15,958 research outputs found

    Searching for Elko dark matter spinors at the CERN LHC

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    The aim of this work is to explore the possibility to discover a fermionic field with mass dimension one, the Elko field, in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Due to its mass dimension, an Elko can only interact either with Standard Model (SM) spinors and gauge fields at 1-loop order or at tree level through a quartic interaction with the Higgs field. In this Higgs portal scenario, the Elko is a viable candidate to a dark matter constituent which has been shown to be compatible with relic abundance measurements from WMAP and direct dark matter--nucleon searches. We propose a search strategy for this dark matter candidate in the channel ppl+l+̸ ⁣ ⁣ETpp \rightarrow l^+ l^- + \not\!\! E_T at the s=14\sqrt{s}=14 TeV LHC. We show the LHC potential to discover the Elko considering a triple Higgs-Elko coupling as small as 0.5\sim 0.5 after 1 pb1^{-1} of integrated luminosity. Some phenomenological consequences of this new particle and its collider signatures are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Uso das tecnologias de acesso à informação na área do Direito do Trabalho

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    This paper aims to present the results of a Labour Law information technology uses research, and a comparative study between Lawyers and Law students in their preferences on atending information needs

    Optimal Monetary Rules: The Case of Brazil

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    Within a dynamic programming approach we derive an optimal rule for the central bank to attain it's inflation targeting goals. The short-run nominal interest rate is used as an instrument to achieve monetary objectives. The model is tested for the Brazilian economy and compared with results found for other countries. Evidence for the estimated feedback interest rule for the Central Bank suggests that the cost of reducing inflation in an open economy is lower than that of a closed economy.

    Faith, entertainment, and conflicts on the Camino de Santiago (the way of St. James): a case study on the mediatization of the pilgrimage experience on Facebook groups

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    We call upon the concepts of mediatization, circulation, and discussions about the pilgrimage ritual to reflect on the media interference in the experience of pilgrims going to Santiago de Compostela. From these concepts and the methodology of case studies, we analyze posts in four Facebook groups. The evidence points to a certain distance regarding the Catholic institutional sphere and the linking of this experience to media consumption and entertainment through the expression of the most diverse motivations (self-help, tourism, spiritual, sports, etc.). It also consolidates a totem image of The Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) as a transforming experience for the different types of pilgrims

    Dynamics of rigid bodies in surfaces with friction

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    Nesse trabalho, nös apresentamos os tratamentos teórico e experimental do movimento de um disco dotado de quatro pontos de apoio sobre uma superfície horizontal com atrito. A solução matemática do problema é obtida com o uso do formalismo lagrangiano. Diferentemente do caso de uma superfície lisa, é preciso adicionar, às equações dinâmicas, as forças generalizadas que acoplam a dinâmica de translação do centro de massa e a dinâmica de rotação em torno deste. Em virtude da complexidade das equações, soluções numéricas são requeridas. A solução numérica permite obter a trajetória do disco e observar os efeitos do acoplamento no decaimento das energias mecânicas rotacional e translacional. Para procurar reproduzir a dinâmica calculada, um aparato experimental foi idealizado e construído. Além de reproduzir qualitativamente os efeitos previstos, o aparato foi aproveitado para aplicar uma sequência didática cujo objetivo é apresentar os conceitos de energia mecânica (potencial e cinética), suas transformações e sua perda irreversível por dissipação, em um nível condizente com os de estudantes do primeiro ano do ensino médio.In this work, we present the theoretical and experimental treatment of the motion of a disc supported by four points lying on a horizontal surface with friction. The mathematical solution of this problem was obtained in the context of the lagrangian formalism. Unlike the case of smooth surfaces, we need add to the dynamical equations the generalized forces that couple the dynamics of translation of the center of mass and the dynamics of rotation around it. Due to the complexity of the equations, numerical solutions are required. The numerical solution allows both to obtain the trajectory of the disc and to observe the effects of the coupling in the decays of the rotational and translational mechanical energies. Seeking for reproduce the calculated dynamics an experimental device was idealized and effectively build. Beyond to reproduce qualitatively the predicted effects, the device was also utilized to implement a pedagogical sequence in order to present the concepts of mechanical energy (potential and kinetic), its transformations and its irreversible loss by dissipation, in a depth adequate for a first year high school class

