7,181 research outputs found

    Evolution in the Design and Functionality of Rubrics: from “Square” Rubrics to “Federated” Rubrics

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    The assessment of learning remains one of the most controversial and challenging aspects for teachers. Among some recent technical solutions, methods and techniques like eRubrics emerge in an attempt to solve the situation. Understanding that all teaching contexts are different and there can be no single solution for all cases, specific measures are adapted to contexts where teachers receive support from institutions and communities of practice. This paper presents the evolution of the eRubric service [1] which started from a first experience with paper rubrics, and, with time and after several I+D+R [2] educational projects, has evolved thanks to the support of a community of practice [3] and the exchange of experiences between teachers and researchers. This paper shows the results and functionality of the eRubrics service up to the date of publicationa.) Project I+D+i EDU2010-15432: eRubric federated service for assessing university learning http://erubrica.uma.es/?page_id=434. b.) Centre for the Design of eRubrics. National Distance Education System -Sined- Mexico. [http://erubrica.uma.es/?page_id=389

    Quasi-degenerate neutrinos and tri-bi-maximal mixing

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    We consider how, for quasi-degenerate neutrinos with tri-bi-maximal mixing at a high-energy scale, the mixing angles are affected by radiative running from high to low-energy scales in a supersymmetric theory. The limits on the high-energy scale that follow from consistency with the observed mixing are determined. We construct a model in which a non-Abelian discrete family symmetry leads both to a quasi-degenerate neutrino mass spectrum and to near tri-bi-maximal mixing.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Erubric for the assessment of skills and content in the external practices: legal aspects

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    The external practices is one of the most specific research topics in the field of university education (Raposo Rivas & Martinez-Figueira, 2013). Despite the external practices long history as a topic of research, there are still some important aspects worth researching, especially following the recent degree changes, which have lead to an increased importance of credits and presence in all degrees in Spain (Gallego & García, 2010), the need to study in the learning environments and collaboration between Company - University. Likewise, the boom in practices based on ICTs, such as digital portfolios, poses the need to prop up technological solutions and methods with rigorous research studies, especially due to wide popularity of ICTs in general. The supervision process in the external practices clearly requires communication and follow-up to be done remotely, by using ePortfolios (Barrett, 2006). In addition to competence-based assessment and the need for students to provide learning evidences, the supervision process in the external practices also poses the need to analyse students’ ability to carry out such processes (Falchikov, 2005; Jonsson, A. & Svingby, 2007; Reddy & Andrade, 2010), as well as the need to find out the best supervision methods to be used with eportfolios. Amongst the eportfolio’s elements, we find a tool for design, communication and competence-based assessment known as the eRubric. This project aims [EDU2013-41974-P][1] to consolidate a research line that has already been undertaken with other R+D+i, and which currently intends to expand to different researchers and Centres of Excellence in Spain and other countries [Harvard University –EEUU-; Colonia University –Germany-; Sined –México-; Universidad Federal do Paraná and Sta. Catalina –Brasil- y Stockholm University –Sweden-]. The previous project R+D+i [EDU2010-15432][2] was investigated on subjects with class attendance (Raposo Rivas; Cebrián de la Serna and Martínez-Figueira, 2013; Cebrián de la Serna; Serrano Angulo & Ruiz Torres, 2014), without the mediation of distance-learning. Such circumstances have therefore been exempt from the extra dimension that technology often gives human communication. In addition, no research studies have been conducted on the highly specific field of the external practices, nor on the supervision of distance-learning competences. In this context, teachers and students exchanged numerous documents which can benefit from legal issues such as data protection and image of the child, copyrights and / or the right of access to information for all people regardless of their abilities and specific educational needs. Distance learning, which represents a teaching method undoubtedly on the rise as a great technology mediator. eRubric evaluation falls within the concept of formative assessment; it is valuable for both the formal and non-formal education systems (vocational training, the unemployed, training of civil servants, etc.) both public and private companies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. R+D+i project: Study of the Impact of federated eRubrics on the evaluation of external practices competences EDU2013-41974-P web: http://goo.gl/CN6ID

    Study of Video Annotations In External Practices Of University Learning

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    The digital video as code and learning technology has extensive scientific literature (Bartolome, 1997; Aguaded and Sánchez, 2008). However, the increase of digital video services on the Internet has facilitated and increased the use of video for education. With a recent important increase of videos as contained in the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). This context has also created the expansion of educational practices based on models for collaborative learning and mediated by technology (Computer Supported Learning collaborative -CSCL-). The study of these practices is proving to be effective for teachers in service and initial training practices if it is analyzed collectively (Hosack, Br tools, 2010;. Picci, Calvani, & Bonaiuti, 2012; Etscheidt & Curran, 2012; Ingram , 2014). There is interest in literature reviews on the reflective capabilities with the use of video for initial teacher training (Orland-Barak & Rachamim, 2009; Rich and Hannafin 2009; Rich & Trip, 2011) to which we expand in (Wallet, Cebrian & Desenne, 2015). This work is part of a research project in progress [1] which aims to implement a federated portfolio model of multimedia evidences. This model uses a digital portfolio (from now on we will call ePortfolios) with three different federated tools (1. Digital rubric or eRubric, 2. Webquest and 3. Open Video Annotations -Ova-) created by our research and development group Gtea [2 ]. The OVA tool was created within the MOOC of edX in collaboration with Harvard University in 2013 [3]. So it, we need to create another standalone tool to design their own interface to use this tool in this project. This design was evaluated through user usability and satisfaction (Monedero, Cebrian & Desenne, 2015). This study focuses on the ease and functionality of the OVA tool so that students to collect evidence on their digital multimedia portfolios. Especially, analyzes the competences that students show when annotate video in order to explain their learning experiences and respond to the skills that are required in the eRubrics in different teaching contexts (external and laboratory practices).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. R+D+i project: Study of the Impact of federated eRubrics on the evaluation of external practices competences Plan Nacional de I + D + i de Excelencia (2014-2017) Ministerio de Economía y competitividad, nº EDU2013-41974-P web: http://goo.gl/CN6ID

