48 research outputs found

    A pharmacist-driven academic detailing program to increase adult pneumococcal vaccination

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    Objectives To describe our statewide, pharmacist-led education campaign to increase knowledge and awareness of pneumococcal immunization recommendations. Setting Immunization providers and residents in the state of Rhode Island. Practice description A clinical pathway (i.e., decision-support tool) was developed to educate health professionals about appropriate indications, administration schedules, and frequently asked questions for the 2 different adult pneumococcal vaccines. Academic detailing and distribution of the clinical pathway to health professionals was conducted across Rhode Island. Community outreach activities included radio ads as well as distribution of patient handouts and wallet cards at community events. Practice innovation To our knowledge, this was the first statewide, pharmacist-driven academic detailing and community outreach campaign to promote adult pneumococcal vaccination. Evaluation Academically detailed immunization providers received a 6-question survey. Pneumococcal disease rate differences between the study periods were evaluated with the use of Fisher exact tests, whereas changes in vaccination were assessed with the use of chi-square tests. Results From November 2013 through July 2015, our academic detailers visited and distributed our vaccination pathway materials to more than 400 practice sites across Rhode Island, including 68% of community pharmacies and all adult acute care hospitals. Of the 413 surveys completed, 92% of respondents agreed that their knowledge of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, 13-valent and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, 23-valent had improved. Pneumococcal vaccination increased significantly (absolute difference 3.9%, percentage change in proportion 5.4%; P = 0.01), and pneumococcal disease decreased significantly between the preintervention and intervention periods (−2.74/10,000 discharges [95% CI −5.15 to −0.32], P = 0.02). Invasive pneumococcal disease decreased by 21 cases per 1,000,000 population per year between the preintervention and postintervention periods (−42.25 to 0.14, P = 0.05). Conclusion Our statewide, pharmacist-driven pneumococcal vaccination educational outreach program resulted in favorable provider feedback relative to knowledge change and perceptions. Vaccination increased and pneumococcal disease decreased during the study period

    1437. Family Duty and Safety Linked to Overcoming Attitudinal Barriers to Adult Pneumococcal Vaccination in Disparate Populations

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    Background: Minority adult populations are at a higher risk for invasive pneumococcal disease and also have significantly lower vaccination rates when compared with the general population. Ingrained attitudes are a significant barrier to receipt of pneumococcal vaccine in these disparate populations, and therefore we tested targeted informational messaging to overcome these. Methods: A survey instrument of attitudinal questions related to pneumococcal vaccination was administered via YouGov, an online public national survey house in 2017. Socioeconomic information was captured and linked to baseline Likert scale attitudinal question responses. Respondents were randomly assigned into subsamples that received different science-based messages that included information on pneumococcal vaccines related to: pneumonia prevention, fatality/consequences, vaccine safety information, family duty/safety, and a combined vignette including all of these. Because of the random assignment, any differences observed in the respondents’ outcomes across subsamples can be attributed to the messages. Descriptive statistics were used to compare the persuasive effectiveness of these messages to conventional vaccine information across racial and ethnic groups. Results: A total of 2,608 respondents, 1,327 (51%) white and 1,281 (49%) non-white (over-sampled) were represented. Of the total respondents as well as in white, and non-white respondents, the combined vignette was associated with positive coefficients of b = 0.26, b = 0.24, and b = 0.32, respectively (P-values all \u3c0.05). In whites, the vaccine safety information and family duty/safety also had significant coefficients b = 0.24 ( = P = 0.012) and b = 0.24 (P = 0016), respectively. In non-Whites, family duty/safety was the only additional message with a significant coefficient b = 0.25 (P = 0.007). Conclusion: In this survey assessing attitudes toward pneumococcal vaccination across racial and ethnic subpopulations, the disparate population was persuaded to receive the vaccine only when family duty and safety were linked within the informational messages. Future studies implementing this informational messaging strategy should be performed to validate this finding

