179 research outputs found

    Asian dust storm events of spring 2001 and associated pollutants observed in New England by the Atmospheric Investigation, Regional Modeling, Analysis and Prediction (AIRMAP) monitoring network

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    Between 18 April and 13 May 2001, three statistically extreme dust aerosol events were observed across the entire northeastern United States. High levels of bulk aerosol water-soluble Ca2+ (range = 42–482 pptv) and PM2.5 elemental Ca (range = 19–156 pptv) were observed simultaneously at Atmospheric Investigation, Regional Modeling, Analysis and Prediction (AIRMAP) and Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) stations. On the basis of Ca2+ concentrations, the average bulk dust concentration for all events across all four AIRMAP stations was estimated to be 7.4 μg/m3. There was no evidence of dust outbreaks in North America large enough to explain these events. However, in April 2001, massive dust storms occurred in the Tarim Pendi basin and in the Gobi deserts of southern Mongolia and China. Comparison of elemental ratios of AIRMAP samples to previously reported Asian dust aerosol samples showed that all AIRMAP samples had a chemical composition similar to Asian dust transported over long distances. Within the dust plumes, strong correlations were observed between absorption, scattering, and CO, indicative of an anthropogenic contribution including elemental carbon and SO42− aerosols. Aerosol NO3− was also highly elevated during event days, most likely due to uptake of HNO3 by the dust during transport. A comparison of dust plumes sampled by AIRMAP to those sampled off the Asian coast during the TRACE-P airborne mission and on the U.S. west coast, strongly suggested entrainment of additional pollutants (e.g., CO, aerosol NO3−, and SO42−) as the dust plumes were transported over North America

    A major regional air pollution event in the northeastern United States caused by extensive forest fires in Quebec, Canada

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    During early July 2002, wildfires burned ∼1 × 106 ha of forest in Quebec, Canada. The resultant smoke plume was seen in satellite images blanketing the U.S. east coast. Concurrently, extremely high CO mixing ratios were observed at the Atmospheric Investigation, Regional Modeling, Analysis and Prediction (AIRMAP) network sites in New Hampshire and at the Harvard Forest Environmental Measurement Site (HFEMS) in Massachusetts. The CO enhancements were on the order of 525–1025 ppbv above low mixing ratio conditions on surrounding days. A biomass burning source for the event was confirmed by concomitant enhancements in aerosol K+, NH4+, NO3−, and C2O42− mixing ratios at the AIRMAP sites. Additional data for aerosol K, organic carbon, and elemental carbon from the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments network and CO data from Environmental Protection Agency sites indicated that the smoke plume impacted much of the U.S. east coast, from Maine to Virginia. CO mixing ratios and K concentrations at stations with 10-year or longer records suggested that this was the largest biomass burning plume to impact the U.S. east coast in over a decade. Furthermore, CO mixing ratios and aerosol particles with diameters 2.5) mass and scattering coefficients from the AIRMAP network and HFEMS indicated that this event was comparable to the large anthropogenic combustion and haze events which intermittently impact rural New England. The degree of enhancement of O3, NOy, NO3−, NH4+, and SO42− in the biomass plume showed significant variation with elevation and latitude that is attributed to variations in transport and surface depositional processes

    Seasonal distributions of fine aerosol sulfate in the North American Arctic basin during TOPSE

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    We used the mist chamber/ion chromatography technique to quantify fine aerosol SO4=(\u3c2.7 μm) in the Arctic during the Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox Experiment (TOPSE) with about 2.5 min time resolution. Our effective sample area ranged from 50° to 86°N and 53° to 100°W. The seasonal evolution of fine aerosol sulfate in the Arctic troposphere during TOPSE was consistent with the phenomenon of Arctic haze. Arctic haze has been attributed to pollution from sources in the Arctic and pollution transported meridionally along stable isentropes into the Arctic in geographically broad but vertically narrow bands. These layers became more prevalent at higher altitudes as the season progressed toward summer, and the relevant isentropes are not held so close to the surface. Mean fine particle SO4= mixing ratios during TOPSE in February below 1000 m were elevated (112 pptv) and highly variable (between 28 and 290 pptv) but were significantly lower at higher altitudes (about 40 pptv). As the season progressed, elevated mixing ratios and higher variability were observed at higher altitudes, up to 7 km. In May, mixing ratios at the lowest altitudes declined but still remained higher than in February at all altitudes. The high variability in our measurements likely reflects the vertical heterogeneity of the wintertime Arctic atmosphere as the airborne sampling platform passed in and out of these layers. It is presumed that mixing ratios and variability will continue to decline at all altitudes into the summer as wet deposition processes become important in removing aerosol SO4= from the troposphere

    Stratospheric influence on the northern North American free troposphere during TOPSE: 7Be as a stratospheric tracer

