5,405 research outputs found

    Selective writing and read-out of a register of static qubits

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    We propose a setup comprising an arbitrarily large array of static qubits (SQs), which interact with a flying qubit (FQ). The SQs work as a quantum register, which can be written or read-out by means of the FQ through quantum state transfer (QST). The entire system, including the FQ's motional degrees of freedom, behaves quantum mechanically. We demonstrate a strategy allowing for selective QST between the FQ and a single SQ chosen from the register. This is achieved through a perfect mirror located beyond the SQs and suitable modulation of the inter-SQ distances.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Amendable Gaussian channels:restoring entanglement via a unitary filter

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    We show that there exist Gaussian channels which are amendable. A channel is amendable if when applied twice is entanglement breaking while there exists a unitary filter such that, when interposed between the first and second action of the map, prevents the global transformation from being entanglement breaking [Phys. Rev. A 86, 052302 (2012)]. We find that, depending on the structure of the channel, the unitary filter can be a squeezing transformation or a phase shift operation. We also propose two realistic quantum optics experiments where the amendability of Gaussian channels can be verified by exploiting the fact that it is sufficient to test the entanglement breaking properties of two mode Gaussian channels on input states with finite energy (which are not maximally entangled).Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Tricalcium phosphate endosseous implants in dentistry: ultrastructural findings

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    β-Tricalcium phosphate magnesium substitued (β-TCMP), consisting of one part small unsintered and one part large sintered granules was placed in upper and lower jaw surgical cavities of monkeys. At light and transmission electron microscope the biopsies taken at 2, 4, 8 and 24 weeks showed that both sintered and unsintered granules were well tolerated by the host tissue and result biodegradable over time.β-TCMP may stimulate the direction of bone growth enhancing osteoblasts activity and new bone deposition in direct contact and in the micropores of the biomaterial. β-TCMP containing Mg ions reabsorbs slowly when in sintered granules form and rapidly as unsintered granules. When it is placed in bone cavities, if bone reabsorption is biologically necessary, the biomaterial can be reabsorbed with bone, while if osteogenesis is required β-TCMP provides a more durable matrix to support new bone growth.Le β-phosphate tricalcique contenant à ions Mg (β-TCMP) et constitué à parts égales de fins granules non frittés et de larges granules frittés, est introduit dans des cavités chirurgicales pratiquées dans les maxillaires supérieurs et inférieurs de singes.Des biopsies pratiquées à 2, 4, 8 et 24 semaines ont été examinées au microscope optique et électronique à transmission.Les granules frittés et non frittés sont bien tolérés par les tissus hôtes et sont biodégradés avec le temps.Les observations histologiques montrent aussi que le β-TCMP peut orienter la direction de la croissance osseuse en stimulant l’activité des ostéoblastes et le dépôt d’os nouveau aussi bien autour des biomatériaux que dans leur micropores. Le β-TCMP contenant les ions Mg est réabsorbé lentement lorsqu’il se présente sous la forme de granules frittés, et rapidement lorsqu’il est sous la forme de granules non frittés.Lorsqu’il est introduit dans les cavités osseuses, si la réabsorption osseuse est biologiquement nécessaire, le biomatériau peut être réabsorbé avec l’os, tandis que si c’est l’ostéogenèse qui est sollicitée, β-TCMP fournit une matrice durable comme support à la croissance d’os nouveau

    Building versatile bipartite probes for quantum metrology

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