623 research outputs found

    Temperatura e pH da solução nutritiva no crescimento das raízes primárias do trigo

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    Primary root growth is very important for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop in upland conditions in the State of São Paulo. Fourteen wheat genotypes (mutant lines and cultivars) were evaluated for primary root growth during 7 and 15 days of development in complete and aerated nutrient solutions, in the laboratory. In the first experiment, solutions with three pH values (4.0, 5.0 and 6.0) at constant temperature (24 ± 1°C), and in the second experiment, solutions with the same pH (4.0) but with three temperatures (18°C ± 1°C, 24°C ± 1°C and 30°C ± 1°C) were used. High genetic variability was observed among the evaluated genotypes in relation to primary root growth in the first stages of development in nutrient solutions independent of pH, temperature and growth period. Genotypes 6 (BH-1146) and 13 (IAC-17), tolerant to Al3+ showed genetic potential for root growth in the first stages of development (7 and 15 days), regardless of nutrient solution temperature and pH. Genotypes 14 (IAC-24 M), 15 (IAC-24), 17 (MON"S" / ALD "S") ´ IAC-24 M2, 18 (MON"S" / ALD "S") ´ IAC-24 M3 and 24 (KAUZ"S" / IAC-24 M3), tolerant to Al3+, showed reduced root growth under the same conditions.O crescimento das raízes primárias é de grande importância para o estabelecimento da cultura do trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) em condição de sequeiro no Estado de São Paulo. Quatorze genótipos (linhagens mutantes e cultivares) de trigo foram comparados quanto ao crescimento das raízes primárias durante 7 e 15 dias de desenvolvimento em soluções nutritivas completas, com arejamento, em condição de laboratório. No primeiro experimento, empregaram-se soluções com três valores de pH (4,0; 5,0 e 6,0) mantendo-se constante a temperatura (24 ± 1°C) e no segundo, utilizaram-se soluções com mesmo pH (4,0), porém com três temperaturas (18°C ± 1°C, 24°C ± 1°C e 30°C ± 1°C). Observou-se grande variabilidade genética entre os genótipos avaliados para crescimento das raízes primárias nos primeiros estádios de desenvolvimento independentemente do pH, temperatura e período de crescimento nas soluções nutritivas. Os genótipos 6 (BH-1146) e 13 (IAC-17), tolerantes ao Al³+ exibiram potencial genético para maior crescimento radicular nos primeiros estádios de desenvolvimento (7 e 15 dias), independentemente da temperatura e do pH das soluções nutritivas. Os genótipos 14 (IAC-24 M), 15 (IAC-24), 17 (MON"S" / ALD "S") ´ IAC-24 M2, 18 (MON"S" / ALD "S") ´ IAC-24 M3 e 24 (KAUZ"S" / IAC-24 M3), tolerantes ao Al³+, apresentaram reduzido crescimento radicular nas mesmas condições

    Estudo Numérico do Balanço de Radiação na Superfície: Variação Diurna e Anual do Albedo na Cidade de São Paulo

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    A solar radiation balance at the surface scheme proposed byMartilli is applied to investigate the diurnal and seasonal evolutions ofalbedo in City of São Paulo. Comparisons with observational data arediscussed.O esquema de balanço de radiação na superfície urbana, propostopor Martilli, é usado para investigar a variação diurna e sazonal doalbedo na Cidade de São Paulo. Comparações com dados observadossão discutidas

    Síntese de aminoálcoois derivados do D-manitol

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    Aminoalcohols have found important applications in synthetic and medicinal chemistry, being used as chiral building blocks for the synthesis of many biologically active compounds. This class of compounds has been also used as chiral auxiliaries and ligands in asymmetric synthesis. Due to the importance of aminoalcohols in the treatment of several diseases, such as tuberculosis, the aim of this article is the synthesis and preliminary evaluation against tuberculosis of six aminoalcohols in 5 or 6 steps using D-mannitol as starting material, which is a useful carbohydrate employed in many syntheses

    Lingual Lymphangioma Ablation With High Power Diode Laser: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Lymphangioma is a rare vascular anomaly that affects the lymphatic vessels. Its etiology is not yet clear and it usually occurs in the head and neck region. This pathology is commonly diagnosed in childhood and there is no consensus about the most effective treatment of it.Case Report: We report a case of lymphangioma located on the dorsum of the tongue in a 9-year-old boy, with the clinical appearance of small transparent vesicles similar to “frog-eggs”. The diagnosis was defined according to the clinical aspect and ultrasound images. The treatment performed consisted of two sessions of ablation with a high-power diode laser.Conclusion: High-intensity diode laser ablation was a safe and effective tool for the treatment of this lesion in the tongue, which provided the patient with a faster, efficient transoperative period and a more comfortable postoperative period.