    Dois Momentos para a Teoria Cartalista da Moeda De Knapp a Goodhart

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    O objetivo deste artigo é fazer um estudo da teoria cartalista da moeda em dois momentos da história do pensamento econômico. O primeiro se inicia em 1905 com a publicação de The State Theory of Money de Knapp, abrangendo também trabalhos de Keynes,Weber e Lerner. O segundo momento refere-se a retomada da teoria por Goodhart em 1998 e posteriormente por autores pós-keynesianos. A consideração do hiato de tempo que separa os dois momentos permite fazer um estudo em separado para os dois momentos, observando os principais pontos e as hipóteses adotadas, assim como permite categorizar as críticas recebidas pela teoria. Consequentemente pode-se verificar se a teoria no segundo momento responde aos pontos críticos observados no primeiro. Além de uma Introdução, compõem este artigo duas subseções para o estudo em cada um dos momentos seguidas de uma breve Conclusão.Teoria Monetária, Cartalismo, História do Pensamento Econômico

    ERP in the production area: user's opinions about needs being met

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    The study verified the production area's key user opinions about needs being met by ERP through a survey conducted within industries from the State of São Paulo. The survey instrument is composed of 28 activities related to the production area, using the literature review on production management and ERP as a basis. Also, four dimensions for production activities were defined: Inventory Management Policies, Forecasts, MRP and MRP II. Activities were evaluated according to five different criteria: Needs Being Met, Ease of Use, Parameterization, Customization and Training. The questionnaire was answered by managers from 46 industries, composing a non-probabilistic sample with an accessibility criterion. The research is exploratory. The analysis of the obtained data broadly showed that ERPs meet the expectations of production managers. However, its most noteworthy aspect is the high number of activities that are not used by companies. It was noted that the higher the number of used activities, the higher the level of perception of needs being met

    Competitividade e potencial de crescimento do cluster de moldes para a indústria do plástico em Joinville [Potential growth and competitiveness of the cluster of mold producers at Joinville]

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    The geographic concentration of firms has been successful recently in many ways: international competitiveness of these firms, regional income's growth, etc. The Italian industrial districts are the case with major relevance at the international literature. At Joinville there are a significant geographic concentration of mold producers for plastic industry. When the geographic concentration of firms is a cluster the potential growth and competitiveness of the firms are increased. This paper investigates if this geographic concentration of firms is a cluster. If it is, its potential of growth and of competitiveness is studied. The result is that the geographic concentration of mold producers at Joinville is a cluster and has significant potential for growth. However this cluster is less developed and less competitive when compared with the main mold's clusters of the world.cluster; Joinville; mold; competitiveness

    GEOCHEMISTRY AND U-Pb GEOCHRONOLOGY OF THE NEOARCHEAN GNEISSES AND PALEOPROTEROZOIC GRANITES FROM JANUÁRIA HIGH: RECORDS OF JUVENILE AND YOUTHFUL EARTH IN THE SÃO FRANCISCO CRATON NUCLEUS (BRAZIL): Geoquímica e geocronologia U-Pb dos gnaisses neoarqueanos e granitos paleoproterozoicos do Alto de Januária: registros da Terra Juvenil e Jovem no núcleo do Cráton São Francisco (Brasil)

