197 research outputs found

    Rehabilitación de las instalaciones eléctricas en los edificios destinados principalmente a viviendas

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    The objective of the present work is to report about the complexity of the renovation of the electric installation of a building, in the frame of a entire building renovation. We will also discuss the regulations that must be taken into account in the project and that the electrician will have to follow. During the design of the renovation of the electric installation of a building, it is necessary to consider what we want to renovate and which use will be given to the building afterwards. Further, the work must be intended for, at least, 30 to 50 years of utilization. We have also made a review of all the components of the connection installation in a building, applying regulations and way of implementation. About the interior electric equipment of housings, it is described the circuits that must be implemented in any case according to the low voltage regulation from 2002, presently in effect. These circuits fit out the buildings for the electrification currently needed in housings. The renovation works in electric installations require good management of the present regulations, both national and regional, and wide experience on how to apply them in each case. Note that the characteristics of the buildings must be preserved and the renovation work must not cause the building as a whole or its more significant parts to deteriorate.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo difundir la complejidad que conlleva la rehabilitación de las instalaciones eléctricas de un edificio dentro de la rehabilitación integral de los mismos, así como la normativa que la regula y que el proyectista, y posteriormente el instalador electricista que realiza la obra, deben de cumplir. A la hora de pensar en la rehabilitación de la instalación eléctrica de un edificio debemos plantearnos que es lo que se va a rehabilitar y cual va a ser el uso de esas instalaciones después de la rehabilitación, teniendo presente que el trabajo que se realice tiene que ser de utilidad al menos para 30 – 50 años. Se hace un repaso de todas las partes que componen las instalaciones eléctricas de enlace de un edificio, normativa a aplicar y forma de ejecución. En las instalaciones interiores de las viviendas se describen los circuitos que como mínimo se deben ejecutar de acuerdo con el reglamento electrotécnico para baja tensión de 2002, actualmente en vigor, y que habilitan a esas viviendas para el nivel de electrificación que requieren actualmente las viviendas. Los trabajos de rehabilitación de instalaciones eléctricas requieren un manejo importante de la legislación actual, tanto a nivel nacional como autonómica, y una gran experiencia en cómo aplicar esta norma en los edificios, por cuyas características debemos conservar, haciendo unas instalaciones que no deterioren el edificio en su conjunto ni en sus partes más significativas

    Mice Lacking Endoglin in Macrophages Show an Impaired Immune Response

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    Endoglin is an auxiliary receptor for members of the TGF-β superfamily and plays an important role in the homeostasis of the vessel wall. Mutations in endoglin gene (ENG) or in the closely related TGF-β receptor type I ACVRL1/ALK1 are responsible for a rare dominant vascular dysplasia, the Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT), or Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome. Endoglin is also expressed in human macrophages, but its role in macrophage function remains unknown. In this work, we show that endoglin expression is triggered during the monocyte-macrophage differentiation process, both in vitro and during the in vivo differentiation of blood monocytes recruited to foci of inflammation in wild-type C57BL/6 mice. To analyze the role of endoglin in macrophages in vivo, an endoglin myeloid lineage specific knock-out mouse line (Engfl/flLysMCre) was generated. These mice show a predisposition to develop spontaneous infections by opportunistic bacteria. Engfl/flLysMCre mice also display increased survival following LPS-induced peritonitis, suggesting a delayed immune response. Phagocytic activity is impaired in peritoneal macrophages, altering one of the main functions of macrophages which contributes to the initiation of the immune response. We also observed altered expression of TGF-β1 target genes in endoglin deficient peritoneal macrophages. Overall, the altered immune activity of endoglin deficient macrophages could help to explain the higher rate of infectious diseases seen in HHT1 patientsThis work was funded by: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (SAF2011- 23475 to LMB; SAF2013-43421-R and SAF2010-19222 to CB; and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER), and FEDER funds. CIBERER is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) of SPAIN supported by FEDER fund

