1,079 research outputs found

    Los bonos cupón cero: una opción fuera de tiempo

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    El 29 de diciembre de 1987 se dió a conocer en México un nuevo mecanismo por medio del cual el país intercambiaría parte de su deuda externa renegociada por bonos. Según la SHCP: "El aspecto central de esta fase es poder capturar el descuento de nuestra deuda que existe actualmente en los mercados financieros internacionales". En este artículo el autor desarrolla la idea de que este mecanismo resulta fuera de tiempo, es contradictorio en si mismo y queda muy limitado por el desarrollo mismo de la crisis

    Space, mass and ornament in the Gothic-Renaissance transition in Spain

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    La introducción en España de las nuevas formas y sintaxis renacentistas a lo largo del siglo xvi no se produjo con un abandono radical e inmediato de los viejos usos góticos, de validez comprobada en trascendentales cuestiones del diseño arquitectónico. La renovación de la producción fue heterogénea y en cierto modo particular de cada artífice, según su formación previa y el grado de contacto, coherencia y compromiso con las novedades italianas, generando un panorama híbrido y plural en la arquitectura del quinientos hispano. Atendiendo a significativos textos y documentos gráficos de la época, se pretende rastrear los cambios, e inercias, en el proceso de diseño arquitectónico durante esta larga etapa de transición, estructurando el análisis a partir de tres categorías sustanciales, interdependientes y autónomas a la vez: espacio, masa y ornato.During the sixteenth century the new Renaissance forms were introduced in Spain, but the Gothic procedures continued to be used due to their proven validity for the architectural design. The renovation of the architecture was heterogeneous and different for each master, according to his previous training and his knowledge of the new Italian forms. This involved a hybrid and plural context in the Spanish architecture of the 16th century. The changes and continuities of the architectural design process during this transitory stage are investigated in this paper, based on significant texts and graphic documents of this period. The analysis is structured based on three substantial architectural categories, which are simultaneously interdependent and autonomous: space, mass and ornamen

    Funciones Radiales de Base para Desenvolvimiento de Fase

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    An important step in fringe pattern analysis is the so called phase unwrapping. Although this task can be performed easily using path dependent algorithms, most times, however, these algorithms are not robust enough specially in the presence of noise. On the other hand, path independent methods such as least-squares based or regularization based may be little convenient due to programming complexity or time consuming. In this paper we describe an alternative algorithm for phase unwrapping based in the determination of weights to linearly combine a set of radial basis functions (RBFs). As described, our algorithm is fast and can be easily implemented following a simple matrix formulation. Numerical and real experiments with good results show that our method can be applied in many kinds of optical tests.Un importante paso en el análisis de patrones de franjas es el llamado desenvolvimiento de fase. Aunque esta tarea puede ser realizada fácilmente usando algoritmos dependientes del camino, muchas veces, sin embargo, estos algoritmos no son suficientemente robustos especialmente con la presencia de ruido. Por otro lado, los métodos independientes del camino tales como los basados en mínimos cuadrados o regularización pueden ser poco convenientes debido a la complejidad de programación o al tiempo de procesado. En este artículo describimos un algoritmo alternativo para desenvolvimiento de fase basado en la determinación de pesos para combinar linealmente un conjunto de funciones radiales de base (FRBs). Como se describe, nuestro algoritmo es rápido y puede ser fácilmente implementado siguiendo una formulación matricial simple. Experimentos numéricos y reales con buenos resultados muestran que nuestro método puede ser aplicado a muchos de los tipos de pruebas ópticas

