1,002 research outputs found

    “Foreign Soundingness” and Code-Switching Instead of Translation: An Examination of a Marketing Strategy in Contemporary Latino/a Music.

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    The focus of this investigation is to analyze the concept of “foreign soundingness” used by David Bellos in his essay “Fictions of the Foreign the Paradox of “Foreign-Soundingness” in the Latino/a music context. Specifically, it is interesting to see how code-switching between English and Spanish in certain songs can be used to connect with the US Latino/a community, but also be a “foreign soundingness” for the audience outside of the mainland. Additionally, I argue that due to the increase in the bilingual populace around the world, it is not necessary for contemporary artists to translate their music to a specific language to increase their followers or gain international status. Most likely, the combination of two languages in Latino/a music gives them the opportunity to connect with a more diverse audience, and in the U.S., it helps to fight the bad stereotypes that have been established about using more than one language in the communication process. Therefore, to analyze this phenomenon, I use three songs that gain a lot of popularity in the US music industry during the last 7 years as examples: Odio (2014) by Romeo Santos ft. Drake, Despacito (2017) by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee ft Justin Bieber, and Tusa (2019) by Karol G ft Niki Minaj. These collaborations which end in mixed languages within one song are helping in their own way to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and the development of plurilingual products that can reach a more diverse audience

    The Quillen-Suslin theorem

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2018, Director: Carlos D'Andrea[en] The Quillen-Suslin theorem is usually stated as "Let PP be a finitely generated projective module over k[x1,...,xn]k [ x_{1},...,x_{n}] . Then P is free". Before being proven independently and in its full generality by Quillen and Suslin in 1976, this question was usually referred to as the "Serre’s Conjecture", and stood as one of the most relevant open problems in algebra and affine algebraic geometry for twenty years. In this memoir we provide in detail all the algebraic tools needed to have a good understanding of the basic mathematics surrounding this theorem and its more elementary proof by Vaserstein, as well as some algorithms related to it

    Electrocardiogram on Wireless Sensor Nodes

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    Wireless sensor nodes are applicable in a wide range of situations such as the medical, industrial or environmental domains, but the focus is on the biomedical domain. This paper presents the steps taken to develop a low power processor using Silicon Hive technology and mapping an electrocardiogram analysis algorithm on that processor. Today\u27s energy-scavengers are able to deliver 100microwatt. This is the global power constraint of the sensor node. With a total power consumption of 16microwatt, the DSP processes the samples, compresses them into extracted parameters and the results are sent out by means of a radio

    Detection of geological structures ahead of the tunnel construction using tunnel surface-waves

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    To improve the performance and safety of tunnel constructions, seismic predictions methods can be used to detect relevant geological structures ahead of the tunnel face (e.g. faults, lithological boundaries). We present a simple and robust processing method that can automatically calculate the distance of such a geological inhomogeneity from the seismic response of only a few receivers mounted on the tunnel wall. The method works fully automatic and does need much computational resources which is ideal under tunneling conditions. Our approach has been develop on 3D synthetic finite difference and tested on real tunneling data. In both cases, the distance of a fault zone has been determined accurately and without any a priori information

    Seismic prediction ahead of tunnel construction using Rayleigh-waves

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    To increase safety and efficiency of tunnel constructions, online seismic exploration ahead of a tunnel can become a valuable tool. We developed a new forward looking seismic imaging technique e.g. to determine weak and water bearing zones ahead of the constructions. Our approach is based on the excitation and registration of tunnel surface-waves. These waves are excited at the tunnel face behind the cutter head of a tunnel boring machine and travel into drilling direction. Arriving at the front face they generate body-waves propagating further ahead. Reflected S-waves are back-converted into tunnel surface-waves

    Seismic prediction ahead of tunnel construction using tunnel surface-waves

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    To increase safety and efficiency of tunnel constructions, online seismic exploration ahead of a tunnel can become a valuable tool. We developed a new forward looking seismic imaging technique to e.g. determine weak and water bearing zones ahead of the constructions. Our approach is based on the excitation and registration of tunnel surface-waves (TS-waves). These waves are excited at the tunnel face behind the cutter head of a tunnel boring machine and travel into drilling direction. Arriving at the front face they generate body-waves (mainly S-waves = ”RS”-waves) propagating further ahead. Reflected S-waves are back-converted into tunnel surface-waves (”RSSR”-waves) and can be recorded by geophones mounted on the tunnel wall. Using 3D Finite Difference modeling, an analytical solution of the wave equation in cylindrical coordinates and field data acquired at the Gotthard massive (Switzerland) we investigated the propagation characteristics of tunnel surface waves in terms of dispersion and polarization. Understanding the excitation and propagation of TS-waves is the key for developing processing and imaging techniques for our seismic look ahead prediction in tunnel constructions

    Deception Honeypots : Deep Intelligence

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    En un món on Internet és una eina fonamental pel desenvolupament de les empreses, que volen créixer i establir-se en el mercat econòmic global, la seguretat dels seus sistemes informàtics es converteix en una necessitat. La constant evolució de les tecnologies, promou un ambient en el qual els mètodes que es fan servir per atacar els sistemes informàtics, evolucionen encara més ràpid que les pròpies tecnologies, crean un estat on és pràcticament impossible garantir la integritat i la seguretat completa dels sistemes. La majoria dels mètodes actuals de seguretat, tenen com a objectiu la prevenció o detecció. Per aquest motiu aquest treball implementa els honeypots d'alta interacció, amb els quals podem implementar un factor proactiu en la nostre seguretat, atraient als atacants a un espai controlat, per aprendre els seus mètodes i fer servir aquesta informació per protegir els sistemes reals. En aquest article, es proposa el desenvolupament d'un honeypot d'alta interacció i la seva implementació, en una xarxa similar al entorn de producció d'una empresa per enganyar possibles atacants.In a world where Internet is a key element for the development of any company, that wants to rise and establish in the economic global market, the security of the computer systems used in the company's becomes an imperious need. The constant evolution of technology, provides an environment where the methods used to attack the computer systems evolve even faster than the technologies itself, creating a state where it is practically impossible to assure the integrity and complete security of the systems. Most actual security methods and policies, act only as a prevention or detection solution. Therefore in this paper we implement high interaction honeypots, which allow a new proactive factor in our security, to attract the attackers into a controlled environment, where we can learn their methods and use that information to protect the real systems. In this paper we will propose the development of a high interaction honeypot, and its implementation in a network, which we could find in a real bussines environment.En un mundo donde Internet es una herramienta basica para el dessarrollo de las empresas, que quieren crecer y establecer-se en el mercado economico global, la seguridad de sus sistemas informàticos se convierte en una necesitat. La constante evolucion de las tecnologias, promueve un ambiente en el que los metodos que se usan para atacar los sistemas informàticos evolucionan aun mas rápido que las propias tecnologias, creando un estado donde es practicamente imposible garantizar la integridad y seguridad de los sistemas. La mayoria de los metodos actuales de seguridad, tienen como objetivo la prevención o detección. Por este motivo en este trabajo implementa honeypots de alta interacción, con los quales se puede implantar un factor pro-activo en la seguridad, atraiendo a los atacantes a un espació controlado, para aprender sus metodos i usar esta información para proteger los sistemas reales. En este Articulo, se propone el desarrollo de un honeypot de alta interacción i su implementación, en una red similar a la de un entorno de producción de una empresa para engañar a posibles atacantes