3,249 research outputs found

    A review of available surgical techniques to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement

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    Corticotomies have been used to assist orthodontic treatment since the late 18th century. This review describes and compares different surgical techniques available to accelerate tooth movement: PAOO™, Corticision, Piezocision™ and Propel. All of the approaches described accelerate orthodontic tooth movement and may protect against root resorption. PAOO™ and Piezocision™ offer the option of bone and soft tissue grafting at time of surgery. Corticision, Piezocision™ and Propel are considered minimally invasive procedures thanks to the flapless approach, but the use of the mallet in Corticision could constitute a trauma for the patient. The piezoelectric knife creates a more intense Regional Accelleratory Phenomenon (RAP) at the site of injury due to the effect of high frequency vibrations. This suggests that Piezocision™ could create a greater effect on bone remodeling, hence producing faster tooth movement and extended RAP. The lack of randomized controlled clinical trials makes an effective comparison between these techniques difficult and future studies are needed to better evaluate the outcomes of each of these

    Analysis of marine conflicts

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    The traffic conflict technique (TCT) is a powerful technique applied in road traffic safety assessment as a surrogate of the traditional accident data analysis. It has subdued the conceptual and implemental weaknesses of the accident statistics. Although this technique has been applied effectively in road traffic, it has not been practised well in marine traffic even though this traffic system has some distinct advantages in terms of having a monitoring system. This monitoring system can provide navigational information as well as other geometric information of the ships for a larger study area over a longer time period. However, for implementing the TCT in the marine traffic system, it should be examined critically to suit the complex nature of the traffic system. This paper examines the suitability of the TCT to be applied to marine traffic and proposes a framework for a follow up comprehensive conflict study

    Enabling onshore CO2 storage in Europe: fostering international cooperation around pilot and test sites

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    To meet the ambitious EC target of an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) needs to move rapidly towards full scale implementation with geological storage solutions both on and offshore. Onshore storage offers increased flexibility and reduced infrastructure and monitoring costs. Enabling onshore storage will support management of decarbonisation strategies at territory level while enhancing security of energy supply and local economic activities, and securing jobs across Europe. However, successful onshore storage also requires overcoming some unique technical and societal challenges. ENOS will provide crucial advances to help foster onshore CO2 storage across Europe through: 1. Developing, testing and demonstrating in the field, under "real-life conditions", key technologies specifically adapted to onshore storage. 2. Contributing to the creation of a favourable environment for onshore storage across Europe. The ENOS site portfolio will provide a great opportunity for demonstration of technologies for safe and environmentally sound storage at relevant scale. Best practices will be developed using experience gained from the field experiments with the participation of local stakeholders and the lay public. This will produce improved integrated research outcomes and increase stakeholder understanding and confidence in CO2 storage. In this improved framework, ENOS will catalyse new onshore pilot and demonstration projects in new locations and geological settings across Europe, taking into account the site-specific and local socio-economic context. By developing technologies from TRL4/5 to TRL6 across the storage lifecycle, feeding the resultant knowledge and experience into training and education and cooperating at the pan-European and global level, ENOS will have a decisive impact on innovation and build the confidence needed for enabling onshore CO2 storage in Europe. ENOS is initiating strong international collaboration between European researchers and their counterparts from the USA, Canada, South Korea, Australia and South Africa for sharing experience worldwide based on real-life onshore pilots and field experiments. Fostering experience-sharing and research alignment between existing sites is key to maximise the investment made at individual sites and to support the efficient large scale deployment of CCS. ENOS is striving to promote collaboration between sites in the world through a programme of site twinning, focus groups centered around operative issues and the creation of a leakage simulation alliance

    Percep??o do valor do marketing digital entre os comerciantes do segmento varejista de artigos de vestu?rio e acess?rios da cidade de Sap? - PB

