355 research outputs found

    Role of the JP45-Calsequestrin Complex on Calcium Entry in Slow Twitch Skeletal Muscles

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    We exploited a variety of mouse models to assess the roles of JP45-CASQ1 (CASQ, calsequestrin) and JP45-CASQ2 on calcium entry in slow twitch muscles. In flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) fibers isolated from JP45-CASQ1-CASQ2 triple KO mice, calcium transients induced by tetanic stimulation rely on calcium entry via La3+- and nifedipine-sensitive calcium channels. The comparison of excitation-coupled calcium entry (ECCE) between FDB fibers from WT, JP45KO, CASQ1KO, CASQ2KO, JP45-CASQ1 double KO, JP45-CASQ2 double KO, and JP45-CASQ1-CASQ2 triple KO shows that ECCE enhancement requires ablation of both CASQs and JP45. Calcium entry activated by ablation of both JP45-CASQ1 and JP45-CASQ2 complexes supports tetanic force development in slow twitch soleus muscles. In addition, we show that CASQs interact with JP45 at Ca2+ concentrations similar to those present in the lumen of the sarcoplasmic reticulum at rest, whereas Ca2+ concentrations similar to those present in the SR lumen after depolarization-induced calcium release cause the dissociation of JP45 from CASQs. Our results show that the complex JP45-CASQs is a negative regulator of ECCE and that tetanic force development in slow twitch muscles is supported by the dynamic interaction between JP45 and CASQs

    Comparison of the compositional, microbiological, biochemical, and volatile profile characteristics of nine Italian ewes' milk cheeses.

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    Abstract Nine Italian ewes' milk cheeses were compared for compositional, microbiological, biochemical, and volatile profile characteristics. Mean values for the gross composition were rather similar among cheeses. The lowest pH values were found for cheeses that used primary starters. At the end of ripening, cheeses made from raw milk contained >6.0 log 10 cfu/g of nonstarter lactic acid bacteria. Several species of lactobacilli were identified, but Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus paracasei were dominant. Random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR analysis showed the biodiversity among the strains, and in several cases a relationship with the cheese of provenance. Cheeses differed mainly for secondary proteolysis, as shown by the principal component analysis applied to reversed-phase fast protein liquid chromatography data of the pH 4.6-soluble fractions and by determination of the free AA. A total of 113volatile components were identified in the Italian Pecorino cheeses by solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis. The volatile profiles of the 9 cheeses differed significantly. Quantitatively, alcohols were the most abundant chemical class for some cheeses, whereas ketones were the most abundant for other cheeses. Esters and carboxylic acids were largely found. Specific volatile components seemed to distinguish specific cheeses

    Sourdough fermentation of whole and sprouted lentil flours: In situ formation of dextran and effects on the nutritional, texture and sensory characteristics of white bread

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    Exopolysaccharides produced in situ by lactic acid bacteria during sourdough fermentation are recognized as bread texture improvers. In this study, the suitability of whole and sprouted lentil flours, added with 25% on flour weight sucrose for dextran formation by selected strains during sourdough fermentation, was evaluated. The dextran synthesized in situ by Weissella confusa SLA4 was 9.2 and 9.7% w/w flour weight in lentil and sprouted lentil sourdoughs, respectively. Wheat bread supplemented with 30% w/w sourdough showed increased specific volume and decreased crumb hardness and staling rate, compared to the control wheat bread. Incorporation of sourdoughs improved the nutritional value of wheat bread, leading to increased total and soluble fibers content, and the aroma profile. The integrated biotechnological approach, based on sourdough fermentation and germination, is a potential clean-label strategy to obtain high-fibers content foods with tailored texture, and it can further enhance the use of legumes in novel foods.Peer reviewe