    Níveis de proteina no concentrado de vacas da raça Curraleiro Pé Duro: consumo, digestibilidade, produção e composição do leite.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of increasing dietary protein on intake, nutrient digestibility, production and milk composition of primiparous Curraleiro Pé-Duro cows kept in a rotational grazing system in mombaça grass (Megathyrsus maximum). Four newborn animals were used, in a Latin square design, supplemented with 3 kg of concentrated feed containing 16, 18, 20 and 22% CP. Milking was carried out twice a day and samples of milk, ingested food, feces and blood were collected during the test. An increase in protein intake and digestibility of crude protein and ether extract was observed as the percentage of protein in the diet increased. The digestibility and consumption of other nutrients were not influenced by the level of protein in the diet. The animals supplemented with 20 and 22% of CP had a higher amount of glucose in the blood. Milk protein increased with 18% CP supplementation. Lactose and total milk solids increased from 20% of CP in the diet. However, increasing the protein content in the diet had no effect on milk production.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del aumento de proteína en la ingesta, digestibilidad de nutrientes, producción y composición de la leche de vacas primíparas Curraleiro Pé-Duro mantenidas en un sistema de pastoreo rotacional en pasto mombaça (Megathyrsus maximum). Se utilizaron cuatro animales recién nacidos, en un diseño de cuadrado latino, suplementados con 3 kg de alimento concentrado conteniendo 16, 18, 20 y 22% de PB. El ordeño se realizó dos veces al día y durante la prueba se recogieron muestras de leche, alimentos ingeridos, heces y sangre. Se observó un aumento en la ingesta de proteínas y la digestibilidad de la proteína cruda y el extracto etéreo a medida que aumentaba el porcentaje de proteína en la dieta. La digestibilidad y el consumo de otros nutrientes no se vieron influenciados por el nivel de proteína en la dieta. Los animales suplementados con 20 y 22% de CP tenían una mayor cantidad de glucosa en sangre. La proteína de la leche aumentó con un 18% de suplementación con PC. La lactosa y los sólidos totales de la leche aumentaron del 20% de la PC en la dieta. Sin embargo, el aumento del contenido de proteínas en la dieta no tuvo ningún efecto sobre la producción de leche.Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do incremento da proteína dietética sobre o consumo, digestibilidade de nutrientes, produção e composição do leite de vacas primíparas da raça Curraleiro Pé-Duro, mantidas em sistema de pastoreio rotacionado em capim-mombaça (Megathyrsus maximum). Foram utilizados 4 animais recém paridos, num delineamento em quadrado latino, suplementados com 3 kg de ração concentrada contendo 16, 18, 20 e 22% de PB. A ordenha foi efetuada duas vezes ao dia e coletou-se durante o ensaio amostras de leite, dos alimentos ingeridos, fezes e sangue. Foi observado aumento no consumo de proteína e digestibilidades da proteína bruta e do extrato etéreo conforme elevou-se a porcentagem de proteína da dieta. A digestibilidade e o consumo dos demais nutrientes não foram influenciados pelo nivel de proteína na dieta. Os animais suplementados com 20 e 22% de PB apresentaram maior quantidade de glicose no sangue.  A proteína do leite aumentou a partir da suplementação de 18% de PB. Já a lactose e os sólidos totais do leite, aumentaram a partir de 20% de PB na dieta. No entanto, o aumento do teor de proteína na dieta não apresentou efeito sobre a produção de leite


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    Now, the days begin with cups of coffee worldwide. Caffeine is the main component of coffee, which is vastly consumed as a psychoactive agent, and in varieties of dietary supplements. Day by day coffee and caffeinated-consumption areas are expanding. Only a single cup of coffee contains thousands of biochemical. Otherwise, during roasting, some of which turn to convert other chemicals moieties. Thus, the coffee is an interesting item to the drug scientists. Upon this jackpot, a number of researches have been done on coffee and its chemical components; in which many postulations are still in contentious and some are unclear to the coffee users. Upon going through the stand-point, this study has been snapshot to sketch a complete overview on coffee and its components. Our finding depicts constituents of coffee to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-Alzheimer's disease, anti-Parkinson's disease, and cardioprotective activities. But the anti-cancerous effect of coffee components is not clear yet. In conclusion, coffee, and its constituents are in important in phytopharmacological research.Keywords: Coffee, Coffee components, Health-effect