    Non-invasive methods of computer vision in the posture evaluation of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Purpose: Reviewing techniques for non-invasive postural evaluation of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) based on information extraction from images based on computer methods. Methods: The Scopus, Web of Science, MEDLINE, ScieLo and PubMed databases were used, for the period 2011-2015. Results: 131 articles were found based on keyword of which 15 articles met the established eligibility criteria. Of these, 4 were based on photogrammetry, and 11 based on laser, structured light, ultrasound, and Moire projection. In these studies, the methodological quality varied from low to high. Conclusions: The findings indicated diversity in methodologies; 14/15 articles reviewed were limited to the evaluation of the topography of the posterior back. A study, using two-dimensional photogrammetry, presented a whole body postural evaluation. As the asymmetry in AIS can be extended to the whole body, more attention should be given to develop full body assessment techniques to provide important additional data to aid in treatment decisio

    MMP-12, Secreted by Pro-Inflammatory Macrophages, Targets Endoglin in Human Macrophages and Endothelial Cells

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    Upon inflammation, monocyte-derived macrophages (MF) infiltrate blood vessels to regulate several processes involved in vascular pathophysiology. However, little is known about the mediators involved. Macrophage polarization is crucial for a fast and e cient initial response (GM-MF) and a good resolution (M-MF) of the inflammatory process. The functional activity of polarized MF is exerted mainly through their secretome, which can target other cell types, including endothelial cells. Endoglin (CD105) is a cell surface receptor expressed by endothelial cells and MF that is markedly upregulated in inflammation and critically involved in angiogenesis. In addition, a soluble form of endoglin with anti-angiogenic activity has been described in inflammation-associated pathologies. The aim of this work was to identify components of the MF secretome involved in the shedding of soluble endoglin. We find that the GM-MF secretome contains metalloprotease 12 (MMP-12), a GM-MF specific marker that may account for the anti-angiogenic activity of the GM-MF secretome. Cell surface endoglin is present in both GM-MF and M-MF, but soluble endoglin is only detected in GM-MF culture supernatants. Moreover, MMP-12 is responsible for the shedding of soluble endoglin in vitro and in vivo by targeting membrane-bound endoglin in both MF and endothelial cells. These data demonstrate a direct correlation between GM-MF polarization, MMP-12, and soluble endoglin expression and function. By targeting endothelial cells, MMP-12 may represent a novel mediator involved in vascular homeostasis.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain (SAF2013-43421-R to C.B.; SAF2017-83785-R and SAF2014-23801 to A.L.C.)Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (201920E022 to C.B.)Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER; ISCIII-CB06/07/0038 to C.B.)Czech Republic Specific University Research (SVV-260414 to P.N.)CIBERER is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) of Spain supported by FEDER fundsM.A. was funded with a fellowship from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (BES-2008-003888)M.V. was supported by a short-term mobility fellowship from the European Erasmus Programm

    Regional risks and seasonality in travel-associated campylobacteriosis

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    BACKGOUND: The epidemiology of travel-associated campylobacteriosis is still largely unclear, and various known risk factors could only explain limited proportions of the recorded cases. METHODS: Using data from 28,704 notifications of travel-associated campylobacteriosis in Sweden 1997 to 2003 and travel patterns of 16,255 Swedish residents with overnight travel abroad in the same years, we analysed risks for travel-associated campylobacteriosis in 19 regions of the world, and looked into the seasonality of the disease in each of these regions. RESULTS: The highest risk was seen in returning travellers from the Indian subcontinent (1,253/100,000 travellers), and the lowest in travellers from the other Nordic countries (3/100,000 travellers). In Africa, large differences in risk between regions were noted, with 502 /100,000 in travellers from East Africa, compared to 76/100,00 from West Africa and 50/100,000 from Central Africa. A distinct seasonal pattern was seen in all temperate regions with peaks in the summer, while no or less distinct seasonality was seen in tropical regions. In travellers to the tropics, the highest risk was seen in children below the age of six. CONCLUSIONS: Data on infections in returning travellers together with good denominator data could provide comparable data on travel risks in various regions of the world

