2,246 research outputs found

    Effect of cytostatic drug presence on extracellular polymeric substances formation in municipal wastewater treated by membrane bioreactor

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    The effect of the cyclophosphamide and its mean metabolites on extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) formation was investigated. Two lab-scale membrane bioreactors were followed in parallel (one with the cytostatic drugs, the second without). Chromatographic and spectroscopic studies (UV–Vis spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy) showed that the presence of CPs induced an increase in EPS concentration in the biological sludge, especially of soluble substances, mainly polysaccharides and proteins. Size exclusion chromatography analysis revealed that in the presence of CPs, macromolecular EPS were formed (polysaccharides corresponding to about 6 KDa and proteins to about 18 KDa). The formation of EPS seemed to be a protection mechanism. More important membrane fouling in reactor with CPs seemed to be related to the retention of an increased amount of soluble substances

    Morpho-chemistry in secondary sludge filtration cakes: a case study

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    International audienceLight Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM, EDXS), and Fourier Transform Infra Red MicroSpectroscopy (FTIRMS) were used to describe the organization and chemical distribution of major constituents in a sludge filtration cake. Samples were obtained from a municipal wastewater treatment plant using conventional ferric chloride and lime sludge conditioning.Various samples collected at different stages of the process were embedded in an Epoxy resin after acetone-dehydration, and sectioned using an ultra-microtome. The thickness of the sections was adapted to the experimental techniques used. TEM showed that in the activated sludge, bacterial colonies, isolated bacteria and debris are trapped within a gel matrix of exocellular polymeric substances, whereas those same components are compacted and distorted in the filtration cake. Furthermore, conditioning chemicals appeared in the cake as amorphous aggregated colloids and acicular particles which do not form inside the colonies. A chemical mapping was obtained by determining and integrating FTIR bands characteristics of specific components of the cake. Preliminary results showed that the amounts of resin can be used to assess the relative compacity at different levels of the cake

    New mineralogical record of guano-associated phosphates in Colombo Cave (Toirano, Liguria, Italy)

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    Colombo Cave is part of Toirano karst system and opens at 247 m a.s.l. The wide entrance passage was used during prehistoric times, and a 4.5 m deep archaeological excavation pit is located 10 m from the entrance. The main room is dominated by a large central rock pillar and the floor is completely covered by important ancient bat guano deposits. Samples were taken in separate containers and were representative of old guano deposits and a hard-yellow crust covering the guano heap. All samples were identified by XRD and SEM-EDS analysis. The results indicate that old guano samples were composed mainly of calcite, quartz, spheniscidite and minor amounts of xenotime (Y), monazite, zircon, and rutile. In particular, spheniscidite (NH4,K)(Fe3+,Al)2(PO4)2(OH)·2H2O forms from the reaction of ammonium-rich fresh guano leachates with probably clay sediments containing Fe and muscovite (source of K and Al) (Sauro et al., 2014). The mineral associations present in soft yellow and whitish crusts that cover guano were represented by gypsum CaSO4·2H2O, brushite Ca(HPO4)·2H2O, ardealite Ca2(HPO4)(SO4)·4H2O and newberyite Mg(HPO4)·3H2O. Brushite and ardealite occur as cryptocrystalline aggregates varying in color from white-ivory to yellow-ivory and form by the reaction of sulfuric and phosphoric acid with limestone rock (Hill & Forti, 1997; Puşcaş et al., 2014). Newberyite was less common and likely comes from the interaction of phosphates with Mg provided by the disaggregation of the dolomitic host rock. The identification of these minerals is important because they were never reported from Liguria. Further investigations will be conducted in order to understand the minerogenetic processes involved in these guano-associated minerals, and their evolution through time in the damp cave environment (Audra et al., 2019)

    Quantitative monitoring of dissolved gases in a flooded borehole: calibration of the analytical tools