    Why do we smile? On the determinants of the implied volatility function.

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    We report simple regressions and Granger causality tests in order to understand the pattern of implied volatilities across exercise prices. We employ all calls and puts transacted between 16:00 and 16:45 on the Spanish IBEX-35 index from January 1994 to April 1996. Transaction costs, proxied by the bid–ask spread, seem to be a key determinant of the curvature of the volatility smile. Moreover, time to expiration, the uncertainty associated with the market and the relative market momentum are also important variables in explaining the smile.Smiles; Bid–ask spread; Volatility; Causality;

    Report on Amazon´s Project: Statistical evaluation on socio-economic variables across Germany

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    [EN] In this report we define a proxy that can explain Germany´s precariousness at the district level by relating socio-economic variables to the distribution of parcel centers for the years 2011 and 2019. This precariousness indicator is an aggregated indicator which is composed by 5 socio-economic variables and its consequent normalization processes. These 5 socio-economic variables, which are mainly related to unemployment, form the normalized indicator "precariousness" on a scale from 0 (less) to 8 (most), with equal weighting. The challenge in this project is to webscrape all relevant logistics centres of different competitors in the courier industry and map them on a district level in order to later, when matching the socioeconomic indicators with this dataset, highlight the regions where Amazon operates. Therefore, we could raise the question whether Amazon operates systematically in regions with relative precariousness or not. To answer this question, we address the chosen socio-economic variables by running descriptive statistics by looking at how the standard deviations perform. Consequently, we examine the collinearity of the 5 variables by means of a correlation matrix and PCA. Finally, we compare the two resulting maps for 2011 and 2019 and assess their precariousness.De La Serna, S. (2022). Report on Amazon´s Project: Statistical evaluation on socio-economic variables across Germany. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 282-282. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18970328228

    The relationship between knowledge management and innovation level in Mexican SMEs: Empirical evidence

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    The transformation of the current society from an industry-based economy to a knowledge management and innovation-based economy is changing the design and implementation of business strategies and the nature of the competition among the organizations which are mainly small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). They struggle to survive in a market which is more demanding and competitive, so they seeknowledge management as one of the most effective strategies that may help to enable the innovation activities into the businesses. For these reasons, this research paper has as a main goal to analyze the relationship between knowledge management and innovation in Mexican SMEs. The empirical analysis used 125 manufacturing SMEs (each SME having from 20 to 250 employees) as a sample to be carried out. The obtained results indicate that knowledge management has a positive impact in products, process, and management systems innovation

    Smiles, Bid-ask Spreads and Option pricing.

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    Given the evidence provided by Longstaff (1995), and Peña, Rubio and Serna (1999) a serious candidate to explain the pronounced pattern of volatility estimates across exercise prices might be related to liquidity costs. Using all calls and puts transacted between 16:00 and 16:45 on the Spanish IBEX‐35 index futures from January 1994 to October 1998 we extend previous papers to study the influence of liquidity costs, as proxied by the relative bid‐ask spread, on the pricing of options. Surprisingly, alternative parametric option pricing models incorporating the bid‐ask spread seem to perform poorly relative to Black‐Scholes.smiles; bid-ask spread; implied volatility function; option pricing;

    El eportafolios de evidencias y la evaluación formativas con erúbricas

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    Dentro de los elementos de un eportafolios encontramos una herramienta para el diseño, comunicación y evaluación por competencias como son las eRúbricas. En estos momentos estamos planificando el desarrollo de un nuevo proyecto que pretende consolidar una línea de investigación ya emprendida con otros proyectos I+D+i [1] sobre eRúbrica, y que en la actualidad tiene intención de amplíar y complementar con investigadores y centros de excelencia de España y otros países[2]. En el primer proyecto[3] se investigó el impacto de las eRúbricas con asignaturas presenciales sin que medie la distancia, circunstancia que otorga otra dimensión a la comunicación humana mediada por tecnología; una modalidad de enseñanza sin duda en aumento y con gran mediación tecnológica, que posee un valor no solo para el sistema educativo formal sino especialmente también para el no reglado, formación ocupacional, desempleados, formación de empleados públicos… tanto en empresas públicas como privadas. En este artículo queremos mostrar los resultados más relevantes de este primer proyecto con erúbrica y adelantar el nuevo proyecto[4] sobre el uso de las erúbricas y anotaciones multimedia dentro de un eportafolio federado de evidencias para el practicum

    La televisión como recurso educativo en un contexto iberoamericano

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    pags. 121-13