2,946 research outputs found

    Is punctuation comparable?: The case of London, Westminster School MS 3 and Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève MS 3390

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    The aim of the present article is to discuss the scribal punctuation practice in one of Richard Rolle’s epistles, Ego Dormio, found in two manuscripts that are genetically related: London, Westminster School MS 3 and Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève MS 3390. The analysis of samples seeks both to reveal regular patterns of use concerning punctuation symbols in each text and to test the extent to which there is a correlation between one scribe’s use of punctuation marks when compared to the use employed by the other scribe. Although there is a quantitative exploration of the data, the method of analysis also considers contextual information in the description of each punctuation symbol to identify their functions. In addition, earlier works on medieval punctuation in the identification and categorization of symbols along with their already attested functions (following mainly Lucas 1971; Parkes 1992 and Zeeman 1956) have been employed. The results of the study will be compared with these functions in order to contextualize each scribal use of punctuation symbols within the tradition of Middle English manuscripts.El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las prácticas de los escribas en materia de puntuación en dos manuscritos que contienen una de las epístolas de Richard Rolle, Ego Dormio'. Londres, Westminster School Ms 3 y Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève Ms 3390. El análisis de los ejemplos persigue revelar patrones regulares de uso en cada texto y comprobar hasta qué punto existe una correlación entre los signos de puntuación empleados por un escriba al compararlos con los usos del otro escriba. Aunque hay un estudio cuantitativo de los datos, el método de análisis tiene en cuenta la información que se encuentra en el contexto de aparición a la hora de describir la función de cada símbolo. Además, se han utilizado trabajos anteriores sobre la identificación y categorización de los símbolos, así como sus funciones, en la puntuación medieval (principalmente Lucas 1971; Parkes 1992 y Zeeman 1956). Los resultados del estudio se comparan con estas funciones para contextualizar, dentro de la tradición textual del inglés medio, el uso que cada escriba hace de los signos de puntuación

    La ciencia, la lógica y el arte como ejes del pensamiento analítico: el proyecto educativo GPEUX, 2002-2005, en la Universidad de Xalapa, México, y sus repercusiones académicas

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    El presente documento desarrolla una investigación retrospectiva del proyecto Grado Premium Elite de la Universidad de Xalapa (en adelante, G-PEUX), realizado entre mayo de 2002 y junio de 2005, en el cual se pusieron en práctica elementos científicos, lógicos y artísticos, para reforzar y potenciar la formación universitaria en el grado de licenciatura. Esta innovadora experiencia educativa reunió en las aulas a catedráticos de diferentes disciplinas y alumnos seleccionados de distintas carreras, para clases extracurriculares y escenarios públicos de debate, con significativos resultados transdisciplinarios, que a la fecha siguen siendo útiles a la Universidad de Xalapa. Por ello, la reseña del proyecto G-PEUX encuentra su espacio académico natural en la línea temática D: Educación superior, las artes y la creatividad.Peer Reviewe

    Verbal magic and healing charms in Glasgow University Library Ferguson MS 147

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    Manuscript Ferguson MS 147, a fifteenth-century volume written in Middle English and housed in Glasgow University Library, contains a copy of the Antidotarium Nicholai, a sarum calendar and a medical compilation which includes medical recipes, prognostic texts, and healing charms. Our interest is placed on the charms in the medical recipe collection found in folios 63r?159v. Following earlier studies on the charm genre, we will characterise the medical charms found in Ferguson MS 147 from a linguistic standpoint. This touches upon the use of language and other technical features, such as the presence of code-switching, the use of specialised symbols and characters, and the terminology used by the scribe to refer to the genre, among others. Concerning textual tradition, we also aim to examine whether the healing charms present variation, even if small, with earlier described charms. From a methodological point of view, the comparison includes contrasting our material with other edited compilations of charms

    "Chocolate, or an Indian Drinke": the first English translation of a Spanish chocolate treatise"

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    This paper examines the first English translation of Colmenero's "Curioso Tratado de la Naturaleza y Calidad del Chocolate" (1631). The analysis of the English version, "Chocolate, or an Indian Drinke", by James Wadsworth is carried out from a qualitative perspective, paying special attention to the translated strategies deployed. The research reveals that Wadsworth will chiefly use procedures such as the preservation of indigenous words and extension, as well as other techniques to a lesser extent.Celem niniejszego artykułu było zbadanie pierwszego angielskiego tłumaczenia traktatu autorstwa Colmenero pt. Curioso Tratado de la Naturaleza y Calidad del Chocolate (1631). Analiza angielskiej wersji Chocolate, or an Indian Drinke, autorstwa Jamesa Wadswortha, została przeprowadzona z perspektywy jakościowej, zwracając szczególną uwagę na zastosowane strategie tłumaczeniowe. Z badań wynika, że Wadsworth stosował przede wszystkim takie zabiegi jak zachowanie rodzimych słów i rozszerzenie, a także, w mniejszym stopniu, inne techniki tłumaczeniowe

    What do Lepe, a beard and a sandwich have in common? The Earl of Sandwich's translation of Alonso Barba's "El arte de los metales"