    Funciones Radiales de Base para Desenvolvimiento de Fase

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    An important step in fringe pattern analysis is the so called phase unwrapping. Although this task can be performed easily using path dependent algorithms, most times, however, these algorithms are not robust enough specially in the presence of noise. On the other hand, path independent methods such as least-squares based or regularization based may be little convenient due to programming complexity or time consuming. In this paper we describe an alternative algorithm for phase unwrapping based in the determination of weights to linearly combine a set of radial basis functions (RBFs). As described, our algorithm is fast and can be easily implemented following a simple matrix formulation. Numerical and real experiments with good results show that our method can be applied in many kinds of optical tests.Un importante paso en el análisis de patrones de franjas es el llamado desenvolvimiento de fase. Aunque esta tarea puede ser realizada fácilmente usando algoritmos dependientes del camino, muchas veces, sin embargo, estos algoritmos no son suficientemente robustos especialmente con la presencia de ruido. Por otro lado, los métodos independientes del camino tales como los basados en mínimos cuadrados o regularización pueden ser poco convenientes debido a la complejidad de programación o al tiempo de procesado. En este artículo describimos un algoritmo alternativo para desenvolvimiento de fase basado en la determinación de pesos para combinar linealmente un conjunto de funciones radiales de base (FRBs). Como se describe, nuestro algoritmo es rápido y puede ser fácilmente implementado siguiendo una formulación matricial simple. Experimentos numéricos y reales con buenos resultados muestran que nuestro método puede ser aplicado a muchos de los tipos de pruebas ópticas

    Vulneración al derecho de defensa del denunciado en el marco del proceso conforme a la ley N° 30364

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    El trabajo de investigación, propone una temática centrada en el ámbito del análisis de la ley N° 30364 y el procedimiento que se ha establecido en esa norma para la dación de las medidas de protección a favor de la presunta agraviada. Se propuso señalar que el procedimiento que la ley contiene afecta las garantías mínimas del derecho de defensa, en especial el derecho de defensa, y propia un tratamiento limitativo de derechos para el denunciado trastocando el principio de presunción de inocencia. Para efectos de la presente tesis, se señaló como enunciado del problema el siguiente: “¿De qué manera se vulnera el derecho de defensa del denunciado en el marco del proceso conforme a la Ley N° 30364?; se señaló como el objetivo para alcanzar: “determinar de qué manera se vulnera el derecho de defensa del denunciado en el marco del proceso conforme a la ley N° 30364”. Partiendo del problema planteado se hizo uso de los métodos de investigación, que permitieron acreditar y validar la hipótesis de trabajo, es decir, se logró contrastar que: “se vulnera el derecho de defensa del denunciado en el marco del proceso conforme a la Ley N° 30364, debido a que se ordenan medidas de protección prescindiendo de audiencia contradictoria; solo hay posibilidad de apelar sin efecto suspensivo la resolución que concede estas medidas; y, las referidas medidas son impuestas sin corroboración suficiente”. Posteriormente, se enunciaron las conclusiones, para terminar, recomendando una reforma de lege ferenda a la ley N° 30364.The research work proposes a theme focused on the scope of the analysis of Law No. 30364 and the procedure that has been established in that norm for the granting of protection measures in favor of the alleged victim. It was proposed to point out that the procedure that the law contains affects the minimum guarantees of the right to defense, especially the right to defense, and owns a limiting treatment of rights for the accused, disrupting the principle of presumption of innocence. For the purposes of this thesis, the following was indicated as a statement of the problem: “How is the defendant's right to defense violated within the framework of the process in accordance with Law No. 30364; The objective to achieve was indicated: ""to determine how the defendant's right to defense is violated within the framework of the process in accordance with Law No. 30364."" Based on the problem raised, the research methods were used, which allowed the accreditation and validation of the working hypothesis, that is, it was possible to verify that: ""the right of defense of the accused is violated within the framework of the process according to Law No. ° 30364, due to the fact that protection measures are ordered regardless of the contradictory hearing; there is only the possibility of appealing without suspensive effect the resolution that grants these measures; and, the aforementioned measures are imposed without sufficient corroboration.” Subsequently, the conclusions were enunciated, to finish, recommending a lege ferenda reform to Law No. 30364.Tesi

    A Comparative Study of Some Markov Random Fields and Different Criteria Optimization in Image Restoration

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    The present chapter illustrates the use of some recent alternative methods to deal with digital image filtering and restoration. This collection of methods is inspired on the use of Markov Random Fields (MRF), which introduces prior knowledge of information that will allow, more efficiently, modeling the image acquisition process. The methods based on the MRF are analyzed and proposed into a Bayesian framework and their principal objective is to eliminate noise and some effects caused by excessive smoothness on the reconstruction process of images which are rich in contours or edges. In order to preserve object edges into the image, the use of certain convexity criteria into the MRF is proposed obtaining adequate weighting of cost functions in cases where discontinuities are remarked and, even better, for cases where such discontinuities are very smooth

