53 research outputs found

    Stay@Work: Participatory Ergonomics to prevent low back and neck pain among workers: design of a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the (cost-)effectiveness

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Low back pain (LBP) and neck pain (NP) are a major public health problem with considerable costs for individuals, companies and society. Therefore, prevention is imperative. The Stay@Work study investigates the (cost-)effectiveness of Participatory Ergonomics (PE) to prevent LBP and NP among workers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a randomised controlled trial (RCT), a total of 5,759 workers working at 36 departments of four companies is expected to participate in the study at baseline. The departments consisting of about 150 workers are pre-stratified and randomised. The control departments receive usual practice and the intervention departments receive PE. Within each intervention department a working group is formed including eight workers, a representative of the management, and an occupational health and safety coordinator. During a one day meeting, the working group follows the steps of PE in which the most important risk factors for LBP and NP, and the most adequate ergonomic measures are identified on the basis of group consensus. The implementation of ergonomic measures at the department is performed by the working group. To improve the implementation process, so-called 'ergocoaches' are trained.</p> <p>The primary outcome measure is an episode of LBP and NP. Secondary outcome measures are actual use of ergonomic measures, physical workload, psychosocial workload, intensity of pain, general health status, sick leave, and work productivity. The cost-effectiveness analysis is performed from the societal and company perspective. Outcome measures are assessed using questionnaires at baseline and after 6 and 12 months. Data on the primary outcome as well as on intensity of pain, sick leave, work productivity, and health care costs are collected every 3 months.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Prevention of LBP and NP is beneficial for workers, employers, and society. If the intervention is proven (cost-)effective, the intervention can have a major impact on LBP and NP prevention and, thereby, on work disability prevention. Results are expected in 2010.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ISRCTN27472278</p

    Polymorphisms in PTK2 are associated with skeletal muscle specific force: an independent replication study

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    Purpose The aim of the study was to investigate two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in PTK2 for associations with human muscle strength phenotypes in healthy men. Methods Measurement of maximal isometric voluntary knee extension (MVCKE) torque, net MVCKE torque and vastus lateralis (VL) specific force, using established techniques, was completed on 120 Caucasian men (age = 20.6 ± 2.3 year; height = 1.79 ± 0.06 m; mass = 75.0 ± 10.0 kg; mean ± SD). All participants provided either a blood (n = 96) or buccal cell sample, from which DNA was isolated and genotyped for the PTK2 rs7843014 A/C and rs7460 A/T SNPs using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results Genotype frequencies for both SNPs were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (X 2 ≤ 1.661, P ≥ 0.436). VL specific force was 8.3% higher in rs7843014 AA homozygotes than C-allele carriers (P = 0.017) and 5.4% higher in rs7460 AA homozygotes than T-allele carriers (P = 0.029). No associations between either SNP and net MVCKE torque (P ≥ 0.094) or peak MVCKE torque (P ≥ 0.107) were observed. Conclusions These findings identify a genetic contribution to the inter-individual variability within muscle specific force and provides the first independent replication, in a larger Caucasian cohort, of an association between these PTK2 SNPs and muscle specific force, thus extending our understanding of the influence of genetic variation on the intrinsic strength of muscle.Published versio

    Working with pain : sustainable work participation of workers with chronic nonspecific musculoskeletal pain