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    This paper explores the ways in which the Earl of Sandwich translated Alonso Barba's "El arte de los metales" into English, paying special attention to the translation techniques used and the vocabulary chosen. One of the problems the translator often encounters is the lack of specific lexical units in his language to name the metals and the procedures found by Alonso Barba in the region of Potosi. The strategies employed by the Earl of Sandwich to overcome such lack, as well as other techniques used in producing the target text will be analysed. The analysis adopts the translation techniques proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet ([1958] 1995) and Newmark (1991) closely, but other classifications have been consulted as well

    Chinese loanwords in the OED

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    It was traditionally assumed that Chinese had contributed few borrowings into English until Cannon (1987, 1988, 1990) carried out his research based on different English desk-dictionaries. His studies were supplemented by Moody (1996) who reviewed Cannon’s list focusing on the information provided by the Oxford English dictionary (henceforth OED) and Webster’s third new international dictionary of the English language. Nonetheless, Moody’s analysis did not explore all the possibilities the OED offered at the time. This articles aims at revising those previous pieces of work on the topic to find out whether there are significant changes in view of the latest data supplied by the OED, to determine whether there is an increase in the number of items borrowed, which are the transmission and source languages and to see whether any predictions for the near future can be made. Finally, some comments on the transliteration of the terms are also included

    The Secrets of Alexis in Glasgow University Library MS Ferguson 7

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    This article deals with a handwritten, hitherto unexplored copy of a printed text, The Secrets of Reverend Alexis of Piedmont, held in Glasgow University Library, MS Ferguson 7, which dates to 1565. The manuscript includes a collection of secrets by an anonymous compiler from the English translation of "De' Secreti del reverendo donno Alessio de Piemontese", a highly popular book of secrets published in Venice in 1555 and immediately rendered into other languages, including English. The handwritten compilation proves to be a dynamic artifact which is personalized to suit the compiler?s needs and ultimately becomes an independent new product.Este artículo analiza una copia manuscrita inédita del texto impreso "The Secrets of Reverend Alexis of Piedmont", conservada en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Glasgow, Ms Ferguson 7, fechada en 1565. El manuscrito incluye una colección de secretos por parte de un compilador anónimo extraídos de la traducción inglesa de De’ Secreti del reverendo donno Alessio de Piemontese, un libro de secretos muy popular publicado en Venecia en 1555 y que se tradujo inmediatamente a otras lenguas, entre ellas a inglés. La recopilación manuscrita resulta ser un artefacto dinámico que se personaliza para atender a las necesidades del compilador y que finalmente se convierte en un producto nuevo e independiente.Este artigo analisa uma cópia manuscrita inédita de um texto impresso, "The Secrets of Reverend Alexis of Piedmont", que se encontra no MS Ferguson 7 da Biblioteca da Universidade de Glasgow, e que data de 1565. O manuscrito inclui uma coleção de segredos elaborada por um compilador anónimo a partir da tradução para inglês de De’ Secreti del reverendo donno Alessio de Piemontese, um livro de segredos altamente popular publicado em Veneza em 1555 e imediatamente traduzido para outras línguas, incluindo o inglês. A compilação manuscrita demonstra ser um artefacto dinâmico, personalizado de modo a servir as necessidades do compilador, e tornandose, em última análise, num produto novo e independente

    Early Modern English recipes as a mirror of the time period

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    This article explores several Early Modern English recipe compilations extant in medical manuscripts through a purposely-built corpus in order to investigate the recipe genre as a mirror of that time period. Probably no other genre is so permeable to the changes in the cultural and social spheres, given that recipes are reflection of the contemporary society where they are written. This fact is especially noticeable in the abundance of remedies for some ailments of particular concern in the early modern period. Diseases were mainly treated with plants known from Antiquity, but Early Modern English recipes also incorporated new substances from the Continent and, specially, from Americ

    Domestic medicine in an early eighteenth century manuscript, GUL, Ferguson 43

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    This article delves into Early Modern English1 manuscript domestic medicine with special attention to a recipe compilation, Glasgow, University Library, Ferguson MS 43. Household recipe books were an important repository of practical medical knowledge for families. Recipe collections were often brought by women to their new households upon marriage, and were subsequently passed down through generations, highlighting the significant role that women played in the production and dissemination of household practical knowledge. Ferguson MS 43, attributed to Lady Stanhope, showcases the female recipe collections? ability to provide valuable information regarding eighteenth-century domestic medical practice and, more specifically, women?s contribution to it. The manuscript physical characteristics and its contents are analysed to place the text in its proper social, cultural and linguistic context as a representative instance of the recipe genre.Este artículo indaga en la medicina manuscrita doméstica en inglés moderno temprano con especial atención a una recopilación de recetas, Glasgow, Biblioteca Universitaria, Ferguson MS 43. Los libros domésticos de recetas constituían un importante repositorio de conocimiento médico práctico para las familias. Las mujeres llevaban consigo las colecciones de recetas a su nueva residencia al contraer matrimonio y, de esta forma, se pasaban de generación en generación, lo que pone de manifiesto el papel relevante que las mujeres desempeñaban en la producción y transmisión de este tipo de conocimiento práctico. El manuscrito Ferguson 43, atribuido a Lady Stanhope, resalta la habilidad de las colecciones de recetas para proporcionar información valiosa sobre la práctica de la medicina doméstica y, más concretamente, sobre la contribución femenina. Se analizan las características físicas del manuscrito, pero también el contenido, para ubicar el texto, como elemento representativo del género de las recetas, en el contexto social, cultural y lingüístico adecuado.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació