18,203 research outputs found

    Massive higher spins and holography

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    We review recent progress towards the understanding of higher spin gauge symmetry breaking in AdS space from a holographic vantage point. According to the AdS/CFT correspondence, N=4 SYM theory at vanishing coupling constant should be dual to a theory in AdS which exhibits higher spin gauge symmetry enhancement. When the SYM coupling is non-zero, all but a handful of HS currents are violated by anomalies, and correspondingly local higher spin symmetry in the bulk gets spontaneously broken. In agreement with previous results and holographic expectations, we find that, barring one notable exception (spin 1 eating spin 0), the Goldstone modes responsible for HS symmetry breaking in AdS have non-vanishing mass even in the limit in which the gauge symmetry is restored. We show that spontaneous breaking a' la Stueckelberg implies that the mass of the relevant spin s'=s-1 Goldstone field is exactly the one predicted by the correspondence.Comment: 8 pages, talk presented by M.B. at the "Fourth Meeting on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum gravity" held in Cala Gonone (Sardinia, Italy), September 12-16, 200

    On Exact Symmetries and Massless Vectors in Holographic Flows and other Flux Vacua

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    We analyze the isometries of Type IIB flux vacua based on the Papadopolous-Tseytlin ansatz and identify the related massless bulk vector fields. To this end we devise a general ansatz, valid in any flux compactification, for the fluctuations of the metric and p-forms that diagonalizes the coupled equations. We then illustrate the procedure in the simple case of holographic flows driven by the RR 3-form flux only. Specifically we study the fate of the isometries of the Maldacena-Nunez solution associated to wrapped D5-branes.Comment: 23 page

    On the driver of relativistic effects strength in Seyfert galaxies

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    Spectroscopy of X-ray emission lines emitted in accretion discs around supermassive black holes is one of the most powerful probes of the accretion flow physics and geometry, while also providing in principle observational constraints on the black hole spin.[...] We aim at determining the ultimate physical driver of the strength of this relativistic reprocessing feature. We first extend the hard X-ray flux-limited sample of Seyfert galaxies studied so far (FERO, de la Calle Perez et al. 2010) to obscured objects up to a column density N_H=6x10^23 atoms/cm/cm. We verify that none of the line properties depends on the AGN optical classification, as expected from the Seyfert unification scenarios. There is also no correlation between the accretion disc inclination, as derived from formal fits of the line profiles, and the optical type or host galaxy aspect angle, suggesting that the innermost regions of the accretion disc and the host galaxy plane are not aligned. [...]. Data are not sensitive enough to the detailed ionisation state of the line-emitting disc. However, the lack of dependency of the line EW on either the luminosity or the rest-frame centroid energy rules out that disc ionisation plays an important role on the EW dynamical range in Seyferts. The dynamical range of the relativistically broadened K-alpha iron line EW in nearby Seyferts appears to be mainly determined by the properties of the innermost accretion flow. We discuss several mechanisms (disc ionisation, disc truncation, aberration due to a mildly relativistic outflowing corona) which can explain this. [...] Observational data are still not in contradiction with scenarios invoking different mechanisms for the spectral complexity around the iron line, most notably the "partial covering" absorption scenario. (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics. 14 pages, 9 figure

    New HErschel Multi-wavelength Extragalactic Survey of Edge-on Spirals (NHEMESES)

