total noise of the system. We have established a general criterion for the appearance of this phenomenon and discussed two examples in detail.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Exploring Pompeii: discovering hospitality through research synergy

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    Hospitality research continues to broaden through an ever-increasing dialogue and alignment with a greater number of academic disciplines. This paper demonstrates how an enhanced understanding of hospitality can be achieved through synergy between archaeology, the classics and sociology. It focuses on classical Roman life, in particular Pompeii, to illustrate the potential for research synergy and collaboration, to advance the debate on hospitality research and to encourage divergence in research approaches. It demonstrates evidence of commercial hospitality activities through the excavation hotels, bars and taverns, restaurants and fast food sites. The paper also provides an example of the benefits to be gained from multidisciplinary analysis of hospitality and tourism

    Prominent Human Health Impacts from Several Marine Microbes: History, Ecology, and Public Health Implications

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    This paper overviews several examples of important public health impacts by marine microbes and directs readers to the extensive literature germane to these maladies. These examples include three types of dinoflagellates (Gambierdiscus spp., Karenia brevis, and Alexandrium fundyense), BMAA-producing cyanobacteria, and infectious microbes. The dinoflagellates are responsible for ciguatera fish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, and paralytic shellfish poisoning, respectively, that have plagued coastal populations over time. Research interest on the potential for marine cyanobacteria to contribute BMAA into human food supplies has been derived by BMAA's discovery in cycad seeds and subsequent implication as the putative cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/parkinsonism dementia complex among the Chamorro people of Guam. Recent UPLC/MS analyses indicate that recent reports that BMAA is prolifically distributed among marine cyanobacteria at high concentrations may be due to analyte misidentification in the analytical protocols being applied for BMAA. Common infectious microbes (including enterovirus, norovirus, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia) cause gastrointestinal and skin-related illness. These microbes can be introduced from external human and animal sources, or they can be indigenous to the marine environment