    The integrated action framework of Rete Natura 2000 Basilicata

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    Basilicata Natura 2000 network consists of 50 Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and 17 Special Protection Zones (SPZs), covering alltogether more than 17% of the regional area. This network, partially overlapping other forms of land protection, represents a valuable environmental, agricultural and cultural heritage, in which the safeguard of natural resources and landscapes has to be coupled with the needs of the local population; especially in relation to development and social welfare. The Natura 2000 project involved a panel of experts belonging to 15 different institutions, to form a steering committee with the following professional and scientific skills: vegetation, landscape, fauna, geology, agriculture, forestry, sea, architecture and planning, territorial analysis and representation. Along the 4 years project, the steering committee designed and coordinated the activities of over 150 professionals, mostly from Basilicata, who carried out field surveys and data analysis aimed at assessing the environmental conditions in the SCI and SPZs, proposing measures and plans, implementing thematic databases. SCI/SPZ management plans, by themselves, may not be sufficient to fulfill the requirements of an effective environmental policy, which has to go along with the awareness of people, citizens and local administrators about the instances of a sustainable policy. For this reason, the activities of surveying and management have been coupled with a communication project that involves all the experts and a relevant part of professionals who participated to the Natura 2000 project. The communication activity implies the use and the creation of several tools (publishing, video, websites, meetings, photo contests, social networks ...) targeted to different groups: policy makers (local, regional, national, European ), organizations, citizens, schools, farmers, small and medium enterprises (www.natura2000basilicata.it). A further goal is to feature the environmental highlights of Basilicata which are linked to a specific and often surprising integration of an ancient human presence with the natural elements, and the role performed by the traditional farming activities in the maintenance of ecosystem dynamics and services (in particular with agriculture). In fact, a good number of Natura 2000 sites can be considered High Nature Value Farmlands (HNVF, sensu E. Andersen, 2003), in which a virtuous relationship was established a long time ago between traditional practices and the environment itself. In this context, it combines the convergence between the activities carried on the Natura 2000 network and the project Agrival (http://utagri.enea.it/projects/agrival), a research project led by ENEA in Val d'Agri, in order to experimentally contribute to the methodology for the identification of the High Nature Value Farmlands and make them cohabit with the other economic activities in the local context. The process started with the project Basilicata Natura 2000 Network is therefore an interesting methodological model that, in coherence with the financial planning of the European Community for the period 2014-2020 (Brussels, 12.12.2011, COMM. 874) puts together projects on environmental issues to boost the meeting of agricultural, environmental, cultural and productive policies, fostered by the EC, and enhancing the implementation of the "Prioritized Actions Frameworks" (PAF), pointed out by the European Commission as the optimal tools for the management of Natura 2000 networks

    Predicción de color de la pulpa en melones enteros mediante espectroscopía de reflectancia en el infrarrojo cercano

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    El color de la pulpa del melón es uno de los índices utilizados para determinar el grado de madurez y calidad del mismo, siendo necesario disponer de medidas no destructivas que impidan el daño y la depreciación del producto. La tecnología NIRS ofrece enormes expectativas en este terreno, particularmente derivadas de su carácter de no destructiva, rápida y con posibilidad de ser incorporada a nivel de la línea de producción. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue evaluar un instrumento NIRS de red de diodos para estimar el color del mesocarpio (a*: variación verde-rojo y b*: variación amarillo-azul) de melones intactos. El desarrollo de los modelos de predicción de color se realizó utilizando un colectivo constituido por 158 muestras (vars. Cantaloupe y Galia) procedentes de El Ejido (Almería). Los valores del coeficiente de determinación (r2) y del error típico de validación cruzada (ETVC) obtenidos para los parámetros a* (0,97, 1,98) y b* (0,88, 3,17) en la fruta intacta indican la viabilidad inicial del empleo de la tecnología NIRS para la determinación de la madurez y calidad de frutos de melón enteros