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    Within the proposal of secular evolution of the Earth system divided into seven phases: “Proto-Earth” (4.57–4.45 Ga); “Primordial Earth” (4.45–3.80 Ga); “Primitive Earth” (3.8–3.2 Ga); “Juvenile Earth” (3.2–2.5 Ga); “Youthful Earth” (2.5–1.8 Ga); “Middle Earth” (1.8–0.8 Ga); and “Contemporary Earth” (since 0.8 Ga), the 2.61-2.64 Ga High-K, meta- to peraluminous Januária High orthogneisses are inserted in the context of almost rigid behavior of the lithosphere, by the end of the Juvenile Earth. With protolith origin suggestive of intracrustal partial melting of local older TTG (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite), these orthogneisses are the representatives in the São Francisco craton nucleus of the 2.8 Ga to 2.6 Ga potassic rocks found in archean cratons worldwide, and the occurrence of these rocks is a defining characteristic of the Juvenile Earth. Supported on evidence of the plate tectonic activity in Paleoproterozoic, the 2.14-2.19 Ga Januária High biotite granites are inserted in the context of Youthful Earth and they are the record of accretionary orogeny delineated by the edification of magmatic arc at that time. They are calc-alkaline, I-type rocks typical of subduction-related continental magmatic arcs. These biotite granites are probably derived from a High-K mafic source associated with tonalites.ABSTRACT - Within the proposal of secular evolution of the Earth system divided into seven phases: “Proto-Earth” (4.57–4.45 Ga); “Primordial Earth” (4.45–3.80 Ga); “Primitive Earth” (3.8–3.2 Ga); “Juvenile Earth” (3.2–2.5 Ga); “Youthful Earth” (2.5–1.8 Ga); “Middle Earth” (1.8–0.8 Ga); and “Contemporary Earth” (since 0.8 Ga), the 2.61-2.64 Ga High-K, meta- to peraluminous Januária High orthogneisses are inserted in the context of almost rigid behavior of the lithosphere, by the end of the Juvenile Earth. With protolith origin suggestive of intracrustal partial melting of local older TTG (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite), these orthogneisses are the representatives in the São Francisco craton nucleus of the 2.8 Ga to 2.6 Ga potassic rocks found in Archean cratons worldwide, and the occurrence of these rocks is a defining characteristic of the Juvenile Earth. Supported on evidence of the plate tectonic activity in Paleoproterozoic, the 2.14-2.19 Ga Januária High biotite granites are inserted in the context of Youthful Earth and they are the record of accretionary orogeny delineated by the edification of magmatic arc at that time. They are calc-alkaline, I-type rocks typical of subduction-related continental magmatic arcs. These biotite granites are probably derived from a high-K mafic source associated with tonalites. RESUMO - Dentro da proposta da evolução secular do sistema Terra dividido em sete fases: “Proto-Terra” (4,57–4,45 Ga); “Terra Primordial” (4,45–3,80 Ga); “Terra Primitiva” (3,8–3,2 Ga); “Terra Juvenil” (3,2–2,5 Ga); “Terra Jovem” (2,5–1,8 Ga); “Terra Média” (1,8–0,8 Ga); e “Terra Contemporânea” (desde 0,8 Ga), os ortognaisses meta- a peraluminosos de alto-K de 2,61-2,64 Ga do Alto Januária estão inseridos no contexto de comportamento quase rígido da litosfera, no final da “Terra Juvenil”. Com origem de seu protólito sugestiva de fusão parcial intracrustal dos TTG (tonalito-trondhjemito-granodiorito) locais mais antigos, esses ortognaisses são os representantes no interior do cráton do São Francisco das rochas potássicas de 2,8 Ga a 2,6 Ga encontradas em crátons arqueanos em todo o mundo, e a ocorrência dessas rochas é uma característica definidora da “Terra Juvenil”. Apoiados nas evidências da atividade da tectônica de placas no Paleoproterozóico, os biotita granitos de 2,14-2,19 Ga do Alto de Januária estão inseridos no contexto da “Terra Jovem”, são o registro da orogenia acrescionária delineada pela edificação de arco magmático continental nessa época e tratam-se de rochas cálcio-alcalinas do tipo I, típicas de arcos, provavelmente derivadas de uma fonte máfica de alto K associada a tonalitos