    Barriers to exercise in people with Parkinson disease

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    BACKGROUND: Exercise is known to reduce disability and improve quality of life in people with Parkinson disease (PD). Although barriers to exercise have been studied in older adults, barriers in people with chronic progressive neurological diseases, such as PD, are not well defined. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to identify perceived barriers to exercise in people with PD. DESIGN: The study had a cross-sectional design. METHODS: People who had PD, dwelled in the community, and were at stage 2.4 on the Hoehn and Yahr scale participated in this cross-sectional study (N=260; mean age=67.7 years). Participants were divided into an exercise group (n=164) and a nonexercise group (n=96). Participants self-administered the barriers subscale of the Physical Fitness and Exercise Activity Levels of Older Adults Scale, endorsing or denying specific barriers to exercise participation. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to examine the contribution of each barrier to exercise behavior, and odds ratios were reported. RESULTS: Three barriers were retained in the multivariate regression model. The nonexercise group had significantly greater odds of endorsing low outcome expectation (ie, the participants did not expect to derive benefit from exercise) (odds ratio [OR]=3.93, 95% confidence interval [CI]=2.08–7.42), lack of time (OR=3.36, 95% CI=1.55–7.29), and fear of falling (OR=2.35, 95% CI=1.17–4.71) than the exercise group. LIMITATIONS: The cross-sectional nature of this study limited the ability to make causal inferences. CONCLUSIONS: Low outcome expectation from exercise, lack of time to exercise, and fear of falling appear to be important perceived barriers to engaging in exercise in people who have PD, are ambulatory, and dwell in the community. These may be important issues for physical therapists to target in people who have PD and do not exercise regularly. The efficacy of intervention strategies to facilitate exercise adherence in people with PD requires further investigation

    Genomic profiling distinguishes familial multiple and sporadic multiple meningiomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Meningiomas may occur either as familial tumors in two distinct disorders, familial multiple meningioma and neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2), or sporadically, as either single or multiple tumors in individuals with no family history. Meningiomas in NF2 and approximately 60% of sporadic meningiomas involve inactivation of the <it>NF2 </it>locus, encoding the tumor suppressor merlin on chromosome 22q. This study was undertaken to establish whether genomic profiling could distinguish familial multiple meningiomas from sporadic solitary and sporadic multiple meningiomas.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We compared 73 meningiomas presenting as sporadic solitary (64), sporadic multiple (5) and familial multiple (4) tumors using genomic profiling by array comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sporadic solitary meningiomas revealed genomic rearrangements consistent with at least two mechanisms of tumor initiation, as unsupervised cluster analysis readily distinguished tumors with chromosome 22 deletion (associated with loss of the <it>NF2 </it>tumor suppressor) from those without chromosome 22 deletion. Whereas sporadic meningiomas without chromosome 22 loss exhibited fewer chromosomal imbalance events overall, tumors with chromosome 22 deletion further clustered into two major groups that largely, though not perfectly, matched with their benign (WHO Grade I) or advanced (WHO Grades II and III) histological grade, with the latter exhibiting a significantly greater degree of genomic imbalance (P < 0.001). Sporadic multiple meningiomas showed a frequency of genomic imbalance events comparable to the atypical grade solitary tumors. By contrast, familial multiple meningiomas displayed no imbalances, supporting a distinct mechanism for the origin for these tumors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Genomic profiling can provide an unbiased adjunct to traditional meningioma classification and provides a basis for exploring the different genetic underpinnings of tumor initiation and progression. Most importantly, the striking difference observed between sporadic and familial multiple meningiomas indicates that genomic profiling can provide valuable information for differential diagnosis of subjects with multiple meningiomas and for considering the risk for tumor occurrence in their family members.</p

    تطوير المواد الدراسية في تعليم مهارة الكتاب في برنامج الخاض لتعليم اللغة العربية في جامعة مولانا مالك ابراهم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج

