78 research outputs found

    Chemical aspects related to using recycled geopolymers as aggregates

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Despite extensive research into sustainability of geopolymers, end-of-life aspects have been largely overlooked. A recycling scenario is examined in this study. This requires an investigation of alkali leaching potential from a geopolymeric matrix. To study the feasibility of geopolymer cement (GPC) recycling, the migration of alkalis was evaluated for the first time on a microstructural level through energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) elemental mapping and leaching tests. Macroscale impacts were assessed through an investigation of Portland cement (PC) mortar properties affected by alkali concentration. Leaching tests indicated that alkalis immediately become available in aqueous environments, but the majority remain chemically or physically bound in the matrix. This type of leaching accelerates the initial setting of PC paste. Elemental mapping and EDX/SEM analysis showed a complex paste-aggregate interfacial transition zone. Exchange of calcium and sodium, revealed by the maps, resulted in the migration of sodium into the PC paste and the formation of additional calcium-silicon-based phases in the geopolymeric matrix. Strength values of mortars with 25% and 50% recycled aggregates (RA) showed negligible differences compared with the reference sample. Screening tests indicated a low potential for GPC RA inducing alkali-silica reaction. Transport of GPC RA alkalis and the underlying mechanisms were observed. This transport phenomenon was found to have minor effects on the properties of the PC mortar, indicating that recycling of geopolymers is a viable reuse practice.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    A novel hybrid 3D endoscope zooming and repositioning system : design and feasibility study

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    Background: Manipulation of the endoscope during minimally invasive surgery is a major source of inconvenience and discomfort. This report elucidates the architecture of a novel one-hand controlled endoscope positioning device and presents a practicability evaluation. Methods and materials: Setup time and total surgery time, number and duration of the manipulations, side effects of three-dimensional (3D) imaging, and ergonomic complaints were assessed by three surgeons during cadaveric and in vivo porcine trials. Results: Setup was accomplished in an average (SD) of 230 (120) seconds. The manipulation time was 3.87 (1.77) seconds for angular movements and 0.83 (0.24) seconds for zooming, with an average (SD) of 30.5 (16.3) manipulations per procedure. No side effects of 3D imaging or ergonomic complaints were reported. Conclusions: The integration of an active zoom into a passive endoscope holder delivers a convenient synergy between a human and a machine-controlled holding device. It is shown to be safe, simple, and intuitive to use and allows unrestrained autonomic control of the endoscope by the surgeon

    Cycling on a bike desk positively influences cognitive performance

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    Purpose: cycling desks as a means to reduce sedentary time in the office has gained interest as excessive sitting has been associated with several health risks. However, the question rises if people will still be as efficient in performing their desk-based office work when combining this with stationary cycling. Therefore, the effect of cycling at 30% Wmax on typing, cognitive performance and brain activity was investigated. Methods: After two familiarisation sessions, 23 participants performed a test battery [typing test, Rey auditory verbal learning test (RAVLT), Stroop test and Rosvold continuous performance test (RCPT)] with electroencephalography recording while cycling and sitting on a conventional chair. Results: Typing performance, performance on the RAVLT and accuracy on the Stroop test and the RCPT did not differ between conditions. Reaction times on the Stroop test and the RCPT were shorter while cycling relative to sitting (p < 0.05). N200, P300, N450 and conflict SP latency and amplitude on the Stroop test and N200 and P300 on the RCPT did not differ between conditions. Conclusions: This study showed that typing performance and short-term memory are not deteriorated when people cycle at 30% Wmax. Furthermore, cycling had a positive effect on response speed across tasks requiring variable amounts of attention and inhibition

    Removal of movement-induced EEG artifacts: current state of the art and guidelines

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    Objective: Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive technique used to record cortical neurons’ electrical activity using electrodes placed on the scalp. It has become a promising avenue for research beyond state-of-the-art EEG research that is conducted under static conditions. EEG signals are always contaminated by artifacts and other physiological signals. Artifact contamination increases with the intensity of movement. Approach: In the last decade (since 2010), researchers have started to implement EEG measurements in dynamic setups to increase the overall ecological validity of the studies. Many different methods are used to remove non-brain activity from the EEG signal, and there are no clear guidelines on which method should be used in dynamic setups and for specific movement intensities. Main results: Currently, the most common methods for removing artifacts in movement studies are methods based on independent component analysis. However, the choice of method for artifact removal depends on the type and intensity of movement, which affects the characteristics of the artifacts and the EEG parameters of interest. When dealing with EEG under non-static conditions, special care must be taken already in the designing period of an experiment. Software and hardware solutions must be combined to achieve sufficient removal of unwanted signals from EEG measurements. Significance: We have provided recommendations for the use of each method depending on the intensity of the movement and highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of the methods. However, due to the current gap in the literature, further development and evaluation of methods for artifact removal in EEG data during locomotion is needed.EC/H2020/952401/EU/TWINning the BRAIN with machine learning for neuro-muscular efficiency/TwinBrai

    Test-retest, intra- and inter-rater reliability of the reactive balance test in patients with chronic ankle instability

