1,964 research outputs found

    Besson, A. (2007). La fantasy. Paris, France : Klincksieck.

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    Conjugate Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines for sickle cell disease.

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    BACKGROUND: People affected with sickle cell disease are at high risk of infection from Haemophilus influenzae type b. Before the implementation of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccination in high-income countries, this was responsible for a high mortality rate in children under five years of age. In African countries, where coverage of this vaccination is still extremely low, Haemophilus influenzae type b remains one of the most common cause of bacteraemias in children with sickle cell disease. The increased uptake of this conjugate vaccination may substantially improve the survival of children with sickle cell disease. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective was to determine whether Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines reduce mortality and morbidity in children and adults with sickle cell disease.The secondary objectives were to assess the following in children and adults with sickle cell disease: the immunogenicity of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines; the safety of these vaccines; and any variation in effect according to type of vaccine, mode of administration (separately or in combination with other vaccines), number of doses, and age at first dose. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group\u27s Haemoglobinopathies Trials Register, compiled from electronic database searches and handsearching of journals and conference abstract books. We also contacted relevant pharmaceutical companies to identify unpublished trials.Date of last search: 23 November 2015. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials comparing Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines with placebo or no treatment, or comparing different types of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines in people with sickle cell disease. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: No trials of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines in people with sickle cell disease were found. MAIN RESULTS: There is an absence of evidence from randomised controlled trials relating to the subject of this review. AUTHORS\u27 CONCLUSIONS: There has been a dramatic decrease in the incidence of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b infections observed in the post-vaccination era in people with sickle cell disease living in high-income countries. Therefore, despite the absence of evidence from randomised controlled trials, it is expected that Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines may be useful in children affected with sickle cell disease, especially in African countries where there is a high prevalence of the disease. The implementation of childhood immunisation schedules, including universal Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccination, may substantially improve the survival of children with sickle cell disease living in low-income countries. We currently lack data to evaluate the potential effect of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination among unvaccinated adults with sickle cell disease. Further research should assess the optimal Hib immunisation schedule in children and adults with sickle cell disease

    Отражение национальных обычаев и традиций в творчестве Гусейна Джавида (на основе трагедии «Мать»)

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    В произведениях художественной литературы обычаи и традиции также находят свое отражение. Мы обратились к пьесе Гусейна Джавида «Мать». Перечислим встречающиеся в данной пьесе обычаи: святость гостя, сообщение доброй вести (мюжде), противостояние кровной мести, верность данному слову и т.д. В статье проводится сравнительный анализ обычаев и традиций, чтобы установить, основываются ли они на национально-генетических или религиозных корнях. Отметим, что при определении национального или религиозного происхождения, давности этих обычаев и традиций мы будем обращались к эпосу «Китаби Деде Коркут» и священной книге «Корану». «Под национальными традициями мы имеем ввиду характерные для того или иного народа и не связанные с религией, уходящие корнями вглубь веков и связанные с последующим национально-общественным развитием традиции». Здесь приводится определение национальной традиции, однако отмечается, что она по происхождению не связана с религией. Если какая-либо традиция приведена в соответствие с исламом или же религия внесла какой-либо обычай или традицию в жизнеустройство какого-то народа, и эта традиция живет веками, ее также можно причислить к национальным традициям. Джавид в своих произведениях на высоком уровне отразил обычаи и традиции нашего народа. Это является лишним показателем, характеризующим моральный облик и мировоззрение драматурга.У художній літературі опис традицій ми зустрічаємо в творах наших поетів та письменників. Безпосередньо у творчості драматурга Джавіда ми звернулися до драми «Мати». Перерахуємо звичаї яки зустрічаються у п'єсі: святість гостей, принести добру звістку, виступати проти кровної помсти, дати слово і пр. В даному творі ми провели порівняльний аналіз на підставі зразків для того, щоб традиції є національно-генетичними або релігійними. Відзначимо, що аналізуючи старовину цих традицій, національність або ж релігійність ми звернулися до епосу «Кітаби-деде- Горгуд» та священної книзі «Коран». «Коли говоримо національна традиція маємо на увазі традиції тієї чи іншої нації, що не мають ніякого відношення за походженням до релігії, пов'язані з ісламськими обрядами з шахськими древніми періодами і наступним національно-суспільним розвитком. Якщо яка- небудь наша традиція утворилася з ісламом або дала нації релігію, звичай і традицію та ця традиція підтримувалася нацією століттями, то її ми можемо охарактеризувати як національну традицію.We meet the description of the traditions in the fiction tradition in the works of the poets and writers. In particular, we used “Mother”tragedy of playwright Javid. Let’s enumerating customs which we meet in the plays: guest’s holiness, giving glad tidings, being opposite to the blood cause, promising and so on. We comporatively analysis based on the samples for knowing that the traditions which used in here either nationalgenetic or religious. It should be noted that, while we analyzing these traditions antiquity, whether national or religious, we used “Dede Korkut” and the holy book “Quran”. when we say national traditions we mean the traditions which belong to this or any other nation, origin that don’t related with religion. Here given the definition of the national tradition, but added that, origin has nothing to do with religion. If some of our customs combined with the Islam, or religion brought custom to the nation, and this custom used for many centuries by this nation, it can be considered as national traditions. Using of the customs and traditions of our people in a high level in his works by Javid is the main feature which characterized writer’s spiritual face and psychology

