890 research outputs found

    Et si, à l’école, on apprenait aussi ?

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    Au-delà d’une comparaison terme à terme des effets d’une acquisition en milieu naturel d’une part, d’un apprentissage guidé d’autre part, cet article tente – en prenant appui sur l’exemple de l’enseignement du débat oral en L1 au moyen de « séquences didactiques » – de discuter les finalités du développement langagier de la personne dans une optique élargie de construction d’une compétence plurilangagière experte. Il apparaît alors, si l’on prend également en compte d’autres finalités développementales que la seule maîtrise de formes linguistiques, que l’apprentissage scolaire peut ouvrir des perspectives originales et fondamentales pour la construction de la personne dans le contexte plurilingue d’aujourd’hui.This article attempts to place the goals of language development in the wider context of expert multilingual competence, taking examples from the teaching of oral debating skills in the L1 and their associated « pedagogic sequences ». In so doing, we go beyond the traditional « guided/unguided acquisition » dichotomy and show that school learning can open original and essential potentialities for the construction of the personality for today’s multilingual context, by attending not only to the mastery of linguistic forms but also to other developmental goals

    La concepción de la gramática subyacente en las evaluaciones en la Suiza francófona

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    Aquest article es proposa analitzar la concepció de l’ensenyament de la gramàtica que emergeix de les pràctiques d’avaluació certificativa utilitzades a la part francòfona de Suïssa. Ens interessem també per la manera en què les avaluacions es relacionen amb els documents de referència oficials que orienten l’ensenyament obligatori. En aquest sentit, analitzem 6 proves cantonals, dirigides a tots els alumnes de 8H (alumnes d’11/12 anys) dels cantons francòfons, tenint en compte diferents criteris: l’espai atribuït a la gramàtica a les proves, els continguts mobilitzats, la relació amb el text, les acciones requerides i la tipologia de les preguntes. Les proves mostren que, tot i que existeix una base comú de continguts avaluats a tots els cantons, els diferents formats i les accions requerides es relacionen amb diferents concepcions de la gramàtica. De la mateixa manera, les operacions i continguts absents de les avaluacions suggereixen, igualment, que aquests no es prioritzen a les aules. Finalment, les restriccions de les pràctiques de correcció a gran escala tenen també conseqüències a la realització de les preguntes i, indirectament, en la concepció de la gramàtica que es posa en joc. Les avavaluacions evidencien no una, sinó diverses concepcions de la gramàtica, que reflecteixen parcialment els principis dels documents oficials.This article aims to analyse the conception of grammar teaching that emerges from the assessment practices in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. We are also interested in the way in which assessments relate to the official reference documents that guide compulsory education. To do so, we analyse six cantonal 8H tests (11/12 year-old pupils) in the French-speaking cantons, taking into account different criteria: the place allocated to grammar in the tests, the contents mobilised, the relationship with the text, the required actions and the typology of the questions. The tests show that, although there is a common base of evaluated contents in all the cantons, the different formats and actions required are related to different conceptions of grammar. Likewise, the operations and contents absent from the evaluations also suggest that these are not prioritised in the classrooms. Finally, the constraints of large-scale tests correction have consequences on the implementation of the questions and, indirectly, on the conception of grammar that is at stake.  The evaluations reveal not one, but several conceptions of grammar, which partly reflect the principles of official documentsEste artículo se propone analizar la concepción de la enseñanza de la gramática que emerge de las prácticas de evaluación certificativa utilizadas en la parte francófona de Suiza. Asimismo, nos interesamos por la manera en que las evaluaciones se relacionan con los documentos de referencia oficiales que orientan la enseñanza obligatoria. En este sentido, analizamos 6 pruebas cantonales, dirigidas a todos los alumnos de 8H (alumnos de 11/12 años) de los cantones francófonos, teniendo en cuenta diferentes criterios: el espacio atribuido a la gramática en las pruebas, los contenidos movilizados, la relación con el texto, las acciones requeridas y la tipología de las preguntas. Las pruebas muestran que, aunque existe una base común de contenidos evaluados en todos los cantones, los diferentes formatos y las acciones requeridas se relacionan con distintas concepciones de la gramática. Asimismo, las operaciones y contenidos ausentes de las evaluaciones sugieren, igualmente, que estos no son priorizados en las aulas. Finalmente, las restricciones de las prácticas de corrección a gran escala tienen también consecuencias en la realización de las preguntas e, indirectamente, en la concepción de la gramática que se pone en juego.  Las evaluaciones evidencian no una, sino diversas concepciones de la gramática, que reflejan parcialmente los principios de los documentos oficiales