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    We use 7Be, with HNO3 and O3, to identify air masses sampled from the NCAR C-130 during TOPSE that retained clear evidence of stratospheric influence. A total of 43 such air masses, spread fairly evenly across the February to May sampling period, and 40°N–86°N latitude range, were encountered. South of 55°N, nearly all clear stratospheric influence was restricted to altitudes above 6 km. At higher latitudes stratospherically influenced air masses were encountered as low as 2 km. Approximately 12% of all TOPSE sampling time at altitudes above 2 km was spent in stratospherically impacted air, above 6 km this increased to more than half of the time. Because it is not certain how much of this stratospherically influenced air irreversibly injected mass (and chemical compounds) into the troposphere, we estimate the stratospheric fraction of O3 in high latitude TOPSE samples based on a linear relationship to7Be and compare it to in situ O3. This analysis indicates that the stratospheric source can account for a dominant fraction (\u3e85%) of in situ O3 throughout TOPSE, but that the stratospheric contribution was nearly constant through the 4 month campaign. In February and March the 7Be based estimates of stratospheric O3 account for 10–15% more O3 than was measured, but by April and May there is up to about 10% more O3 than expected from the stratospheric source. This trend suggests that a seasonal transition from O3 depletion to photochemical production in the high latitude North American troposphere is the major cause of the springtime increase in O3

    Differential expression of CD300a/c on human TH1 and TH17 cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human memory CD4<sup>+ </sup>T cells can be either CD300a/c<sup>+ </sup>or CD300a/c<sup>- </sup>and subsequent analyses showed that CD4<sup>+ </sup>effector memory T (T<sub>EM</sub>) cells are mostly CD300a/c<sup>+</sup>, whereas CD4<sup>+ </sup>central memory T (T<sub>CM</sub>) cells have similar frequencies of CD300a/c<sup>+ </sup>and CD300a/c<sup>- </sup>cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Extensive phenotypical and functional characterization showed that in both T<sub>CM </sub>and T<sub>EM </sub>cells, the CD300a/c<sup>+ </sup>subset contained a higher number of T<sub>H</sub>1 (IFN-γ producing) cells. Alternatively, T<sub>H</sub>17 (IL-17a producing) cells tend to be CD300a/c<sup>-</sup>, especially in the T<sub>EM </sub>subset. Further characterization of the IL-17a<sup>+ </sup>cells showed that cells that produce only this cytokine are mostly CD300a/c<sup>-</sup>, while cells that produce IL-17a in combination with other cytokines, especially IFN-γ, are mostly CD300a/c<sup>+</sup>, indicating that the expression of this receptor is associated with cells that produce IFN-γ. Co-ligation of the TCR and CD300a/c in CD4<sup>+ </sup>T cells inhibited Ca<sup>2+ </sup>mobilization evoked by TCR ligation alone and modulated IFN-γ production on T<sub>H</sub>1 polarized cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that the CD300a/c receptors are differentially expressed on human T<sub>H</sub>1 and T<sub>H</sub>17 cells and that their ligation is capable of modulating TCR mediated signals.</p

    Investigations into free tropospheric new particle formation in the central Canadian arctic during the winter/spring transition as part of TOPSE

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    In this paper, we investigate the role of in situ new particle production in the central Canadian sub-Arctic and Arctic as part of the TOPSE experiment. Airborne measurements conducted primarily in the free troposphere were made from 50° to 90°W longitude and 60° to 85°N latitude during the period from February to May 2000. Data pertinent to this paper include 3–4 nm diameter (Dp) particles, ultrafine condensation nuclei (Dp \u3e 3 nm), fine particles (0.2 \u3c Dp \u3c 3 μm), and the possible nucleation precursor, sulfuric acid, and its precursor, sulfur dioxide. For data averaged over this period, most species showed little evidence for a latitudinal trend. Fine aerosol number concentrations, however, showed a slight increase with latitude. The evolution of various species concentrations over the period of the study show that fine particles also had a consistent temporal trend, increasing at all altitudes from February to May, whereas sulfur dioxide at the surface tended to peak in late March. Ultrafine condensation nuclei and 3–4 nm particles showed no temporal trends. Little evidence for in situ new particle production was observed during the study, except for one atypical event where SO2concentrations were 3.5 ppbv, 2 orders of magnitude higher than typical levels. This paper cannot address the question of whether the observed condensation nuclei were produced in situ by a low particle production rate or transported from lower latitudes

    Differential effects of Cbl and 70Z/3 Cbl on T cell receptor-induced phospholipase Cγ-1 activity