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    IntroductionThe Reactive Balance Test (RBT) could be a valuable addition to research on chronic ankle instability (CAI) and clinical practice, but before it can be used in clinical practice it needs to be reliable. It has already been proven reliable in healthy recreational athletes, but not yet in patients with CAI who have shown persistent deficits in dynamic balance. The study aimed to determine the test-retest, intra-, and inter-rater reliability of the RBT in patients with CAI, and the test-retest and inter-rater reliability of the newly developed RBT score sheet.MethodsWe used a repeated-measures, single-group design to administer the RBT to CAI patients on three occasions, scored by multiple raters. We included 27 participants with CAI. The study used multiple reliability measures, including Pearson r, intra-class correlations (ICC), standard error of measurement (SEM), standard error of prediction (SEP), minimal detectable change (MDC), and Bland–Altman plots, to evaluate the reliability of the RBT’s outcome measures (visuomotor response time and accuracy). It also assessed the test-retest and inter-rater reliability of the RBT score sheet using the same measures.ResultsThe ICC measures for test-retest reliability were similar for accuracy (0.609) and VMRT (0.594). Intra-rater reliability had high correlations and ICCs for accuracy (r = 0.816, ICC = 0.815) and VMRT (r = 0.802, ICC = 0.800). Inter-rater reliability had a higher ICC for VMRT (0.868) than for accuracy (0.690).ConclusionTest-retest reliability was moderate, intra-rater reliability was good, and inter-rater reliability showed moderate reliability for accuracy and good reliability for VMRT. Additionally, the RBT shows robust SEM and mean difference measures. The score sheet method also demonstrated moderate test-retest reliability, while inter-rater reliability was good to excellent. This suggests that the RBT can be a valuable tool in assessing and monitoring balance in patients with CAI

    Aging effects on prefrontal cortex oxygenation in a posture-cognition dual-task: an fNIRS pilot study

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    The aging process alters upright posture and locomotion control from an automatically processed to a more cortically controlled one. The present study investigated a postural-cognitive dual-task paradigm in young and older adults using functional Near- Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS).Methods: Twenty healthy participants (10 older adults 72 ± 3 y, 10 young adults 23 ± 3 y) performed a cognitive (serial subtractions) and a postural task (tandem stance) as single-tasks (ST) and concurrently as a dual-task (DT) while the oxygenation levels of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) were measured.Results: In the cognitive task, young adults performed better than older adults in both conditions (ST and DT) and could further increase the number of correct answers from ST to DT (all ps ≤ 0.027) while no change was found for older adults. No significant effects were found for the postural performance. Cerebral oxygenation values (O2Hb) increased significantly from baseline to the postural ST (p = 0.033), and from baseline to the DT (p = 0.031) whereas no changes were found in deoxygenated hemoglobin (HHb). Finally, the perceived exertion differed between all conditions (p ≤  0.003) except for the postural ST and the DT (p = 0.204).Conclusions: There was a general lack of age-related changes except the better cognitive performance under motor-cognitive conditions in young compared to older adults. However, the current results point out that DLPFC is influenced more strongly by postural than cognitive load. Future studies should assess the different modalities of cognitive as well as postural load

    A caffeine-maltodextrin mouth rinse counters mental fatigue

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    Introduction: Mental fatigue is a psychobiological state caused by prolonged periods of demanding cognitive activity that has negative implications on many aspects in daily life. Caffeine and carbohydrate ingestion have been shown to be able to reduce these negative effects of mental fatigue. Intake of these substances might however be less desirable in some situations (e.g., restricted caloric intake, Ramadan). Rinsing caffeine or glucose within the mouth has already been shown to improve exercise performance. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the effect of frequent caffeine-maltodextrin (CAF-MALT) mouth rinsing on mental fatigue induced by a prolonged cognitive task. Methods: Ten males (age 23?±?2 years, physical activity 7.3?±?4.3 h/week, low CAF users) performed two trials. Participants first completed a Flanker task (3 min), then performed a 90-min mentally fatiguing task (Stroop task), followed by another Flanker task. Before the start and after each 12.5% of the Stroop task (eight blocks), subjects received a CAF-MALT mouth rinse (MR: 0.3 g/25 ml CAF: 1.6g/25 ml MALT) or placebo (PLAC: 25 ml artificial saliva). Results: Self-reported mental fatigue was lower in MR (p?=?0.017) compared to PLAC. Normalized accuracy (accuracy first block?=?100%) was higher in the last block of the Stroop in MR (p?=?0.032) compared to PLAC. P2 amplitude in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) decreased over time only in PLAC (p?=?0.017). Conclusion: Frequent mouth rinsing during a prolonged and demanding cognitive task reduces mental fatigue compared to mouth rinsing with artificial saliva

    A data-driven machine learning approach for brain-computer interfaces targeting lower limb neuroprosthetics

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    Prosthetic devices that replace a lost limb have become increasingly performant in recent years. Recent advances in both software and hardware allow for the decoding of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals to improve the control of active prostheses with brain-computer interfaces (BCI). Most BCI research is focused on the upper body. Although BCI research for the lower extremities has increased in recent years, there are still gaps in our knowledge of the neural patterns associated with lower limb movement. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to show the feasibility of decoding lower limb movements from EEG data recordings. The second aim is to investigate whether well-known neuroplastic adaptations in individuals with an amputation have an influence on decoding performance. To address this, we collected data from multiple individuals with lower limb amputation and a matched able-bodied control group. Using these data, we trained and evaluated common BCI methods that have already been proven effective for upper limb BCI. With an average test decoding accuracy of 84% for both groups, our results show that it is possible to discriminate different lower extremity movements using EEG data with good accuracy. There are no significant differences (p = 0.99) in the decoding performance of these movements between healthy subjects and subjects with lower extremity amputation. These results show the feasibility of using BCI for lower limb prosthesis control and indicate that decoding performance is not influenced by neuroplasticity-induced differences between the two groups
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