360 research outputs found

    Nuovi amminoacidi chirali contenenti nuclei eterociclici: mimesi di legami <i>cis</i>-ammidici

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    Il nostro obiettivo era quello di preparare amminoacidi otticamente attivi ed enantiopuri, contenenti nuclei eterociclici, che avrebbero potuto rivestire una certa importanza come possibili building blocks per la preparazione di peptidomimetici. In questo contesto, è stata messa a punto una metodologia generale di sintesi di α-amminoacidi chirali contenenti il nucleo pirazolico ed in particolare di due serie di α-amminoacidi bicarbossilici,4 possibili peptidomimetici, che simulino il legame peptidico

    Clorurazione di ammine ed ammidi: l'acido tricloroisocianurico, un reattivo blando ma efficace

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    Durante le nostre ricerche sull’utilizzo dei derivati della [1, 3, 5] triazina, abbiamo studiato la possibilità di usare l’acido tricloroisocianurico nella clorurazione di ammine ed ammidi al posto della N-clorosuccinimmide

    Partigiani delle Langhe. Culture di banda e rapporti tra formazioni nella VI zona operativa piemontese

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    La tesi intende analizzare sotto il profilo dei rapporti tra formazioni la guerra partigiana nella VI zona operativa piemontese. Dopo una breve sintesi delle vicende generali della Resistenza in Piemonte, lo studio si sofferma sulle culture delle bande partigiane e, partendo da queste, tenta di delineare il quadro dei rapporti tra le formazioni di diverso orientamento politico

    Triclorotriazina: un nuovo reattivo per antiche reazioni

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    Negli ultimi anni il nostro gruppo si è attivamente impegnato nello sviluppo di metodiche di sintesi che decorressero in condizioni blande, con alte rese ed impiegando reattivi economici con basso impatto ambientale. In questo senso si è rivelato utile l'impiego della tricloro[1,3,5]triazina (TCT), già nota quale attivatore a buon mercato delle reazioni di acilazione e, sotto forma di dimetossiclorotriazina, per la sintesi di esteri e di ammidi. Attualmente stiamo continuando le ricerche sulle possibili applicazioni della tricloro[1,3,5]triazina come "friendly reagent" per la preparazione di eterocicli, in particolare isossazoli e formilpirazoli e di altri derivati sinteticamente utili

    Warped Wigner-Hough Transform for Defect Reflection Enhancement in Ultrasonic Guided Wave Monitoring

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    To improve the defect detectability of Lamb wave inspection systems, the application of nonlinear signal processing was investigated. The approach is based on a Warped Frequency Transform (WFT) to compensate the dispersive behavior of ultrasonic guided waves, followed by a Wigner-Ville time-frequency analysis and the Hough Transform to further improve localization accuracy. As a result, an automatic detection procedure to locate defect-induced reflections was demonstrated and successfully tested by analyzing numerically simulated Lamb waves propagating in an aluminum plate. The proposed method is suitable for defect detection and can be easily implemented for real-world structural health monitoring applications

    A polarization modulator unit for the mid- and high-frequency telescopes of the LiteBIRD mission

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    The LiteBIRD mission is a JAXA strategic L-class mission for all sky CMB surveys which will be launched in the 2020s. The main target of the mission is the detection of primordial gravitational waves with a sensitivity of the tensor-to-scalar ratio δr&lt;0.001. The polarization modulator unit (PMU) represents a critical and powerful component to suppress 1/f noise contribution and mitigate systematic uncertainties induced by detector gain drift, both for the high-frequency telescope (HFT) and for the mid-frequency telescope (MFT). Each PMU is based on a continuously-rotating transmissive half-wave plate (HWP) held by a superconducting magnetic bearing in a 5K environment. In this contribution we will present the design and expected performance of the LiteBIRD PMUs and testing performed on every PMU subsystem with a room-temperature rotating disk used as a stand-in for the cryogenic HWP rotor

    The awareness and acceptance of anti-COVID 19 vaccination in adolescence

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    Background: COVID-19 had devastating effects on children's and adolescents' life, including neuropsychological impairment, discontinuation of social life and education. Since June 2021, antiCOVID19 vaccination has become available to adolescents in Italy up to 12&nbsp;years and since December 2021 to children aged more than 5&nbsp;years. The pediatric population represents a challenging target for vaccination. Aim of the study is to perform a survey among adolescents to explore factors associated with COVID 19 immunization and their perceptions about COVID-19 vaccines. Methods: Italian students aged 10-17&nbsp;years were invited to participate in an anonymous online survey regarding their immunization against COVID-19 and their opinion on the immunization practice through a web link to the questionnaire. The study period was March-June 2022. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS v 21. Results: In the study period, 895 students entered the survey. A total of 87.3% of respondents were immunized against SARS-CoV2. The most important predictors of being immunized against SARS-CoV2 were having both parents immunized (p &lt; 0, 001) and being aged over 12&nbsp;years. In the unvaccinated group, the decision was mostly influenced by the family (65.8%). Regardless the immunization status, respondents were willing to receive information about COVID 19 vaccination mostly by their family doctor (51.8%) and at school (28.9%). Conclusions: Parents' decisions and attitudes strongly affected the immunization status of adolescents. Students' willing to receive COVID 19 vaccine information by family doctors and at school, underline the potential role of paediatricians and school educators in contributing to an increased vaccine coverage among the paediatric age

    Time periodicity and dynamical stability in two-boson systems

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    We calculate the period of recurrence of dynamical systems comprising two interacting bosons. A number of theoretical issues related to this problem are discussed, in particular, the conditions for small periodicity. The knowledge gathered in this way is then used to propose a notion of dynamical stability based on the stability of the period. Dynamical simulations show good agreement with the proposed scheme. We also apply the results to the phenomenon known as coherent population trapping and find stability conditions in this specific case.Comment: 7+ pages, 5 figure

    Un metodo didattico per sviluppare competenze nel calcolo mentale di addizioni e sottrazioni a piĂą cifre in studenti con difficoltĂ  o con disturbo di apprendimento

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    The article presents the results of a controlled experiment designed to evaluate a teaching method aimed at developing mental calculation competencies in students with learning difficulties or disorder. The method exploits touch-screen technology to give students the means to have an Immersive Learning Experience of the strategies that experts use in mental calculation. The strategies that may be involved in mental calculation of multi-digit addition and subtraction are presented along with the ways in which these strategies are incorporated into the application used in the experiment. Ten students with learning difficulties or disorder were involved in the experiment and underwent three-months training by touch-screen application following a standardized protocol. Their performance was evaluated by a standardized test performed at the beginning and at the end of the experiment, by two questionnaires and by a final test of acquired mathematical skills. Statistical analysis showed a significant increase of the mean score at the standard addition/ subtractiontest and most students, following the training, achieved a score in the normal range. The present findings indicate an effective and reproducible approach for the development of an inclusive teaching practice of mental calculation within the school context
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