    Monitoring the Variable Interstellar Absorption toward HD 219188 with HST/STIS

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    We discuss the results of continued spectroscopic monitoring of the variable intermediate-velocity (IV) absorption at v = -38 km/s toward HD 219188. After reaching maxima in mid-2000, the column densities of both Na I and Ca II in that IV component declined by factors >= 2 by the end of 2006. Comparisons between HST/STIS echelle spectra obtained in 2001, 2003, and 2004 and HST/GHRS echelle spectra obtained in 1994--1995 indicate the following: (1) The absorption from the dominant species S II, O I, Si II, and Fe II is roughly constant in all four sets of spectra -- suggesting that the total N(H) and the (mild) depletions have not changed significantly over a period of nearly ten years. (2) The column densities of the trace species C I (both ground and excited fine-structure states) and of the excited state C II* all increased by factors of 2--5 between 1995 and 2001 -- implying increases in the hydrogen density n_H (from about 20 cm^{-3} to about 45 cm^{-3}) and in the electron density n_e (by a factor >= 3) over that 6-year period. (3) The column densities of C I and C II* -- and the corresponding inferred n_H and n_e -- then decreased slightly between 2001 and 2004. (4) The changes in C I and C II* are very similar to those seen for Na I and Ca II. The relatively low total N(H) and the modest n_H suggest that the -38 km/s cloud toward HD 219188 is not a very dense knot or filament. Partial ionization of hydrogen appears to be responsible for the enhanced abundances of Na I, C I, Ca II, and C II*. In this case, the variations in those species appear to reflect differences in density and ionization [and not N(H)] over scales of tens of AU.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, aastex, accepted to Ap

    Does intercropping winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) with red fescue (Festuca rubra) as a cover crop improve agronomic and environmental performance? A modeling approach

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    [email protected] audienceThe introduction of a living cover crop during a cash crop growth cycle (relay intercropping) and its maintenance after the cash crop harvest may help to preserve biodiversity, increase soil organic matter content and carbon sequestration and provide other ecosystem services, such as natural pest regulation or nutrient recycling, by increasing useful biotic interactions within the agroecosystem. We studied the impact of various approaches to manage a red fescue cover crop in a winter wheat crop in terms of light, water and nitrogen competition, using the STICS crop model adapted for intercropping. The STICS model for wheat/fescue intercropping was first evaluated on two years of experimental data obtained in the field. It gave satisfactory statistical results for the prediction of dry matter, leaf area index (LAI) and nitrogen accumulation in the two species, and for nitrogen and water dynamics in the soil. By simulating unmeasured variables, such as transpiration, the model improves our understanding of the performance of the intercrop in the field. For example, we showed that the intercropping system was more efficient that wheat grown as a sole crop, in terms of nitrogen accumulation and decreasing soil nitrogen levels before the leaching period. However, it also resulted in lower wheat yields. We then used the STICS model to compare four intercropping management scenarios differing in terms of the date of red fescue emergence, over 35 climatic years. We found that, in most climatic scenarios, the emergence of the fescue crop during the late tillering phase of the wheat crop gave the best compromise between wheat yield overall nitrogen accumulation and radiation interception

