104 research outputs found

    Автобіографія Івана Багряного (з фондів ЦДАГО України)

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    Публікується автобіографія Івана Багряного, написана ним власноруч у січні 1944 р., напередодні еміграції за кордон.Публикуется автобиография Ивана Багряного, написанная им от руки в январе 1944 г., перед эмиграцией за рубеж.The is published the autobiography of Ivan Bagryanyi, he wrote in January 1944 before the emigration

    Мероприятия по улучшению инвестиционного климата в контексте инвестиционной стратегии региона

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    In this article, we study the formation of network ties between firms along the life cycle of a creative industry. We focus on three mechanisms that drive network formation: (i) network endogeneity which stresses a path-dependent change originating from previous network structures, (ii) five forms of proximity (e.g. geographical proximity) which ascribe tie formation to the similarity of attributes of firms and (iii) individual characteristics which refer to the heterogeneity in the capabilities of firms to exploit external knowledge. The article employs a stochastic actor-oriented model to estimate the – changing – effects of these mechanisms on the formation of the interfirm network in the global video game industry from 1987 to 2007. Our findings indicate that, on average, the direction of the effects of the three mechanisms are stable over time, but that their weights change with the degree of maturity of the industry. To an increasing extent, video game firms tend to prefer to partner over short distances and with more cognitively similar firms as the industry evolves

    CD4 deficiency in myelodysplastic syndrome with monosomy 7

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    Induction of labor with Foley catheter and risk of subsequent preterm birth : follow‐up study of two randomized controlled trials (PROBAAT‐1 and ‐2)

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    Acknowledgements We thank all the women who participated in the PROBAAT trials and all participating institutions and their staff for their contribution to this follow-up study. Funding The original PROBAAT-2 trial was funded by FondsNutsOhra. For the PROBAAT-1 trial and this follow-up study, no funding was received. MV received a doctoral grant for teachers by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (023.011.051). BM is supported by a NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship (GNT1082548). Funding sources had no role in design, execution, analyses, interpretation, or decision to submit results.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Prostaglandin insert dinoprostone versus trans-cervical balloon catheter for outpatient labour induction: a randomised controlled trial of feasibility (PROBIT-F)

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    Background The aim was to assess the feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of induction of labour comparing use of two methods in the outpatient setting. Methods An open-label feasibility RCT was conducted in two UK maternity units from October 2017 to March 2019. Women aged ≥ 16 years, undergoing induction of labour (IOL) at term, with intact membranes and deemed suitable for outpatient IOL according to local guidelines were considered eligible. They were randomised to cervical ripening balloon catheter (CRB) or vaginal dinoprostone (Propess). The participants completed a questionnaire and a sub-group underwent detailed interview. Service use and cost data were collected via the Adult Service Use Schedule (AD-SUS). Women who declined to participate were requested to complete a decliners’ questionnaire. Results During the study period, 274 eligible women were identified. Two hundred thirty (83.9%) were approached for participation of whom 84/230 (36.5%) agreed and 146 did not. Of these, 38 were randomised to Propess (n = 20) and CRB (n = 18). Decliner data were collected for 93 women. The reasons for declining were declining IOL (n = 22), preference for inpatient IOL (n = 22) and preference for a specific method, Propess (n = 19). The intended sample size of 120 was not reached due to restrictive criteria for suitability for outpatient IOL, participant preference for Propess and shortage of research staff. The intervention as randomised was received by 29/38 (76%) women. Spontaneous vaginal delivery was observed in 9/20 (45%) women in the dinoprostone group and 11/18 (61%) women in the CRB group. Severe maternal adverse events were recorded in one woman in each group. All babies were born with good condition and all except one (37/38, 97.4%) remained with the mother after delivery. No deaths were recorded. − 21% of women in the dinoprostone group were re-admitted prior to diagnosis of active labour compared to 12% in the CRB group. Conclusions A third of the approached eligible women agreed for randomisation. An RCT is not feasible in the current service context. Modifications to the eligibility criteria for outpatient IOL, better information provision and round the clock availability of research staff would be needed to reach sufficient numbers

    Methods of induction of labor in women with obesity : A secondary analysis of two multicenter randomized controlled trials

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    No funding was received for the original PROBAAT-I trial or this follow-up study. The original PROBAAT-II trial was funded by Fonds NutsOhra. MV received a doctoral grant for teachers from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (023.011.051). BM is supported by a NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship (GNT1082548).Peer reviewe

