Arbor Day


In conformity with custom and the sentiment of the people, I, Louis K. Church, Governor of Dakota, do hereby designate Wednesday, April 25th as Arbor Day for that portion of Dakota lying south of the 7th standard parallel of latitude, and Thursday, May 5th as Arbor Day for that portion of Dakota lying north of such parallel, and I do declare the same a legal holiday and request that the people devote the day as designated to the planting of trees, shrubs and vines in and about public and private grounds and ways, and I especially urge appropriate observance in our Public Schools and that public officials and citizens generally aid in making the day one that will confer a blessing to the future as well as a benefit to the present; and I would call attention to the wise salutary laws of Dakota upon a subject of so much importance which are as follows: [Page-1

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