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    Edge-on spiral galaxies offer a unique perspective on the vertical structure of spiral disks, both stars and the iconic dark dustlanes. The thickness of these dustlanes can now be resolved for the first time with Herschel in far-infrared and sub-mm emission. We present NHEMESES, an ongoing project that targets 12 edge-on spiral galaxies with the PACS and SPIRE instruments on Herschel. These vertically resolved observations of edge-on spirals will impact on several current topics. First and foremost, these Herschel observations will settle whether or not there is a phase change in the vertical structure of the ISM with disk mass. Previously, a dramatic change in dustlane morphology was observed as in massive disks the dust collapses into a thin lane. If this is the case, the vertical balance between turbulence and gravity dictates the ISM structure and consequently star-formation and related phenomena (spiral arms, bars etc.). We specifically target lower mass nearby edge-ons to complement existing Herschel observations of high-mass edge-on spirals (the HEROES project). Secondly, the combined data-set, together with existing Spitzer observations, will drive a new generation of spiral disk Spectral Energy Distribution models. These model how dust reprocesses starlight to thermal emission but the dust geometry remains the critical unknown. And thirdly, the observations will provide an accurate and unbiased census of the cold dusty structures occasionally seen extending out of the plane of the disk, when backlit by the stellar disk. To illustrate the NHEMESES project, we present early results on NGC 4244 and NGC 891, two well studies examples of a low and high-mass edge-on spiral.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of IAU 284, "The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies", (SED2011), 5-9 September 2011, Preston, UK, editors, R.J. Tuffs & C.C.Popescu (v2 updated metadata

    Prematurity and low birth weight baby at birth: from research to intervention

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    Este artigo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica dos estudos que, no âmbito da psicologia, se dedicaram ao parto prematuro e ao baixo peso do bebé à nascença. Debruça-se especialmente sobre as causas e consequências, a curto e a longo prazo, apresentadas na investigação actual, contemplando os pais e o bebé. Discute ainda a intervenção, no que se refere às estratégias preventivas e remediativas úteis nesta situação.This article is a review of various studies that, within the range of psychology, have researched premature labor and low birth weight at birth. It focuses mostly on the causes and consequences, both short and long term, that are presented within the line of research nowadays, considering both parents and baby. It also discusses intervention, concerning preventive and remeditative strategies that are suitable for this situation

    On the spectrum of AdS/CFT beyond supergravity

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    We test the spectrum of string theory on AdS_5 x S^5 derived in hep-th/0305052 against that of single-trace gauge invariant operators in free N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Masses of string excitations at critical tension are derived by extrapolating plane-wave frequencies at g_{YM}=0 down to finite J. On the SYM side, we present a systematic description of the spectrum of single-trace operators and its reduction to PSU(2,2|4) superconformal primaries via a refined Eratostenes' supersieve. We perform the comparison of the resulting SYM/string spectra of charges and multiplicities order by order in the conformal dimension \Delta up to \Delta=10 and find perfect agreement. Interestingly, the SYM/string massive spectrum exhibits a hidden symmetry structure larger than expected, with bosonic subgroup SO(10,2) and thirty-two supercharges.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX2

    New Results on Holographic Three-Point Functions

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    We exploit a gauge invariant approach for the analysis of the equations governing the dynamics of active scalar fluctuations coupled to the fluctuations of the metric along holographic RG flows. In the present approach, a second order ODE for the active scalar emerges rather simply and makes it possible to use the Green's function method to deal with (quadratic) interaction terms. We thus fill a gap for active scalar operators, whose three-point functions have been inaccessible so far, and derive a general, explicitly Bose symmetric formula thereof. As an application we compute the relevant three-point function along the GPPZ flow and extract the irreducible trilinear couplings of the corresponding superglueballs by amputating the external legs on-shell.Comment: v2: reference added, typos corrected v3: sign convention for background changed, agrees with version published in JHE

    Photoabsorption on nuclei

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    We calculate the total photoabsorption cross section on nuclei in the energy range from 300 MeV to 1 GeV within the framework of a semi-classical phase space model. Besides medium modifications like Fermi motion and Pauli blocking we focus on the collision broadening of the involved resonances. The resonance contributions to the elementary cross section are fixed by fits to partial wave amplitudes of pion photoproduction. The cross sections for N R→N NN \, R \to N \, N, needed for the calculation of collision broadening, are obtained by detailed balance from a fit to N N→N N πN \, N \to N \, N \, \pi cross sections. We show that a reasonable collision broadening is not able to explain the experimentally observed disappearance of the D13(1520)D_{13}(1520)-resonance in the photoabsorption cross section on nuclei.Comment: 26 pages Latex including 9 postscript figure
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