    Using graphical tools in a phased activity for enhancing dialogical skills: An example with Digalo

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    ICT tools have been developed to facilitate web-based learning through and learning about argumentation. In this paper we will present an example of a learning activity mediated by Digalo-software for knowledge sharing through visually supported discussion-developed in a university setting. Our aim is to examine, in particular, socio-cognitive construction of knowledge and argumentation by students debating a controversial question in history. We propose a descriptive approach of understanding and meaning-making processes based on two levels of analysis: (1) a topic meaning-making process oriented level and (2) an argumentation oriented level. We focus our studies on how the participants-small groups of students-develop understanding of the topic, their arguments and their interactions through the use of different functionalities of this software. Our results show that interactive and argumentative processes are themselves objects of learning and develop through collective activity. Development of the understanding of the topic through argumentation is discussed and linked to the design of the activity and the affordances of the Digalo softwar

    Errungenschaften und Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung der Fachdidaktiken in der Schweiz – Die Perspektive des programmbegleitenden Expertinnen- und Expertengremiums P9

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    Im folgenden Beitrag wird der Entwicklungsstand der Fachdidaktiken in der Schweiz aus der Perspektive des begleitenden Expertinnen- und Expertengremiums zum Programm P9 «Aufbau der wissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen in den Fachdidaktiken» (swiss-universities 2017–2020) vorgestellt. Nach einer Einführung in den Kontext, in den Auftrag des Gremiums sowie in das Design des Monitorings werden die Umsetzung und die Erkenntnisse der Arbeit vorgestellt. Abschließend werden fünf zentrale Empfehlungen abgeleitet. Forschungsstarke Schweizer Fachdidaktiken können durch die institutionelle Anerkennung als eigenständige wissenschaftliche Disziplinen und durch ihre systematische Integration auf Augenhöhe in das schweizerische Hochschul- und Forschungsgefüge entwickelt werden. (DIPF/Orig.

    The true cost of food: a preliminary assessment

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    Ensuring sustainable food systems requires vastly reducing their environmental and health costs while making healthy and sustainable food affordable to all. One of the central problems of current food systems is that many of the costs of harmful foods are externalized, i.e., are not reflected in market prices. At the same time, the benefits of healthful foods are not appreciated. Due to externalities, sustainable and healthy food is often less affordable to consumers and less profitable for businesses than unsustainable and unhealthy food. Externalities and other market failures lead to unintended consequences for present and future generations, destroying nature and perpetuating social injustices such as underpay for workers, food insecurity, illness, premature death and other harms. We urgently need to address the fundamental causes of these problems. This chapter sets out the results of an analysis to determine the current cost of externalities in food systems and the potential impact of a shift in diets to more healthy and sustainable production and consumption patterns. The current externalities were estimated to be almost double (19.8 trillion USD) the current total global food consumption (9 trillion USD). These externalities accrue from 7 trillion USD (range 4–11) in environmental costs, 11 trillion USD (range 3–39) in costs to human life and 1 trillion USD (range 0.2–1.7) in economic costs. This means that food is roughly a third cheaper than it would be if these externalities were included. More studies are needed to quantify the costs and benefits of food systems that would support a global shift to more sustainable and healthy diets. However, the evidence presented in this chapter points to the urgent need for a system reset to account for these ‘hidden costs’ in food systems and calls for bold actions to redefine the incentives for producing and consuming healthier and more sustainable diets. The first step to correct for these ‘hidden costs’ is to redefine the value of food through true-cost accounting (TCA) so as to address externalities and other market failures. TCA reveals the true value of food by making the benefits of affordable and healthy food visible and revealing the costs of damage to the environment and human health 3
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