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    Dit proefschrift is een van de eerste studies specifiek gericht op mensen die blijven werken met chronische pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat. Unieke kennis over duurzame arbeidsparticipatie van werknemers met chronische pijn werd vergaard. Doel van dit promotieonderzoek was meer inzicht te krijgen in de groep mensen die werkt met pijn en te achterhalen hoe zij in staat zijn ondanks hun klachten te blijven werken. In het proefschrift staan kenmerken en determinanten beschreven van werknemers die doorwerken met chronische pijn, waardoor een completer beeld is ontstaan van arbeidsparticipatie bij mensen met chronische pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat. Uit de vergelijking van mensen die doorwerken ondanks chronische pijn en mensen met arbeidsverzuim die in revalidatiebehandeling komen met chronische pijn blijkt dat deze groepen op diverse factoren significant verschillen. In het onderzoek werd onder andere aangetoond dat de motivatie voor werk, zelfmanagementvaardigheden en het belang dat wordt toegekend aan pijn, belangrijke factoren zijn die werken met chronische pijn faciliteren. Chronische pijn op zichzelf is vaak niet de reden voor arbeidsverzuim, maar meestal spelen persoonlijke- en omgevingsfactoren daarin een beslissende rol. Deze factoren kunnen dienen als aangrijpingspunt voor het verhogen van duurzame inzetbaarheid en preventie van arbeidsverzuim van mensen met chronische pijn aan het bewegingsapparaat. De effectieve manier waarop deelnemende werknemers in het onderzoek met hun pijn omgingen en productief bleven, kan anderen inspireren aan het werk te blijven. Daarnaast biedt het onderzoek een nieuw referentiekader voor de bedrijfs-, verzekerings-, en revalidatiegeneeskunde. This thesis was one of the first studies that focused specifically on people who continued work with chronic nonspecific musculoskeletal pain (CMP), and collected (identified) unique data concerning sustainable work participation of workers with CMP. It provides a large range of characteristics of workers with CMP who continued work despite pain, which has added to our understanding of sustainable work participation in people suffering from CMP. Comparison of workers who continued work with CMP with sick listed workers with CMP admitted for rehabilitation revealed that these groups differ significantly on several factors. In this thesis, evidence was found that the workers’ motivation to work, self-management skills, and the attributed importance of pain on their (working) lives are important factors to manage staying at work with CMP. It is recommended to be aware of the fact that CMP standing on itself is often not the reason for sick leave and disability, but regularly personal and environmental factors play an additional decisive role. Because these factors can be influenced, they offer opportunity to promote staying at work. In the process of guiding workers back to work, the results of the project ‘Working with pain’ may be used. The findings of this thesis potentially contribute to promotion of sustained work participation and prevention of sick-leave in workers with CMP. The effective way workers in this project coped with CMP and remained productive, may inspire others in their efforts to stay work. Finally, this thesis offers a new reference for rehabilitation-, occupational-,and insurance medicine.

    Predicting Decisions in Human Social Interactions Using Real-Time fMRI and Pattern Classification

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    Negotiation and trade typically require a mutual interaction while simultaneously resting in uncertainty which decision the partner ultimately will make at the end of the process. Assessing already during the negotiation in which direction one's counterpart tends would provide a tremendous advantage. Recently, neuroimaging techniques combined with multivariate pattern classification of the acquired data have made it possible to discriminate subjective states of mind on the basis of their neuronal activation signature. However, to enable an online-assessment of the participant's mind state both approaches need to be extended to a real-time technique. By combining real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and online pattern classification techniques, we show that it is possible to predict human behavior during social interaction before the interacting partner communicates a specific decision. Average accuracy reached approximately 70% when we predicted online the decisions of volunteers playing the ultimatum game, a well-known paradigm in economic game theory. Our results demonstrate the successful online analysis of complex emotional and cognitive states using real-time fMRI, which will enable a major breakthrough for social fMRI by providing information about mental states of partners already during the mutual interaction. Interestingly, an additional whole brain classification across subjects confirmed the online results: anterior insula, ventral striatum, and lateral orbitofrontal cortex, known to act in emotional self-regulation and reward processing for adjustment of behavior, appeared to be strong determinants of later overt behavior in the ultimatum game. Using whole brain classification we were also able to discriminate between brain processes related to subjective emotional and motivational states and brain processes related to the evaluation of objective financial incentives

    A Common CNR1 (Cannabinoid Receptor 1) Haplotype Attenuates the Decrease in HDL Cholesterol That Typically Accompanies Weight Gain