    The symbolical functions of space in fantasy : towards a topography of the genre

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.[À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Thèses et mémoires - FAS - Département d'études anglaises

    Les fils du texte: Genèse 6, 1-4

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    Le texte formé par les versets 1 à 4 du chapitre 6 de la Genèse est généralement considéré comme énigmatique en raison des expressions qui y figurent: «fils de Dieu», nephilim et gibborim. Son rapport au récit du déluge est souvent discuté en liaison avec les sources mythologiques qui s’y manifestent. La plupart des traductions, dès la Septante, comme les interprétations issues de la tradition philosophique, renvoient le lecteur à un réseau de connotations mythologiques très reconnaissable qui passe à côté du travail subtil effectué par le texte, tant en amont qu’en aval de ce passage, et qui seul permet d’en comprendre les intentions véritables. C’est à reconstruire ce réseau que s’attache la présente étude.Genesis 6, 1-4 is usually regarded as an enigmatic text because of the expressions it contains: “son of God”, nephilim and gibborim. Its relationship to the tale of the flood is often discussed in connection with the mythological sources it reveals. Most of the translations beginning with the Septuagint, like the interpretations derived from philosophical tradition, take the reader back to a very recognizable network of mythological connotations which misses a subtle working carried out by the text, both before and after this passage, and which is the only thing that makes it possible to understand its true intentions. The present study is devoted to the reconstruction of this network.El texto formado por los versículos 1 a 4 del capítulo 6 del Génesis es generalmente considerado como enigmático debido a las expresiones que en él figuran: “hijos de Dios”, nephilim y gibborim. Su conexión con el relato del diluvio es a menudo discutido en relación con las fuentes mitológicas que se manifiestan. La mayoría de las traducciones, desde la Septante, como las interpretaciones salidas de la tradición filosófica, remiten al lector a una red de connotaciones mitológicas muy reconocibles que dejan de lado del trabajo sutil efectuado por el texto, tanto antes como después de este pasaje, que es lo único que permite comprender las intenciones verdaderas. El presente estudio se propone reconstruir esta red. (trad. Véronica Giménez Béliveau

    Philologie & esprit historien

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    Dans son cours sur L’Encyclopédie de la philologie classique, Nietzsche prend explicitement parti pour August Boeckh dont la conception de sa discipline s’appuie explicitement sur la philosophie hégélienne. On pourra constater par la suite, et bien que Nietzsche ne soit pas disciple de Hegel, que ce choix initial intradisciplinaire a des répercussions notables sur le terrain de la « philosophie » de l’histoire : ce qui opposait, sur un plan méthodologique et tout à la fois philosophique, Boeckh et Schleiermacher – autrement dit, la « philosophie » de l’histoire et l’herméneutique comme « théorie » ou méthode – se retrouve dans la manière dont Nietzsche va concevoir, dans la Généalogie de la morale, par exemple, l’histoire qu’il appelle « essentielle » en l’opposant à l’histoire « universelle », mais aussi dans son rejet partiel de ce qu’il a appelé « l’esprit historien ».In his lecture on The Encyclopedia of Classical Philology, Nietzsche explicitly takes side with August Boeckh whose conception of his discipline is explicitly based on the Hegelian philosophy. Although Nietzsche is not a disciple of Hegel, it will be later manifest that his intra-disciplinary initial choice has a significant impact on the field of the “philosophy” of history. That which opposed, on both methodological and philosophical level, Boeckh to Schleiermacher—that is to say, the “philosophy” of history and hermeneutics as a “theory” or a method—is for example reflected in the way Nietzsche will design in the Genealogy of Morals the history he calls “essential” by contrasting it with the “universal” history, but also in its partial rejection of what he called “the historian spirit”