    Mechanical methods for induction of labour

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    Background Mechanical methods were the first methods developed to ripen the cervix and induce labour.During recent decades they have been substituted by pharmacological methods. Potential advantages of mechanical methods, compared with pharmacological methods may include reduction in side effects that could improve neonatal outcomes. This is an update of a review first published in 2001, last updated in 2012. Objectives To determine the effectiveness and safety of mechanical methods for third trimester (> 24 weeks' gestation) induction of labour in comparison with prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) (vaginal and intracervical), low-dose misoprostol (oral and vaginal), amniotomy or oxytocin. Search methods For this update, we searched Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth’s Trials Register, ClinicalTrials.gov, the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), and reference lists of retrieved studies (9 January 2018). We updated the search in March 2019 and added the search results to the awaiting classification section of the review. Selection criteria Clinicaltrials comparingmechanicalmethodsusedforthirdtrimester cervicalripeningorlabourinductionwithpharmacologicalmethods. Mechanical methods include: (1) the introduction of a catheter through the cervix into the extra-amniotic space with balloon insufflation; (2) introduction of laminaria tents, or their synthetic equivalent (Dilapan), into the cervical canal; (3) use of a catheter to inject fluid into the extra-amniotic space (EASI). This review includes the following comparisons: (1) specific mechanical methods (balloon catheter, laminaria tents or EASI) compared with prostaglandins (different types, different routes) or with oxytocin; (2) single balloon compared to a double balloon; (3) addition of prostaglandins or oxytocin to mechanical methods compared with prostaglandins or oxytocin alone. Data collection and analysis Two review authors independently assessed trials for inclusion and assessed risk of bias. Two review authors independently extracted data and assessed the quality of the evidence using the GRADE approach. Main results This review update includes a total of 113 trials (22,373 women) contributing data to 21 comparisons. Risk of bias of trials varied. Overall, the evidence was graded from very-low to moderate quality. All evidence was downgraded f

    Intelligent autism screening using fuzzy agent

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    In the diagnosis of diseases, either physical or psychological, there are situations causing reaching for second independent opinion very hard. This is especially true in the diagnosis of Autism due to the complex process of diagnosis. Apart from the complex process, the challenges include cost and the availability of experts. This, however, does not change the fact that having regular independent second opinions is crucial. Hence, this study proposes an intelligent autism screening model using fuzzy agent, to assist the expert and non-expert in making the diagnosis. In this study, the fuzzy inputs are assigned based on five categories, which are Communication, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Problem Solving, and Personal Social, and is specifically for three-year-old children only. The proposed model will be able to produce output in the form of sequences based on lowest to highest mark of the scores for each category. This output will then relate to the suggestion of activities to autistic children by priority (based on the scores obtained)

    Induction of labor with a Foley catheter and the risk of subsequent preterm birth: A follow-up study of two randomized controlled trials (PROBAAT-1 and -2)

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    OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study was to evaluate the preterm birth rate in a subsequent pregnancy in women who had undergone term induction with a Foley catheter in comparison to induction with prostaglandins. METHODS:This was a follow-up study of two large randomized controlled trials. In the original trials (PROBAAT-1 and PROBAAT-2), women with a term, singleton pregnancy in cephalic presentation with an indication for labor induction were randomized to either a 30cc Foley catheter or prostaglandins (i.e. vaginal prostaglandin E2 in PROBAAT 1 and oral misoprostol in PROBAAT 2). The main outcome measures were preterm birth <37 weeks gestation and preterm birth <34 weeks gestation. Data were collected from hospital charts on subsequent pregnancies from hospitals participating in this follow-up study. RESULTS:14 hospitals agreed to participate in this follow-up study. Of the 1142 eligible women, 162 women (14%) were lost to follow-up. Of the 572 women randomized to a Foley catheter, 251 women had a subsequent pregnancy beyond 16 weeks gestation, versus 258 women of the 570 women who received prostaglandins. There were no differences in baseline characteristics. The overall preterm birth rate was 9/251 (3.6%) in the Foley catheter group versus 10/258 (3.9%) in the prostaglandin group (RR 0.93; 95%CI 0.38-2.24), with spontaneous preterm birth rates of 5/251 (2.0%) versus 5/258 (1.9%) respectively (RR 1.03, 95%CI 0.30-3.51). CONCLUSIONS:In women with a singleton term pregnancy, induction of labor with a 30cc Foley catheter is not associated with an increased risk of preterm birth in a subsequent pregnancy as compared to induction of labor with prostaglandins. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.M. D. T. de Vaan, D. Blel, K. W. M. Bloemenkamp, M. Jozwiak, M. L. G. ten Eikelder ... B. W. Mol ... et al