7,694 research outputs found

    Theory of controlled quantum dynamics

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    We introduce a general formalism, based on the stochastic formulation of quantum mechanics, to obtain localized quasi-classical wave packets as dynamically controlled systems, for arbitrary anharmonic potentials. The control is in general linear, and it amounts to introduce additional quadratic and linear time-dependent terms to the given potential. In this way one can construct for general systems either coherent packets moving with constant dispersion, or dynamically squeezed packets whose spreading remains bounded for all times. In the standard operatorial framework our scheme corresponds to a suitable generalization of the displacement and scaling operators that generate the coherent and squeezed states of the harmonic oscillator.Comment: LaTeX, A4wide, 28 pages, no figures. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., April 199

    The solution space of metabolic networks: producibility, robustness and fluctuations

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    Flux analysis is a class of constraint-based approaches to the study of biochemical reaction networks: they are based on determining the reaction flux configurations compatible with given stoichiometric and thermodynamic constraints. One of its main areas of application is the study of cellular metabolic networks. We briefly and selectively review the main approaches to this problem and then, building on recent work, we provide a characterization of the productive capabilities of the metabolic network of the bacterium E.coli in a specified growth medium in terms of the producible biochemical species. While a robust and physiologically meaningful production profile clearly emerges (including biomass components, biomass products, waste etc.), the underlying constraints still allow for significant fluctuations even in key metabolites like ATP and, as a consequence, apparently lay the ground for very different growth scenarios.Comment: 10 pages, prepared for the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Statistical-Mechanical Informatics, March 7-10, 2010, Kyoto, Japa

    Transient fluctuation relations for time-dependent particle transport

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    We consider particle transport under the influence of time-varying driving forces, where fluctuation relations connect the statistics of pairs of time reversed evolutions of physical observables. In many "mesoscopic" transport processes, the effective many-particle dynamics is dominantly classical, while the microscopic rates governing particle motion are of quantum-mechanical origin. We here employ the stochastic path integral approach as an optimal tool to probe the fluctuation statistics in such applications. Describing the classical limit of the Keldysh quantum nonequilibrium field theory, the stochastic path integral encapsulates the quantum origin of microscopic particle exchange rates. Dynamically, it is equivalent to a transport master equation which is a formalism general enough to describe many applications of practical interest. We apply the stochastic path integral to derive general functional fluctuation relations for current flow induced by time-varying forces. We show that the successive measurement processes implied by this setup do not put the derivation of quantum fluctuation relations in jeopardy. While in many cases the fluctuation relation for a full time-dependent current profile may contain excessive information, we formulate a number of reduced relations, and demonstrate their application to mesoscopic transport. Examples include the distribution of transmitted charge, where we show that the derivation of a fluctuation relation requires the combined monitoring of the statistics of charge and work

    Goals, usefulness and abstraction in value-based choice

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    Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, while on the run, purportedly burned two million dollars in banknotes to keep his daughter warm. A stark reminder that, in life, circumstances and goals can quickly change, forcing us to reassess and modify our values on-the-fly. Studies in decision-making and neuroeconomics have often implicitly equated value to reward, emphasising the hedonic and automatic aspect of the value computation, while overlooking its functional (concept-like) nature. Here we outline the computational and biological principles that enable the brain to compute the usefulness of an option or action by creating abstractions that flexibly adapt to changing goals. We present different algorithmic architectures, comparing ideas from artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive neuroscience with psychological theories and, when possible, drawing parallels

    Multi-market minority game: breaking the symmetry of choice

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    Generalization of the minority game to more than one market is considered. At each time step every agent chooses one of its strategies and acts on the market related to this strategy. If the payoff function allows for strong fluctuation of utility then market occupancies become inhomogeneous with preference given to this market where the fluctuation occured first. There exists a critical size of agent population above which agents on bigger market behave collectively. In this regime there always exists a history of decisions for which all agents on a bigger market react identically.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, Accepted to 'Advances in Complex Systems

    How usefulness shapes neural representations during goal-directed behavior

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    Value is often associated with reward, emphasizing its hedonic aspects. However, when circumstances change, value must also change (a compass outvalues gold, if you are lost). How are value representations in the brain reshaped under different behavioral goals? To answer this question, we devised a new task that decouples usefulness from its hedonic attributes, allowing us to study flexible goal-dependent mapping. Here, we show that, unlike sensory cortices, regions in the prefrontal cortex (PFC)—usually associated with value computation—remap their representation of perceptually identical items according to how useful the item has been to achieve a specific goal. Furthermore, we identify a coding scheme in the PFC that represents value regardless of the goal, thus supporting generalization across contexts. Our work questions the dominant view that equates value with reward, showing how a change in goals triggers a reorganization of the neural representation of value, enabling flexible behavior

    Characterization of Strombolian events by using independent component analysis

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    We apply Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to seismic signals recorded at Stromboli volcano. Firstly, we show how ICA works considering synthetic signals, which are generated by dynamical systems. We prove that Strombolian signals, both tremor and explosions, in the high frequency band (>0.5 Hz), are similar in time domain. This seems to give some insights to the organ pipe model generation for the source of these events. Moreover, we are able to recognize in the tremor signals a low frequency component (<0.5 Hz), with a well defined peak corresponding to 30s

    Rapid variability of accretion in AM Herculis

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    We present the last pointed observation of AM Her carried out during the life of the BeppoSAX satellite. It was bright at the beginning of the observation, but dropped to the lowest X-ray level ever observed so far. The X-ray emission during the bright period is consistent with accretion occurring onto the main pole of the magnetized white dwarf. The rapid change from the active state to the low deep state indicates a drop by a factor of 17 in the accretion rate and hence that accretion switched-off. The short timescale (less than one hour) of this variation still remains a puzzle. Optical photometry acquired simultaneousy during the low state shows that the white dwarf remains heated, although a weak emission from the accretion stream could be still present. Cyclotron radiation, usually dominating the V and R bands, is negligible thus corroborating the possibility that AM Her was in an off-accretion state. The X-ray emission during the inactive state is consistent with coronal emission from the secondary late type star.Comment: 6 pages A&A-Latex, 6 Figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Cardiotoxicity of commercial 5-fluorouracil vials stems from the alkaline hydrolysis of this drug.

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    The cardiotoxicity of 5-fluorouracil (FU) was attributed to impurities present in the injected vials. One of these impurities was identified as fluoroacetaldehyde which is metabolised by isolated perfused rabbit hearts into fluoroacetate (FAC), a highly cardiotoxic compound. FAC was also detected in the urine of patients treated with FU. These impurities were found to be degradation products of FU that are formed in the basic medium employed to dissolve this compound. To avoid chemical degradation of this antineoplastic drug, the solution of FU that will be injected should be prepared immediately before use
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