    Use of solid urban waste at the Technological Institute of Toluca

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    Solid Urban Waste (SUW) and Special Handling (EHW) generated in the Institution are handled in 200-liter plastic containers with the appropriate identification according to the type of waste and the race, placed in the buildings of each of the races; the waste is separated by the students following the criterion of the 4 Rs (Reduce, reduce, reuse and recycle). Reusable waste is used for students to make different products in the reuse workshop of the Institutional Environmental Program (IEP) such as paper pads, acetate pencil holders, pens, paper holder and paper board, among others for use by the Institution's population. With the organic waste (OR) compost is prepared in the composting center, which is used to fertilize the green areas. The recyclable waste is sold obtaining an economic benefit that allows the operation of the activities carried out by the (IEP). The (EHW) are concentrated in the “green point” to be sent to the “recyclers”. The alkaline batteries, the Institution collects them temporarily, giving the service to the population of the Toluca valley to be sent to confinement by the municipality of Toluca. The use of Solid Urban Waste allows to form a sustainable environmental culture in the population of the Institution, such as savings in the consumption of paper, financing in the operation of the (IEP) and supporting the economy of the students.Keyword: Solid waste, paper, composting, reuse, recyclabl

    Environmental management begins in the family

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    The Institito Tecnológico de Toluca, is a higher level educational institution, which belongs to the National Technological System of Mexico, which has 9 degrees, in the engineering area, citing: Industrial (IE), Chemical (CI), Logistics (LE), Electromechanical (EE), bussines management’s (BME), Electronics (EE), Mechatronics (MI), Computational Systems (CSI) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTE,) and 3 postgraduate degrees: Master of Engineering Sciences (MES), Master of Sciences in Environmental Engineering (MSEE) and Doctorate in Environmental Sciences (DES), with a population of 5,408 students. Being a proudly public institution and classified as the best, by its employers at the state level, within which there is a Coordination called Institutional Environmental Program (IEP), which manages various strategies for the care, protection, remediation of the environment. But, in Mexico, since March 2019, educational institutions have been closed due to the context of the pandemic caused by covid-19. Academic activity being carried out, since then to date, via virtual. Faced with such a complicated, difficult and uncertain scenario. An environmental management model was developed, so that students from their homes develop prevention programs, protection and care of the ecosystem, developing sustainable strategies. Starting from the premise: If there is a polluting society it is because there are families that pollute, the family is the mirror of what happens in society. Within this program, an amalgam of strategies was considered, starting with motivation, awareness, reflection, knowledge and self-management to detonate a new environmental culture, starting from their homes and extending it to their families and neighbors. To carry out a multiplier effect, in geometric progression, having an excellent response from the students of the Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca (ITT). Among the various strategies within an application scenario, the following are cited: Responsible-reflective consumption, no generation of unnecessary waste (organic food waste reduction), no use of Unicel (expanded polystyrene), use of single-use containers (elimination of PET), no oil disposal used from the kitchen (application of a collection program), induction to the modification of nutritional intake by substituting beef for chicken, fish and vegetables, separation and classification of garbage, application of the use of compost for the organic food remains, water saving and leak elimination program, collection of cigarette butts thrown in public roads and gardens. Turning off lights in homes when they are not necessary (energy saving), only use of a motor vehicle in very necessary cases (mitigation of the effects of climate change). With these actions that began in this year 2021, we consider that we are working towards the reduction of negative environmental impacts, detonating a new culture and environmental awareness, among higher-level students (undergraduate), having a participation and involvement of 1,700 families and a number that continues to grow. Additionally, we are contributing to the 2030 Agenda, of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially regarding the objectives: 4.- Quality education, 11.- Sustainable cities and communities and 13.- Actions for the climate.Keyword: family, environmental culture, awareness, virtual scene, pollutant

    First report of Desmiphora hirticollis (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on Wigandia urens (Ruiz and Pavón) H.B.K. (Hydrophilaceae) in Mexico

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    Desmiphora hirticollis (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) was found in Oaxaca, Mexico, feeding in the stems of Wigandia urens (Ruiz and Pavón) H.B.K. (Hydrophilaceae), a new host record. Information about damage in the plant stems and some observations of the insect’s biology are provided