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    Gas monitoring is a prerequisite to understanding the exchange, diffusion, and migration processes of natural gases within underground environments, which are involved in several applications such as geological sequestration of CO2. In this study, three different techniques (micro-GC, infrared, and Raman spectroscopies) were deployed on an experimental flooded borehole for monitoring purposes after CO2 injection. The aim was to develop a real-time chemical monitoring device to follow dissolved gas concentrations by measurements in water inside the borehole but also at the surface through a gas collection system in equilibrium with the borehole water. However, all three techniques must be calibrated to provide the most accurate quantitative data. For this, a first step of calibration in the laboratory was carried out. A new calibrations were required to determine partial pressure and/or concentrations of gases in water or in the gas collection system. For gas phase analysis, micro-GC, FTIR spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy were compared. New calibration of the micro-GC was done for CO2, CH4, and N2 with uncertainty from ±100 ppm to 1.5 mol% depending on the bulk concentration and the type of gas. The FTIR and Raman spectrometers were previously calibrated for CO2, and CO2, N2, O2, CH4, and H2O, respectively with an accuracy of 1–6% depending on concentration scale, gas and spectrometer. Dissolved CO2 in water was measured using a Raman spectrometer equipped with an immersion probe. The uncertainty on the predicted dissolved CO2 concentration and partial pressure was ±0.003 mol·kg−1 and ±0.05 bar, respectively

    Terceiro molar impactado em região de seio maxilar- Relato de caso

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    Introdução: Os terceiros molares comumente estão em posições ectópicas, geralmente devido à impacção, causada pela falta de espaço no respectivo arco. Geralmente são encontrados em achados radiográficos, mas podem estar relacionados a sintomas apresentados pelos pacientes, como edema e dor. O tratamento pode ser conservador ou cirúrgico e irá depender das condições clínicas e/ou dos sintomas relatados pelo paciente.Objetivo: O objetivo do artigo é o relato de caso de remoção cirúrgica de um terceiro molar impactado em região íntima ao seio maxilar relacionado a queixa de dor crônica da paciente.Relato de caso: Paciente, gênero feminino, 29 anos, leucoderma, compareceu com queixa principal de dor intensa e contínua, na região maxilar superior esquerda. Os exames de imagem demonstraram a presença de um elemento dentário, intimamente relacionado ao seio maxilar. Esse foi removido por meio de técnica cirúrgica conservadora.Conclusão: O tratamento de dentes impactados requer a avaliação por um profissional capacitado para tomar a melhor decisão acerca da conduta para cada caso, podendo ser um tratamento conservador ou cirúrgico

    Surface gas geochemistry above the natural CO2 reservoir of Montmiral (Drôme, France), source tracking and gas exchange between the soil, biosphere and atmosphere

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    International audienceOne of the options considered to mitigate greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere is underground storage of CO2. There is a strong need for enhancing and developing methods that would help throughout the duration life of such underground storage, to ensure the safety and able to monitor the evolution of the injected CO2 plume. Among these, geochemical methods can play an important role. Here, we describe results acquired under the research programme “Géocarbone-Monitoring”, partially funded by the French National Research Agency, on the Montmiral natural analogue in South-Eastern France. Other results obtained under the same research programme in the French Massif Central are reported elsewhere in this volume.Spot sampling methods allowing a great geographical coverage and continuous measurements on selected points were undertaken in 2006 and 2007, in order to determine soil gas concentrations and fluxes as well as carbon isotope ratio determinations. One important result is that without any evidence of deep CO2 leakage, both CO2 concentrations and fluxes appear to be higher than can be explained only by biological activities. Further investigations are thus needed to understand the gas evolution better throughout the year


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    Ossifying fibroma (OF) is a well-defined benign neoplasm formed by different fibrocellular tissue and mineralized material. The OF clinical presentation is commonly an asymptomatic slow-growing swelling, mainly affecting the posterior mandibular region. Radiographically, this condition is characterized as a well-defined lesion with radiopaque and radiolucent areas. Histopathology shows dense cellular fibrous stroma and characteristic spheroidal calcifications called psammoma bodies. Regarding pediatric patients, the Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma (JOF) is an uncommon benign fibro‑osseous lesion with fast growth that impacts the facial skeleton, as it has a high-frequency potential. It occurs in early life, and approximately 79% are diagnosed before the age of 15 years. It affects both genders equally, and the maxilla is more involved compared to the mandible, there are cases also discovered in the orbit and skull. Surgical intervention to remove the tumor is the treatment of choice. The article presents a case of a pediatric patient who had the diagnosis of Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma and was submitted to surgical removal. The Le-Fort I Osteotomy approach proved to be safe, as it allows direct access to the base of the skull, allows good visualization and tumor exposure, and also allows easy tumor manipulation and curettage, enabling the preservation of facial aesthetics.Ossifying fibroma (OF) is a well-defined benign neoplasm formed by different fibrocellular tissue and mineralized material. The OF clinical presentation is commonly an asymptomatic slow-growing swelling, mainly affecting the posterior mandibular region. Radiographically, this condition is characterized as a well-defined lesion with radiopaque and radiolucent areas. Histopathology shows dense cellular fibrous stroma and characteristic spheroidal calcifications called psammoma bodies. Regarding pediatric patients, the Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma (JOF) is an uncommon benign fibro‑osseous lesion with fast growth that impacts the facial skeleton, as it has a high-frequency potential. It occurs in early life, and approximately 79% are diagnosed before the age of 15 years. It affects both genders equally, and the maxilla is more involved compared to the mandible, there are cases also discovered in the orbit and skull. Surgical intervention to remove the tumor is the treatment of choice. The article presents a case of a pediatric patient who had the diagnosis of Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma and was submitted to surgical removal. The Le-Fort I Osteotomy approach proved to be safe, as it allows direct access to the base of the skull, allows good visualization and tumor exposure, and also allows easy tumor manipulation and curettage, enabling the preservation of facial aesthetics