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    ABSTRAK Perkembangan Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang sebagai salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Islam yang berkembang pesat membutuhkan terobosan- terobosan yang handal. Salah satu hal penting yang tidak bisa dipisahkan adalah peranan penting dari PKPBA (Program Khusus Pengembangan Bahasa Arab). PKPBA sebagai sebuah unit pengembangan bahasa, telah berperan penting dalam membantu meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa mahasiswa khususnya bahasa arab. Banyak dari mahasiswa yang pertama kali masuk PKPBA belum mengetahui bahasa Arab. Namun setelah belajar di PKPBA mereka mampu mengenal ilmu bahasa arab. Namun, tidak hanya berhenti pada mengetahui bahasa arab saja, program ini juga berupaya agar semua mahasiswa mampu untuk menguasai salah satu dari 4 ketrampilan bahasa yakni ketrampilan menulis. Tujuan dari peneliyian ini adalah untuk melengkapi proses pengembangan penyusunan materi ajar menulis dan mengetahui ke-efektifan materi yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan prosedur eksperimen dimana peneliti mendisain Pre-test dan Postest terhadap dua kelompok yakni kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pembelajaran ketrampilan menulis dengan menggunakan buku ajar lebih efektif dari pada tanpa menggunakan buku ajar. Dengan indikasi bahwa t-test kelas eksperimen (J3) lebih efektif dengan indikasi bahwa t-test kelas kontrol adalah 3,4. dimana hasil ini lebih besar dari pada tingkat t-table 5% 2,059 dan tingkat 1% 2,787. Dari hasil ini menunjukan bahwa pengajaran menulis bahasa Arab efektif dengan menggunakan materi ajar yang telah disusun oleh peneliti. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Penyusunan materi ajar untuk PKPBA dimulai dengan membatasi tujuan pengajaran, kemudian menentukan pembagian materi sesuai dengan jumlah hari yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran dalam satu minggu. (2) Pembelajaran menulis bahasa Arab dengan menggunakan Materi ajar ini dinyatakan efektif. Dari hasil yang disebutkan diatas, sudah semestinya materi pengajaran menulis bahasa Arab dapat dimanfaatkan dengan benar dalam proses pengajaran, selain itu penulis berharap agar penelitian ini menjadi referensi untuk penelitian lanjutan yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini sehingga dapat dikembangkan ke dalam desain materi ajar menulis untuk tingkat selanjutnya. ABSTRACT The expansion of State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim need some powerful breakthrough. One of the important things is the role of Intensive Arabic Program as unit for improving Arabic, have played an important for helping Arabic language improvement. Most of the students when the first time they enter to this Program, they haven’t yet Arabic knowledge. But after studying in this program for several months they could understand about Arabic. But is not enough in knowing the Arabic only, but this program also try to make all students are mastering one of these four skills, that is writing skill. This research aims at designing process of writing teaching material and finding out the effectiveness of writing teaching material using in Intensive Arabic Program of State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This research uses the experimental method that the researcher design pre-test and post-test for both groups (Experiment and Control group). This research reach the degree of t-test 3,4 this biggest than t-table at the level of 5% (2,059) and at the level 1% (2,787). This indicates that the use of writing Teaching Material in Arabic for improving writing skill is effective. And the result of this research are obtained bellow: (1) Preparing this teaching material process started by determining the goals, finding out the learning material based on the days in a week which used for teaching (2) The use of writing Teaching Material in Arabic for improving writing skill is effective. Based on these results, teaching material must be used as good as possible in teaching process. Besides, the researcher hopes that the research becomes the reference for further researchers which have a relation with this chapter and could be developed to other teaching material for advance grade