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    Percep??o do valor do marketing digital entre os comerciantes do segmento varejista de artigos de vestu?rio e acess?rios da cidade de Sap? - PB - Maria Vit?ria Sales de MouraA nova era do Marketing Digital, o Marketing 4.0, onde a adapta??o se torna uma quest?o de sobreviv?ncia em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo, os avan?os tecnol?gicos proporcionaram ?s empresas uma nova forma de comunica??o, de se relacionar mais profundamente com o consumidor (KOTLER, 2017). Por tal premissa, a presente pesquisa tem como seu objetivo principal, conhecer a percep??o do valor do Marketing digital por parte dos comerciantes do segmento varejista de artigos de vestu?rio e acess?rios da cidade de Sap? ? PB. A pesquisa teve car?ter quantitativo e descritivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada atrav?s de question?rio, que trouxe perguntas referentes a utiliza??o das m?dias sociais para divulga??o, a ades?o ao uso do Marketing Digital nas empresas e sobre o uso da internet para promover e divulgar, produtos e servi?os do empreendimento e atrair clientes. Dentre os resultados encontrados, destacam-se que a maior parte das empresas s?o Microempresa/ME e que a maioria possui um tempo de mercado de tr?s a sete anos. Os resultados indicam ainda que o marketing digital tem sido um grande aliado das empresas, onde a internet ? utilizada como uma ferramenta de di?logo entre organiza??es e consumidores

    A gest?o ambiental nas ?reas de conhecimento e ciclo de vida em projetos como proposta para o PMBOK: uma revis?o

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    Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo formular uma proposta de ?rea de conhecimento norteadora de gerenciamento ambiental para projetos. Discute a Gest?o Ambiental e o sistema de gest?o e aborda sobre os aspectos legais na Gest?o Ambiental, refletindo sobre a legisla??o brasileira que a norteia. ? descrito a metodologia aplicada pelo Guia PMBOK, e as funcionalidades das dez ?reas do conhecimento hoje explicitadas no Guia, a saber: integra??o, escopo, tempo, custos, qualidade, recursos humanos, comunica??es, riscos, aquisi??es e partes interessadas. Utiliza a pesquisa explorat?ria e bibliogr?fica para dar suporte a proposta desenvolvida. Na expectativa de formular a ?rea de conhecimento em Gest?o Ambiental, opta-se por descrever essa ?rea em forma de diagrama de fluxos de dados do processo em fun??o do ciclo de vida do projeto. Conclui-se que: existe uma necessidade de identifica??o de ferramentas e t?cnicas espec?ficas para a Gest?o Ambiental em projeto; necessidade de opini?es especializadas e conhecimento dos ?rg?os reguladores, tais como: engenheiros ambientais e Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA); necessidade do licenciamento ambiental e de suas modalidades, quando for o caso, bem como do acompanhamento da validade da mesma; ? imprescind?vel a cria??o de um plano de gerenciamento ambiental do projeto, que esteja de acordo com os v?rios outros planos j? existentes em projetos.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Tecnologia, Sa?de e Sociedade, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017.This research aims to formulate a proposal of knowledge area guiding environmental management for projects. It discusses environmental management and the management system and discusses the legal aspects in environmental management, reflecting on the Brazilian legislation that guides it. It describes the methodology applied by the PMBOK Guide, and the functionalities of the ten areas of knowledge that are explained in the Guide, namely: integration, scope, time, costs, quality, human resources, communications, risks, acquisitions and stakeholders. It uses the exploratory and bibliographic research to support the developed proposal. In the expectation of formulating the area of knowledge in environmental management, it is chosen to describe this area as a diagram of data flows of the process in function of the life cycle of the project. It is concluded that: there is a need to identify specific tools and techniques for environmental management in design; Need for specialized opinions and knowledge of regulators, such as: environmental engineers and the National Environmental Council (CONAMA); The need for environmental licensing and its modalities, when applicable, as well as the monitoring of the validity of the same; It is imperative to create an environmental project management plan that is in line with the various other existing project plans

    Intervenção em grupo com meninas adolescentes vítimas de violência sexual

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    A violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes é um fenômeno histórico e social de consequências psicossociais diversas para as vítimas e seu núcleo familiar. O trabalho de intervenção em situações de violência sexual é, ainda, uma questão que desafia profissionais que atuam com essa demanda. Com o intuito de contribuir para a difusão de práticas interventivas, o presente relato descreve uma experiência de trabalho apoiada teórica e metodologicamente na Psicologia Social Comunitária e na Educação Popular. Trata-se de uma intervenção na modalidade de grupo realizada com adolescentes vítimas de violência sexual, atendidas em uma Delegacia Especializada de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente. Participaram dos encontros do grupo seis adolescentes com idade entre 14 e 16 anos. O grupo foi sistematizado em dez encontros. Cada encontro teve duração de uma hora e trinta minutos e foi realizado semanalmente. Os resultados indicam trocas de experiências potencialmente libertárias, fortalecimento da rede de apoio social e afetiva das adolescentes, compreensão da dinâmica da violência sexual e de seus efeitos psicossociais