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    AbstractWe demonstrate that the differential effects Cbl and oncogenic 70Z/3 Cbl have on Ca2+/Ras-sensitive NF-AT reporters is partially due to their opposing ability to regulate phospholipase Cγ1 (PLCγ1) activation as demonstrated by analysis of the activation of an NF-AT reporter construct and PLCγ1-mediated inositol phospholipid (PI) hydrolysis. Cbl over-expression resulted in reduced T cell receptor-induced PI hydrolysis, in the absence of any effect on PLCγ1 tyrosine phosphorylation. In contrast, expression of 70Z/3 Cbl led to an increase in basal and OKT3-induced PLCγ1 phosphorylation and PI hydrolysis. These data indicate that Cbl and 70Z/3 Cbl differentially regulate PLCγ1 phosphorylation and activation. The implications of these data on the mechanism of Cbl-mediated signaling regulation are discussed

    Arbor Day

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    In conformity with custom and the sentiment of the people, I, Louis K. Church, Governor of Dakota, do hereby designate Wednesday, April 25th as Arbor Day for that portion of Dakota lying south of the 7th standard parallel of latitude, and Thursday, May 5th as Arbor Day for that portion of Dakota lying north of such parallel, and I do declare the same a legal holiday and request that the people devote the day as designated to the planting of trees, shrubs and vines in and about public and private grounds and ways, and I especially urge appropriate observance in our Public Schools and that public officials and citizens generally aid in making the day one that will confer a blessing to the future as well as a benefit to the present; and I would call attention to the wise salutary laws of Dakota upon a subject of so much importance which are as follows: [Page-1

    Interpreting genotype-by-environment interaction for biomass production in hybrid poplars under short-rotation coppice in Mediterranean environments

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    Understanding genotype × environment interaction (GEI) is crucial to optimize the deployment of clonal material to field conditions in short‐rotation coppice poplar plantations. Hybrid poplars are grown for biomass production under a wide range of climatic and edaphic conditions, but their adaptive performance in Mediterranean areas remains poorly characterized. In this work, site regression (SREG) and factorial regression mixed models are combined to gain insight into the nature and causes underlying GEI for biomass production of hybrid poplar clones. SREG addresses the issue of clonal recommendation in multi‐environment trials through a biplot representation that visually identifies superior genotypes. Factorial regression, alternatively, involves a description of clonal reaction to the environment in terms of physical variables that directly affect productivity. Initially, SREG aided in identifying cross‐over interactions that often involved hybrids of different taxonomic background. Factorial regression then selected latitude, mean temperature of the vegetative period (MTVP) and soil sand content as main site factors responsible for differential clonal adaptation. Genotypic responses depended strongly on taxonomic background: P. deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. × P. nigra L. clones showed an overall positive sensitivity to increased MTVP and negative sensitivity to increased sand content, whereas the opposite occurred for P. trichocarpa Torr. & Gray × P. deltoides clones; the three‐cross hybrid [(P. deltoides × P. trichocarpa) × P. nigra] often displayed an intermediate performance. This information can contribute toward the identification and biological understanding of adaptive characteristics relevant for poplar breeding in Mediterranean conditions and facilitate clonal recommendation at eco‐regional level.This research was funded by MINECO (Spain) throughout the project RTA2008-00025-C02-01 and RTA2011-00006-00-00. We also acknowledge the collaboration of project AGL2009-11006. We would like to thank the public company SOMACYL for hosting one of the experimental plots. We are also grateful to Juan Pablo de la Iglesia and Ana Parras for their technical support throughout the experiment

    Complementary resource use by tree species in a rain forest tree plantation

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    Mixed-species tree plantations, composed of high-value native rain forest timbers, are potential forestry systems for the subtropics and tropics that can provide ecological and production benefits. Choices of rain forest tree species for mixtures are generally based on the concept that assemblages of fast-growing and light-demanding species are less productive than assemblages of species with different shade tolerances. We examined the hypothesis that mixtures of two fast-growing species compete for resources, while mixtures of shade-tolerant and shade-intolerant species are complementary. Ecophysiological characteristics of young trees were determined and analyzed with a physiology-based canopy model (MAESTRA) to test species interactions. Contrary to predictions, there was evidence for complementary interactions between two fast-growing species with respect to nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency, and nutrient cycling. Fast-growing Elaeocarpus angustifolius had maximum demand for soil nutrients in summer, the most efficient internal recycling of N, and low P use efficiency at the leaf and whole-plant level and produced a large amount of nutrient-rich litter. In contrast, fast-growing Grevillea robusta had maximum demand for soil nutrients in spring and highest leaf nutrient use efficiency for N and P and produced low-nutrient litter. Thus, mixtures of fast-growing G. robusta and E. angustifolius or G. robusta and slow-growing, shade-tolerant Castanospermum australe may have similar or even greater productivity than monocultures, as light requirement is just one of several factors affecting performance of mixed-species plantations. We conclude that the knowledge gained here will be useful for designing large-scale experimental mixtures and commercial forestry systems in subtropical Australia and elsewhere