    Defining failed induction of labor

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    BACKGROUND: While there are well-accepted standards for the diagnosis of arrested active-phase labor, the definition of a "failed" induction of labor remains less certain. One approach to diagnosing a failed induction is based on the duration of the latent phase. However, a standard for the minimum duration that the latent phase of a labor induction should continue, absent acute maternal or fetal indications for cesarean delivery, remains lacking. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes as a function of the duration of the latent phase among nulliparous women undergoing labor induction. METHODS: This study is based on data from an obstetric cohort of women delivering at 25 U.S. hospitals from 2008-2011. Nulliparous women who had a term singleton gestation in the cephalic presentation were eligible for this analysis if they underwent a labor induction. Consistent with prior studies, the latent phase was determined to begin once cervical ripening had ended, oxytocin was initiated and rupture of membranes (ROM) had occurred, and was determined to end once 5 cm dilation was achieved. The frequencies of cesarean delivery, as well as of adverse maternal (e.g., cesarean delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, chorioamnionitis) and perinatal outcomes (e.g., a composite frequency of either seizures, sepsis, bone or nerve injury, encephalopathy, or death), were compared as a function of the duration of the latent phase (analyzed with time both as a continuous measure and categorized in 3-hour increments). RESULTS: A total of 10,677 women were available for analysis. In the vast majority (96.4%) of women, the active phase had been reached by 15 hours. The longer the duration of a woman's latent phase, the greater her chance of ultimately undergoing a cesarean delivery (P<0.001, for time both as a continuous and categorical independent variable), although more than forty percent of women whose latent phase lasted for 18 or more hours still had a vaginal delivery. Several maternal morbidities, such as postpartum hemorrhage (P < 0.001) and chorioamnionitis (P < 0.001), increased in frequency as the length of latent phase increased. Conversely, the frequencies of most adverse perinatal outcomes were statistically stable over time. CONCLUSION: The large majority of women undergoing labor induction will have entered the active phase by 15 hours after oxytocin has started and rupture of membranes has occurred. Maternal adverse outcomes become statistically more frequent with greater time in the latent phase, although the absolute increase in frequency is relatively small. These data suggest that cesarean delivery should not be undertaken during the latent phase prior to at least 15 hours after oxytocin and rupture of membranes have occurred. The decision to continue labor beyond this point should be individualized, and may take into account factors such as other evidence of labor progress

    Preterm neonatal morbidity and mortality by gestational age: a contemporary cohort

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    Although preterm birth less than 37 weeks gestation is the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality in the United States, the majority of data regarding preterm neonatal outcomes come from older studies, and many reports have been limited to only very preterm neonates. Delineation of neonatal outcomes by delivery gestational age is needed to further clarify the continuum of mortality and morbidity frequencies among preterm neonates

    A large genome-wide association study of age-related macular degeneration highlights contributions of rare and common variants.

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ng.3448Advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the elderly, with limited therapeutic options. Here we report on a study of >12 million variants, including 163,714 directly genotyped, mostly rare, protein-altering variants. Analyzing 16,144 patients and 17,832 controls, we identify 52 independently associated common and rare variants (P < 5 × 10(-8)) distributed across 34 loci. Although wet and dry AMD subtypes exhibit predominantly shared genetics, we identify the first genetic association signal specific to wet AMD, near MMP9 (difference P value = 4.1 × 10(-10)). Very rare coding variants (frequency <0.1%) in CFH, CFI and TIMP3 suggest causal roles for these genes, as does a splice variant in SLC16A8. Our results support the hypothesis that rare coding variants can pinpoint causal genes within known genetic loci and illustrate that applying the approach systematically to detect new loci requires extremely large sample sizes.We thank all participants of all the studies included for enabling this research by their participation in these studies. Computer resources for this project have been provided by the high-performance computing centers of the University of Michigan and the University of Regensburg. Group-specific acknowledgments can be found in the Supplementary Note. The Center for Inherited Diseases Research (CIDR) Program contract number is HHSN268201200008I. This and the main consortium work were predominantly funded by 1X01HG006934-01 to G.R.A. and R01 EY022310 to J.L.H