107 research outputs found

    Digital Covid Certificates as Immunity Passports: An Analysis of Their Main Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues

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    Digital COVID certificates are a novel public health policy to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. These immunity certificates aim to incentivize vaccination and to deny international travel or access to essential spaces to those who are unable to prove that they are not infectious. In this article, we start by describing immunity certificates and highlighting their differences from vaccination certificates. Then, we focus on the ethical, legal, and social issues involved in their use, namely autonomy and consent, data protection, equity, and international mobility from a global fairness perspective. The main conclusion of our analysis is that digital COVID certificates are only acceptable if they meet certain conditions: that they should not process personal data beyond what is strictly necessary for the aimed goals, that equal access to them should be guaranteed, and that they should not restrict people’s autonomy to access places where contagion is unlikely. We conclude that, if such conditions are guaranteed, digital COVID certificates could contribute to mitigating some of the most severe socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA European Commission (H2020 SWAFS Programme, PANELFIT Project, research grant number 788039), Eusko Jaurlaritza (Ayudas a Grupos de Investigación IT-106616), and La Caixa Foundation (LCF/BQ/ DR20/11790005)

    Digital Covid Certificates as Immunity Passports: An Analysis of Their Main Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues

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    Digital COVID certificates are a novel public health policy to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. These immunity certificates aim to incentivize vaccination and to deny international travel or access to essential spaces to those who are unable to prove that they are not infectious. In this article, we start by describing immunity certificates and highlighting their differences from vaccination certificates. Then, we focus on the ethical, legal, and social issues involved in their use, namely autonomy and consent, data protection, equity, and international mobility from a global fairness perspective. The main conclusion of our analysis is that digital COVID certificates are only acceptable if they meet certain conditions: that they should not process personal data beyond what is strictly necessary for the aimed goals, that equal access to them should be guaranteed, and that they should not restrict people’s autonomy to access places where contagion is unlikely.We conclude that, if such conditions are guaranteed, digital COVID certificates could contribute to mitigating some of the most severe socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic.Universidad de Granada/CBUA European Commission 788039La Caixa Foundation LCF/BQ/DR20/11790005Ayudas a Grupos de Investigacion IT-10661

    El nuevo marco normativo de la responsabilidad de los servidores públicos

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    In recent years there has been a notable change in the regulation of the responsibility of public servants. The repeal of the Law on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations, the modification of the Criminal Code and the approval of the Transparency Law have created a new framework. This text tries to expose the current Spanish regulation on these issues. Therefore, it offers a global vision of the criminal, patrimonial and disciplinary responsibility of public servants, accompanied by a critical vision on the practise.En los últimos dos años se ha producido un cambio notable en la regulación de la responsabilidad de los servidores públicos. La derogación de la vieja Ley del Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas, la modificación del Código Penal, o la aprobación de la nueva Ley de Transparencia han contribuido mucho a construir un nuevo panorama. Este texto intenta exponer cómo ha quedado la normativa actualmente. Por tanto, se ofrece una visión global de la responsabilidad penal, patrimonial y disciplinaria de la materia, acompañada de una visión crítica sobre la realidad práctica a la que da lugar.In recent years there has been a notable change in the regulation of the responsibility of public servants. The repeal of the Law on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations, the modification of the Criminal Code and the approval of the Transparency Law have created a new framework. This text tries to expose the current Spanish regulation on these issues. Therefore, it offers a global vision of the criminal, patrimonial and disciplinary responsibility of public servants, accompanied by a critical vision on the practise

    ¿Existe un derecho a la identidad genética?

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    Is there a right to have a genetic identity? This question has usually been answered in an affirmative way. This paper tries to demonstrate that this conclusion is only right when we talk about adult people. However, in the case of clones, it is not possible to think about a rignt of this kind, but a rignt to not live. This means that Laws must include the recognition of that right, if they do not want their banning of human cloning to became meaningless.¿Existe un derecho a poseer una identidad genética propia? La respuesta a esta pregunta ha sido, tradicionalmente, afirmativa. El presente texto trata de demostrar que esta conclusión sólo es correcta cuando hablamos de seres humanos adultos. Sin embargo, en el caso de los clones, no es posible hablar de este tipo de derecho, sino de un derecho a no vivir. Esto significa que las leyes deben incluir el reconocimiento de ese derecho, si no quieren que sus prohibiciones a la clonación pierdan todo su sentido

    Digital Covid Certificates as Immunity Passports: An Analysis of Their Main Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues

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    Digital COVID certificates are a novel public health policy to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. These immunity certificates aim to incentivize vaccination and to deny international travel or access to essential spaces to those who are unable to prove that they are not infectious. In this article, we start by describing immunity certificates and highlighting their differences from vaccination certificates. Then, we focus on the ethical, legal, and social issues involved in their use, namely autonomy and consent, data protection, equity, and international mobility from a global fairness perspective. The main conclusion of our analysis is that digital COVID certificates are only acceptable if they meet certain conditions: that they should not process personal data beyond what is strictly necessary for the aimed goals, that equal access to them should be guaranteed, and that they should not restrict people’s autonomy to access places where contagion is unlikely. We conclude that, if such conditions are guaranteed, digital COVID certificates could contribute to mitigating some of the most severe socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic

    Synthetic embryos: a new venue in ethical research

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    The recent publications reported in 2022 reveal the possibility of obtaining mouse embryos without the need for egg or sperm. These ‘artificial embryos’ can recapitulate some stages of development ex utero – from neurulation to organogenesis – without implantation. Synthetic mouse embryos might serve as a valuable model to gain further insights into early developmental stages. Indeed, it is expected for these models to be replicated by employing human cells. This promising research raises ethical issues and expands the horizon of ethics in regard to the development of the human embryo. From this point of view, we state some of the new open venues for bioethical research

    The undesirable of a strict application of article 1945 CC: a proposition of lege data

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    Una interpretación estricta del artículo 1945 del Código Civil arriesga un resultado incompatible con la racionalidad subyacente del remedio indemnizatorio: un enriquecimiento que puede ir más allá de la compensación. Un sector de la doctrina ha ofrecido una interpretación flexible del precepto que evita este resultado. Si bien simpatizamos con el propósito, los argumentos no nos resultan del todo convincentes. Por eso, en este trabajo, ofrecemos un camino distinto, a través del artículo 6º de la Ley Nº18.101 y las normas generales del remedio indemnizatorio.A strict interpretation of article 1945 of the Civil Code risks an outcome at odds with the underlying rationality of compensatory damages: an enrichment beyond compensation. To overcome this interpretation some authors have provided a flexible interpretation which eludes it. We share the aim, but not the argument, so we offer an alternative based on article 6º of Act 18.101 and general norms on compensatory damages