    A importância clínica das alterações orofaciais dos portadores da síndrome de Moebius: Revisão de literatura/The clinical importance of orofacial changes in Moebius syndrome patients: Review of literature

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    A síndrome de Moebius (SM) é rara e caracterizada pela agenesia ou aplasia de certos pares cranianos, obrigatoriamente VI e VII, podendo associar-se a outras anormalidades. A etiologia é desconhecida. Clinicamente ocorre a falta de expressão facial, hipoplasia da língua, micrognatia, lábio curto e maloclusão. O objetivo desse trabalho é elucidar a importância do conhecimento das características clínicas da SM pelo cirurgião dentista, visto que estas desordens são defeitos congênitos das estruturas craniofaciais, e o conhecimento precoce tem a finalidade de controlar as consequências deste envolvimento na fase adulta. Realizou-se uma busca nas bases de dados eletrônicas ScIELO, MEDLINE/PubMed e Periódicos CAPES dos seguintes descritores: Síndrome de Möbius, Paralisia facial e Anormalidades congênitas. Foram selecionados artigos na língua inglesa e portuguesa entre os anos de 2005 e 2020 e realizada uma discussão da literatura disponível. De acordo com a literatura muitos são os comprometimentos ocasionados por esta síndrome que apresentam diversas alterações, dentre elas: ausência de expressão facial, inabilidade para sorrir, hipoplasia de mandíbula e maxila, sialorréia, palato ogival, microglossias e alterações dentárias. Em virtude dessas características, observam-se nestes indivíduos, alterações funcionais na mastigação e deglutição que comprometem consideravelmente seu padrão alimentar, necessitando de intervenções oromiofuncionais e cervicais, que beneficiem o desempenho do sistema estomatognático

    Comparative results on collimation of the SPS beam of protons and Pb ions with bent crystals

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    New experiments on crystal assisted collimation have been carried out at the CERN SPS with stored beams of 120 GeV/. c protons and Pb ions. Bent silicon crystals of 2 mm long with about 170 μrad bend angle and a small residual torsion were used as primary collimators. In channeling conditions, the beam loss rate induced by inelastic interactions of particles with the crystal nuclei is minimal. The loss reduction was about 6 for protons and about 3 for Pb ions. Lower reduction value for Pb ions can be explained by their considerably larger ionization losses in the crystal. In one of the crystals, the measured fraction of the Pb ion beam halo deflected in channeling conditions was 74%, a value very close to that for protons. The intensity of the off-momentum halo leaking out from the collimation station was measured in the first high dispersion area downstream. The particle population in the shadow of the secondary collimator-absorber was considerably smaller in channeling conditions than for amorphous orientations of the crystal. The corresponding reduction was in the range of 2-5 for both protons and Pb ions.peer-reviewe

    Observation of parametric X-rays produced by 400 GeV/c protons in bent crystals

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    Spectral maxima of parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) produced by 400 GeV/c protons in bent silicon crystals aligned with the beam have been observed in an experiment at the H8 external beam of the CERN SPS. The total yield of PXR photons was about 10-6 per proton. Agreement between calculations and the experimental data shows that the PXR kinematic theory is valid for bent crystals with sufficiently small curvature as used in the experiment. The intensity of PXR emitted from halo protons in a bent crystal used as a primary collimator in a circular accelerator may be considered as a possible tool to control its crystal structure, which is slowly damaged because of irradiation. The intensity distribution of PXR peaks depends on the crystal thickness intersected by the beam, which changes for different orientations of a crystal collimator. This dependence may be used to control crystal collimator alignment by analyzing PXR spectra produced by halo protons.peer-reviewe