    Relationship between obesity and early failure of total knee prostheses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Obesity is a risk factor for knee arthritis. Total knee arthroplasty is the definitive surgical treatment of this disease. Therefore, a high percentage of subjects treated are overweight. Since 2000 in the Emilia-Romagna Region the Register of Orthopedic Prosthetic Implantology, RIPO, has recorded data of all the primary and revision operations performed on the knee; height and weight of patients at the time of surgery have also been recorded.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To understand how overweight and obesity affect the outcome of knee arthroplasty, a population of subjects treated with cemented total knee arthroplasty between 2000 and 2005 was studied. 9735 knee prostheses were implanted in 8892 patients; 18.9% of the patients were normal weight, 48.2% were overweight (25 < Body Mass Index <= 30), 31.1% were obese (30 < BMI <= 40), and 1.8% were morbidly obese (BMI > 40). Mean and range of follow-up were respectively 3.1 and 1.5–6 yrs. Implant failure was defined as the exchange of at least one component for whatever reason.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In normal weight patients there were 36 failures out of 1840 implants (1.96%), in overweight patients there were 87 out of 4692 (1.85%), in obese 59 out of 3031 (1.94%), and in morbidly obese there were 4 out of 172 (2.3%). The mean time to failure for each class was 1.57, 1.48, 1.60, 1.77 yrs. Cox regression analyses showed that the risk of implant failure was not influenced by BMI, absolute body weight, or sex. Conversely, an increased failure risk was observed in mobile meniscus prostheses in comparison with those with a fixed meniscus (Rate Ratio 1.88); an increased failure risk was also related to age (Rate Ratio 1.05 per year). These results were also confirmed when considering septic loosening as the end-point. There were no differences in the rate of perioperative complications and death in the 4 classes of BMI.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, cemented knee prostheses, implanted in patients with arthritis do not have significantly different rates of survival or perioperative complications in obese subjects compared with normal weight subjects, at least up to 5 years after surgery. The conclusion also applies to subjects affected by morbid obesity, altough this findings should be regarded with caution due to the small sample examined.</p


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    Several physical and astrophysical fluid and plasma systems displaying turbulent features show a 1/k (or 1/f) spectral domain at spatial (temporal) scales above the inertial range. Here, we investigate the formation of a 1/k spectral domain in fluid and MHD turbulence systems in the sub-inertial range (, where k0 is the injection scale) by means of shell-model simulations. The simulation results suggest that the 1/k domain emerges as a consequence of competing direct and inverse cascading processes, implying the formation and dissipation of large-scale gradients below the inertial domain. The relevance of our results for observations in space and astrophysical contexts is briefly discussed

    Exploring the Microbiota of Faba Bean : Functional Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria

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    This study investigated the metabolic traits of 27 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains belonging to different species, previously isolated from faba bean. The activities assayed, related to technological and nutritional improvement of fermented faba bean, included peptidases, beta-glucosidase, phytase, as well as exopolysaccharides synthesis and antimicrobial properties. In addition, the bacteria performance as starter cultures during faba bean fermentation on proteolysis, antioxidant potential, and degradation of condensed tannins were assessed. Fermentative profiling showed that only 7 out of 27 strains were able to metabolize D-raffinose, particularly Leuc. mesenteroides I01 and I57. All strains of Pediococcus pentosaceus exerted high PepN activity and exhibited beta-glucosidase activity higher than the median value of 0.015 U, while phytase activity was largely distributed among the different strains. All the weissellas, and in lower amount leuconostocs, showed ability to produce EPS from sucrose. None of the strains showed antimicrobial activity toward Staphylococcus aureus, while eight strains of P. pentosaceus exhibited a strong inhibitory activity toward Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes. Generally, the doughs fermented with pediococci exhibited high amount of total free amino acids, antioxidant activity, and condensed tannins degradation. These results allowed the identification of LAB biotypes as potential starter cultures for faba bean bioprocessing, aiming at the enhancement of faba bean use in novel food applications.Peer reviewe

    Information theory analysis of cascading process in a synthetic model of fluid turbulence