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    We have previously shown that genetic variability in CNR1 is associated with low HDL dyslipidemia in a multigenerational obesity study cohort of Northern European descent (209 families, median  = 10 individuals per pedigree). In order to assess the impact of CNR1 variability on the development of dyslipidemia in the community, we genotyped this locus in all subjects with class III obesity (body mass index >40 kg/m2) participating in a population-based biobank of similar ancestry. Twenty-two haplotype tagging SNPs, capturing the entire CNR1 gene locus plus 15 kb upstream and 5 kb downstream, were genotyped and tested for association with clinical lipid data. This biobank contains data from 645 morbidly obese study subjects. In these subjects, a common CNR1 haplotype (H3, frequency 21.1%) is associated with fasting TG and HDL cholesterol levels (p = 0.031 for logTG; p = 0.038 for HDL-C; p = 0.00376 for log[TG/HDL-C]). The strength of this relationship increases when the data are adjusted for age, gender, body mass index, diet and physical activity. Mean TG levels were 160±70, 155±70, and 120±60 mg/dL for subjects with 0, 1, and 2 copies of the H3 haplotype. Mean HDL-C levels were 45±10, 47±10, and 48±9 mg/dL, respectively. The H3 CNR1 haplotype appears to exert a protective effect against development of obesity-related dyslipidemia

    Cardiovascular disease, risk factors and heart rate variability in the elderly general population: Design and objectives of the CARdiovascular disease, Living and Ageing in Halle (CARLA) Study

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    BACKGROUND: The increasing burden of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in the ageing population of industrialized nations requires an intensive search for means of reducing this epidemic. In order to improve prevention, detection, therapy and prognosis of cardiovascular diseases on the population level in Eastern Germany, it is necessary to examine reasons for the East-West gradient of CVD morbidity and mortality, potential causal mechanisms and prognostic factors in the elderly. Psychosocial and nutritional factors have previously been discussed as possible causes for the unexplained part of the East-West gradient. A reduced heart rate variability appears to be associated with cardiovascular disease as well as with psychosocial and other cardiovascular risk factors and decreases with age. Nevertheless, there is a lack of population-based data to examine the role of heart rate variability and its interaction with psychosocial and nutritional factors regarding the effect on cardiovascular disease in the ageing population. There also is a paucity of epidemiological data describing the health situation in Eastern Germany. Therefore, we conduct a population-based study to examine the distribution of CVD, heart rate variability and CVD risk factors and their associations in an elderly East German population. This paper describes the design and objectives of the CARLA Study. METHODS/DESIGN: For this study, a random sample of 45–80 year-old inhabitants of the city of Halle (Saale) in Eastern Germany was drawn from the population registry. By the end of the baseline examination (2002–2005), 1750 study participants will have been examined. A multi-step recruitment strategy aims at achieving a 70 % response rate. Detailed information is collected on own and family medical history, socioeconomic, psychosocial, behavioural and biomedical factors. Medical examinations include anthropometric measures, blood pressure of arm and ankle, a 10-second and a 20-minute electrocardiogram, a general physical examination, an echocardiogram, and laboratory analyses of venous blood samples. On 200 participants, a 24-hour electrocardiogram is recorded. A detailed system of quality control ensures high data quality. A follow-up examination is planned. DISCUSSION: This study will help to elucidate pathways to CVD involving autonomic dysfunction and lifestyle factors which might be responsible for the CVD epidemic in some populations

    Training Load and Fatigue Marker Associations with Injury and Illness: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies

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    SOSORT consensus paper: school screening for scoliosis. Where are we today?

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    This report is the SOSORT Consensus Paper on School Screening for Scoliosis discussed at the 4th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities, presented by SOSORT, on May 2007. The objectives were numerous, 1) the inclusion of the existing information on the issue, 2) the analysis and discussion of the responses by the meeting attendees to the twenty six questions of the questionnaire, 3) the impact of screening on frequency of surgical treatment and of its discontinuation, 4) the reasons why these programs must be continued, 5) the evolving aim of School Screening for Scoliosis and 6) recommendations for improvement of the procedure
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