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    The use of transfer entropy has proven to be helpful in detecting which is the verse of dynamical driving in the interaction of two processes, X and Y . In this paper, we present a different normalization for the transfer entropy, which is capable of better detecting the information transfer direction. This new normalized transfer entropy is applied to the detection of the verse of energy flux transfer in a synthetic model of fluid turbulence, namely the Gledzer–Ohkitana–Yamada shell model. Indeed, this is a fully well-known model able to model the fully developed turbulence in the Fourier space, which is characterized by an energy cascade towards the small scales (large wavenumbers k), so that the application of the information-theory analysis to its outcome tests the reliability of the analysis tool rather than exploring the model physics. As a result, the presence of a direct cascade along the scales in the shell model and the locality of the interactions in the space of wavenumbers come out as expected, indicating the validity of this data analysis tool. In this context, the use of a normalized version of transfer entropy, able to account for the difference of the intrinsic randomness of the interacting processes, appears to perform better, being able to discriminate the wrong conclusions to which the “traditional” transfer entropy would drive

    Assessment of sleep disorders and proposed percentiles for adolescents

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    Objectives. The objectives of this study included: a) to develop a valid and reliable self-reporting instrument to assess sleep disorders among Chilean adolescent students and b) to develop percentiles for age and sex. Methodology. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study in 2310 adolescent students conducted in the Maule Region, Chile. The sleep disorder self-report was developed considering five categories: duration, alterations, breathing problems, fatigue, and stimulant use. The instrument was validated using a confirmatory factor analysis. Reliability was assessed based on internal consistency. Percentiles were developed using the LMS method (L: lambda, asymmetry; M: mu, median; S: sigma, coefficient of variation). Results. Questions 3, 9, and 12 showed saturation values below 0.40, while the rest had saturation values above 0.41. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of adequacy was 0.749 and the test of sphericity X-2 was 4790.09; the percentage of variance accounted for 62.1 %. Cronbach's alpha ranged between 0.71 and 0.76. Conclusion. The self-report developed to measure sleep disorders in adolescents is valid and reliable for its use in health, education, and sports science programs. Percentiles should be used to identify normal patterns and/or sleep disorders by sex and age.1172738

    Biocorrosion of speleothems driven by lampenflora: preliminary observations in Bossea show cave (NW-Italy)

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    Speleothems in show caves are often subjected to tourism-driven alterations, including corrosion due to CO2 increase, undersaturated water and photosynthetic biofilms (e.g. Piano et al., 2015; Pulido-Bosch et al., 1997; White et al., 2021). In particular, the growth of the so-called “lampenflora” causes physical, chemical and aesthetic damage to speleothems (Piano et al., 2015). In this work we investigated for the first time the biocorrosion of speleothems at microscopic level due to lampenflora in Bossea Show cave (NW-Italy). In this cave, the presence of lampenflora was previously documented in Piano et al. (2015) and biocorrosion on speleothems can be observed in different areas along the touristic path. In this work, a first tentative to describe the possible related biocorrosion from a geo-mineralogical point of view was made. Four superficial samples of 1x1 cm of 0.5 maximum thickness were collected on speleothems along the tourist path, in close proximity of halogen lamps. During in situ sampling, the concentration of the main photosynthetic groups composing lampenflora (cyanobacteria, diatoms, and green algae) was measured with Benthotorch®, a portable fluorimeter. The substrate samples were analysed in laboratory by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), in order to assess the alteration degree and the presence of lampenflora possibly responsible of biocorrosion. SEM images of some speleothem samples show high abundance of diatom frustules and the presence of bacteria, algae and fungi. Fluorimeter measures of cyanobacteria, diatoms and green algae amount were then compared to SEM images and EDX results showing in some cases a relation between the speleothems features visible to the naked eyes, the in situ measurements, the degree of alteration of calcite and the presence of bacteria and diatoms frustules at microscope. Moreover, in light of a long-term study aiming at evaluating changes in calcite crystal habits over time, a homogenous speleothem was collected and divided into several parts, observed and photographed with SEM and placed along the tourist path in areas colonized by lampenflora, near the new LED lamps, where they will remain for about a year. The samples will then be collected and re-examined at SEM to verify and eventually quantify the degree of biocorrosion due to the flashlight after at least one year of exposition
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